00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,418
Condado de Ventura.
00:00:01,418 --> 00:00:05,505
Desde las colinas y montañas escarpadas
en el norte y el este, hasta las ricas
00:00:05,505 --> 00:00:08,591
tierras de cultivo del valle
de Santa Clara y la llanura de Oxford.
00:00:08,842 --> 00:00:12,012
Al sur y al oeste
más de 43 millas de costa.
00:00:12,012 --> 00:00:13,138
00:00:13,138 --> 00:00:15,765
Con caminos escénicos
que serpentean a lo largo de los ríos
00:00:15,974 --> 00:00:18,852
que conectan pueblos pintorescos
con ciudades bulliciosas.
00:00:19,310 --> 00:00:21,438
No es de extrañar
que nos guste vívido el paraíso,
00:00:21,896 --> 00:00:24,607
pero no está exento de riesgos.
00:00:24,607 --> 00:00:27,318
No podemos controlar cuándo
o dónde ocurrirán los desastres,
00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:30,280
pero podemos salvar vidas
y reducir los daños a la propiedad.
00:00:30,488 --> 00:00:32,532
Si comprendemos mejor
los riesgos y peligros
00:00:32,741 --> 00:00:35,618
y actuamos para mitigar estos
de una manera proactiva,
00:00:35,994 --> 00:00:38,413
el condado de Ventura
disfruta de un clima mediterráneo
00:00:38,621 --> 00:00:42,042
con veranos cálidos y secos,
inviernos húmedos, pero es propenso
00:00:42,042 --> 00:00:45,962
a cambios dramáticos entre períodos de
sequía extrema e inundaciones peligrosas.
00:00:46,463 --> 00:00:49,549
Nuestros veranos calurosos y diarios
dejan la vegetación reseca,
00:00:49,883 --> 00:00:52,469
lo que aumenta drásticamente
el riesgo de incendios forestales
00:00:52,677 --> 00:00:54,554
y la dificultad de controlarlos.
00:00:54,554 --> 00:00:58,183
Las precipitaciones durante las tormentas
no son constantes, tanto en cantidad
00:00:58,391 --> 00:00:59,684
como en intensidad.
00:00:59,684 --> 00:01:02,687
Una ubicación puede recibir algunas gotas
dispersas, mientras que
00:01:02,687 --> 00:01:06,399
en otras partes del condado puede ocurrir
un aguacero que los une rápidamente.
00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:09,736
Las laderas y riberas
resultando en inundaciones peligrosas,
00:01:09,944 --> 00:01:12,280
deslizamientos de tierra
y desprendimientos de rocas.
00:01:13,531 --> 00:01:16,284
Las tormentas de invierno
también pueden asustar a nuestras costas,
00:01:16,534 --> 00:01:20,288
causando inundaciones adicionales y daños
a carreteras, edificios,
00:01:20,288 --> 00:01:23,416
cultivos, infraestructura comunitaria
y hábitats naturales.
00:01:23,917 --> 00:01:27,670
Los esfuerzos para devolver una comunidad
a la normalidad después de un desastre
00:01:27,670 --> 00:01:31,633
a menudo consisten restaurar la propiedad
dañada a las condiciones previas
00:01:31,633 --> 00:01:34,969
al desastre, lo que puede resultar
en un ciclo repetitivo de daños
00:01:35,178 --> 00:01:39,099
y reconstrucción que se vuelve más costoso
a medida que pasan los años.
00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:42,936
Entonces, cómo se prepara mejor
el condado de Ventura para proteger
00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:44,521
vidas humanas y propiedades,
00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:48,233
además de preservar los recursos
culturales y naturales y minimizar
00:01:48,233 --> 00:01:51,402
los impactos adversos en nuestra economía
local de futuros desastres?
00:01:51,736 --> 00:01:55,198
La respuesta es la mitigación de peligros,
la mitigación de peligros,
00:01:55,198 --> 00:01:59,160
implicaciones prácticas y sostenidas
que reducen de manera creíble los riesgos
00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:03,248
para la vida y la propiedad, así
como las líneas vitales de la comunidad.
00:02:03,748 --> 00:02:05,708
Debido a los eventos de peligro,
00:02:05,708 --> 00:02:08,294
la mitigación de peligros
rompe el ciclo repetitivo de daños.
00:02:08,294 --> 00:02:12,423
Reconstrucción para adoptar una visión
holística a largo plazo
00:02:12,674 --> 00:02:14,717
de la importancia
de la planificación proactiva
00:02:15,009 --> 00:02:18,346
y la gestión adaptativa resiliente
de las acciones e implementación del plan
00:02:18,638 --> 00:02:21,099
para proteger a nuestra comunidad.
00:02:21,099 --> 00:02:23,601
Las acciones efectivas
del Plan de Mitigación de Peligros
00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:26,980
construyen comunidades más resistentes,
más fuertes, y más seguras.
00:02:27,355 --> 00:02:30,859
Ejemplos incluyen el desarrollo
e implementación de códigos
00:02:31,067 --> 00:02:34,612
y estándares de construcción de nuevos
o actualizados diseños para minimizar
00:02:34,612 --> 00:02:38,616
los daños en caso de terremotos
inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra,
00:02:40,118 --> 00:02:42,328
fortalecimiento de puentes, alcantarillas
00:02:42,704 --> 00:02:45,165
o diques para proteger mejor
contra inundaciones
00:02:46,541 --> 00:02:48,668
y optimizar los sistemas de alerta
00:02:48,668 --> 00:02:50,587
y advertencia de inundaciones locales
00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:53,423
para ayudar a mejorar la toma
de decisiones de gestión de riesgos
00:02:53,631 --> 00:02:56,259
de emergencia
e informar mejor a los residentes
00:02:56,426 --> 00:02:59,262
sobre las notificaciones de evacuación
de riesgos de peligro.
00:02:59,596 --> 00:03:03,016
Soluciones de restauración
basadas en la naturaleza para pastizales,
00:03:03,016 --> 00:03:06,269
ríos, llanuras aluviales, humedales
00:03:06,269 --> 00:03:09,189
dunas, costas vivas,
estabilización de suelos,
00:03:09,397 --> 00:03:13,484
sistemas de almacenamiento y recuperación
de acuíferos y tratamiento de
00:03:13,484 --> 00:03:17,155
aguas pluviales y sistemas de mitigación
de incendios forestales que ayudan
00:03:17,155 --> 00:03:20,950
a los procesos naturales a adaptarse mejor
y recuperarse de los desastres.
00:03:21,701 --> 00:03:26,206
El Plan de Mitigación de Riesgos
HMP del Condado de Ventura es un esfuerzo
00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:30,585
multi jurisdiccional que involucra a más
de 20 socios de planificación diferentes.
00:03:30,919 --> 00:03:34,923
La preparación de H MP facilitará
el cumplimiento de cada socio
00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:36,090
de planificación
00:03:36,090 --> 00:03:39,219
con los requisitos aplicables de la Ley
Federal de Mitigación de Desastres
00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:40,303
de los mismos,
00:03:40,345 --> 00:03:44,224
que califica a las jurisdicciones
participantes para ser elegibles para
00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:48,186
solicitar y recibir fondos de subvención
del Programa de Mitigación de peligros
00:03:48,478 --> 00:03:49,229
que pueden estar
00:03:49,229 --> 00:03:52,273
disponibles a raíz de desastres
declarados por el Gobierno Federal.
00:03:53,107 --> 00:03:55,360
El H MP debe actualizarse cada
00:03:55,360 --> 00:03:58,154
cinco años y actualmente
estamos actualizando este plan.
00:03:58,863 --> 00:04:01,366
Desea obtener más información
sobre los esfuerzos actuales
00:04:01,366 --> 00:04:04,786
del Condado de Ventura
para actualizar nuestro h MEP actual?
00:04:05,370 --> 00:04:08,331
Ayúdennos a encontrar un
las mejores y más resistentes acciones
00:04:08,539 --> 00:04:11,709
de planes de mitigación de peligros
para los desastres del mañana.
00:04:12,335 --> 00:04:14,754
Visite doble WW un punto de desventura
00:04:14,754 --> 00:04:17,382
Khalid Ward para obtener más información
00:04:17,882 --> 00:04:20,385
presentado usted
como un servicio de información pública
00:04:20,385 --> 00:04:22,512
por una asociación
entre la Oficina de Servicios
00:04:22,512 --> 00:04:24,597
de Emergencia
del Sheriff del Condado de Ventura
00:04:24,931 --> 00:04:27,308
y la Agencia de Obras Públicas
del Condado de Ventura.
Community Preparedness Workshop - Unincorporated Areas
00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:01,280
That better
00:02:08,320 --> 00:02:08,960
Sorry, Kelly.
00:02:08,960 --> 00:02:10,960
Yeah, that looked a lot better.
That's better. OK.
00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:11,880
Thank you.
00:02:11,880 --> 00:02:15,240
maybe a tiny bit of the right pinkie, but
00:02:17,080 --> 00:02:18,680
I don't know what that is.
00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:19,960
You know what you might need?
00:02:19,960 --> 00:02:23,720
You still might need to shifted
a little bit to your right. OK.
00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:25,720
In case you do anything wide.
00:02:25,720 --> 00:02:27,720
OK, I'll work on it.
00:03:05,800 --> 00:03:06,640
Yeah, it's.
00:03:06,640 --> 00:03:09,400
Yeah, it's. It's just that it's offset.
00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:13,320
Like, you can see
she's got more room to the right.
00:04:00,920 --> 00:04:02,280
Well, good evening, everybody.
00:04:02,280 --> 00:04:06,000
Before we jump into the main room
with the public,
00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:09,000
I just wanted to first and foremost
say thank you for joining us tonight.
00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:09,920
We really appreciate it.
00:04:09,920 --> 00:04:11,640
We do appreciate the partnership
00:04:11,640 --> 00:04:14,160
with the county executive office
as well as the city of Oxnard.
00:04:14,160 --> 00:04:15,720
I know Scott, you worked
00:04:15,720 --> 00:04:18,040
hard on getting everything
ready for Oxnard along with the team.
00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:19,720
So we do appreciate the partnership
00:04:19,720 --> 00:04:23,240
and hopefully we have a good preparedness
workshop tonight.
00:04:23,480 --> 00:04:25,680
Just a couple housekeeping items.
00:04:25,680 --> 00:04:30,080
We are translating this in real time
in both Spanish Mexico.
00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:33,360
And we have our wonderful ESL
interpreter, Kelly, who's on.
00:04:33,640 --> 00:04:35,240
So all of that will be going on.
00:04:35,240 --> 00:04:39,800
So if you can remember, speak slowly
just so they can catch what you're saying.
00:04:40,240 --> 00:04:43,280
And also, when it comes to your camera,
00:04:43,320 --> 00:04:46,600
if you're not speaking don't feel
obligated to leave that camera on.
00:04:47,360 --> 00:04:49,040
it will be viewable on the screen
00:04:49,040 --> 00:04:51,280
to everybody throughout the presentation.
00:04:51,280 --> 00:04:53,160
If you're the speaker that's on deck.
00:04:53,160 --> 00:04:54,680
And coming up next feel free to then
00:04:54,680 --> 00:04:58,840
turn your camera on a slide or two before
it's your time and jump in otherwise.
00:04:58,840 --> 00:05:00,120
Again, thanks, everyone.
00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:01,200
Look forward to this tonight.
00:05:01,200 --> 00:05:04,520
And from now, we'll go ahead
and jump into the main room.
00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:06,600
Hey, Chief, thanks for joining us.
00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:07,840
00:05:07,840 --> 00:05:09,560
At this body connection here for a moment.
00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:10,800
We're good.
00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:11,520
You're good to go.
00:05:11,520 --> 00:05:12,480
Thank you, sir.
00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:18,600
All right.
00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:19,600
Let the audience in, please.
00:05:19,600 --> 00:05:21,560
Turn off your cameras.
00:07:29,280 --> 00:07:31,840
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
and thank you for joining us.
00:07:31,880 --> 00:07:35,000
We'll be getting started
with the Emergency Preparedness Workshop
00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:36,120
here in about one minute.
00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:37,080
Thank you.
00:08:59,520 --> 00:09:00,960
Well, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:09:00,960 --> 00:09:02,560
Thank you for joining us tonight.
00:09:02,560 --> 00:09:03,800
My name is Patrick Maynard.
00:09:03,800 --> 00:09:07,520
I'm the director of the Ventura County
Sheriff Office of Emergency Services.
00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:11,000
Before we get started with this evening's
presentation, I would like
00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:14,760
to turn it over to one of our translators
or this for a quick announcement.
00:09:14,760 --> 00:09:15,720
00:09:16,560 --> 00:09:18,520
But afternoon. Thank you for joining us.
00:09:18,520 --> 00:09:22,800
This meeting will be interpreted
simultaneously in English, Spanish,
00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:27,480
mystical, and American selling
which we Nestor this crisis.
00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:31,440
But a companion us is to interpret
that as simultaneous media
00:09:31,880 --> 00:09:37,200
in English Espanol,
mystical island Wahabis in North America.
00:09:38,160 --> 00:09:38,520
00:09:38,520 --> 00:09:41,960
select your preferred language
even if you are bilingual
00:09:42,360 --> 00:09:45,520
so you do not miss anything to do this.
00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:49,080
Go to the bottom of your screen and select
00:09:49,080 --> 00:09:52,880
the icon that looks like a globe
and select
00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:57,240
English Spanish or mystical.
00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:01,240
If you would like information
in any other language,
00:10:01,680 --> 00:10:08,160
please call 8056545136.
00:10:08,480 --> 00:10:10,800
And the county of Andorra will help you
00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:15,400
put off our selections with your member
if it either includes.
00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:18,600
So she is bilingual,
but Aquino's appear than ever.
00:10:19,080 --> 00:10:23,840
But as it is still bachelor party failure,
the super Antigua is selection
00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:27,640
el econo informat el mundo is election
00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:30,920
inglés espanol unmistakable mystical
00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:33,960
c this information will get out
with your ma.
00:10:34,400 --> 00:10:37,120
Damir Lucero Cinco say
00:10:37,120 --> 00:10:40,880
cinco cuatro cinco uno Tracy's
00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:45,520
you can mucho social conservative in
Dora no I do that a crisis.
00:10:48,960 --> 00:10:49,800
Thank you, ladies.
00:10:49,800 --> 00:10:52,200
And we'll just give one moment
for the interpreters
00:10:52,200 --> 00:10:54,480
to get back into their respective audio
00:11:11,160 --> 00:11:11,680
All right.
00:11:11,680 --> 00:11:14,440
I've been given the thumbs up,
so we'll go ahead and get started again.
00:11:14,440 --> 00:11:16,320
Thank you everyone for joining us.
00:11:16,320 --> 00:11:20,040
We'll kick things off tonight
with a few welcome remarks, beginning
00:11:20,040 --> 00:11:22,760
with Oxnard city manager Alex Winn.
00:11:29,920 --> 00:11:33,160
Alex, I'm sorry your muted.
00:11:33,520 --> 00:11:34,680
Thank you, Patrick.
00:11:34,680 --> 00:11:36,240
It's been almost two years and.
00:11:36,240 --> 00:11:37,800
I'm still learning this.
00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:42,680
Unmute button, so I will start by thanking
all of our partners at the county
00:11:43,520 --> 00:11:46,200
for hosting this very important workshop.
00:11:47,080 --> 00:11:51,120
preparedness is actually a top priority
00:11:51,120 --> 00:11:54,320
for the Oxnard City Council and I'm
00:11:54,320 --> 00:11:58,280
a big believer in constantly updating
00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:03,120
and working on these plans
with all of our agency partners.
00:12:03,120 --> 00:12:05,880
But most importantly, with our community.
00:12:06,720 --> 00:12:11,720
So as we go through this iteration
of updating the emergency
00:12:11,720 --> 00:12:15,120
preparedness plans across the county
and in each of our communities,
00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:19,760
we will then follow up with a lot of hard
work in the near future
00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:24,440
with our community members, our residents,
and we will be hopefully
00:12:24,960 --> 00:12:27,760
when this pandemic is truly over, be able
00:12:27,760 --> 00:12:31,080
to get back out
into all of our communities to do with
00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:34,800
this work with everybody firsthand.
00:12:35,160 --> 00:12:38,400
As convenient
as these virtual meetings can be,
00:12:39,080 --> 00:12:42,240
it's also great to be able to do this
work face to face.
00:12:42,240 --> 00:12:46,200
So thanks again to everyone
who is participating tonight,
00:12:46,200 --> 00:12:48,520
everyone who's attending.
00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:52,440
We look forward not to just this workshop,
but the other ones that the county
00:12:52,880 --> 00:12:56,520
will host,
as well as all the work that ensues after.
00:12:56,640 --> 00:12:57,600
Thank you.
00:12:58,360 --> 00:12:59,640
Thanks, Alex, for that.
00:12:59,640 --> 00:13:00,240
And next,
00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:04,600
we'll go to Kris Dunn, assistant sheriff
with the Ventura County Sheriff's Office.
00:13:04,800 --> 00:13:05,680
Go ahead, sir.
00:13:07,520 --> 00:13:08,600
00:13:08,600 --> 00:13:11,680
On behalf of Sheriff Abe,
I'd like to welcome everyone
00:13:11,680 --> 00:13:15,280
and thank you for taking the time
to participate
00:13:15,280 --> 00:13:18,280
in this important process.
00:13:18,360 --> 00:13:20,640
We at the County Ventura
have a very talented
00:13:20,640 --> 00:13:23,720
and dedicated team of emergency management
00:13:24,320 --> 00:13:27,760
that work collaboratively
with stakeholders in all sectors
00:13:28,640 --> 00:13:31,840
to keep our edge and being well-prepared
to respond to virtually
00:13:31,840 --> 00:13:34,440
any type of emergency in our communities.
00:13:34,960 --> 00:13:38,080
We need to be continually reviewing
our practices, equipment,
00:13:38,600 --> 00:13:40,400
capabilities and relationships.
00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:43,000
It is not enough to simply
00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:47,480
create a preparedness plan
and put it on the shelf until we need it.
00:13:47,920 --> 00:13:52,760
Continuous updating of that plan
is necessary to maximize our community's
00:13:52,760 --> 00:13:55,640
resilience and ensure the best outcomes
00:13:56,040 --> 00:13:58,160
when and if disaster should strike.
00:13:59,280 --> 00:14:03,480
The community feedback on our emergency
preparedness plan is absolutely critical
00:14:03,480 --> 00:14:08,400
to crafting a strong and well-reasoned
approach to our plans development.
00:14:09,120 --> 00:14:13,320
We need your help, and I and the Sheriff
are thankful that you've taken
00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:17,560
the time to get involved and ensure
ensuring our community is safe.
00:14:18,240 --> 00:14:19,320
Thanks again.
00:14:20,240 --> 00:14:21,720
Thank you, Chief.
00:14:21,720 --> 00:14:24,480
And last
but certainly not least, I'll go to
00:14:24,480 --> 00:14:26,920
Ventura County Executive Officer
Michael Powers.
00:14:27,560 --> 00:14:28,800
Thank you so much, Patrick.
00:14:28,800 --> 00:14:30,480
And good evening, everyone.
00:14:30,480 --> 00:14:33,320
I really want to welcome you and excited
that you're participating because
00:14:33,320 --> 00:14:37,440
as has been said, we need your help
to make our emergency response stronger.
00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:40,400
I really appreciate Patrick
and the OAS team
00:14:40,400 --> 00:14:42,840
putting all this great information
00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:47,640
Assistant Sheriff Dunn and City Manager
Wynne, great to see you and hear you.
00:14:48,320 --> 00:14:50,640
One of the things that we've learned,
our community
00:14:50,640 --> 00:14:54,360
has certainly been through more strategy,
tragedies and crises than most.
00:14:54,680 --> 00:14:56,280
We've learned a lot from that.
00:14:56,280 --> 00:14:59,360
And some of the benefits of
that are building relationships.
00:14:59,600 --> 00:15:00,160
And I think
00:15:01,160 --> 00:15:03,320
seen our relationship between the county
00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:06,640
and the city and our community
strengthened through this process.
00:15:06,640 --> 00:15:08,760
And we want to continue to build on that.
00:15:09,320 --> 00:15:11,880
We've also learned the importance
of engaging
00:15:11,880 --> 00:15:14,960
with the community, all of you
and our partners in all three phases.
00:15:14,960 --> 00:15:19,880
Of disaster preparedness and planning,
response and recovery.
00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:21,800
And so that's what
we want to talk to you about tonight.
00:15:21,800 --> 00:15:25,120
We want to get your feedback
because getting that feedback from you
00:15:25,120 --> 00:15:28,320
helps us also think about
when when the event is happening.
00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:30,280
Real time should be two ways.
00:15:30,280 --> 00:15:32,240
We're giving you information
and you're getting it.
00:15:32,240 --> 00:15:35,040
We're getting information back from you.
00:15:35,040 --> 00:15:37,040
And we need to make sure to focus on our
00:15:37,040 --> 00:15:42,200
our equity issues and disadvantaged
communities and community outreach,
00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:43,680
building those
00:15:43,680 --> 00:15:48,120
relationships those trusted relationships
and multi, multiple languages
00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:53,240
on multiple different platforms, radio, TV
and multiple social media platforms.
00:15:53,280 --> 00:15:56,440
We just want to make sure
we're reaching in every possible way
00:15:57,120 --> 00:15:59,600
and overcoming those barriers,
whatever they may be,
00:16:00,640 --> 00:16:04,800
language or people with disabilities
and access to functional needs.
00:16:05,280 --> 00:16:07,440
We want to make sure
we're connecting with everyone because
00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:10,480
we can have a great message,
00:16:10,480 --> 00:16:13,720
but it only matters if everyone
that receives it and understands it.
00:16:13,720 --> 00:16:17,880
So as I say, we've developed really strong
partnerships here in our community
00:16:17,880 --> 00:16:20,760
with our cities,
our schools, our businesses,
00:16:21,440 --> 00:16:23,080
and our community organizations.
00:16:23,080 --> 00:16:25,920
They want to continue to build on that
and assure you
00:16:25,920 --> 00:16:29,040
that on behalf
of our Board of Supervisors,
00:16:29,040 --> 00:16:31,880
when there's a crisis like we have,
we will bring the full weight
00:16:32,160 --> 00:16:34,600
of county resources to bear and support
00:16:35,240 --> 00:16:38,920
all of our 10,000 employees
and our 25 departments.
