About Us
Mission Statement: To protect life, property, and the environment by leading the development and implementation of a cooperative countywide plan for emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery, drawing from all local, state, and federal resources.
What is the Office of Emergency Services (OES)?
OES is comprised of full-time and part-time emergency managers responsible for countywide disaster planning, mitigation, response, and recovery activities. OES staff coordinate preparedness and response activities with all County agencies, ten cities, public and private organizations, and community and civic groups. In the event of a disaster, OES is responsible for operating the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which supports field operations and liaisons with all public and private disaster response agencies at all levels of government.
Remember the Steps!
Make a
Build a
County of Ventura
Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner
Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
Ventura County Airports
Ventura County Animal Services
Ventura County Area Agency on Aging
Ventura County Behavioral Health
Ventura County Board of Supervisors
Ventura County Emergency Medical Services Agency
Ventura County Executive Office
Ventura County Fire Department
Ventura County General Services Agency
Ventura County Harbor Department
Ventura County Health Care Agency
Ventura County Human Services Agency
Ventura County Information Technology Services Ventura County Medical Examiner's Office
Ventura County Public Health Department
Ventura County Public Works Agency
Ventura County Resource Management Agency
Ventura County Sheriff’s Office
Ventura County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services
Ventura County Transportation Commission
Get Started on Your Emergency Kit
Don't wait until an emergency happens, when it's too late! Ready Ventura County makes it easy for you to create a kit that's just right for your household. Use our plan builder to get started today.