00:16:38,920 --> 00:16:40,400
And we've seen that through the pandemic,
00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:44,480
with almost a thousand workers
reassigned to disaster service workers.
00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:45,480
And and we know
00:16:45,480 --> 00:16:48,480
the city of Oxnard has done that as well,
and we've partnered very well.
00:16:48,720 --> 00:16:52,320
So again, we get stronger
when we work together to prepare
00:16:52,320 --> 00:16:54,240
and make sure that we leave no one behind.
00:16:54,240 --> 00:16:56,640
So we're excited to hear from you tonight.
00:16:56,640 --> 00:16:59,400
And thank you for participating.
Thank you, Patrick.
00:17:00,720 --> 00:17:02,280
Thank you, Mike, for that.
00:17:02,280 --> 00:17:03,720
Next slide, please.
00:17:04,240 --> 00:17:06,320
Also with us also with us on the line
00:17:06,320 --> 00:17:10,800
tonight are several individuals
that will be presenting this evening,
00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:14,160
Alex Hamilton,
who serves as the Oxnard fire chief
00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:17,440
police chief, Jason Benitez,
00:17:17,440 --> 00:17:19,560
Oxnard emergency manager Scott Brewer,
00:17:20,120 --> 00:17:22,960
Ashley Bautista, who is our county public
information officer.
00:17:23,640 --> 00:17:27,480
Mike Pettit, who's our assistant county
executive officer, and Rosa Gonzales,
00:17:27,480 --> 00:17:31,800
who is our community liaison
out of our county executive office.
00:17:32,200 --> 00:17:33,440
Next slide, please.
00:17:35,720 --> 00:17:36,280
As Mr.
00:17:36,280 --> 00:17:38,240
Powers mentioned just a few moments ago.
00:17:38,240 --> 00:17:39,480
We want your feedback.
00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:43,480
If you have questions, concerns, comments,
anything that you hear tonight
00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:46,880
that you may need clarification
on, please do not hesitate
00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:50,160
to use the Q&A
button down at the bottom of your screen.
00:17:50,680 --> 00:17:54,440
We have staff here in the room with us
that are monitoring those questions.
00:17:54,440 --> 00:17:54,880
They'll get them
00:17:54,880 --> 00:17:58,800
routed to the right person and ensure
we get a response to you if we can.
00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:00,960
And it's appropriate and relevant.
00:18:00,960 --> 00:18:04,840
We will mention your question
and answer live on this meeting tonight
00:18:05,160 --> 00:18:06,480
if it's something that's complex.
00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:08,960
We had a few of those last night
that required some thinking
00:18:09,240 --> 00:18:11,720
and some research to get back to people.
We will do that.
00:18:11,720 --> 00:18:15,240
We'll get back to you just as soon as we
can via email we may ask for your email.
00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:17,760
So again,
we want this to be a two way dialog,
00:18:17,760 --> 00:18:20,440
so please feel free to ask questions
if you have them.
00:18:21,040 --> 00:18:21,800
Next slide, please.
00:18:25,360 --> 00:18:27,480
Just quickly, go over the things
we hope to cover tonight.
00:18:27,480 --> 00:18:30,840
We'll begin just by covering a little bit
about some of our local hazards.
00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:34,200
We'll talk about local coordination
as well as county coordination,
00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:37,360
sheltering, alert and warning.
00:18:37,360 --> 00:18:39,720
And then the real big thing
tonight is to brief you
00:18:39,720 --> 00:18:41,880
on our planning efforts
that we've been working on here,
00:18:42,120 --> 00:18:45,000
both at the city of orchestra level
and also at the County Ventura.
00:18:45,400 --> 00:18:46,800
Next slide, please.
00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:52,440
So Ventura County
is obviously a wonderful place to live,
00:18:52,440 --> 00:18:55,560
but unfortunately,
we do have our share of disasters.
00:18:55,800 --> 00:18:57,800
We've had several over the last few years.
00:18:58,520 --> 00:19:01,200
Here are a few photos of some
just to kind of refresh your memory.
00:19:01,200 --> 00:19:05,720
We we all too often have those rockslides
that happen along the Pacific Coast
00:19:05,760 --> 00:19:09,720
Highway and 2016 believe it or not, back
when it used to rain a little bit more.
00:19:10,280 --> 00:19:14,040
We deal with things like flooding,
flooding along our freeways, flooding
00:19:14,040 --> 00:19:15,600
along our stream areas.
00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:17,600
And of course, we deal
with other types of hazards.
00:19:17,600 --> 00:19:20,880
And this photo you see here is a hazmat
response on the city of Oxnard.
00:19:21,880 --> 00:19:23,720
Ventura County is a wonderful place,
00:19:23,720 --> 00:19:26,880
but we do experience
our share of disasters
00:19:26,920 --> 00:19:28,040
Next slide
00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:32,880
some of the other hazards
that we face along the way here
00:19:33,120 --> 00:19:36,480
include agricultural or biological type
00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:41,000
coastal erosion and sea level
rise, dam failures, droughts,
00:19:41,000 --> 00:19:45,120
which we're in obviously right now,
the potential for earthquakes, floods,
00:19:45,120 --> 00:19:49,200
landslides, severe weather conditions,
including heat and cold
00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:53,080
severe storms, terrorism, tsunamis.
00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:56,440
There are areas in Oxnard that,
of course, are in the tsunami inundation
00:19:56,440 --> 00:19:59,560
zone, wildfires,
which were all too familiar with.
00:19:59,560 --> 00:20:03,000
It is fire season right
now, mass casualty incidents.
00:20:03,720 --> 00:20:06,800
We're seeing more and more cyber attacks
and of course, the potential
00:20:06,800 --> 00:20:09,000
for extended utility outages.
00:20:09,840 --> 00:20:11,040
Next slide,
00:20:14,320 --> 00:20:15,560
as was mentioned earlier,
00:20:15,560 --> 00:20:18,600
we do everything we can
to respond to these types of incidents.
00:20:19,080 --> 00:20:22,760
There are a number of resources
both at the local level here in Ventura
00:20:22,760 --> 00:20:27,000
County, originating as as close to you
as the city of Oxnard.
00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:28,280
We have county resources.
00:20:28,280 --> 00:20:30,600
We have state resources
and we have federal resources.
00:20:30,960 --> 00:20:34,920
But by and far, despite the incident type,
all of these incidents
00:20:34,920 --> 00:20:39,120
that occur in our county are primarily
a local responsibility,
00:20:39,120 --> 00:20:43,160
meaning that we as your local entity
we'll do our best to address them.
00:20:43,200 --> 00:20:46,880
Now, we may look to other state partners
for assistance,
00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:50,800
but it always remains a local emergency.
00:20:53,320 --> 00:20:54,920
Our state partners,
00:20:54,920 --> 00:20:58,240
when we do need assistance beyond what
we're able to provide at the city level
00:20:58,240 --> 00:21:02,640
or the county level, is the California
Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
00:21:02,640 --> 00:21:06,640
They've been awesome through the pandemic
in providing us with additional personal
00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:10,040
protective equipment,
gloves, masks, you name it.
00:21:10,040 --> 00:21:13,200
They've been a great source
of information and assistance.
00:21:13,520 --> 00:21:18,560
In addition to our partners at FEMA, FEMA,
we access through the state governor's
00:21:18,600 --> 00:21:22,720
Office of Emergency Services
they, too, are here to assist us
00:21:22,920 --> 00:21:25,680
in managing any type of incident
on a local level.
00:21:27,480 --> 00:21:30,960
And with that, we're going to kind of
kick things off from a local level.
00:21:30,960 --> 00:21:33,960
And I'm going to hand the presentation
over to Scott Brewer
00:21:34,200 --> 00:21:37,360
was the emergency manager
from the Oxnard Fire Department.
00:21:37,360 --> 00:21:40,440
To tell you a little bit about more
what Oxnard does.
00:21:40,480 --> 00:21:41,040
Go ahead. Scott.
00:21:42,000 --> 00:21:42,880
Well, thank you, Patrick.
00:21:42,880 --> 00:21:46,800
I want to thank the county of Interpret,
the county office of Emergency Management
00:21:47,200 --> 00:21:50,680
for their ongoing partnership
cooperation and coordination,
00:21:50,920 --> 00:21:53,040
and that includes tonight's presentation.
00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:54,480
I also want to thank everybody
00:21:54,480 --> 00:21:58,120
who took the time and cared to
to be on the presentation tonight.
00:21:58,360 --> 00:22:01,920
You had to register in advance,
and then some of us had technical
00:22:01,920 --> 00:22:02,840
challenges getting on.
00:22:02,840 --> 00:22:06,840
So to everyone who chose to be a part
of this, thank you again for your time.
00:22:07,680 --> 00:22:09,400
In one of the previous slides.
00:22:09,400 --> 00:22:12,520
listed a number of hazards or disasters
00:22:12,520 --> 00:22:16,560
that could potentially impact
both the county and our cities.
00:22:16,560 --> 00:22:20,920
And it's very important to point that out
in that our first responsibility
00:22:20,920 --> 00:22:24,640
is to kind of do our best to figure out
what type of disasters can strike.
00:22:25,080 --> 00:22:26,640
But we also know one other thing.
00:22:26,640 --> 00:22:31,400
We know that disasters don't
respect municipal jurisdictional
00:22:31,440 --> 00:22:33,440
or human boundaries.
00:22:33,440 --> 00:22:37,240
A disaster in Ventura or Port
Y, Niemi right now
00:22:37,240 --> 00:22:42,680
could easily be a disaster in Oxnard
in just a few minutes or a few hours.
00:22:43,040 --> 00:22:45,880
So that's why it's so important
that we unify our planning,
00:22:46,120 --> 00:22:48,760
that we plan together,
that we train together,
00:22:48,960 --> 00:22:52,320
and that we work and coordinate
together on a regular basis.
00:22:52,800 --> 00:22:56,360
Also, through that process
that Patrick showed us, what we call
00:22:56,360 --> 00:22:59,520
Sams or the state
standardized emergency management system,
00:23:00,080 --> 00:23:03,280
the way we get additional resources into
our city
00:23:03,600 --> 00:23:09,000
is by going through a process of going
first to our county partners at OAS.
00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:12,960
And then that moves up, as Patrick
pointed out, to the Governor's
00:23:12,960 --> 00:23:16,320
Office of Emergency Services
and ultimately to FEMA.
00:23:16,560 --> 00:23:19,120
And this is a critical way we do business.
00:23:19,120 --> 00:23:23,480
And this is as unified throughout
the state and now throughout the country.
00:23:26,360 --> 00:23:27,320
One of the other things
00:23:27,320 --> 00:23:33,040
is, is that it's critically that as
we look at planning, that we we align
00:23:33,040 --> 00:23:37,920
those plans, not just do it together,
but we unify our terminology, our systems.
00:23:38,560 --> 00:23:40,800
It's kind of unique
in emergency management.
00:23:40,800 --> 00:23:45,880
You can walk into an emergency operations
center of one jurisdiction,
00:23:46,240 --> 00:23:49,160
leave that, and then go directly
to another jurisdiction.
00:23:49,560 --> 00:23:53,840
And that emergency operation center
will look very much the same, maybe not
00:23:53,840 --> 00:23:56,920
physically but in the way
they do business, the different
00:23:56,920 --> 00:24:00,200
sections, the different responsibilities
and the different functions
00:24:00,520 --> 00:24:01,800
are really all the same.
00:24:01,800 --> 00:24:05,880
And it also includes the terminology
So again, to the county.
00:24:05,880 --> 00:24:06,360
Thank you.
00:24:06,360 --> 00:24:07,560
As we get started,
00:24:07,560 --> 00:24:11,400
I want to go over a little background
about the the city of Oxnard.
00:24:11,680 --> 00:24:14,520
Some things that you may
or may not have known Oxnard
00:24:14,520 --> 00:24:18,080
is one of ten incorporated cities
within the county of Ventura.
00:24:19,120 --> 00:24:20,080
We have a land
00:24:20,080 --> 00:24:23,960
area of about 27 square miles
and a population
00:24:23,960 --> 00:24:28,360
of approximately 210,000 residents
by population.
00:24:28,360 --> 00:24:32,080
Oxnard is the 22nd largest city
in the state of California.
00:24:32,600 --> 00:24:36,240
And 112th
largest city in the United States.
00:24:36,280 --> 00:24:40,440
So while we think of ourselves
kind of out here on the coast, really,
00:24:40,440 --> 00:24:43,440
as you look at communities and cities,
00:24:43,840 --> 00:24:46,560
we're really on that scale, a big city.
00:24:46,560 --> 00:24:49,560
So Oxnard is also a full service city.
00:24:49,560 --> 00:24:52,400
And what that means
is that we have our own police department
00:24:52,840 --> 00:24:55,760
we have our own fire department,
public works,
00:24:55,920 --> 00:25:00,120
sanitation and environmental, cultural
and community services,
00:25:00,520 --> 00:25:04,080
planning department, housing department,
parks, libraries, and on and on.
00:25:04,680 --> 00:25:08,040
we provide the services to the community,
00:25:08,040 --> 00:25:10,960
and that's also important to know.
00:25:11,120 --> 00:25:13,160
And as we look at public safety
00:25:13,440 --> 00:25:16,360
and non public safety resources,
we have to realize that
00:25:17,280 --> 00:25:19,400
on a day to day basis, our public safety
00:25:19,400 --> 00:25:22,760
resources are the type of things
that will respond to emergencies.
00:25:23,040 --> 00:25:27,280
But having all those other different
departments are also available to us
00:25:27,280 --> 00:25:30,520
should a disaster strike and should
we need to recruit them and bring them
00:25:30,880 --> 00:25:33,360
into the disaster service worker
00:25:33,640 --> 00:25:36,520
and have them assist our our residents
00:25:41,200 --> 00:25:44,040
I think we're
really in a very fortunate situation,
00:25:44,040 --> 00:25:47,680
both in the county of Oxnard excuse me,
the City of Rock and the County Ventura
00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:52,440
we have some of the best public
safety agencies and personnel
00:25:52,440 --> 00:25:54,680
anywhere in the country,
some of the best equipment,
00:25:54,680 --> 00:25:57,680
some of the best training, and certainly
some of the most dedicated people
00:25:58,320 --> 00:25:59,120
without fail.
00:25:59,120 --> 00:26:03,840
Our citizens know that on any given day,
if they have an emergency
00:26:03,840 --> 00:26:07,200
that requires police or fire
or they have a medical situation
00:26:07,600 --> 00:26:12,000
they can pick up a phone and call 911
and they're going to receive resources
00:26:12,160 --> 00:26:14,760
in a very short time
and the resources that they need.
00:26:15,960 --> 00:26:20,080
So tonight, we're very fortunate
to have with us Oxnard Police Chief
00:26:20,240 --> 00:26:24,160
Jason Needles and the Oxnard fire chief,
Alexander Hamilton.
00:26:24,480 --> 00:26:27,760
So to kind of kick this off,
I'm going to pose a series of questions
00:26:27,840 --> 00:26:31,560
to each of our chiefs and give you a
little background about their departments.
00:26:31,560 --> 00:26:33,720
So we'll start first with Chief Benitez.
00:26:34,600 --> 00:26:36,880
Chief, welcome
and thank you for being here.
00:26:36,880 --> 00:26:37,600
00:26:38,160 --> 00:26:41,840
Please give us a brief description
of your department, kind of what it does,
00:26:41,840 --> 00:26:44,920
its functions, its services
and maybe some of its capabilities.
00:26:45,840 --> 00:26:49,280
So the Ochsner Police Department
is considered to be a medium
00:26:49,280 --> 00:26:50,560
sized department.
00:26:50,560 --> 00:26:54,720
We are the largest municipal department
in the tri counties region.
00:26:55,680 --> 00:26:58,920
Our department is complement
when fully staffed consists
00:26:58,920 --> 00:27:02,560
of 238 sworn positions.
00:27:03,240 --> 00:27:08,440
That is also in addition
to about 123 professional staff members.
00:27:08,440 --> 00:27:10,120
These are civilian support
00:27:10,120 --> 00:27:13,360
staff members that are that help us run
the organization.
00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:18,120
They're very critical to us functioning
so overall, given the population,
00:27:18,120 --> 00:27:23,760
we have a ratio of about 1.14
to 1.15 officers per 1000 residents.
00:27:24,560 --> 00:27:27,040
Our police department is located
in a centralized
00:27:27,600 --> 00:27:30,600
central headquarters
building in downtown Oxnard.
00:27:30,600 --> 00:27:33,840
We do have an annex building
where we have some support services
00:27:33,840 --> 00:27:36,360
and some auxiliary units
that operate out of there.
00:27:37,560 --> 00:27:38,560
But our department is broken
00:27:38,560 --> 00:27:42,720
down into three major bureaus,
the Field Services Bureau,
00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:47,160
the Investigative Services Bureau
and the Administrative Services Bureau.
00:27:47,160 --> 00:27:51,320
And I'll speak more about the first two,
the as the Administrative Services
00:27:51,320 --> 00:27:55,920
Bureau, as a lot of the support service
functions, field services includes patrol.
00:27:55,920 --> 00:27:58,440
Our Patrol Support Division
includes our traffic
00:28:00,240 --> 00:28:01,920
traffic detail.
00:28:01,920 --> 00:28:04,400
Our Special Enforcement
Unit Unit is housed
00:28:04,400 --> 00:28:06,480
within the Special Operations Division.
00:28:06,720 --> 00:28:11,120
And like most departments our size,
we have a number of these resources.
00:28:11,280 --> 00:28:13,920
Like I mentioned, SWAT Team Traffic Unit.
00:28:14,400 --> 00:28:17,200
We also have our own dispatch center,
which processes
00:28:18,760 --> 00:28:22,120
our calls for service
and actually for fire calls transfers.
00:28:22,120 --> 00:28:25,880
The calls
being the initial point of contact
00:28:25,880 --> 00:28:30,640
transfers, fire calls to county fire,
who then dispatches those detectives.
00:28:31,280 --> 00:28:34,560
Our in our Investigative Services Bureau,
which basically are there
00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:39,240
to investigate crimes, provide crime
analysis and support and coordinate
00:28:39,240 --> 00:28:43,120
with the criminal justice system
to prosecute criminal offenders.
00:28:43,320 --> 00:28:45,960
But it also has some other
additional functions like
00:28:46,920 --> 00:28:47,640
court liaison
00:28:47,640 --> 00:28:50,520
services victim services, missing persons
00:28:51,680 --> 00:28:53,680
investigations, as well as managing,
00:28:53,960 --> 00:28:57,600
and registering the local sex offenders.
00:28:58,000 --> 00:29:00,120
So that's an overall.
00:29:00,120 --> 00:29:03,960
If there is any one that would like
more information about the department,
00:29:03,960 --> 00:29:09,360
I just encourage them to go to Oxnard PD
because and in the pull down menu,
00:29:09,360 --> 00:29:11,720
you can see an org chart
and you can see how we're shaped.
00:29:11,960 --> 00:29:14,560
You can learn more about
all these different units that we have.
00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:17,040
Thank you, Chief.
00:29:17,040 --> 00:29:19,040
On average,
about how many calls for service
00:29:19,080 --> 00:29:21,360
does your department respond
to on any given day?
00:29:21,360 --> 00:29:23,560
On average, we're a busy city.
00:29:24,680 --> 00:29:28,720
During a typical year, we respond to a
little over 100,000 calls for service.
00:29:28,720 --> 00:29:32,640
And when I say that, I'm referring
to those calls that are generated
00:29:32,640 --> 00:29:35,960
by somebody calling
in, requesting something respond.
00:29:37,080 --> 00:29:40,520
So on the
average we're looking at about 270 calls
00:29:40,560 --> 00:29:43,000
per day that our officers are handling
00:29:44,320 --> 00:29:45,760
as well as our professional staff.
00:29:45,760 --> 00:29:47,400
They handle the number
of those calls as well.
00:29:47,400 --> 00:29:50,040
Because not
all calls are related to crimes,
00:29:50,520 --> 00:29:55,160
but that does not include
approximately 40,000 or so or so
00:29:55,640 --> 00:29:59,480
police generated events
such as traffic stops,
00:29:59,480 --> 00:30:03,080
put patrols, stops of persons
and other things like that.
00:30:03,080 --> 00:30:05,880
So when you look at it,
it turns out to be a very busy, busy city.
00:30:06,200 --> 00:30:06,960
20, 20.
00:30:06,960 --> 00:30:09,080
We had a slight dip in the call
volume, largely
00:30:09,400 --> 00:30:12,880
for reasons related to the pandemic,
but it's safe to say that
00:30:12,880 --> 00:30:16,520
we're around the ballpark of 100,000 calls
for service per year.
00:30:17,520 --> 00:30:18,440
00:30:18,440 --> 00:30:21,280
And in the event
of some type of large scale emergency,
00:30:21,520 --> 00:30:24,000
where would your department
get additional resources
00:30:25,160 --> 00:30:26,040
00:30:26,200 --> 00:30:29,600
if we were speaking in terms of law
enforcement resources that were needed,
00:30:29,840 --> 00:30:33,680
our first path is usually to try
to call in as many people as we can.
00:30:33,960 --> 00:30:36,080
there are some limitations to that
00:30:36,560 --> 00:30:37,680
and also given the nature
00:30:37,680 --> 00:30:39,960
of the emergency,
that might pose some other difficulties.
00:30:39,960 --> 00:30:43,800
But once we do that,
we do have other city departments.
00:30:43,800 --> 00:30:45,960
Like you said,
we are a full service city that can help
00:30:45,960 --> 00:30:48,800
support some of these operations
that may take place.
00:30:49,800 --> 00:30:52,120
But once we get past exhausting
00:30:52,120 --> 00:30:55,120
all resources within our city
and within our department,
00:30:55,560 --> 00:30:58,680
we then rely on mutual aid
with other law enforcement agencies.
00:30:59,680 --> 00:31:01,360
Excellent. Thank you.
00:31:01,360 --> 00:31:02,080
Thank you, Chief.
00:31:02,080 --> 00:31:02,720
I'm going to pose
00:31:02,720 --> 00:31:07,440
the same series of questions to Fire Chief
Alexander Hamilton and Chief.
00:31:07,800 --> 00:31:11,120
So if you wouldn't mind,
please give us a description of the fire
00:31:11,120 --> 00:31:14,600
department, your functions, services
and capabilities here in Oxnard.
00:31:15,960 --> 00:31:16,640
Thank you, Scott.
00:31:16,640 --> 00:31:18,280
I appreciate that.
00:31:18,280 --> 00:31:19,320
Good evening, everybody.
00:31:19,320 --> 00:31:22,400
As Scott mentioned,
my name is Alexander Hamilton,
00:31:22,960 --> 00:31:25,800
the fire chief here
for the Oxnard Fire Department.
00:31:26,360 --> 00:31:29,880
I serve the fire department
when fully staffed.
00:31:29,880 --> 00:31:32,040
We have 130 employees
00:31:33,200 --> 00:31:37,080
and then the employees
that are actually out in the stations.
00:31:37,080 --> 00:31:40,040
We have eight stations geographically
located throughout the city,
00:31:40,520 --> 00:31:42,960
and we have 44 personnel
00:31:44,080 --> 00:31:46,200
in those stations each day.
00:31:46,200 --> 00:31:50,280
So that we are considered an all hazards
fire department.
00:31:50,280 --> 00:31:53,400
So we we really practice out on being able
00:31:53,400 --> 00:31:57,080
to deal with
any any issues that get thrown our way.
00:31:57,080 --> 00:31:59,440
So we obviously do fire protection
00:32:00,080 --> 00:32:03,560
EMS services, but we also have a robust
00:32:04,560 --> 00:32:07,520
urban search and rescue program,
hazardous materials
00:32:08,120 --> 00:32:10,320
program, Ocean Rescue.
00:32:10,840 --> 00:32:13,920
We participate a lot in in wildland
and mutual
00:32:13,920 --> 00:32:17,120
aid assignments to help other
jurisdictions in wildland firefighting
00:32:18,240 --> 00:32:20,400
then out of our administration office.
00:32:21,160 --> 00:32:24,840
That's where we do that's
where a lot of our training comes from.
00:32:24,840 --> 00:32:28,160
Our grants, administration and management,
00:32:28,480 --> 00:32:32,360
our fire investigations
division is in our administration office.
00:32:32,360 --> 00:32:36,800
We also do plan checks hazardous materials
inspections for those businesses
00:32:36,840 --> 00:32:38,720
that store hazardous materials.
00:32:38,720 --> 00:32:42,520
And obviously emergency management,
which is where my colleague's
00:32:42,520 --> 00:32:44,800
expertize is also in our office
00:32:46,840 --> 00:32:49,040
and I think
00:32:49,320 --> 00:32:50,520
I was back to go to the next question.
00:32:50,520 --> 00:32:52,520
The next question was about
how many calls we receive
00:32:52,520 --> 00:32:55,320
on the number of calls
for service on any given day.
00:32:56,520 --> 00:33:00,080
So the excellent fire department
receives on average around 70
00:33:01,320 --> 00:33:03,360
emergency calls for service each day.
00:33:04,520 --> 00:33:07,560
And obviously that goes up and down
00:33:07,760 --> 00:33:11,800
last year with the pandemic
when when there was that first lockdown
00:33:11,800 --> 00:33:15,360
sort of March and April,
our call volume very much slowed down.
00:33:15,360 --> 00:33:18,840
And then sadly, by the end of the year
when the pandemic really got
00:33:19,280 --> 00:33:22,480
significant, November
and December were incredibly busy.
00:33:23,360 --> 00:33:25,520
So it does
it does move around a little bit
00:33:26,880 --> 00:33:27,760
as someone who sits
00:33:27,760 --> 00:33:31,800
here in the administrative offices,
I know how busy it is and and see
00:33:31,800 --> 00:33:35,760
the number of areas
that the fire department is focused on
00:33:36,320 --> 00:33:38,800
in the event of a large scale
emergency disaster.
00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:41,320
Where would your department
get additional resources?
00:33:42,360 --> 00:33:43,600
Great question.
00:33:43,600 --> 00:33:46,320
And so our first
00:33:46,320 --> 00:33:50,760
our first response would be to
to call back our personnel so we can
00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:51,720
we can immediately
00:33:51,720 --> 00:33:55,040
put out a page to all of our personnel
to report back to stations
00:33:56,040 --> 00:33:58,560
I think the last time we did
that was was probably
00:33:58,560 --> 00:34:02,520
the Woolsey fire was
was the most recent time that we did that.
00:34:02,520 --> 00:34:05,640
But we always get a great response
from our personnel come back in
00:34:06,360 --> 00:34:08,320
depending on the nature of the emergency.
00:34:08,320 --> 00:34:11,720
We do have a fantastic relationship
with our operational area partners.
00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:15,200
So Ventura City Fire Department,
Ventura County Fire Department,
00:34:15,840 --> 00:34:18,280
the Federal Fire Department on the base.
00:34:19,080 --> 00:34:21,160
And so we may be able to have
00:34:21,600 --> 00:34:24,080
automatic aid from those agencies
00:34:24,720 --> 00:34:26,760
all of our vehicles
throughout Ventura County,
00:34:26,760 --> 00:34:28,760
all of our emergency
response vehicles have
00:34:30,080 --> 00:34:31,800
automatic vehicle locators.
00:34:31,800 --> 00:34:35,560
So we can always send the closest resource
to to any emergency regardless
00:34:35,560 --> 00:34:37,240
of jurisdiction.
00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:39,560
If if it exceeded
00:34:39,560 --> 00:34:42,680
if our needs exceeded that capacity,
then obviously
00:34:42,680 --> 00:34:47,200
we have a very robust mutual aid system
here in California where we can call upon
00:34:48,200 --> 00:34:50,320
other jurisdictions from far and wide,
00:34:50,840 --> 00:34:54,640
both outside the county
and also potentially across the state
00:34:54,640 --> 00:34:57,160
and across the nation, just depending on
how big that emergency is.
00:34:57,840 --> 00:35:01,600
You've actually had personnel assigned to
several of the Northern California fires.
00:35:01,600 --> 00:35:03,840
I know in the last few weeks
00:35:03,840 --> 00:35:05,520
yeah, we still have
00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:08,440
we have some personnel
assigned to the Dixie Fire
00:35:08,760 --> 00:35:11,280
and Monument Fire,
as well as Cowgirl Fire.
00:35:12,320 --> 00:35:13,520
Excellent. Thank you.
00:35:13,520 --> 00:35:17,000
Thank you to both of our chiefs
for their comments and their perspective.
00:35:17,280 --> 00:35:20,880
I have the opportunity to work with
both of these gentlemen fairly closely.
00:35:20,880 --> 00:35:22,960
And I want to assure you that
00:35:22,960 --> 00:35:26,360
they work tirelessly
to to maintain this level of service
00:35:26,360 --> 00:35:29,880
and training that's necessary
to keep their departments at this level.
00:35:30,400 --> 00:35:33,720
As I go through the rest of my slides,
either of the Chiefs, if you have
00:35:33,720 --> 00:35:37,560
comments or something you'd like to add,
please feel free to jump in.
00:35:38,600 --> 00:35:39,240
So tonight, you
00:35:39,240 --> 00:35:42,600
know, we are going to hear a lot of terms
like emergencies and disasters.
00:35:43,000 --> 00:35:45,760
But I think it's really important
as we start out early
00:35:45,760 --> 00:35:49,640
in this to kind of define the difference
between emergencies and disasters.
00:35:49,640 --> 00:35:52,840
And I think sometimes we throw
those terms out there with kind of a
00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:56,560
kind of in a way
of not fully understanding what they are.
00:35:56,560 --> 00:35:58,320
In the case of an emergency,
00:35:58,320 --> 00:36:01,440
this is a police
or fire or medical situation
00:36:01,440 --> 00:36:04,440
and that our departments deal
with on a day to day basis.
00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:07,720
You might say it's business
as usual for these departments.
00:36:08,040 --> 00:36:11,760
In the case of most, most emergencies,
they're going to respond.
00:36:11,760 --> 00:36:15,200
They're going to have the resources
or call in the resources that they need.
00:36:15,560 --> 00:36:17,120
They're going to deal with the problem
00:36:17,120 --> 00:36:20,040
to the best of their ability
and resolve it fairly quickly.
00:36:21,040 --> 00:36:21,600
In the case
00:36:21,600 --> 00:36:24,640
of a disaster,
this is a different situation.
00:36:24,640 --> 00:36:28,920
This is a situation where our resources
are actually overwhelmed.
00:36:29,560 --> 00:36:32,800
This is a condition where we may not have
the resources that are needed
00:36:33,120 --> 00:36:37,560
to give everybody the level of assistance
that they need in a very large
00:36:37,600 --> 00:36:42,320
or extensive disaster, such as a major
earthquake or something of that magnitude.
00:36:42,680 --> 00:36:44,520
Our communities and our residents
00:36:44,520 --> 00:36:48,280
may be on their own for several hours
or maybe even several days.
00:36:48,600 --> 00:36:51,840
So it's really important to understand
that difference between the day to day
00:36:51,840 --> 00:36:56,040
services we get versus that disaster
type of situation.
00:36:56,040 --> 00:36:57,520
Next slide, please.
00:37:01,880 --> 00:37:03,000
Oh, thank you.
00:37:03,120 --> 00:37:07,400
So as we talked about emergency
preparedness, naturally the focus
00:37:07,440 --> 00:37:10,520
for the doctor
may you know, what that means
00:37:11,760 --> 00:37:15,320
is it means being proactive,
not just reactive.
00:37:15,640 --> 00:37:18,440
And that includes individuals and families
00:37:18,440 --> 00:37:21,520
our local business
and our business community, our schools,
00:37:22,120 --> 00:37:26,080
nonprofit organizations,
our community groups, our faith
00:37:26,080 --> 00:37:29,960
based organizations and churches,
and for us, the city government, you know,
00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:33,280
are we prepared not only to give
that level of service that we do
00:37:33,280 --> 00:37:36,840
every day, but are
we prepared to have that surge capacity
00:37:36,840 --> 00:37:40,680
or expand
our role should a disaster strike next?
00:37:40,680 --> 00:37:40,960
00:37:45,600 --> 00:37:47,800
as we actually plan for emergencies.
00:37:47,800 --> 00:37:49,800
And that's a big term for us plan.
00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:52,760
It's it's a short word,
but it's a big responsibility
00:37:53,320 --> 00:37:56,760
as we plan for emergencies,
we consider that there are actually
00:37:56,880 --> 00:37:59,800
three phases of disaster management.
00:38:00,160 --> 00:38:04,160
And these include preparedness,
response force and recovery.
00:38:04,200 --> 00:38:07,080
Enough to speak
just to each of those very briefly.
00:38:07,080 --> 00:38:08,200
Next, please,
00:38:11,280 --> 00:38:12,800
in the preparedness phase,
00:38:12,800 --> 00:38:15,960
this is our biggest opportunity
as a community, as a city
00:38:16,960 --> 00:38:21,840
and a citizen to actually do something
that we can take proactive action
00:38:21,840 --> 00:38:24,480
to survive and quickly recover
00:38:25,160 --> 00:38:27,480
from an emergency adviser.
00:38:27,840 --> 00:38:30,800
And this includes home and family
emergency plans.
00:38:30,800 --> 00:38:34,240
Did your family know what to do
in the event of an earthquake?
00:38:34,240 --> 00:38:37,680
It can be as simple as that
cover and hold on or as complex.
00:38:37,680 --> 00:38:40,000
How do I turn off the utility
should I have a problem?
00:38:40,520 --> 00:38:42,480
Do you have a disaster supplies kit?
00:38:42,480 --> 00:38:43,800
That's five days minimum.
00:38:43,800 --> 00:38:45,400
We used to save three days,
00:38:45,400 --> 00:38:49,080
but we've learned from recent disasters
such as earthquakes, hurricanes,
00:38:49,200 --> 00:38:53,040
and fire that people really need to expand
that and think about five days.
00:38:53,040 --> 00:38:56,600
Seven days would be even better
to be completely self-sufficient.
00:38:56,640 --> 00:39:00,880
What that means is we can't go
to the store we can't go to the ATM,
00:39:01,160 --> 00:39:06,360
we can't go to the pharmacy, and it means
we can't maybe put gas in our car.
00:39:06,680 --> 00:39:10,520
So having to ask for supplies
and a basic disaster kit are critical.
00:39:11,200 --> 00:39:14,760
Do our businesses
need to have an emergency business plan?
00:39:15,080 --> 00:39:17,920
Do they know what to do
to their employees, know what to do?
00:39:18,360 --> 00:39:21,000
You know, there are some very simple
methods that can be
00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:24,600
used to know how to turn off utilities,
how to turn off our electricity,
00:39:24,920 --> 00:39:29,200
what to do that can prevent further damage
should businesses need to have a plan.
00:39:29,760 --> 00:39:32,520
We need to look at hardening our homes
and businesses,
00:39:33,320 --> 00:39:37,160
things like tying our homes
down to the foundations
00:39:37,560 --> 00:39:41,280
or anchoring heavy objects to the walls
so that they don't fall over
00:39:41,280 --> 00:39:45,400
and they don't break or our block,
our access and egress are critical.
00:39:45,520 --> 00:39:48,320
We also need to think about economic
00:39:48,440 --> 00:39:53,520
do we have some type of reserves that are
available to us and for us at home level?
00:39:53,840 --> 00:39:57,480
Do we have some cash on hand
if we can't go to the ATM
00:39:57,480 --> 00:40:01,400
or if we can't use our credit card,
do we have some cash where
00:40:01,560 --> 00:40:06,600
if there is an opportunity to buy some
basic needs that that we have the cash?
00:40:07,200 --> 00:40:10,600
And are we properly insured both at home
and in our businesses?
00:40:10,600 --> 00:40:11,320
Are we insured
00:40:11,320 --> 00:40:15,480
against the type of disasters or hazards
that might impact our community?
00:40:16,480 --> 00:40:17,280
The other area that
00:40:17,280 --> 00:40:20,600
we focus on
and preparedness is emergency training.
00:40:21,120 --> 00:40:23,640
And there's a lot of different
training programs out there.
00:40:24,000 --> 00:40:28,560
The one that that we really champion,
the one that we are really involved
00:40:28,560 --> 00:40:32,600
in a cert, and this is the Community
Emergency Response Team Training Program,
00:40:33,160 --> 00:40:36,480
and this is a series of classes
that teach basic citizens
00:40:36,480 --> 00:40:39,240
how to be community first responders,
00:40:39,960 --> 00:40:44,560
how to know what to do and what not to do
in the event of emergency.
00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:49,520
And prior to COVID,
we taught about four cert classes a year,
00:40:50,160 --> 00:40:52,520
and two of those
were in English and Spanish.
00:40:52,520 --> 00:40:56,280
And I'm hoping as quickly as we can
and as quickly as we're cleared
00:40:56,280 --> 00:41:00,480
to get back to a face to face contact
that we'll resume our cert program.
00:41:00,480 --> 00:41:03,360
And if you have any interest in that,
we'd love to have you get involved
00:41:03,640 --> 00:41:08,000
in our CERT program, taking a basic first
aid class through the Red Cross through
00:41:08,040 --> 00:41:12,280
your local community college is critical
and something as simple as CPR.
00:41:12,280 --> 00:41:14,640
CPR used to be very complicated.
00:41:14,640 --> 00:41:15,720
I remember when I first learned it,
00:41:15,720 --> 00:41:20,040
but now they've made it a lot, a lot
easier and a lot simpler to remember.
00:41:20,520 --> 00:41:23,680
And certainly having that basic level
of emergency training
00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:27,600
is probably going to be used,
not necessarily during a disaster,
00:41:27,680 --> 00:41:31,040
but maybe to even benefit you,
your family, your next door neighbors.
00:41:32,160 --> 00:41:35,600
And previous area where I worked,
I know that we had several people
00:41:35,640 --> 00:41:39,400
who had come in for disaster training,
but then came back.
00:41:40,360 --> 00:41:42,520
You know, I was able to do CPR
00:41:42,680 --> 00:41:45,960
on my neighbor child
after they were rescued out of the pool.
00:41:46,200 --> 00:41:48,120
And really that these were lifesaving
00:41:48,120 --> 00:41:51,200
We're good for disaster and day to day
00:41:51,960 --> 00:41:56,640
Staying in employers
or getting information is critical.
00:41:56,640 --> 00:42:00,320
There's no lack of support
to get information to them,
00:42:01,200 --> 00:42:05,280
but there is lack of sources
that are reliable, timely and official,
00:42:05,560 --> 00:42:09,440
things like radio, broadcast TV broadcasts
and what we call
00:42:09,480 --> 00:42:11,120
V, C or Ventura County Alert.
00:42:11,120 --> 00:42:14,800
I know that Patrick will be talking
a little more about that.
00:42:15,360 --> 00:42:17,000
Social media is another area,
00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:18,960
but one of the problems
we're also experiencing
00:42:18,960 --> 00:42:22,360
in this day of electronic communication
is misinformation.
00:42:23,160 --> 00:42:28,960
The city of Oxnard was not directly
impacted by the the Thomas fire.
00:42:29,280 --> 00:42:32,800
However, there was a lot of misinformation
a smoke came into our community
00:42:33,120 --> 00:42:36,920
that our community was indeed on fire
and that we had active fire
00:42:36,960 --> 00:42:38,320
burning in our community.
00:42:38,320 --> 00:42:39,440
So it's very important
00:42:39,440 --> 00:42:41,040
that we not only get
information out there,
00:42:41,040 --> 00:42:44,520
but you get it from a source
that you can trust and that it's official.
00:42:45,120 --> 00:42:47,640
And then in that preparedness
phase, partnerships,
00:42:47,800 --> 00:42:51,600
schools, churches and businesses,
how can you help each other?
00:42:51,920 --> 00:42:53,520
How can you help your neighbor?
00:42:53,520 --> 00:42:54,680
We're certainly involved
00:42:54,680 --> 00:42:57,640
in that preparedness phase
with all of our local schools yearly.
00:42:58,160 --> 00:43:01,160
Our department reviews
all of the individual site
00:43:01,320 --> 00:43:03,720
emergency plans
for our elementary schools.
00:43:04,160 --> 00:43:07,240
We work very closely
with our high school districts
00:43:07,480 --> 00:43:11,280
in making sure that they're aligned
with what we're doing.
00:43:11,640 --> 00:43:15,360
They know how to communicate and
coordinate with us during an emergency.
00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:20,960
So that preparedness phase, it's
often said again, that 99% of your ability
00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:24,960
to do anything about an emergency is gone
once it happens.
00:43:25,160 --> 00:43:28,600
So really, how many of us have ever said,
Oh, I've got to get batteries
00:43:28,600 --> 00:43:29,360
for my flashlight
00:43:29,360 --> 00:43:32,400
or There's something I need to do,
but the next day something happens,
00:43:32,400 --> 00:43:35,800
the power goes out, make it, oh, darn it,
I didn't deal with those batteries.
00:43:35,800 --> 00:43:38,840
So doing it now
in that preparedness phase is critical.
00:43:38,880 --> 00:43:39,480
Next, please,
00:43:46,280 --> 00:43:48,000
next slide, please.
00:43:48,800 --> 00:43:50,400
Oh, there's a little bit of a lag.
00:43:50,400 --> 00:43:53,560
I apologize on my end here.
00:43:55,040 --> 00:43:59,360
It's not changing on my end,
but the next is the response phase.
00:43:59,360 --> 00:44:00,240
And I'm going to look over
00:44:00,240 --> 00:44:04,280
on another computer here
so that I can actually see the slides.
00:44:04,280 --> 00:44:07,800
So during their flight response phase,
this is the time where
00:44:08,040 --> 00:44:09,360
we're committing resources.
00:44:09,360 --> 00:44:11,480
We're assessing
what's going on in the community.
00:44:11,480 --> 00:44:16,880
We're figuring out how extensive is this
disaster, how involved
00:44:17,160 --> 00:44:20,320
is, what resources we still have
00:44:20,520 --> 00:44:23,520
available to us to apply to that problem.
00:44:23,840 --> 00:44:28,320
And managing resources is really
what emergency management is all about.
00:44:28,560 --> 00:44:32,480
And as we manage these resources, really,
we have four primary goals.
00:44:32,560 --> 00:44:35,080
Our goals are first and foremost
to protect lives.
00:44:35,400 --> 00:44:37,560
Our next goal is to protect property.
00:44:37,760 --> 00:44:39,600
Then we want to protect the environment,
00:44:39,600 --> 00:44:43,640
and then we want to put our community back
together and put our community
00:44:44,040 --> 00:44:47,080
back to a normal state as quickly
as we possibly can.
00:44:47,400 --> 00:44:51,160
And depending on the size of a disaster,
that may be a short term deal,
00:44:51,160 --> 00:44:52,480
that may be a long term.
00:44:52,480 --> 00:44:57,800
I know that the county
has actually just more recently shut down
00:44:57,800 --> 00:45:00,480
some of their operations
and recovering from some disasters
00:45:00,920 --> 00:45:02,400
that occurred many years ago.
00:45:02,400 --> 00:45:04,680
So recovery could be a long term process.
00:45:05,120 --> 00:45:09,360
But during that response phase,
we're starting to look at recovery issues.
00:45:09,360 --> 00:45:11,520
We don't wait
until the whole thing is over.
00:45:11,640 --> 00:45:15,400
So protecting lives, protecting property,
protecting the environment,
00:45:15,400 --> 00:45:19,320
restoring the community
is what that response phase is about.
00:45:19,560 --> 00:45:20,120
Next, please
00:45:24,960 --> 00:45:27,080
how we do that is through
00:45:27,360 --> 00:45:32,280
coordinating our resources
and through coordinating our personnel.
00:45:32,280 --> 00:45:35,720
And we have something that we use called
an emergency operations plan.
00:45:36,080 --> 00:45:37,360
And one of the things we talked about
00:45:37,360 --> 00:45:39,960
is every family,
every business needs to have a plan.
00:45:40,360 --> 00:45:44,080
Well, our city and our emergency services
need to have a plan.
00:45:44,400 --> 00:45:47,840
And our plan is in the form of what
we call our emergency operations plan.
00:45:47,840 --> 00:45:49,560
Or for short, we like acronyms.
00:45:49,560 --> 00:45:54,200
We call it the EOP and what this does
is this defines for us what our emergency
00:45:54,240 --> 00:45:57,480
management organization looks like
and what it's going to look like.
00:45:57,480 --> 00:46:01,800
Should we have an emergency or disaster
and we kind of shift modes.
00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:04,920
We don't necessarily do things
the way we normally do
00:46:04,920 --> 00:46:07,680
them on a day to day basis
when a disaster strikes.
00:46:07,920 --> 00:46:10,440
So we form a different type
of organization
00:46:10,760 --> 00:46:13,920
that's specifically designed to deal
with disasters.
00:46:14,200 --> 00:46:17,000
The information and the resources
that we have to deal with
00:46:17,640 --> 00:46:21,680
that plan also gives us our legal
authorities things like proclamation
00:46:21,720 --> 00:46:26,960
of local emergencies and how we get to
those those different levels
00:46:27,240 --> 00:46:31,920
of emergency services at the county,
state and also federal level.
00:46:33,000 --> 00:46:36,040
It defines
the emergency procedures for us.
00:46:36,600 --> 00:46:38,560
How are we going to do these things?
00:46:38,560 --> 00:46:41,960
What are we going to follow
just like, you know,
00:46:42,120 --> 00:46:45,120
after a disaster,
it may be a little hard to focus.
00:46:45,120 --> 00:46:48,880
It may be a little hard to go step by step
because the world doesn't quite
00:46:48,880 --> 00:46:51,240
look the way that it did
before the disaster strikes.
00:46:51,480 --> 00:46:54,360
So having our emergency procedures,
00:46:54,360 --> 00:46:58,480
standard operating procedures
all laid out is critical to us.
00:46:58,480 --> 00:47:02,000
We also train and exercise
00:47:02,040 --> 00:47:04,800
to those emergency procedures
so that they're familiar to us.
00:47:05,600 --> 00:47:09,320
It defines our emergency operations
center, how we'll all come together
00:47:09,320 --> 00:47:12,960
in a central location
and how we'll work together face to face,
00:47:13,240 --> 00:47:15,760
what we call real time
emergency management.
00:47:16,880 --> 00:47:20,440
This last year, we were fortunate enough
to receive a federal grant,
00:47:20,960 --> 00:47:23,680
and we have recently gone
through a very large update
00:47:23,680 --> 00:47:26,840
to the technology
in our emergency operations center.
00:47:27,120 --> 00:47:31,200
This will allow us to act more quickly
and more efficiently get information in,
00:47:31,600 --> 00:47:35,480
and then have good communications going
out of our emergency operations center.
00:47:35,640 --> 00:47:40,560
So our plan, the why and how will used
our emergency operation center.
00:47:41,280 --> 00:47:44,800
And it's also required that our emergency
plan meet legal requirements
00:47:45,080 --> 00:47:49,080
both of the state of California
or Sams and of the federal government.
00:47:49,080 --> 00:47:51,880
And our plan certainly
does that. Next, please,
00:47:55,120 --> 00:47:55,960
and then following the
00:47:55,960 --> 00:47:59,680
emergency response,
we have that recovery phase.
00:48:00,000 --> 00:48:01,680
And during that phase, we're going to look
00:48:01,680 --> 00:48:05,400
to our local government
we're going to look to our state.
00:48:05,520 --> 00:48:06,080
We're going to look
00:48:06,080 --> 00:48:10,000
to the federal government
and federal agencies, community groups,
00:48:10,000 --> 00:48:15,200
nonprofit organizations, the Red Cross,
the Salvation Army, we're going to look to
00:48:15,800 --> 00:48:19,080
to to different groups
that are different facets
00:48:19,080 --> 00:48:22,320
of our community to to all come together.
00:48:22,320 --> 00:48:25,880
And, quite frankly, to our residents
to move into that phase
00:48:25,880 --> 00:48:29,800
and help our community
get back to a more normal state.
00:48:30,160 --> 00:48:33,120
The first priority for us
is going to be restoring infrastructure.
00:48:33,120 --> 00:48:35,880
How do we put back roads,
utilities and schools?
00:48:36,120 --> 00:48:39,680
We know that these are the keys
and getting people back to work
00:48:39,800 --> 00:48:42,240
and getting our community
back on its feet.
00:48:42,240 --> 00:48:44,640
If you don't have roads
and you don't have utilities,
00:48:45,120 --> 00:48:48,320
then certainly you can't get resources
and supplies in and out.
00:48:48,640 --> 00:48:51,960
We want to rebuild people's homes
if their homes are damaged or destroyed
00:48:51,960 --> 00:48:54,360
because we understand
that's the heart of a community.
00:48:54,360 --> 00:48:58,080
And home is is a critical resource
for every one of us.
00:48:58,200 --> 00:48:59,920
Restore people's property.
00:48:59,920 --> 00:49:02,080
We want to ensure economic recovery.
00:49:02,080 --> 00:49:06,480
And after a disaster, this is it seems
kind of almost trivial, but it's not.
00:49:06,480 --> 00:49:09,640
This is a very big issue
for helping our businesses,
00:49:09,920 --> 00:49:12,720
our community and our local governments
and individuals.
00:49:12,720 --> 00:49:15,240
and that's a big part of what we do.
00:49:15,600 --> 00:49:18,880
And then that last part is restore
our community and lifestyle.
00:49:19,080 --> 00:49:22,040
We always talk about restoring
the community, but I think sometimes
00:49:22,200 --> 00:49:25,680
we overlook
getting back to that sense of normalcy
00:49:25,960 --> 00:49:29,520
where we can all go about our day to day
business, where family life
00:49:29,520 --> 00:49:33,440
returns to normal and businesses
are thriving and people are going
00:49:33,440 --> 00:49:37,080
about their day to day business separate
from that disaster.
00:49:37,640 --> 00:49:38,280
Next, please
00:49:44,480 --> 00:49:51,080
so I think we're just one of
00:49:51,120 --> 00:49:55,480
the issues that feed into what Patrick
is going to start talking about right now.
00:49:55,960 --> 00:49:57,600
But we have a job.
00:49:57,600 --> 00:49:59,320
We say all disasters are local.
00:49:59,320 --> 00:50:02,320
Our job is to make sure
we're prepared to take care of Oxnard.
00:50:02,320 --> 00:50:05,880
And if we need help,
then we'll go up to different levels.
00:50:06,160 --> 00:50:08,120
And the first level we'll go to
is the county.
00:50:08,120 --> 00:50:09,080
So thank you.
00:50:09,080 --> 00:50:11,840
And Patrick, I'll turn it.
00:50:11,880 --> 00:50:12,480
Thanks, Scott.
00:50:12,480 --> 00:50:15,120
And thanks for the great overview
of what's going on out in Oxnard.
00:50:15,120 --> 00:50:19,200
And like Oxnard, many of our cities
in Ventura County maintain
00:50:19,440 --> 00:50:20,920
an emergency operation center.
00:50:20,920 --> 00:50:25,680
In fact, all ten cities in Ventura County
maintain an emergency operation center,
00:50:26,040 --> 00:50:29,840
as well as police and fire service,
or perhaps they contract
00:50:29,840 --> 00:50:32,160
for those services here at the county.
00:50:32,160 --> 00:50:33,000
As Scott mentioned,
00:50:33,000 --> 00:50:37,720
we are the next level of support
to our ten incorporated cities, as well
00:50:37,720 --> 00:50:42,280
as providing direct support to all of the
unincorporated areas of Interior County.
00:50:42,280 --> 00:50:46,400
So if you live out in Piru,
perhaps an unincorporated area of Oxnard,
00:50:47,080 --> 00:50:51,120
Highland Acres, any number of places
we provide direct support to those places.
00:50:51,520 --> 00:50:54,960
Here at the County Emergency
Operations Center, we are working with
00:50:54,960 --> 00:50:58,360
more than just those ten cities
and unincorporated areas.
00:50:58,360 --> 00:51:01,920
So in particular,
we work with Naval Base, Ventura County.
00:51:02,080 --> 00:51:04,760
We got a question in the chat
just a few minutes ago
00:51:04,760 --> 00:51:07,360
about what our interaction is with
Naval Base Ventura County.
00:51:07,880 --> 00:51:11,160
Both us and the city of Oxnard work
with Naval Base, Ventura County
00:51:11,160 --> 00:51:14,600
very regularly, with the fire department,
with law enforcement,
00:51:14,600 --> 00:51:16,640
as well as their emergency management
00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:20,160
Also coordinate with a number
of other organizations, water districts.
00:51:20,160 --> 00:51:22,480
The American Red Cross
has been a longtime partner
00:51:22,480 --> 00:51:26,040
in disaster
response water and sanitation districts.
00:51:26,240 --> 00:51:27,520
A ton of different people
00:51:28,920 --> 00:51:31,280
in addition
to that, where we're coordinating with
00:51:31,520 --> 00:51:35,400
what are called agency operation centers
or department operations centers.
00:51:35,400 --> 00:51:40,800
And those are centers operated by larger
agencies that are working towards
00:51:40,800 --> 00:51:43,800
maintaining continuity of operations
during an emergency.
00:51:44,120 --> 00:51:47,160
So the Ventura County Fire
Department, for instance, during
00:51:47,160 --> 00:51:50,760
a large emergency will activate
their department operations center
00:51:50,960 --> 00:51:54,800
just to ensure that they have adequate
staffing, adequate supplies
00:51:54,840 --> 00:51:58,760
and resources available to the agency
to continue to do their job.
00:51:59,240 --> 00:52:01,640
Of course, up at the top
there is the green box.
00:52:02,120 --> 00:52:05,400
When an incident is going on,
our emergency operations center,
00:52:05,400 --> 00:52:06,840
along with any city emergency
00:52:06,840 --> 00:52:10,200
operations center, is coordinating
with the incident command post.
00:52:10,680 --> 00:52:14,880
So emergency operations centers,
whether they're the city
00:52:14,880 --> 00:52:19,040
or the county, are not there to command
and control an incident in the field.
00:52:19,040 --> 00:52:20,640
We're here to support them.
00:52:20,640 --> 00:52:24,720
We support them by providing coordination
of information to the public.
00:52:24,960 --> 00:52:29,160
We support them by providing logistical
support and a number of other things.
00:52:30,400 --> 00:52:30,920
As Scott
00:52:30,920 --> 00:52:34,360
mentioned, beyond the county,
we do have partners at the state
00:52:34,360 --> 00:52:37,920
and feds to look to
for additional resources as well.
00:52:38,400 --> 00:52:42,280
Our state partners are the California
Governor's Office of Emergency Services,
00:52:42,280 --> 00:52:46,080
who maintains a regional office as
well as a state operated state operation.
00:52:46,080 --> 00:52:46,760
00:52:46,920 --> 00:52:50,160
And then beyond the state,
we can look to FEMA for support as well.
00:52:50,720 --> 00:52:53,400
The important thing I want everyone
to remember tonight, though, is that
00:52:53,440 --> 00:52:57,720
emergencies are maintained
or handled by the local agencies.
00:52:58,160 --> 00:53:01,080
There's never a point in time where we can
just wash our hands of something
00:53:01,080 --> 00:53:01,960
and walk away with it.
00:53:01,960 --> 00:53:03,640
We always, at a local level
00:53:03,640 --> 00:53:07,520
will be here when it starts, and
we'll be here long after the last state
00:53:07,520 --> 00:53:12,280
or federal representative leaves to ensure
that things continue as they should.
00:53:13,200 --> 00:53:15,360
A couple other groups
that we coordinate with
00:53:15,360 --> 00:53:19,200
along the way at the county
EOC include our joint information system.
00:53:19,560 --> 00:53:23,800
This system, or the Joint Information
Center, is a group of individuals,
00:53:24,080 --> 00:53:27,800
primarily public information officers
from a number of different agencies.
00:53:27,800 --> 00:53:31,600
And those individuals are brought in
at the time of the emergency
00:53:31,840 --> 00:53:35,440
to ensure that we're providing the public
with the most up to date
00:53:35,440 --> 00:53:37,680
relevant, important information.
00:53:37,680 --> 00:53:38,760
This was mentioned earlier.
00:53:38,760 --> 00:53:40,640
This is a two way communication.
00:53:40,640 --> 00:53:42,640
We are not just broadcasting
information out.
00:53:42,640 --> 00:53:45,760
We want to make sure that we're monitoring
what's being said on social media,
00:53:46,080 --> 00:53:50,400
what our local media outlets are providing
residents to read and listen to you
00:53:50,560 --> 00:53:53,320
to ensure that that information
they're providing is accurate.
00:53:54,000 --> 00:53:56,440
And then last, we also maintain
00:53:56,440 --> 00:53:59,280
what's called a multiagency
coordination group or that group.
00:53:59,520 --> 00:54:02,640
And the MAP Group
is something that is only stood up
00:54:02,960 --> 00:54:06,560
during a large scale emergency where we
at the county, along with the cities,
00:54:06,560 --> 00:54:08,880
have to make very difficult decisions
00:54:09,560 --> 00:54:13,160
where we send
critical resources during an emergency.
00:54:13,160 --> 00:54:16,560
So if we have a widespread earthquake,
or something to that effect
00:54:16,800 --> 00:54:19,920
and we need to determine
where to send fire resources,
00:54:20,360 --> 00:54:24,360
law enforcement resources,
we're going to bring this group together
00:54:24,360 --> 00:54:25,200
and we're going to talk
00:54:25,200 --> 00:54:28,320
about the severity of the situation
in each of these jurisdictions.
00:54:28,320 --> 00:54:32,200
And then that group will collectively
determine where those resources go first.
00:54:32,640 --> 00:54:33,360
Next slide, please.
00:54:35,360 --> 00:54:37,640
So I'm just going
to jump into some of the really key points
00:54:37,640 --> 00:54:41,760
that I want residents to really understand
tonight as we go through this.
00:54:41,760 --> 00:54:42,880
And this is stuff that I hope
00:54:42,880 --> 00:54:46,160
that you remember as you walk away
from this presentation tonight.
00:54:46,640 --> 00:54:50,960
Recently, we changed some terminology
that we use when it comes to evacuations,
00:54:51,680 --> 00:54:56,120
what used to be called a mandatory
evacuation and a voluntary evacuation
00:54:56,280 --> 00:55:01,000
are now referred to as evacuation
orders and evacuation warnings.
00:55:01,760 --> 00:55:04,280
If you ever receive an evacuation
00:55:04,320 --> 00:55:08,080
order at your home or your business,
that means danger is imminent.
00:55:08,080 --> 00:55:12,880
That means we need you to leave
now, not wait, but leave now.
00:55:13,160 --> 00:55:14,080
Conditions exist
00:55:14,080 --> 00:55:17,800
that seriously imperil or endanger
the lives of those in that area.
00:55:18,040 --> 00:55:20,560
So, please,
if you receive an evacuation order
00:55:20,560 --> 00:55:23,240
for your area,
that means you need to leave.
00:55:23,240 --> 00:55:25,200
I can't emphasize this enough.
00:55:25,200 --> 00:55:27,680
We take evacuations very seriously.
00:55:27,680 --> 00:55:30,880
We hate to issue evacuation orders
when it's not necessary.
00:55:30,880 --> 00:55:33,280
And we do our very best
to avoid those situations.
00:55:33,720 --> 00:55:34,960
But when we get to that point
00:55:34,960 --> 00:55:37,720
and we do issue an order, it's
because the danger is imminent
00:55:37,720 --> 00:55:39,840
and we believe
that you need to leave to stay safe.
00:55:39,840 --> 00:55:41,400
So please do that.
00:55:41,400 --> 00:55:45,120
Evacuation warnings again,
used to be called voluntary evacuations.
00:55:45,440 --> 00:55:48,200
That means the threat to lives
is not yet imminent.
00:55:48,240 --> 00:55:51,360
However, residents should begin
to prepare to evacuate.
00:55:51,400 --> 00:55:54,680
That means prepare
by placing belongings in your vehicle.
00:55:55,080 --> 00:55:57,560
If you don't have transportation worked
00:55:57,800 --> 00:56:00,600
to get transportation,
whether it's an Uber, a lift
00:56:00,920 --> 00:56:04,760
calling for local paratransit provider,
calling a friend or a family member.
00:56:05,160 --> 00:56:08,240
We want you to get ready
to leave residents
00:56:08,240 --> 00:56:11,120
with any type of disability access
or functional need.
00:56:11,400 --> 00:56:16,080
We definitely recommend that you plan
to leave during an evacuation warning.
00:56:16,520 --> 00:56:19,480
That will give you extra time
that you may need to get out of your house
00:56:19,480 --> 00:56:22,080
to pack your belongings
and make sure that you stay safe.
00:56:22,360 --> 00:56:23,960
So again, that's just the little change.
00:56:23,960 --> 00:56:26,280
Evacuation orders and evacuation warnings.
00:56:26,320 --> 00:56:27,040
Next slide, please.
00:56:29,640 --> 00:56:29,920
When it
00:56:29,920 --> 00:56:34,160
comes to notifying residents
of an emergency and the need to evacuate
00:56:35,120 --> 00:56:38,000
here at the County Office of Emergency
00:56:38,000 --> 00:56:41,440
we work very closely
with all ten Ventura County cities
00:56:41,760 --> 00:56:45,120
to provide information to residents
in a number of different ways.
00:56:45,120 --> 00:56:48,640
And regardless of where you live,
we do this very universally
00:56:48,640 --> 00:56:51,880
so if you live in Oxnard or you live in
Simi Valley, you're more than likely
00:56:51,880 --> 00:56:54,800
going to receive this information
in a very similar fashion.
00:56:55,080 --> 00:56:57,800
That first way is the good old fashioned
00:56:58,880 --> 00:57:02,400
you know, a law enforcement representative
will knock on your door and say,
00:57:02,400 --> 00:57:04,600
hey, there's something going
on. You need to leave.
00:57:04,600 --> 00:57:05,440
Along with that.
00:57:05,440 --> 00:57:06,960
We recently implemented something
00:57:06,960 --> 00:57:09,240
throughout the state called a high, low
siren tone.
00:57:09,960 --> 00:57:11,360
It's an unusual tone.
00:57:11,360 --> 00:57:14,160
It's not a tone
you would typically hear from a siren
00:57:14,480 --> 00:57:17,400
coming from a police
or fire truck in California.
00:57:17,520 --> 00:57:19,160
So it's very unique.
00:57:19,160 --> 00:57:22,400
And when that tone is heard,
it's an indicator that that area
00:57:22,400 --> 00:57:23,440
is being evacuated.
00:57:23,440 --> 00:57:26,800
So if you hear this high, low pitched
tone, it's usually followed
00:57:26,800 --> 00:57:29,560
by some type of announcement
on a public address system.
00:57:30,000 --> 00:57:34,040
Again, your area is more than likely
under a mandatory or an evacuation
00:57:34,040 --> 00:57:36,080
order, rather.
I still can't say it. Right.
00:57:36,080 --> 00:57:37,920
So an evacuation order
00:57:37,920 --> 00:57:41,360
in addition to the good old fashioned
door knocks, we use something called B.S.
00:57:41,360 --> 00:57:42,080
00:57:42,200 --> 00:57:44,840
This is the county's
emergency notification system
00:57:44,840 --> 00:57:49,080
that we've partnered
with all ten Ventura County cities to use.
00:57:49,320 --> 00:57:51,960
The city of Oxnard
is a big user of this system,
00:57:51,960 --> 00:57:55,120
and they, too,
have the ability to activate the voice
00:57:55,240 --> 00:57:58,880
alert notification system
the system is free to participate in.
00:57:59,400 --> 00:58:02,360
We have all listed and unlisted landline
telephone numbers.
00:58:02,640 --> 00:58:04,240
We also have many cell phone numbers.
00:58:04,240 --> 00:58:08,240
We buy data from a number of different
places however, it's very important
00:58:08,240 --> 00:58:12,240
that you visit our website at VCC Alert
dot org and register.
00:58:12,240 --> 00:58:14,240
If you haven't registered, please do so.
00:58:14,240 --> 00:58:15,600
It is free.
00:58:15,640 --> 00:58:17,240
If you require assistance,
00:58:17,240 --> 00:58:19,600
you can give us a call here.
We'll put the number in the chat
00:58:19,600 --> 00:58:22,120
and you can get us to
to help you out with that.
00:58:22,720 --> 00:58:26,840
The system can notify you a lot quicker
than we can get resources to your door.
00:58:26,840 --> 00:58:29,400
So if it's a widespread incident,
00:58:29,400 --> 00:58:32,480
this is our best means of getting a hold
of you during an emergency.
00:58:33,440 --> 00:58:35,120
One of the other methods that
00:58:35,120 --> 00:58:38,960
we use is our incident website,
which is VCC Emergency dot com.
00:58:39,400 --> 00:58:43,200
That Web site is what I like to refer to
as a nondenominational website.
00:58:43,200 --> 00:58:46,920
It's a website that's there for
not just the county, not just the city.
00:58:46,920 --> 00:58:49,920
It's there
for any agency in Ventura County to use.
00:58:50,360 --> 00:58:53,520
There's not much on that website
during peace time, but when something does
00:58:53,520 --> 00:58:57,680
happen, we quickly populate that website
with maps, with information.
00:58:58,200 --> 00:58:59,480
We make sure that it's as up
00:58:59,480 --> 00:59:03,000
to date as possible before we issue
any type of evacuation notice.
00:59:03,280 --> 00:59:06,480
Again, that website is VCC Emergency
Dot com, and please check it out.
00:59:06,680 --> 00:59:09,200
It is in English and Spanish.
00:59:09,200 --> 00:59:11,240
A couple other ways that we notify people.
00:59:11,240 --> 00:59:15,360
A wireless emergency alert that's similar
to what you may know is an Amber alert
00:59:15,640 --> 00:59:18,920
that does not require you
to opt in your cell phone.
00:59:19,520 --> 00:59:22,760
You can actually receive
those based on your geographic location.
00:59:23,520 --> 00:59:25,520
We use that system very sparingly.
00:59:25,520 --> 00:59:29,280
And what it entails
is us going into an interface
00:59:29,280 --> 00:59:32,320
and drawing a line on a map and saying,
00:59:32,320 --> 00:59:35,920
hey, we want to send this message
to everyone within this geographic area.
00:59:36,600 --> 00:59:40,760
Unfortunately, the system is not
super precise, like our voice
00:59:40,800 --> 00:59:43,800
alert system, or we can notify people
down to the street level.
00:59:44,240 --> 00:59:47,400
But it's very powerful in that
you don't have to pre-register.
00:59:47,400 --> 00:59:51,000
So during an incident,
I'll use the Thomas Fire as an example,
00:59:51,000 --> 00:59:54,960
or the Woolsey Fire,
perhaps we would issue a wireless
00:59:54,960 --> 00:59:58,640
emergency alert only once at the onset,
the onset of that incident
00:59:58,680 --> 01:00:02,120
to let residents know
there's a fast moving brushfire in an area
01:00:02,440 --> 01:00:05,440
and where to go to get information
and of course, as I just mentioned,
01:00:05,880 --> 01:00:08,520
we would reference to ABC Emergency dot
com website.
01:00:09,320 --> 01:00:13,680
The last thing that we use for alert
and warning is our emergency alert system.
01:00:13,920 --> 01:00:16,520
And that's the system
that's been around since the fifties
01:00:16,840 --> 01:00:20,120
that interrupts television broadcast
with a text crawl
01:00:20,120 --> 01:00:22,320
at the bottom of the screen
and an annoying noise.
01:00:22,560 --> 01:00:23,440
It's also what you hear
01:00:23,440 --> 01:00:26,080
that comes through your radio
as you're driving in your car.
01:00:26,480 --> 01:00:29,040
That system is used again sparingly.
01:00:29,040 --> 01:00:32,360
We don't use it for your day to day
incident, but if it is something large
01:00:32,640 --> 01:00:36,200
and it requires us to get everyone's
attention, we have that tool
01:00:36,240 --> 01:00:39,360
at our disposal again
during a fast moving incident.
01:00:39,360 --> 01:00:43,280
We're going to be using all of these tools
to ensure that residents are aware
01:00:43,320 --> 01:00:45,200
of what's going on and then,
if more importantly,
01:00:45,200 --> 01:00:47,880
where to get information on what
they should do. Next slide, please.
01:00:52,080 --> 01:00:52,360
It's going to
01:00:52,360 --> 01:00:54,720
briefly talk a little bit
about evacuations.
01:00:55,360 --> 01:00:58,920
We work very closely with our partners
at the Ventura
01:00:58,920 --> 01:01:02,880
County Human Services
Agency, as well as the American Red Cross.
01:01:02,880 --> 01:01:07,080
And again, each of our ten Ventura
County cities to provide emergency shelter
01:01:07,400 --> 01:01:10,000
in the event
that an evacuation order is issued.
01:01:10,320 --> 01:01:13,320
We understand that evacuating is not fun.
01:01:13,320 --> 01:01:14,840
It's not something we like to do.
01:01:14,840 --> 01:01:17,000
But when it does happen
and it does happen,
01:01:17,320 --> 01:01:20,160
we want to make sure that residents
have somewhere to go.
01:01:20,640 --> 01:01:24,320
Here in Ventura County,
we have well over a hundred Predesignated
01:01:24,320 --> 01:01:28,120
shelter locations that we can use
for providing congregate shelter
01:01:28,560 --> 01:01:32,000
many of these locations are public
buildings, school gymnasiums,
01:01:32,440 --> 01:01:33,520
churches, you name it.
01:01:33,520 --> 01:01:37,280
We've got contracts along with
the Red Cross to access these facilities
01:01:38,480 --> 01:01:40,120
one new
thing I would like to share with you
01:01:40,120 --> 01:01:41,600
that we are doing in lieu
01:01:41,600 --> 01:01:45,560
of sending people directly to a shelter
location is we're recommending
01:01:45,560 --> 01:01:48,880
that you visit what's now
called a temporary evacuee point.
01:01:49,320 --> 01:01:51,840
And a temporary evacuation
point is primarily
01:01:52,080 --> 01:01:55,760
what's viewed as like a large parking lot
where cars can pull in
01:01:55,760 --> 01:01:59,120
and they're met by one of our friendly
Red Cross or human services agency
01:01:59,120 --> 01:02:01,840
staff members,
and they assess their needs.
01:02:02,200 --> 01:02:06,560
Every individual's needs are different,
and a congregate shelter in a gymnasium
01:02:06,600 --> 01:02:07,760
may not be the best option
01:02:07,760 --> 01:02:11,360
for somebody that perhaps is wheelchair
bound or has trouble ambulatory.
01:02:11,800 --> 01:02:14,880
Our team from the Human Services Agency,
along with the Red Cross,
01:02:14,880 --> 01:02:16,880
are going to work with that individual
to determine
01:02:16,880 --> 01:02:20,600
to determine what the best resources
that we have to provide them, perhaps
01:02:20,600 --> 01:02:22,200
at sending them to a congregate shelter,
01:02:22,200 --> 01:02:24,960
perhaps it's to a motel
or even to the hospital.
01:02:25,320 --> 01:02:26,600
They're going to chat with that person
01:02:26,600 --> 01:02:30,240
and they're going to ensure
that they get what they need at that time.
01:02:30,840 --> 01:02:33,440
Of course, the personnel
there are bilingual.
01:02:33,440 --> 01:02:37,160
So we always have staff as well
as some pretty cool technology
01:02:37,160 --> 01:02:40,200
to assist and translation
in many other languages at a time of need.
01:02:41,560 --> 01:02:43,960
Next slide, please.
01:02:44,440 --> 01:02:45,800
So how can you stay informed?
01:02:45,800 --> 01:02:48,920
We operate two websites and again,
these are not just County
01:02:49,000 --> 01:02:49,840
Ventura websites.
01:02:49,840 --> 01:02:53,360
These are websites that we share
with all of the cities of Ventura County,
01:02:53,360 --> 01:02:56,240
and we collectively work
to provide information on these websites.
01:02:56,640 --> 01:02:59,320
The first website is really focused
on emergency
01:02:59,320 --> 01:03:02,800
preparedness, and that website is ready
Ventura County dot org.
01:03:03,000 --> 01:03:07,320
It's more than likely the website you went
to to register for tonight's event.
01:03:07,840 --> 01:03:08,960
It's full of information.
01:03:08,960 --> 01:03:11,960
We're actually in the process
of doing a complete overhaul of that page,
01:03:12,240 --> 01:03:15,160
but it's got quite a bit of information
on our local hazards
01:03:15,160 --> 01:03:17,560
and how you can prepare
for each one of those hazards.
01:03:18,000 --> 01:03:20,320
The other website, again,
I referenced earlier tonight,
01:03:20,320 --> 01:03:21,760
and I really want this to be ingrained
01:03:21,760 --> 01:03:25,400
in your head when you leave here with us
tonight is the emergency dot com.
01:03:25,680 --> 01:03:27,280
That Web site is up today.
01:03:27,280 --> 01:03:30,840
It's short,
sweet, simple with just basic information
01:03:30,840 --> 01:03:34,640
on what roads are closed,
what evacuation perimeters are in place.
01:03:34,640 --> 01:03:37,000
And it usually includes
a little summary of the incident,
01:03:37,000 --> 01:03:39,840
how many acres the fire is,
where the hazmat plume is,
01:03:40,160 --> 01:03:42,960
whatever the situation is,
we always provide some type of summary.
01:03:43,280 --> 01:03:46,680
And probably the most beneficial thing on
there is really the real time map.
01:03:47,680 --> 01:03:48,480
That map
01:03:48,480 --> 01:03:51,520
during public safety power
shutoffs will show where the power's off.
01:03:51,520 --> 01:03:54,680
It'll also show fire perimeters,
where evacuations are
01:03:54,720 --> 01:03:58,600
and where road closures are
we do a lot internally to maintain
01:03:58,600 --> 01:04:02,400
that resource available again
on ABC emergency dot com.
01:04:03,120 --> 01:04:05,400
Hey, Scott, can you share with us
some of the other things
01:04:05,400 --> 01:04:07,560
that Rockstar does
to keep their residents informed
01:04:13,520 --> 01:04:14,000
about that?
01:04:14,000 --> 01:04:17,040
Always, always a challenge
to find the unmute button.
01:04:17,520 --> 01:04:21,560
Certainly we have a number of things
01:04:21,560 --> 01:04:24,600
that we do to do
keep our residents updated.
01:04:25,080 --> 01:04:29,040
Certainly we have our police, fire
and city website
01:04:30,000 --> 01:04:33,160
web pages, which has a lot of great
preparedness information on it.
01:04:34,040 --> 01:04:36,240
We you can go to
how you can actually access
01:04:36,880 --> 01:04:40,760
our complete emergency preparedness guide
by going to the fire department website
01:04:41,040 --> 01:04:43,920
and you'll see an icon for emergency
01:04:44,360 --> 01:04:46,760
We have both an English and Spanish
01:04:46,760 --> 01:04:50,120
version of our Emergency Preparedness
Guide which literally goes through
01:04:50,120 --> 01:04:54,160
each one of our hazards and how you should
prepare and respond to those hazards.
01:04:54,600 --> 01:04:58,680
Everything, including the tsunami zones
and sand inundation zones, et cetera,
01:04:58,880 --> 01:05:02,960
so that's available as well as through
01:05:02,960 --> 01:05:05,280
our social media sites.
01:05:06,000 --> 01:05:09,400
And then we have a number
of outreach programs where we work again
01:05:09,400 --> 01:05:12,120
with the schools and through schools
and through community groups.
01:05:12,760 --> 01:05:18,000
We do very regular presentations
for emergency preparedness and and such.
01:05:18,000 --> 01:05:21,080
So I think the best way is to start out
we've got this
01:05:21,720 --> 01:05:25,160
QR code up here
which will get you started, and
01:05:26,360 --> 01:05:27,880
then we can help you at
01:05:27,880 --> 01:05:30,360
exactly the type of information
you might be looking for.
01:05:30,720 --> 01:05:33,680
Again, we don't have any way to to really,
you know,
01:05:33,840 --> 01:05:37,800
other than inspiring, educating and,
and hopefully
01:05:38,360 --> 01:05:41,960
getting people motivated to
to get people to use the information.
01:05:41,960 --> 01:05:44,200
But getting the information out
there is critical.
01:05:44,200 --> 01:05:48,320
And I think the people who are on this
call are exactly the people that we want
01:05:48,320 --> 01:05:49,040
to make sure
01:05:49,040 --> 01:05:50,640
have access to that information
01:05:50,640 --> 01:05:53,040
and that they'll pass it down
to their families and community members.
01:05:53,040 --> 01:05:55,840
So this would be a good start,
right? Great.
01:05:55,840 --> 01:05:58,040
Thanks, Scott. And I appreciate that.
01:05:58,040 --> 01:06:00,600
Next, let's go to the next slide.
01:06:00,600 --> 01:06:02,400
I'd like to introduce Ashley Bautista.
01:06:02,400 --> 01:06:04,320
She's our county
public information officer,
01:06:04,320 --> 01:06:07,040
and she's going to tell you what we do
here at the County Ventura
01:06:07,080 --> 01:06:09,040
to try to keep you best informed,
01:06:09,040 --> 01:06:11,080
along with our city partners
during an emergency.
01:06:11,120 --> 01:06:12,880
Ashley, take it away.
01:06:12,880 --> 01:06:13,920
Thank you, Patrick.
01:06:13,920 --> 01:06:15,760
I mentioned my name is Ashley Batista.
01:06:15,760 --> 01:06:19,240
I am the public information officer
for the county of intra
01:06:19,280 --> 01:06:22,080
executive office
overseeing communication countywide.
01:06:22,360 --> 01:06:24,280
It's an honor to be here with you tonight.
01:06:24,280 --> 01:06:25,720
I will be speaking about the Joint
01:06:25,720 --> 01:06:29,200
Information Center and communication
during an emergency.
01:06:29,640 --> 01:06:34,080
The Joint Information Center called
a GIC is activated during an emergency.
01:06:34,320 --> 01:06:38,160
It is staffed by public information
officers and often disaster
01:06:38,160 --> 01:06:42,360
service workers and representatives
from partner agencies like Oxnard.
01:06:42,800 --> 01:06:45,320
The Gehrke
is the central hub for information
01:06:45,640 --> 01:06:49,280
during an active emergency
the information changes very quickly.
01:06:49,560 --> 01:06:53,320
The team takes the up to date information,
sometimes minute by minute
01:06:53,320 --> 01:06:56,800
in an active situation and creates
press releases
01:06:57,040 --> 01:07:01,080
social media posts
content for both the emergency and more.
01:07:01,440 --> 01:07:04,720
The media uses those press releases
to highlight information
01:07:04,720 --> 01:07:08,200
on the television
news on the radio and in print.
01:07:08,640 --> 01:07:11,040
This helps keep the community informed.
01:07:11,040 --> 01:07:15,280
The GIC team also monitors
the hotline to get tips from the community
01:07:15,280 --> 01:07:19,920
and answer questions while also monitoring
social media for misinformation.
01:07:20,400 --> 01:07:23,880
The team often takes very complex
information and breaks it down
01:07:23,880 --> 01:07:28,720
in simple terms through graphics written
messages and video and text messages.
01:07:29,440 --> 01:07:30,480
Next slide, please.
01:07:32,280 --> 01:07:35,320
The check helps communicate information
to community members.
01:07:35,320 --> 01:07:39,200
The media elected officials, community
01:07:39,480 --> 01:07:45,000
the business community schools, nonprofit
partners, health care partners, local.
01:07:45,000 --> 01:07:46,480
State, federal agencies.
01:07:46,480 --> 01:07:48,680
And emergency response units.
01:07:48,680 --> 01:07:52,400
The GIC also helps to keep the county's
25 agencies informed.
01:07:52,800 --> 01:07:56,400
These agencies are critical
in overall response during an emergency
01:07:56,760 --> 01:07:59,640
we have seen this firsthand
during the current health emergency.
01:08:00,040 --> 01:08:03,160
The county agencies, with the guidance
of the County Executive Office
01:08:03,400 --> 01:08:06,920
and OAS, work together
to support the community in real time.
01:08:07,480 --> 01:08:10,200
Information is crucial
in reducing uncertainty.
01:08:10,520 --> 01:08:12,880
People need to know when roads are closed
or where to go.
01:08:12,880 --> 01:08:16,200
If they are evacuated during COVID,
they have needed information
01:08:16,200 --> 01:08:20,040
on how to get food testing,
vaccines, shelter and support.
01:08:20,400 --> 01:08:24,000
We have had community members share that
the county is like family from the support
01:08:24,000 --> 01:08:25,160
they have received.
01:08:25,160 --> 01:08:28,560
We are here for the community
and partnership with cities like Oxnard
01:08:28,960 --> 01:08:30,480
when the information is provided
01:08:30,480 --> 01:08:34,080
by a trusted resource in a language
that is understood,
01:08:34,480 --> 01:08:38,680
in a method that is excessive it can help
community members know what to do.
01:08:39,120 --> 01:08:43,920
They may need to shelter in place or boil
water or evacuate on a specific road.
01:08:44,240 --> 01:08:46,320
It also becomes a two way platform.
01:08:46,560 --> 01:08:50,320
It's not just about pushing information,
it's about connecting with the community
01:08:50,320 --> 01:08:53,960
members to get information
people may be experiencing on scene.
01:08:54,200 --> 01:08:55,400
Add an incident
01:08:55,400 --> 01:08:59,400
and to also answer questions and connect
community members to needed resources.
01:08:59,800 --> 01:09:02,080
This two way response is 24 seven.
01:09:02,360 --> 01:09:05,360
The county is committed
to being responsive and engaging
01:09:05,360 --> 01:09:09,360
and dialog before an incident, during
and after an incident.
01:09:09,840 --> 01:09:13,440
I encourage you to stay connected
to the county during non-emergency times
01:09:13,720 --> 01:09:18,240
at County of Ventura on Facebook, Twitter,
next door and Instagram.
01:09:18,480 --> 01:09:22,080
These platforms provide ongoing
information about county operations.
01:09:22,400 --> 01:09:25,440
The more we connect, the better
we can respond during an emergency
01:09:25,920 --> 01:09:30,200
koby 19 resource information
can also be found at ABC recovers dot org
01:09:30,440 --> 01:09:34,840
recovery information is really important
as we all recover from COVID19.
01:09:35,120 --> 01:09:37,160
I also encourage you
to get to know your neighbors.
01:09:37,280 --> 01:09:39,320
You can be a lifeline for a neighbor
in need.
01:09:39,480 --> 01:09:42,920
We saw this during the Thomas fire
when neighbors helped knock on the doors
01:09:43,200 --> 01:09:46,000
of elderly neighbors
to alert them of the fire.
01:09:46,280 --> 01:09:47,320
You can help the sick
01:09:47,320 --> 01:09:51,160
and the entire incident response team
by helping others in your neighborhood
01:09:51,360 --> 01:09:55,160
connect to information
and accurate information and resources.
01:09:55,760 --> 01:09:58,840
Thanks again for your time tonight
and engaging with the county of Ventura.
01:09:59,360 --> 01:10:00,040
Oh, yes.
01:10:00,040 --> 01:10:02,160
And our Oxnard City partners.
01:10:02,280 --> 01:10:04,200
We value you and your participation.
01:10:04,200 --> 01:10:05,400
I would like to now introduce
01:10:05,400 --> 01:10:09,160
our county executive office
community liaison, Rosa Gonzalez.
01:10:10,720 --> 01:10:12,040
Thank you, Ashley.
01:10:12,040 --> 01:10:12,920
Good evening, everyone.
01:10:12,920 --> 01:10:15,160
And thank you again
for joining us tonight.
01:10:15,160 --> 01:10:19,080
I just wanted to share our role
during an emergency
01:10:19,600 --> 01:10:22,320
and community engagement on various
01:10:22,320 --> 01:10:25,600
fronts from our 25 departments
and agencies.
01:10:26,160 --> 01:10:29,560
The county year
round actively works with a number
01:10:29,560 --> 01:10:33,160
of community
based organizations and advocacy groups,
01:10:33,560 --> 01:10:38,040
but also just normal residents
and community leaders
01:10:38,080 --> 01:10:41,600
that are very much involved
with the their community
01:10:41,880 --> 01:10:45,080
and help us stay connected with
those needs
01:10:45,360 --> 01:10:49,160
that we see our residents,
especially those that we might not always
01:10:50,240 --> 01:10:53,400
see that are very visible,
such as our undocumented population.
01:10:54,240 --> 01:10:57,800
And, you know, Oxnard has a large farm
working population,
01:10:57,800 --> 01:11:01,800
and we work very closely
with our farmworker resource program,
01:11:01,840 --> 01:11:06,560
our area agency on Aging, a human services
agency and health care agency,
01:11:06,840 --> 01:11:09,960
to really make sure
that we are constantly connected
01:11:10,520 --> 01:11:13,200
to knowing what the needs are for farm
working population
01:11:13,800 --> 01:11:18,160
our indigenous population
and also our Spanish speaking residents.
01:11:18,920 --> 01:11:24,000
Also, that includes our seniors
that we know we a lot of us
01:11:24,000 --> 01:11:26,480
have multi-generation households
01:11:27,120 --> 01:11:30,600
in Oxnard and also within our low
income communities.
01:11:31,120 --> 01:11:33,840
We want to make sure that in these areas
01:11:33,840 --> 01:11:37,160
we understand what are the barriers
and the challenges that they would have.
01:11:37,160 --> 01:11:39,240
And one thing we know
is that the lack of access
01:11:39,240 --> 01:11:44,320
to a television, Internet,
radio cell phones and even social media.
01:11:44,320 --> 01:11:46,880
So during an emergency,
what are the best ways
01:11:46,920 --> 01:11:50,640
that we could ensure
that these populations are receiving
01:11:50,640 --> 01:11:53,920
the information in real time
and is as soon as possible
01:11:54,120 --> 01:11:57,440
to make sure that they are safe
and well informed and easing their fears?
01:11:57,720 --> 01:12:01,400
And one of those ways is really working
so closely with our trusted partners.
01:12:01,640 --> 01:12:05,600
Again, all these community leaders,
our community based organizations,
01:12:05,600 --> 01:12:08,120
and also our faith based community
01:12:08,640 --> 01:12:11,360
in a time of crisis, a lot of families
01:12:11,360 --> 01:12:15,320
and people will look to the faith
based community
01:12:15,520 --> 01:12:19,720
for assistance and guidance,
but also our schools.
01:12:20,000 --> 01:12:25,080
Another great lifeline to our community
members for information and resources.
01:12:25,440 --> 01:12:30,760
So year round, not just during disasters,
we are constantly working together.
01:12:30,880 --> 01:12:34,200
So that way when there is an actual need
and emergency,
01:12:34,200 --> 01:12:37,000
we know exactly who to contact
and what neighborhood.
01:12:37,560 --> 01:12:39,080
Oxnard is very large.
01:12:39,080 --> 01:12:42,040
I live there myself and know you know,
you could
01:12:42,120 --> 01:12:44,400
it could take 20 minutes
to get from one end to the other.
01:12:44,400 --> 01:12:46,200
And those are different neighborhoods,
01:12:46,200 --> 01:12:50,440
And people there are very close
knit communities and know each other.
01:12:50,600 --> 01:12:54,080
So what is the best way that we can
make sure that as the information
01:12:54,240 --> 01:12:58,640
our pills and emergency response from like
oh yes.
01:12:58,640 --> 01:13:02,120
Is coming out that that information
is reaching these populations
01:13:02,120 --> 01:13:04,760
and also try to avoid misinformation.
01:13:05,480 --> 01:13:08,480
So one of the things
is we're constantly in contact with them
01:13:08,720 --> 01:13:13,000
when there's an emergency
the first thing we do I'm just one of
01:13:13,440 --> 01:13:16,720
kind of a community engagement,
you know, community liaison
01:13:17,360 --> 01:13:18,520
worker here at the county.
01:13:18,520 --> 01:13:22,200
We actually have dozens of community
01:13:22,520 --> 01:13:25,200
service workers here at the county.
01:13:25,200 --> 01:13:29,480
And we all connect and we start
sharing information on specifically
01:13:29,480 --> 01:13:33,560
once we identify what are the needs
in these specific communities.
01:13:34,080 --> 01:13:39,120
And we will relay that information
and work with the check and with our PIOs
01:13:39,440 --> 01:13:42,560
and make sure that as information
01:13:42,560 --> 01:13:45,840
is going out from the county,
we are also sharing information.
01:13:45,840 --> 01:13:47,040
We are hearing firsthand
01:13:47,040 --> 01:13:50,960
from our community partners
on the concerns, what are the needs,
01:13:51,240 --> 01:13:54,320
and also how we could best connect them
01:13:54,360 --> 01:13:56,760
to resources during an emergency.
01:13:57,640 --> 01:14:02,320
This all works
well to make sure that lives or people
01:14:02,320 --> 01:14:05,880
are feeling safe, that we're saving lives
together, working together.
01:14:06,120 --> 01:14:10,160
But it also increases
the trust between the community
01:14:10,160 --> 01:14:14,080
and our government agencies,
as we know, during an emergency.
01:14:14,080 --> 01:14:16,640
And just in general,
there could be some hesitation
01:14:16,640 --> 01:14:19,360
from some of our members
in another community,
01:14:20,160 --> 01:14:23,360
especially if they're undocumented, from,
you know, approaching someone
01:14:23,360 --> 01:14:24,480
with the uniform.
01:14:24,480 --> 01:14:27,880
So this is where it's very important
to make sure that we are connecting
01:14:27,880 --> 01:14:31,160
with our community partners
and also that we, as
01:14:32,040 --> 01:14:34,360
the face of the county
that they are familiar with are
01:14:34,360 --> 01:14:38,880
also the ones connecting with them
and easing their their fears
01:14:38,880 --> 01:14:41,520
and keeping from things from escalating
01:14:41,880 --> 01:14:45,600
and trying to keep calm
during those critical times,
01:14:45,760 --> 01:14:48,720
but also making sure
that the information is going out
01:14:48,720 --> 01:14:52,280
clearly and addressing, again,
their needs and concerns.
01:14:52,960 --> 01:14:56,520
One thing we have had over
the last few years of,
01:14:56,520 --> 01:15:00,200
you know, emergent sea
after emergency from fires
01:15:00,800 --> 01:15:03,360
and other things that have happened
with like such as COVID,
01:15:03,600 --> 01:15:08,040
we are constantly looking at ways
to improve and enhance
01:15:08,280 --> 01:15:11,240
our not only our relationships,
but the services that we are doing.
01:15:11,240 --> 01:15:13,200
And one of those would be,
01:15:13,200 --> 01:15:14,880
you know, the information
that we're sharing
01:15:14,880 --> 01:15:16,760
to make sure
there's language accessibility
01:15:18,000 --> 01:15:20,520
we make sure not only is information
going out in Spanish,
01:15:20,520 --> 01:15:23,600
but we're also reaching our Mixteco
01:15:23,840 --> 01:15:28,160
our support echo residents
and our Border Patrol residents also.
01:15:28,480 --> 01:15:31,960
And we get down to the point
where we know that we have to
01:15:32,480 --> 01:15:36,560
provide this information
and videos use other platforms
01:15:36,600 --> 01:15:40,800
such as WhatsApp, which is popular
with these populations to make sure
01:15:40,800 --> 01:15:44,200
that they are receiving it
and sharing it among themselves
01:15:45,120 --> 01:15:47,760
and getting this disinformation out
01:15:48,400 --> 01:15:52,680
and also hearing back from the community
and being available to them.
01:15:52,960 --> 01:15:54,240
That is another thing, though.
01:15:54,240 --> 01:15:56,520
We're working very closely
with our trusted partners.
01:15:56,760 --> 01:16:00,640
One thing we're always really happy
and ready to do is also help
01:16:00,640 --> 01:16:03,520
those that we come across
that have reached out
01:16:04,320 --> 01:16:06,560
and or we have been connected to
01:16:06,840 --> 01:16:11,200
and make sure that everyone in the end
as a future county resident
01:16:11,400 --> 01:16:15,640
feel safe in their county
and know that we all are working together
01:16:15,640 --> 01:16:18,760
to make sure
that the and their families are safe
01:16:18,760 --> 01:16:21,880
and in a situation
where their lives could be in danger.
01:16:22,440 --> 01:16:24,640
And with that,
I will pass it on to Patrick
01:16:27,640 --> 01:16:28,800
thanks both.
01:16:28,800 --> 01:16:31,920
Thank you both, Roslyn, Ashley,
for all the great information.
01:16:31,920 --> 01:16:36,360
And up next, I'd like to introduce Mike
Pettit, assistant county executive officer
01:16:36,360 --> 01:16:38,640
who's going to share a little bit more
about what the county can do for you.
01:16:38,800 --> 01:16:39,360
01:16:39,560 --> 01:16:41,720
Thank you very much, Patrick.
And I just want to thank
01:16:41,920 --> 01:16:44,160
all of our community members
that are attending tonight.
01:16:44,560 --> 01:16:48,520
The best thing we can do as you've heard
from both Patrick, our director
01:16:49,680 --> 01:16:52,840
of our Office of Emergency Services,
and also Scott Brewer with the city's
01:16:53,080 --> 01:16:56,640
Office of Emergency Services
is to be individually prepared.
01:16:56,640 --> 01:16:59,280
And so really appreciate
your participation tonight.
01:16:59,560 --> 01:17:04,160
That's going to strengthen
and mitigate the effects of disasters
01:17:04,200 --> 01:17:07,080
locally here in our county
and help us recover so much faster.
01:17:07,960 --> 01:17:10,280
As part of my presentation,
I just want to share with you
01:17:10,280 --> 01:17:13,720
some of the other activities
that go on from the county's
01:17:14,880 --> 01:17:15,480
01:17:15,480 --> 01:17:18,200
And roles and responsibilities
that that maybe
01:17:19,000 --> 01:17:23,160
are new are typically unknown because
they're happening behind the scenes.
01:17:23,160 --> 01:17:27,360
But really, these activities
go across covers
01:17:27,960 --> 01:17:31,840
three different areas of before
and in between disasters, during disasters
01:17:32,120 --> 01:17:35,440
and in the recovery phase
and kind of some of the the
01:17:36,080 --> 01:17:37,840
that Scott Brewer talked about earlier.
01:17:37,840 --> 01:17:41,160
But first of all, before and prior
to disasters,
01:17:41,760 --> 01:17:44,320
one of the important things that we do
is we coordinate
01:17:44,320 --> 01:17:48,200
and work with our local cities,
our state and federal
01:17:48,200 --> 01:17:52,040
and community based partners
to prepare for these disasters.
01:17:52,240 --> 01:17:56,760
That preparedness will be things
like actual disaster exercises.
01:17:56,760 --> 01:18:00,720
We've had mass casualty
exercises, other events,
01:18:01,200 --> 01:18:05,200
high rise tower preparedness
for earthquakes and things like that.
01:18:05,200 --> 01:18:08,080
We have a couple of few high rise towers
here in our in our county,
01:18:08,080 --> 01:18:10,920
and we have many apartment complexes
and things like that.
01:18:10,920 --> 01:18:14,280
So there's a lot of preparedness exercises
that go on like that.
01:18:14,280 --> 01:18:16,800
But also in the communications
01:18:16,800 --> 01:18:20,640
from the communications
aspect, you heard Patrick and
01:18:21,840 --> 01:18:25,200
and Ashley and Rosa talk about
the many different channels that we use.
01:18:25,200 --> 01:18:28,440
And part of that preparedness resulted
in working with our community groups
01:18:29,040 --> 01:18:32,880
and resulted in the use of an application
called WhatsApp
01:18:32,880 --> 01:18:36,960
that is a primary mode of communication
for some of our indigenous language
01:18:36,960 --> 01:18:37,480
01:18:37,480 --> 01:18:42,240
And so we're continually, continually
looking for ways to to increase
01:18:42,760 --> 01:18:45,120
our strength in our disaster response,
01:18:45,280 --> 01:18:47,800
but also to mitigate the disasters
as well.
01:18:49,560 --> 01:18:51,680
County agencies and departments
01:18:51,680 --> 01:18:55,560
also prepare with heightened activation
of staffing
01:18:56,280 --> 01:19:01,120
and pre-positioning of equipment
before a disaster occurs.
01:19:01,120 --> 01:19:02,680
The cities do that as well.
01:19:02,680 --> 01:19:05,360
One of the things that we do,
particularly in fire season,
01:19:05,640 --> 01:19:08,240
is our local weather services
01:19:08,760 --> 01:19:13,480
monitor the conditions,
our fire protection district and city fire
01:19:14,080 --> 01:19:15,880
organization monitor
01:19:15,880 --> 01:19:19,360
the fire conditions, the fuel loads
and the weather conditions.
01:19:19,600 --> 01:19:22,400
And when there are conditions that line up
where we think
01:19:22,520 --> 01:19:26,160
where there's a high risk for a disaster,
we actually have planning
01:19:26,160 --> 01:19:30,880
calls days in advance
to discuss the preparedness actions
01:19:30,880 --> 01:19:33,480
that we're taking,
pre-positioning equipment close to where
01:19:34,000 --> 01:19:37,200
those disasters
are most likely to to occur so that we can
01:19:37,200 --> 01:19:41,440
respond more quickly and minimize
the damage by these disasters.
01:19:41,440 --> 01:19:45,880
So that's that's just a flavor
of some of the exercises that go on prior
01:19:46,200 --> 01:19:48,160
to a disaster. During a disaster,
01:19:49,240 --> 01:19:51,760
a lot of things simultaneously occur.
01:19:52,080 --> 01:19:55,880
Our Tony personnel are activated
in the EOC,
01:19:55,880 --> 01:19:57,120
the public safety personnel,
01:19:57,120 --> 01:20:00,760
the county personnel from many different
departments across the county.
01:20:01,400 --> 01:20:03,200
And they're they're elbow to elbow.
01:20:03,200 --> 01:20:08,000
So that we can maintain
constant communication and respond
01:20:08,040 --> 01:20:11,080
quickly to the needs of the community
during disasters.
01:20:11,760 --> 01:20:15,120
We have immediate communication
with with our community
01:20:15,120 --> 01:20:18,160
through our community liaison
that you just heard from Rosa
01:20:18,160 --> 01:20:22,400
and some of the outreach efforts
that she does during disasters.
01:20:22,400 --> 01:20:26,640
And RPO and the function
that Ashley talked about earlier,
01:20:27,480 --> 01:20:31,040
our county executive office
connects with our board of supervisors
01:20:31,560 --> 01:20:36,080
to brief them on the situations
that are occurring and also to obtain
01:20:36,080 --> 01:20:38,840
any input from our board members
that they've received
01:20:39,080 --> 01:20:43,160
from their constituents so that we have
this constant flow of two way information
01:20:43,680 --> 01:20:48,200
coming in from our communities, learning
what the needs are and the concerns are,
01:20:48,200 --> 01:20:51,360
and addressing those
with the vast array of resources that
01:20:51,480 --> 01:20:55,080
that we bring and apply to the disaster
on a more boring front.
01:20:55,080 --> 01:20:58,640
Behind the scenes we do, there's
some administrative actions that we cover
01:20:58,800 --> 01:21:01,920
during disasters, things
like disaster declarations
01:21:02,520 --> 01:21:05,800
that we take before the board,
emergency declarations as well.
01:21:06,040 --> 01:21:09,400
Those are important
because it helps bring financial aid
01:21:10,080 --> 01:21:12,720
to the to our local jurisdictions.
01:21:12,720 --> 01:21:14,880
And that helps with recovery efforts.
01:21:14,880 --> 01:21:19,520
There's also some authorities
that are taken to the board
01:21:19,520 --> 01:21:22,880
for appropriations and things like that
to facilitate response
01:21:22,880 --> 01:21:25,840
and recovery in a much more rapid fashion.
01:21:26,160 --> 01:21:29,960
We coordinate with our legislative,
our local legislators
01:21:29,960 --> 01:21:33,680
that represent us in Sacramento
and in Washington,
01:21:34,040 --> 01:21:36,720
and that helps facilitate oftentimes
01:21:36,880 --> 01:21:40,120
emergency and disaster declarations
at the state and federal level,
01:21:40,440 --> 01:21:45,320
which also bring in further opportunities
for disaster response and and resources
01:21:45,480 --> 01:21:49,200
and funding as well, things
like FEMA reimbursement, et cetera.
01:21:49,440 --> 01:21:53,400
That's what's helped us a lot
with some of the large amounts of testing
01:21:53,640 --> 01:21:56,480
and vaccination and the room key
01:21:56,480 --> 01:21:58,760
housing for the pandemic, for example,
01:21:59,360 --> 01:22:02,640
we're continually coordinating
with our community based organizations
01:22:02,960 --> 01:22:06,080
and our business community
through the Economic Development
01:22:06,080 --> 01:22:10,080
Collaborative, the Chambers of Commerce,
the Sierra and others.
01:22:10,080 --> 01:22:13,680
We have an economic vitality,
a strategic plan at the county,
01:22:13,680 --> 01:22:18,120
and we have a steering committee
comprised of our business organizations.
01:22:18,120 --> 01:22:21,720
And we meet with them to talk about ways
that businesses have impacted,
01:22:21,720 --> 01:22:25,640
been impacted by these disasters
and work with them on solutions for that.
01:22:25,640 --> 01:22:29,600
An example from the Woolsey Fire
is that learning about businesses
01:22:29,640 --> 01:22:30,960
that were shuttered
01:22:30,960 --> 01:22:33,960
as a result of the fire that turned out
that there was a federal program
01:22:33,960 --> 01:22:37,160
we were able to connect those businesses
with for shuttered businesses
01:22:37,200 --> 01:22:37,920
during the fire.
01:22:37,920 --> 01:22:43,000
And so just another small example there,
and then coordination with philanthropy.
01:22:43,080 --> 01:22:45,720
We have a great partner in the Ventura
County Community Foundation.
01:22:45,720 --> 01:22:50,760
And and they're often part
of many of our disaster response
01:22:50,760 --> 01:22:54,680
because they're able to coordinate
and and reach out to a large
01:22:54,720 --> 01:22:55,800
philanthropic community
01:22:55,800 --> 01:22:59,720
that can can come in and who want to
donate toward special needs.
01:22:59,960 --> 01:23:03,080
And those it helps
get those met across the county.
01:23:03,480 --> 01:23:06,200
In terms of recovery, our recovery isn't
01:23:06,200 --> 01:23:09,560
something that we focus on
after the disaster is over.
01:23:09,560 --> 01:23:13,880
That effort starts in between
and even immediately, once
01:23:13,920 --> 01:23:16,320
a disaster is has occurred.
01:23:17,040 --> 01:23:21,200
During the Thomas Fire, you may recall
we had our Ventura County recovers website
01:23:21,240 --> 01:23:27,240
up and providing information on recovery
within days of the fire breaking out.
01:23:27,600 --> 01:23:31,040
And we worked with our city partners,
our state and our federal partners
01:23:31,040 --> 01:23:32,720
and our local businesses, et cetera.
01:23:32,720 --> 01:23:36,920
State set up a one stop recovery center
with multilingual support.
01:23:37,240 --> 01:23:41,600
And the idea with that was to minimize
the burden on members of our communities
01:23:41,880 --> 01:23:45,000
who needed support
in recovering from the fire,
01:23:45,000 --> 01:23:48,080
whether that's housing, whether that was
replacing important documents
01:23:48,080 --> 01:23:52,920
that were burned in that in the fire,
whether that's assistance with finances,
01:23:52,920 --> 01:23:56,880
because maybe their business
was damaged in the disaster.
01:23:56,880 --> 01:24:01,920
So just a myriad of resources
and so the recovery phase is so important
01:24:01,920 --> 01:24:04,080
and that's something that starts
right away upfront.
01:24:04,920 --> 01:24:05,400
And then
01:24:06,720 --> 01:24:09,400
beyond those resources, again,
we're working with our
01:24:09,680 --> 01:24:14,240
our economic partners to help on long term
recovery to get our communities
01:24:14,240 --> 01:24:19,000
back to where they were and flourishing
even stronger after the disaster is over.
01:24:19,000 --> 01:24:24,000
So thank you for that, Patrick,
and really appreciate the community's
01:24:24,320 --> 01:24:25,200
interest in this.
01:24:25,200 --> 01:24:29,040
It's so important for our strong outcomes
as we experience
01:24:29,040 --> 01:24:30,800
these disasters.
01:24:32,280 --> 01:24:33,760
Thanks, Mike, for that.
01:24:33,760 --> 01:24:35,880
I'd like to hand it over to Bonnie Luke.
01:24:35,880 --> 01:24:37,200
She's a member of our Office
01:24:37,200 --> 01:24:40,800
of Emergency Services team who focuses on
all of our planning efforts.
01:24:41,080 --> 01:24:42,600
She's going to share a little bit
about what
01:24:42,600 --> 01:24:45,720
we've done to update our county's
emergency operations plan,
01:24:46,040 --> 01:24:49,920
as well as the current project
of updating the hazard mitigation plan.
01:24:49,920 --> 01:24:51,560
Bonnie, take it away.
01:24:51,680 --> 01:24:54,200
Thanks, Patrick. Good evening, everyone.
01:24:54,200 --> 01:24:56,800
So, as Patrick
said, I'm here to talk to you about two
01:24:56,800 --> 01:25:00,680
of our long range planning updates
that we're working on currently.
01:25:00,960 --> 01:25:04,720
The county is wrapping up
the Emergency Operations Plan Update.
01:25:05,040 --> 01:25:10,400
This plan is available for review on our
Ready Ventura County Morgue website.
01:25:10,680 --> 01:25:14,440
We've had it open for public review
since the February of this year,
01:25:14,640 --> 01:25:18,600
and we're looking to close that comment
period out on October 1st.
01:25:18,960 --> 01:25:20,160
The emergency operations
01:25:20,160 --> 01:25:24,520
plan is a plan that provides the structure
and processes that the county follows
01:25:24,520 --> 01:25:29,880
and utilizes to respond to various
planned and unplanned disasters.
01:25:30,840 --> 01:25:33,360
This plan is updated every three years,
01:25:33,520 --> 01:25:36,880
so we're just kind of
following our normal cycle for this plan.
01:25:36,920 --> 01:25:41,160
UPDATE And we want to make sure
that anybody who's still interested
01:25:41,160 --> 01:25:45,480
in reviewing that that draft document
that we have out knows where to go.
01:25:45,720 --> 01:25:50,240
We've got a comment form on our Web page
that allows you to put in comments
01:25:50,240 --> 01:25:54,000
and advise us of any corrections or things
that you might be able to catch for us.
01:25:54,240 --> 01:25:57,680
And we look forward to hearing from
you guys regarding that particular plan.
01:25:58,440 --> 01:26:01,920
The next plan up
and you can advance the slide for me
01:26:02,280 --> 01:26:04,600
is our hazard mitigation plan update.
01:26:05,440 --> 01:26:08,120
This is a plan
that's updated every five years.
01:26:08,360 --> 01:26:12,000
And the purpose of this plan
is to inventory natural hazards, assess
01:26:12,000 --> 01:26:15,600
the risks that we face from the hazards
that we know exist in this county,
01:26:16,240 --> 01:26:20,480
and develop mitigation strategies
that will help us reduce those risks
01:26:20,480 --> 01:26:23,320
the next time that hazard
sort of rolls around on us.
01:26:23,680 --> 01:26:27,120
This is particularly valuable
when it comes to recurring type events
01:26:27,120 --> 01:26:31,560
of natural hazards such as earthquakes
wildfires, flooding that we
01:26:32,520 --> 01:26:34,400
are exposed to on a regular basis.
01:26:34,400 --> 01:26:37,800
And the tendency
is that you get done with one disaster
01:26:37,800 --> 01:26:40,240
and you kind of build things
back up in the same spot,
01:26:41,520 --> 01:26:43,280
and then it just happens again.
01:26:43,280 --> 01:26:47,240
And this the purpose of these plans
is to kind of let us take a step back
01:26:47,400 --> 01:26:49,360
while we're not in the middle
of a disaster.
01:26:49,360 --> 01:26:53,640
And think forward thinking about
what are the things we can do to avoid,
01:26:53,640 --> 01:26:57,640
minimize, reduce
loss of life, property damage
01:26:57,920 --> 01:27:01,440
or natural resource protection
moving forward.
01:27:01,720 --> 01:27:04,400
While we're not under the gun.
01:27:04,400 --> 01:27:06,240
Next slide, please.
01:27:08,160 --> 01:27:10,200
Why is the HBP important to us?
01:27:10,360 --> 01:27:11,400
Again, it helps prevent
01:27:11,400 --> 01:27:15,080
property damage and loss of life
associated with natural hazard events.
01:27:15,440 --> 01:27:19,040
It also demonstrates the counties
and participating jurisdictions commitment
01:27:19,040 --> 01:27:21,920
to reducing risk to the federal
and state government.
01:27:22,440 --> 01:27:25,240
This is a multijurisdictional plan
for the county,
01:27:25,520 --> 01:27:29,440
and it has over 20 planning partners,
including the city of Oxnard,
01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:33,840
all other nine incorporated cities
within the county and various
01:27:33,920 --> 01:27:37,600
special jurisdictions
like water and sanitation districts
01:27:37,800 --> 01:27:40,840
California State,
University of Channel Islands,
01:27:42,320 --> 01:27:42,840
the fire
01:27:42,840 --> 01:27:46,520
district for the county,
the Watershed Protection District.
01:27:46,800 --> 01:27:50,760
All of these groups come together
because we are all part of the same family
01:27:50,760 --> 01:27:54,880
that has to go and figure out, Hey, we've
got a road that washes out regularly.
01:27:55,000 --> 01:27:59,600
How do we address that or might rebuild
or planning department
01:27:59,600 --> 01:28:04,520
that might go and do strategizing
about how we might alter zoning codes
01:28:04,520 --> 01:28:08,920
to minimize damage to properties
moving forward or not build in areas.
01:28:10,280 --> 01:28:13,400
These plans serve as a guide
for our decision makers moving forward
01:28:13,440 --> 01:28:18,800
when they commit resources
to disaster rebuilds or to new projects.
01:28:19,160 --> 01:28:23,520
And the other benefit of having a plan
like this is that it helps us maintain
01:28:24,320 --> 01:28:26,960
eligibility for federal government
funding from
01:28:26,960 --> 01:28:29,040
the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
01:28:30,080 --> 01:28:30,680
Next slide
01:28:33,200 --> 01:28:34,200
Currently, the hazard
01:28:34,200 --> 01:28:37,680
mitigation plan is about midway
through its update process.
01:28:38,000 --> 01:28:41,480
To date, we have worked hard
with a steering committee
01:28:41,480 --> 01:28:46,400
that we formed from various stakeholders
throughout the county, and to evaluate
01:28:46,720 --> 01:28:51,120
what the old plan had
that we that we wanted to take forward,
01:28:51,360 --> 01:28:55,440
look at our current risk analysis
capabilities and do an assessment.
01:28:55,960 --> 01:28:59,880
We've involved the public
in a lot of our outreach and participation
01:28:59,880 --> 01:29:03,680
via the website at ready Ventura
County dot org.
01:29:04,080 --> 01:29:07,960
You can go there for information
about the process to date,
01:29:08,200 --> 01:29:09,360
how you can be involved
01:29:09,360 --> 01:29:13,240
moving forward in public meetings
that we have with the steering committee.
01:29:13,920 --> 01:29:17,120
You can watch the progress of our risk
01:29:17,120 --> 01:29:21,000
results come out on the story map
that we've put on the website.
01:29:21,160 --> 01:29:22,720
Just a couple of days ago.
01:29:22,720 --> 01:29:27,720
And you can also partake in our community
awareness survey that is geared towards
01:29:27,720 --> 01:29:31,960
helping us understand
your knowledge base about the hazards
01:29:31,960 --> 01:29:35,080
that you think you face,
the ones that we know exist out there
01:29:35,240 --> 01:29:39,720
and help us fill gaps
about what the community is looking for,
01:29:39,720 --> 01:29:45,080
what they might need as far as information
or alert and warning changes, insurance.
01:29:46,680 --> 01:29:47,800
And then take
01:29:47,800 --> 01:29:51,840
that as we move forward and develop
the county's strategy for this plan.
01:29:51,840 --> 01:29:52,760
01:29:53,480 --> 01:29:57,280
the next steps in our process
are coming up in the next week.
01:29:57,280 --> 01:30:00,840
All of our planning partners
will be getting together to do workshops
01:30:01,480 --> 01:30:06,480
with one another in order to kind of
figure out each jurisdiction's priorities.
01:30:06,720 --> 01:30:10,200
And we are looking forward to
then combining everybody's information
01:30:10,480 --> 01:30:13,640
into the draft plan,
hoping for a public comment
01:30:13,640 --> 01:30:17,640
period that will roll out to everyone
around February of 20, 22
01:30:17,880 --> 01:30:21,600
and then be reviewed
by our Board of Supervisors and submitted
01:30:21,600 --> 01:30:24,520
to Cal OAS and FEMA
for subsequent approval
01:30:24,840 --> 01:30:26,920
in late spring of 2022.
01:30:27,640 --> 01:30:28,880
Next slide
01:30:31,320 --> 01:30:33,000
This is to provide you with information
01:30:33,000 --> 01:30:36,640
on where you can go to follow
the rest of the progress of the update
01:30:36,960 --> 01:30:40,720
and participate
along with us and ready Ventura County.
01:30:40,720 --> 01:30:42,400
Dot org is our website
01:30:42,400 --> 01:30:46,320
for both the EOP update
and the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.
01:30:46,840 --> 01:30:49,120
You can again
follow the progress of the update.
01:30:49,280 --> 01:30:51,720
Take our online
Community Awareness Survey.
01:30:52,000 --> 01:30:55,640
You can view the new interactive story map
to learn about the hazards
01:30:55,640 --> 01:30:59,760
that are in your area and view the risk
analysis results.
01:31:00,320 --> 01:31:03,840
We've got wonderful maps on there
that can you can type in your address
01:31:03,840 --> 01:31:07,440
and kind of see different layers of
of hazards
01:31:07,760 --> 01:31:12,080
showing you whether or not you're in
an earthquake zone or in a high wildfire
01:31:12,080 --> 01:31:16,560
risk zone, whether or not landslides
may or may not be applicable to your area.
01:31:16,960 --> 01:31:20,680
And also learn a lot more
about what hazard mitigation is and isn't
01:31:21,040 --> 01:31:24,720
and see some good examples
of hazard mitigation in action.
01:31:26,040 --> 01:31:29,120
If you've got any questions
my contact information is at the bottom of
01:31:29,160 --> 01:31:29,800
this slide.
01:31:29,800 --> 01:31:33,360
You can also find our contact information
on the website itself.
01:31:33,800 --> 01:31:36,440
And if that's all I've got to say.
01:31:36,440 --> 01:31:38,880
So with that I'm going to hand it
back over to Patrick Maynard.
01:31:40,040 --> 01:31:40,760
Thanks, Bonnie.
01:31:40,760 --> 01:31:42,160
I appreciate that. Great overview.
01:31:42,160 --> 01:31:44,800
And I just want to share with the team
and really thank the team,
01:31:44,800 --> 01:31:47,400
the OAS team in particular, Bill Boyd,
Bonnie Luke.
01:31:47,840 --> 01:31:51,000
They do a ton of work
along with our city partners
01:31:51,000 --> 01:31:53,720
and our other county partners
to to update these plans.
01:31:53,720 --> 01:31:56,400
It's not an easy job.
It can be very boring at times.
01:31:56,400 --> 01:31:57,360
Believe it or not,
01:31:57,360 --> 01:32:00,960
and they work day in and day out to ensure
that we have the best of the best.
01:32:01,000 --> 01:32:03,440
So thank you for all of your work,
you guys.
01:32:03,440 --> 01:32:04,880
One thing I just want to remind people
01:32:04,880 --> 01:32:08,720
of our emergency operations
plan is still posted on our website.
01:32:08,920 --> 01:32:12,160
The draft version
to update in English and Spanish.
01:32:12,160 --> 01:32:15,960
So if you'd like to review that,
please do so and provide us any feedback
01:32:15,960 --> 01:32:18,960
you might have With that,
I just like to quickly go over to Scott
01:32:18,960 --> 01:32:20,120
Brewer one more time.
01:32:20,120 --> 01:32:23,920
Scott, I know you guys are working on some
planning updates in the city of Oxnard.
01:32:23,960 --> 01:32:25,880
Tell us about it. Sure.
01:32:26,880 --> 01:32:28,360
Next slide, please.
01:32:29,400 --> 01:32:31,880
So very much
like what Bonnie already went over.
01:32:32,520 --> 01:32:36,000
Each jurisdiction has its own
emergency operations plan.
01:32:36,400 --> 01:32:42,080
And at the city I talked about earlier
that this is kind of our foundation.
01:32:42,080 --> 01:32:45,680
This is what we go to
that leads us through the process
01:32:45,680 --> 01:32:50,160
of how we respond to
and recover from disasters.
01:32:50,400 --> 01:32:51,240
So very much like
01:32:51,240 --> 01:32:54,840
the county, we, too, are in the process
of updating our emergency plan.
01:32:55,200 --> 01:32:59,040
So very large document
with a lot of detailed information.
01:33:00,000 --> 01:33:03,240
But all right, it's
this time we've gone through
01:33:03,240 --> 01:33:04,560
that kind of with a fine tooth comb
01:33:04,560 --> 01:33:07,120
and some of the things we're updating
is the terminology.
01:33:07,120 --> 01:33:10,920
There's been a number of terminology
changes, including what
01:33:10,920 --> 01:33:16,280
Patrick covered as far as disasters
and evacuation orders and advisories.
01:33:16,440 --> 01:33:18,240
So we've updated our terminology.
01:33:18,240 --> 01:33:19,800
We're updating our formatting.
01:33:19,800 --> 01:33:23,600
When you have a plan, this big one of
the challenges is to make information
01:33:24,200 --> 01:33:27,080
in such a way that people can find it
easily within the plan.
01:33:27,840 --> 01:33:29,920
We've updated our checklists
and procedures
01:33:30,440 --> 01:33:33,360
to make sure that they're up to date
and are in line with
01:33:33,920 --> 01:33:38,400
all the disasters that we've identified
as potentially affecting our area as well
01:33:38,400 --> 01:33:42,840
as our our new procedures for our updated
emergency operations center.
01:33:43,440 --> 01:33:45,400
We also updated contact information.
01:33:45,400 --> 01:33:48,520
One of the things that's critical
is that we have up to date lists
01:33:48,520 --> 01:33:51,360
on how to contact our partners,
such as at the county,
01:33:51,720 --> 01:33:55,560
our neighboring jurisdictions, school
districts, local hospitals.
01:33:55,560 --> 01:33:59,360
So making sure that that information,
which changes quite frequently is up
01:33:59,400 --> 01:34:04,680
to date, is an ongoing part of the process
of keeping the emergency teams updated.
01:34:05,680 --> 01:34:07,200
We also have to make sure
01:34:07,200 --> 01:34:11,200
that it's consistent with the state
and counties plan, that we're all working
01:34:11,200 --> 01:34:15,240
essentially off the same playbook
that we're using the same terminology.
01:34:15,240 --> 01:34:17,080
And and that's always a concern.
01:34:17,080 --> 01:34:20,120
The state actually provides
something called a crosswalk that we use
01:34:20,840 --> 01:34:22,880
very diligently as we update the process
01:34:23,320 --> 01:34:26,640
to make sure that we are indeed
covering all those points.
01:34:27,120 --> 01:34:30,240
So for us, the review process is public
comments are now
01:34:30,240 --> 01:34:34,560
and hopefully you captured that QR code
that was earlier in the presentation.
01:34:34,560 --> 01:34:37,760
If not, I know this presentation is
is being recorded
01:34:37,760 --> 01:34:41,240
and is also the slides will be on the
the county website.
01:34:42,000 --> 01:34:44,240
We'll send that plan to our department
01:34:44,280 --> 01:34:47,240
heads later this month,
probably later next week.
01:34:47,520 --> 01:34:50,480
We'll ask those department
heads to take a good look at the plan
01:34:50,480 --> 01:34:51,920
and how it affects their department.
01:34:51,920 --> 01:34:55,800
What's the expectations of each department
to make sure those are realistic
01:34:55,800 --> 01:34:57,840
and that everybody's in agreement.
01:34:57,840 --> 01:35:02,280
We'll send that to our Public Safety
Committee in November of this year.
01:35:02,520 --> 01:35:04,200
The Public Safety Committee
will review it.
01:35:04,200 --> 01:35:08,680
And then if they agree that our update
is consistent and is complete
01:35:09,040 --> 01:35:12,440
or will move along, the city council
for final
01:35:12,480 --> 01:35:15,600
approval in early 2022.
01:35:15,960 --> 01:35:19,440
very big effort to keep this plan updated.
01:35:19,440 --> 01:35:22,480
And there's been a significant number
of changes since the last update.
01:35:23,280 --> 01:35:23,840
Next, please,
01:35:28,560 --> 01:35:31,600
Bonnie covered this really very well.
01:35:31,920 --> 01:35:34,760
But the the hazard mitigation plan
01:35:34,800 --> 01:35:39,680
or the Ventura County has remediation
plan really is a plan that affects
01:35:39,720 --> 01:35:43,600
all of the local jurisdictions,
the cities, the special districts.
01:35:44,320 --> 01:35:47,680
The county has the responsibility
for the overarching plan,
01:35:48,080 --> 01:35:53,280
and then each one of those jurisdictions
will then provide their own annex,
01:35:53,520 --> 01:35:57,120
their own portion of that plan,
that specific to their jurisdiction.
01:35:57,720 --> 01:36:00,640
This includes our hazard assessment,
making sure, again,
01:36:00,640 --> 01:36:04,280
that we all agree on the type of problems
that can occur in our community.
01:36:04,720 --> 01:36:08,240
Things like resource inventories,
what type of resources
01:36:08,240 --> 01:36:09,720
do we have to bring to bear?
01:36:09,720 --> 01:36:12,880
Should one of those hazards
or those disasters occur?
01:36:13,840 --> 01:36:15,960
Looks at risk reduction
01:36:15,960 --> 01:36:19,000
and risk reduction strategies.
01:36:20,080 --> 01:36:22,760
I think Bonnie really pointed it out
well when she said, you know,
01:36:22,760 --> 01:36:25,000
we don't want this back where it was.
01:36:25,000 --> 01:36:26,440
We want to make sure that we put it back
01:36:26,440 --> 01:36:29,720
in a way that with with good intentions
that it doesn't occur again.
01:36:30,320 --> 01:36:32,520
We want to help prevent property
damage, the loss of life.
01:36:32,520 --> 01:36:35,760
We want to assist our decision makers
as they make the critical decisions
01:36:36,080 --> 01:36:38,840
that they have to make
with the best information possible.
01:36:39,120 --> 01:36:42,560
And we want to ensure that we remain
as a jurisdiction eligible
01:36:42,800 --> 01:36:46,120
for Freema grants
and the type of reimbursement
01:36:46,120 --> 01:36:48,480
that's available
following natural disasters.
01:36:48,960 --> 01:36:50,800
Our review process is consistent
01:36:50,800 --> 01:36:53,280
with the county since we're doing this
planning process together,
01:36:53,880 --> 01:36:57,520
as Bonnie pointed out, there's a big,
big effort going on next week.
01:36:57,520 --> 01:37:01,200
And then the plan will move on to
to our city council
01:37:01,680 --> 01:37:04,920
for final approval
for our portion of that sometime
01:37:05,040 --> 01:37:07,960
probably in the late
first quarter of 2022.
01:37:08,760 --> 01:37:12,120
So that's that's
our efforts are very much aligned,
01:37:12,120 --> 01:37:16,160
and this is a great opportunity
to get feedback both on the county plans
01:37:16,200 --> 01:37:19,320
as well as our own individual city
city plans.
01:37:19,480 --> 01:37:21,680
That's it. Back to you, Patrick.
01:37:21,680 --> 01:37:23,400
Thanks, Scott, for that.
01:37:23,400 --> 01:37:25,680
I just want to close
by thanking everyone tonight.
01:37:25,680 --> 01:37:28,200
It obviously takes a lot of work
to prepare one of these.
01:37:28,320 --> 01:37:30,840
We had originally hoped to do this
live and in person
01:37:30,840 --> 01:37:32,880
and unfortunately saw
a little uptick in COVID,
01:37:32,880 --> 01:37:35,800
which puts us pushed us back
into this virtual environment.
01:37:36,120 --> 01:37:38,320
But I really want to thank everyone
for participating.
01:37:38,320 --> 01:37:40,640
Thank the city of Oxnard
for their partnership.
01:37:40,920 --> 01:37:43,080
Think our interpreters
that have been with us
01:37:43,080 --> 01:37:45,760
not just tonight, but yesterday
and will be with us next week.
01:37:46,000 --> 01:37:49,000
And most importantly,
thank all of you for joining us
01:37:49,520 --> 01:37:51,360
for this presentation tonight.
01:37:51,360 --> 01:37:53,280
I want to close by saying this.
01:37:53,280 --> 01:37:57,360
It's every individual's responsibility
to plan and prepare.
01:37:57,880 --> 01:37:59,600
We hope to be there to help you.
01:37:59,600 --> 01:38:02,120
But there's a lot more of you
than there is us.
01:38:02,400 --> 01:38:04,560
And resources can be challenging at times.
01:38:04,560 --> 01:38:07,280
And we need your help preparing.
01:38:07,280 --> 01:38:10,360
Get out in the community,
make friends with your neighbors, ensure
01:38:10,360 --> 01:38:13,400
that you talk with your family and friends
about how you can all work together
01:38:13,440 --> 01:38:15,120
in the time of need,
whether it's providing
01:38:15,120 --> 01:38:17,800
transportation, food,
whatever the case may be.
01:38:17,840 --> 01:38:21,200
Work together and plan
and prepare in advance
01:38:21,240 --> 01:38:24,680
to help us respond
to that inevitable disaster.
01:38:24,960 --> 01:38:26,760
With that, please get a kit.
01:38:26,760 --> 01:38:27,440
Have a plan.
01:38:27,440 --> 01:38:29,920
Stay informed, stay involved.
And thanks for joining us.
01:38:30,240 --> 01:38:33,680
A copy of this presentation
will be available at Ready Ventura
01:38:33,680 --> 01:38:36,000
County Morgue
and any closing comments from you, Scott?
01:38:40,520 --> 01:38:41,680
01:38:41,800 --> 01:38:43,840
I just want to say, you know, planning
01:38:44,160 --> 01:38:46,680
without community
input isn't really planning.
01:38:47,040 --> 01:38:49,880
It's so critical that that we have
01:38:50,760 --> 01:38:54,440
the public involved in this process
at every level.
01:38:54,440 --> 01:38:58,720
And we're very thankful for
the opportunity to present in this way.
01:38:58,720 --> 01:39:03,640
Again, COVID presented all of us
with some very major challenges.
01:39:03,680 --> 01:39:05,080
I would certainly miss the face
01:39:05,080 --> 01:39:08,280
to face interface with the public
and all of our partners.
01:39:09,000 --> 01:39:12,440
I would be remiss if I didn't
throw this one more time back to
01:39:13,160 --> 01:39:16,720
Chief Hamilton and Chief Benitez, if
they had any closing comments thereafter.
01:39:16,720 --> 01:39:20,360
All the guys who have the resources
01:39:20,360 --> 01:39:23,480
and do this on a day to day basis,
so do either of our chiefs.
01:39:23,480 --> 01:39:26,840
Do you have any closing comments,
01:39:26,840 --> 01:39:29,040
I mean, is there a chief that you have?
01:39:29,040 --> 01:39:30,720
Nothing. Okay.
01:39:30,800 --> 01:39:32,440
Yeah. Okay.
01:39:32,440 --> 01:39:34,840
All I was going to say is just thank you.
01:39:35,880 --> 01:39:36,240
Thank you
01:39:36,240 --> 01:39:39,640
to Patrick and all the folks in your shop
01:39:40,360 --> 01:39:43,520
and the county for hosting us tonight.
01:39:43,520 --> 01:39:47,200
This has been a really great presentation
Thank you so much.
01:39:48,760 --> 01:39:50,720
Great. Patrick, thank you.
01:39:50,720 --> 01:39:52,760
And we're out when you are.
01:39:53,720 --> 01:39:54,480
Thanks, everybody.
01:39:54,480 --> 01:39:56,040
Have a great night.
And stay safe out there.
01:39:56,040 --> 01:39:56,880
Take care
01:40:02,760 --> 01:40:03,960
Bill, you got that one.
01:40:03,960 --> 01:40:05,160
Bonnie Lucas typing is.
00:00:07,080 --> 00:00:09,720
OK. Just testing my audio.
00:00:09,720 --> 00:00:13,120
This is Carmen Eccles, by the way.
00:00:18,760 --> 00:00:19,320
Hi, Carmen.
00:00:19,320 --> 00:00:21,640
This is Bonnie over at Ventura. Usher.
00:00:21,640 --> 00:00:23,720
Hi, Bonnie. You can hear me OK?
00:00:23,720 --> 00:00:25,840
Yeah. You're coming through
loud and clear.
00:00:25,840 --> 00:00:27,360
OK, thank you.
00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:14,680
Excuse me.
00:02:52,120 --> 00:02:53,760
Well, this
00:02:54,920 --> 00:02:56,280
00:02:56,320 --> 00:02:57,520
Good evening.
00:02:57,560 --> 00:02:59,240
Good evening. How are you?
00:02:59,240 --> 00:03:01,520
Very well,
thank you. How are you doing tonight?
00:03:01,520 --> 00:03:03,560
I'm doing great.
00:03:06,280 --> 00:03:09,720
You have a good voice for this activity.
00:03:10,920 --> 00:03:11,960
Thank you.
00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:44,840
It's Lourdes.
00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:47,640
Would you like to do any sound checks
00:03:47,640 --> 00:03:49,200
Certainly. OK.
00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:51,880
And you want me to do the
the announcement, right?
00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:54,960
With the phone number of the.
00:03:54,960 --> 00:03:55,640
Patrick or.
00:03:55,640 --> 00:03:56,920
00:03:57,520 --> 00:03:59,560
A lot of That would be great.
00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:01,960
With a six, five, four or 513, six.
00:04:02,320 --> 00:04:03,440
Or four.
00:04:03,440 --> 00:04:05,440
Community symbols.
00:04:05,960 --> 00:04:07,680
OK, let me get to my bridge line.
00:04:07,680 --> 00:04:09,840
So we could also do mystical.
00:04:09,840 --> 00:04:10,040
00:04:10,040 --> 00:04:13,000
Let's let us know when you have that all
set up, and we'll do some sound checks.
00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:16,680
00:04:31,560 --> 00:04:32,960
In a conflict
00:04:46,040 --> 00:04:55,680
that is Hi.
00:04:55,680 --> 00:04:57,800
All right.
00:04:57,800 --> 00:04:58,880
Good evening.
00:04:59,880 --> 00:05:00,960
Are you.
00:05:02,920 --> 00:05:04,240
The staff?
00:05:04,240 --> 00:05:05,560
Good. Good.
00:05:05,560 --> 00:05:10,040
OK. This audit that they've set back on
these people
00:05:11,320 --> 00:05:13,600
know we could do this for.
00:05:15,320 --> 00:05:16,080
This is perfect.
00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:19,680
And then seek a second one on the cheaper
00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:20,400
00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:28,040
00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:31,400
because we have a circuit assembly
00:05:38,160 --> 00:05:38,760
in this.
00:05:39,040 --> 00:05:40,440
Like, that was
00:05:41,920 --> 00:05:43,160
we're ready
00:05:44,600 --> 00:05:45,760
we're ready in Spanish
00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:48,000
and we're ready in mystical.
00:05:48,840 --> 00:05:49,880
Can you hear me, Lotus?
00:05:49,880 --> 00:05:51,840
Yes. OK, let's just do.
00:05:51,840 --> 00:05:54,600
So first,
just go ahead and ask you to speak OK.
00:05:55,560 --> 00:05:56,520
Or no.
00:05:57,400 --> 00:06:01,120
Call me in support
for what I've learned be when I start.
00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:05,120
This is the most eloquent preparation
00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:07,680
I made a sincere
00:06:09,480 --> 00:06:10,360
almost have.
00:06:10,360 --> 00:06:11,760
Let us together. Bless you.
00:06:11,760 --> 00:06:14,280
They got Mary Jo.
00:06:14,280 --> 00:06:17,120
Yes. Democracy
in the unapproachable there.
00:06:17,120 --> 00:06:18,120
So though.
00:06:19,320 --> 00:06:21,480
And not hearing anything from her lawyer
00:06:22,120 --> 00:06:23,200
Or no.
00:06:24,280 --> 00:06:25,760
Says she has her muted.
00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:27,720
Maybe she needs to hit a mute.
00:06:27,720 --> 00:06:30,040
Oh, no. No.
00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:33,240
Oh, no.
00:06:33,680 --> 00:06:34,200
Here we go.
00:06:34,200 --> 00:06:35,880
We got the sentence but up.
00:06:35,880 --> 00:06:37,320
Interpret that in this interpreter.
00:06:37,320 --> 00:06:40,520
Look, a year ago when I started
this system, also keep analysis
00:06:40,720 --> 00:06:43,000
on the preparation
00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:43,600
00:06:43,760 --> 00:06:45,760
OK, excellent mixtures. Good.
00:06:45,760 --> 00:06:48,520
Give me just a minute
and I'll get Spanish set up. Mr.
00:06:48,520 --> 00:06:49,760
Costa, move in.
00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:53,240
She gave me a solicitor
00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:03,920
so. No.
00:07:04,320 --> 00:07:40,120
I would us
00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:42,920
go ahead and just
00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:03,920
00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:04,520
Oh, here we go.
00:08:04,520 --> 00:08:05,400
00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:12,600
One more time, please, ladies and
00:08:13,960 --> 00:08:14,520
00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:15,720
Thank you.
00:08:16,920 --> 00:08:17,840
All right, I'll bring you back.
00:08:17,840 --> 00:08:19,720
Into the English Channel in just a minute.
00:08:19,720 --> 00:08:21,120
Please stand by
00:09:30,920 --> 00:09:31,920
and let.
00:09:31,920 --> 00:09:34,120
She should be back in the English Channel.
Just confirm.
00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:36,320
Yes, I am in the channel.
00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:39,040
All right, you're all set.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
00:09:44,680 --> 00:09:47,480
Lourdes, maybe we need to do this
more often.
00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:49,880
Yes. We got this down to a science.
00:09:51,760 --> 00:09:52,760
You're the. Pro.
00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:55,120
You're the pro now. Brendan's a pro.
00:09:55,680 --> 00:09:56,960
We just sit back and smile.
00:09:56,960 --> 00:09:59,400
He makes it all happen, but.
00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:03,880
You should see what out
in the private world
00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:06,560
tortures we go through with.
00:10:06,560 --> 00:10:07,080
00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:09,280
I'm sure.
00:10:10,960 --> 00:10:11,480
00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:12,440
How are you?
00:10:14,680 --> 00:10:15,680
Hey, Patrick.
00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:18,080
Hi, everyone. Doing well.
00:10:18,080 --> 00:10:20,520
I'm just trying to test my video here.
00:10:21,720 --> 00:10:23,400
OK? Looks like it's working fine.
00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:24,240
Thanks for the time.
00:10:24,240 --> 00:10:26,120
We appreciate it. Well, thank you.
00:10:26,120 --> 00:10:28,600
Thanks for all the time and time
and effort you're putting into this.
00:10:28,760 --> 00:10:30,120
We appreciate it.
00:10:30,120 --> 00:10:31,120
No worries.
00:11:16,480 --> 00:11:16,960
He actually.
00:11:16,960 --> 00:11:21,200
Did you have any issues to give you
your ear buds on getting logged in?
00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:23,960
Looks like the Active Directory is down.
00:11:23,960 --> 00:11:26,720
So it's not easily
letting people get on the Internet.
00:11:27,840 --> 00:11:28,520
Yeah, I think
00:11:28,520 --> 00:11:31,560
you know why I'm on it
because I'm using a hotspot.
00:11:31,560 --> 00:11:35,160
So I just gave it my extra hotspot.
00:11:36,160 --> 00:11:37,800
So hopefully that helps.
00:11:37,800 --> 00:11:39,880
But I was able to log right in.
00:11:39,880 --> 00:11:40,240
00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:42,240
There's a way
you can manually go to an address
00:11:42,240 --> 00:11:43,760
and type in like your network credentials
00:11:43,760 --> 00:11:47,040
and get it to work,
but it's definitely not routine, so.
00:11:48,520 --> 00:11:51,520
Thanks for the heads up. Yep.
00:11:58,520 --> 00:12:00,080
Kelly, did you do some arm stretches?
00:12:00,080 --> 00:12:02,040
You are ready to rock and roll.
00:12:03,600 --> 00:12:04,880
All ready.
00:12:08,240 --> 00:12:09,840
I still feel bad for that one meeting.
00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:11,880
The first one that we did
that was almost 2 hours.
00:12:11,880 --> 00:12:14,480
You were probably tired after that.
00:12:14,840 --> 00:12:17,760
Tired? Yes. But not that it's OK.
00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:19,360
We appreciate your help. Thank you.
00:12:19,360 --> 00:12:20,560
Thank you.
00:12:21,960 --> 00:12:23,320
We love you. Well, you're the best
00:12:30,760 --> 00:12:32,920
you to lower this
00:12:35,040 --> 00:12:36,520
he is the best.
00:12:36,520 --> 00:12:39,080
Oh, thank you.
00:12:39,080 --> 00:12:41,120
Patrick doesn't think about my voice.
00:12:41,120 --> 00:12:43,640
I had laryngitis the next morning.
00:12:47,160 --> 00:12:49,080
We appreciate your voice so much.
00:12:49,080 --> 00:12:51,480
Thank you. So hard.
00:12:51,480 --> 00:12:55,320
Even yesterday, I was trying to talk
really slowly, and I was thinking of you.
00:12:55,440 --> 00:12:56,040
It was.
00:12:56,040 --> 00:12:56,640
You know what?
00:12:56,640 --> 00:12:59,360
It was really nice,
and you sounded really good.
00:12:59,880 --> 00:13:01,120
Thank you.
00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:02,440
00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:04,280
Lord s I didn't mean to leave you out.
00:13:04,280 --> 00:13:06,000
We feel bad for you, too.
00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:08,200
Now, you don't
00:13:09,120 --> 00:13:10,960
I'm the last of the peons.
00:13:10,960 --> 00:13:12,920
I already know that
00:13:23,920 --> 00:13:24,480
chief shay.
00:13:24,480 --> 00:13:26,760
Glad you got logged in
any of the same internet issues
00:13:26,760 --> 00:13:29,240
some of us have had,
so it looks like you're good to go now.
00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:31,200
Thank you for that. Appreciate it. But you
00:14:01,640 --> 00:14:04,920
is there is there a new speaker
in this meeting tonight?
00:14:04,920 --> 00:14:07,640
So when we haven't had before.
00:14:08,520 --> 00:14:10,320
Yes, there's a couple.
00:14:10,320 --> 00:14:12,800
So tonight's
meeting is the joint one with City Camry.
00:14:12,920 --> 00:14:16,720
So Carmen Nicholls from City
Cambria will be presenting
00:14:17,520 --> 00:14:21,240
and then shy of that,
it should be pretty much the action.
00:14:21,240 --> 00:14:23,360
I'm sorry. And Dave as well.
Dave just popped in.
00:14:23,360 --> 00:14:24,800
So you reminded me you, Dave.
00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:26,880
Checking in everything, sounding
OK, looking all right.
00:14:27,560 --> 00:14:29,480
Sounds good. Looks good. Thank you, sir.
00:14:29,480 --> 00:14:33,800
I could use a little bit more hair, but
other than that, that's the normal I feel.
00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:35,000
You're my friend.
00:14:35,160 --> 00:14:38,240
My forehead
is getting larger and larger. Oh.
00:14:39,680 --> 00:14:41,000
Yeah. So a couple.
00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:44,440
But for the most part,
the rest of the cast is the same. OK.
00:14:46,640 --> 00:14:47,400
They sure
00:14:52,440 --> 00:14:52,880
the new
00:14:52,880 --> 00:14:56,960
speakers should know that we're having
a relay interpreting into mistakes,
00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,960
so that just takes a little anger
from my voice to her
00:14:59,960 --> 00:15:00,720
00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:05,760
Got it.
00:15:05,760 --> 00:15:08,560
Can you hear me OK? Yes. Sure can.
00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:10,320
OK, perfect.
00:15:16,560 --> 00:15:18,560
Can you hear me ok?
00:15:19,240 --> 00:15:20,280
You're good, sir.
00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:23,440
OK, I'm on my phone's
00:15:23,440 --> 00:15:25,560
hotspot, so I might have problems.
00:15:26,400 --> 00:15:29,280
Do you have internet issues as well?
00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:31,880
Well, I'm just using my my phone yeah.
00:15:32,040 --> 00:15:33,880
I'm traveling right now.
00:15:33,880 --> 00:15:38,280
Ah, fingers crossed that it holds strong.
00:15:41,320 --> 00:15:42,960
Commander Tennyson has joined us.
00:15:42,960 --> 00:15:44,400
And you here, sir.
00:15:44,400 --> 00:15:46,760
I can hear you just fine.
00:15:46,800 --> 00:15:48,480
00:15:59,120 --> 00:15:59,400
Looks like
00:15:59,400 --> 00:16:02,480
the only person we're waiting for at
this point is going to be Mike Pettit.
00:16:02,480 --> 00:16:04,800
So I'll just let everyone know
a couple quick things.
00:16:04,920 --> 00:16:06,960
Since we do have some new focus on.
00:16:06,960 --> 00:16:08,760
First and foremost,
thanks for everyone's time.
00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:10,240
We really appreciate it.
00:16:10,240 --> 00:16:12,280
Appreciate the city.
Cambria partnering with us.
00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:13,920
Guys have been great to work with.
00:16:13,920 --> 00:16:15,000
Just leading up to this.
00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:17,160
Thanks for everything along the way.
00:16:17,760 --> 00:16:20,880
Tonight's presentation, we hope for it
to last right around an hour
00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:25,080
as long as we don't run into any,
you know, crazy questions we got to answer
00:16:25,080 --> 00:16:28,640
anything out of the ordinary
in terms of technical issues
00:16:29,760 --> 00:16:32,760
we are interpreting into a few different
00:16:32,760 --> 00:16:36,080
So, Lord, this is gutter
video turned off right now
00:16:36,680 --> 00:16:38,760
will be translating into Spanish.
00:16:38,760 --> 00:16:42,920
And then she's also speaking into a line
and there's a Mixteco interpreter
00:16:44,040 --> 00:16:46,600
that will be interpreting into Mixteco.
00:16:46,600 --> 00:16:51,720
And we also have Kelly who will be doing
our ASL interpretation as well.
00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:56,280
So all that being said, when you speak,
if you can just try to speak
00:16:56,280 --> 00:17:00,200
a little slower than you would normally,
just to allow them plenty of time
00:17:00,240 --> 00:17:04,160
to do their thing
00:17:14,400 --> 00:17:16,040
one other thing, too,
00:17:16,040 --> 00:17:19,480
if you are not actively speaking,
once we get started and go
00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:23,040
into the public room right now, we're
all in a kind of behind the scenes room.
00:17:23,280 --> 00:17:26,200
If you're not actively speaking, please
turn off your camera.
00:17:26,200 --> 00:17:29,600
Once we get going that way,
the only person that appears on the screen
00:17:29,600 --> 00:17:33,080
are the active speakers, which should be
Kelly as the ASL interpreter.
00:17:33,080 --> 00:17:35,680
And whoever the active speaker is,
if you leave your camera
00:17:35,680 --> 00:17:40,200
on, it will remain visible on the screen
for everyone else to see a nod off.
00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:40,960
And we don't want that.
00:17:40,960 --> 00:17:43,680
So with that,
I think that's all the do's and don'ts.
00:17:43,680 --> 00:17:46,440
In just a few minutes,
we'll jump into the public room.
00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:48,480
But for now,
you're welcome to talk. And there's.
00:17:49,320 --> 00:17:49,760
00:17:51,360 --> 00:17:53,480
We'll jump into the public room
in just a few minutes.
00:17:54,360 --> 00:17:55,800
Thanks. Patrick.
00:17:55,800 --> 00:17:56,960
We do a sound test here.
00:17:56,960 --> 00:17:59,480
I'm I'm calling in from my cell phone.
00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:01,680
Yes, sir. You are good.
00:18:01,680 --> 00:18:04,480
How's the video? It's good. It's
it's good.
00:18:04,880 --> 00:18:05,400
I'm not sure.
00:18:05,400 --> 00:18:09,240
I think they kept a portal
is something's down right now with 80.
00:18:09,720 --> 00:18:10,000
00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:12,560
It looks like they may be doing
some firewall work or something, so.
00:18:13,160 --> 00:18:13,560
Got it.
00:18:13,560 --> 00:18:14,000
00:19:40,080 --> 00:19:40,520
All right,
00:19:40,520 --> 00:19:42,680
we're going to jump into the main room
00:19:42,960 --> 00:19:46,160
a couple of minutes early, but it looks
like everyone is here to get started.
00:19:46,160 --> 00:19:48,280
So if you want, feel free
to turn off your cameras now
00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:52,000
and we'll go ahead
and allow the public in.
00:19:52,680 --> 00:19:53,560
Thank you.
00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:10,480
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:22:10,480 --> 00:22:13,920
Thanks for joining us for tonight's
Emergency Preparedness Workshop.
00:22:14,320 --> 00:22:17,040
We'll be getting started in
just about 2 minutes.
00:22:17,120 --> 00:22:17,560
00:23:24,160 --> 00:23:26,800
Well, good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
and thank you for joining us
00:23:26,800 --> 00:23:29,880
for this important emergency
preparedness workshop
00:23:29,920 --> 00:23:32,640
featuring our partners
over at the city of Camarillo.
00:23:33,240 --> 00:23:36,760
We really appreciate you taking time
out of your evening to hear a little bit
00:23:36,760 --> 00:23:40,440
about what we're doing here in Ventura
County to you get prepared with that.
00:23:40,440 --> 00:23:44,960
I would like to start this meeting off
with a quick announcement from Lourdes
00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:46,080
Kimball, our interpreter,
00:23:46,080 --> 00:23:49,160
about our interpretation services
that are available tonight.
00:23:49,160 --> 00:23:51,240
Lourdes. Good afternoon.
00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:56,480
This meeting will be interpreted
simultaneously in English, Spanish,
00:23:56,800 --> 00:23:59,360
mystical, and American Sign Language.
00:24:00,360 --> 00:24:04,680
When a service this is the hunters
interpret that are simultaneous in end
00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:08,520
English Espanol, mystical healing,
00:24:08,560 --> 00:24:11,520
since North America. No.
00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:13,960
Please select your preferred language
00:24:13,960 --> 00:24:17,640
even if you are bilingual
so you do not miss anything.
00:24:18,120 --> 00:24:22,000
To do this
go to the bottom of your screen and select
00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:28,160
the icon that looks like a globe
and select English, Spanish, or mystical
00:24:29,360 --> 00:24:32,840
waterfall selections with your map
periphery to include.
00:24:32,840 --> 00:24:35,760
So she is willingly
but not happier than other.
00:24:36,320 --> 00:24:39,440
But our series Stop by the Party
for the Euro.
00:24:39,440 --> 00:24:43,640
The Super Thursday is election
l econo informa
00:24:43,640 --> 00:24:47,760
Belmondo is election
English Espanol or mystical
00:24:48,760 --> 00:24:51,320
c the same formation equal accurate radium
00:24:51,840 --> 00:24:55,680
dermal auto zero cinco say cinco, cuatro,
00:24:56,040 --> 00:24:58,200
cinco or not Tracy's
00:24:58,720 --> 00:25:02,040
if you would like information
in any other language,
00:25:02,400 --> 00:25:11,120
please call 8056545136
and the county Aventura will help you.
00:25:11,520 --> 00:25:12,600
Thank you.
00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:15,240
Thank you, Lourdes, for that.
00:25:15,240 --> 00:25:18,440
Will give our interpreters
a moment to get in their respective audio
00:25:18,480 --> 00:25:19,440
00:25:32,240 --> 00:25:32,720
All right.
00:25:32,720 --> 00:25:35,280
Looks like I got the thumbs up
from our technical team,
00:25:35,280 --> 00:25:36,520
so we'll go ahead and get started.
00:25:36,520 --> 00:25:38,400
Again, thank you for joining us tonight.
00:25:38,400 --> 00:25:39,600
My name is Patrick Maynard.
00:25:39,600 --> 00:25:43,800
I'm the director for the Ventura County
Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services.
00:25:44,040 --> 00:25:47,120
I like to kick things off tonight
with some opening remarks
00:25:47,640 --> 00:25:51,840
from Camarillo,
Assistant City Manager Carmen Nichols.
00:25:51,840 --> 00:25:52,200
00:25:54,560 --> 00:25:55,760
Hi there, and good evening.
00:25:55,760 --> 00:25:56,760
I'm Carmen Nichols.
00:25:56,760 --> 00:25:59,520
I'm the assistant city manager
for the city of Camarillo.
00:25:59,880 --> 00:26:03,480
I'm joining you on behalf of city manager
Greg Ramirez and
00:26:03,760 --> 00:26:07,280
I just wanted to open it up by saying
that we value emergency preparedness
00:26:07,320 --> 00:26:09,080
here in the city of Camarillo.
00:26:09,080 --> 00:26:12,040
And we are pleased to host the Joint
00:26:12,040 --> 00:26:14,520
Preparedness Workshop
with the County of Ventura.
00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:18,600
We work very closely with the Ventura
County Sheriff's Office and Ventura
00:26:18,600 --> 00:26:19,160
County Fire
00:26:19,160 --> 00:26:23,200
Department to ensure that our community
is not only prepared to handle emergencies
00:26:23,560 --> 00:26:26,880
but that the response to emergencies
is efficient and effective.
00:26:27,120 --> 00:26:30,640
So thank you again, County D.A.,
for this opportunity to participate.
00:26:33,080 --> 00:26:34,280
Thanks, Carmen, for that.
00:26:34,280 --> 00:26:36,280
And next,
I'd like to hand it over to Ventura
00:26:36,280 --> 00:26:38,560
County Sheriff
Bill eight for some welcoming remarks.
00:26:39,160 --> 00:26:40,040
Sheriff. Thank you. Bill.
00:26:40,040 --> 00:26:41,840
Thank you,
Patrick, and welcome to the forum
00:26:42,880 --> 00:26:43,560
thank you for taking the
00:26:43,560 --> 00:26:45,800
time to participate
in this important process.
00:26:46,640 --> 00:26:49,720
We have a talented and dedicated team
of emergency management
00:26:49,720 --> 00:26:51,960
professionals at the sheriff's office
00:26:51,960 --> 00:26:55,480
that work collaboratively
with stakeholders in all sectors
00:26:56,280 --> 00:26:59,440
to keep our edge in being well
prepared to respond to virtually any type
00:26:59,440 --> 00:27:01,280
of emergency in our community.
00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:04,200
We need to be continually reviewing
our practices, equipment,
00:27:04,680 --> 00:27:06,840
capabilities and relationships.
00:27:06,840 --> 00:27:10,040
It's not just enough
to simply create a preparedness plan
00:27:10,440 --> 00:27:13,000
and put it on the shelf until we need it.
00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:16,320
Continuous updating of that plan
is necessary to maximize our community's
00:27:16,320 --> 00:27:20,080
resilience and ensure the best outcomes
when disaster strikes
00:27:21,360 --> 00:27:21,840
the community.
00:27:21,840 --> 00:27:25,400
Feedback on our emergency
preparedness plan is absolutely critical
00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:28,680
to crafting a strong
and well-reasoned approach to our plans.
00:27:28,680 --> 00:27:29,800
00:27:29,880 --> 00:27:33,120
We need your help in doing that,
and I'm thankful you've taken
00:27:33,120 --> 00:27:35,600
the time to get involved
in ensuring our community safety.
00:27:36,320 --> 00:27:37,560
So thanks very much for being here.
00:27:40,080 --> 00:27:40,360
00:27:40,360 --> 00:27:40,920
Sure for that.
00:27:40,920 --> 00:27:43,760
And next, I go to Ventura County
00:27:43,920 --> 00:27:47,640
Assistant Executive Officer Mike Pettit
with some welcoming remarks as well.
00:27:47,640 --> 00:27:49,880
Thanks thank you, Patrick.
00:27:49,880 --> 00:27:55,200
And thank you, Sheriff,
you and Carmen from the city of Camarillo.
00:27:55,560 --> 00:27:58,840
We just want to thank all of our partners
in this presentation tonight.
00:27:58,840 --> 00:27:59,760
And the tremendous work
00:27:59,760 --> 00:28:03,440
of our sheriff's office of Emergency
Services, our county executive office,
00:28:03,840 --> 00:28:08,160
and on behalf of our Board of Supervisors
and our CEO, Mike Towers.
00:28:08,200 --> 00:28:09,960
Want to thank you the community
00:28:09,960 --> 00:28:13,520
for participating
in this important opportunity tonight.
00:28:13,800 --> 00:28:15,480
We thank you for your resilience.
00:28:15,480 --> 00:28:19,800
We've certainly had our share of
of disasters over the last number of years
00:28:19,800 --> 00:28:23,280
with the Thomas and Woolsey fire
and then the tragic
00:28:23,440 --> 00:28:24,960
00:28:27,680 --> 00:28:29,480
event and then the pandemic.
00:28:29,480 --> 00:28:32,680
Most recently,
we've learned a lot through these
00:28:33,640 --> 00:28:37,080
disasters and we've grown closer together
as a community.
00:28:37,120 --> 00:28:39,120
We've built on the lessons
00:28:39,120 --> 00:28:41,840
that we've learned
and we've established new relationships.
00:28:42,360 --> 00:28:46,120
And this effort tonight
is all about continue the improvement.
00:28:46,120 --> 00:28:48,520
We thank you for your resilience
in the community,
00:28:48,960 --> 00:28:52,000
and we thank you for your participation
to help us strengthen
00:28:52,320 --> 00:28:55,760
our preparation for disasters
that may come in the future,
00:28:55,920 --> 00:28:59,040
but also to shorten the amount of time
it takes for us to recover.
00:28:59,040 --> 00:29:02,920
And so we're just so grateful
for the feedback that you have tonight
00:29:03,200 --> 00:29:04,960
and the feedback that we've received
00:29:04,960 --> 00:29:07,480
throughout the years
as we've gone through these disasters.
00:29:07,480 --> 00:29:10,240
We've learned a lot,
we've made new connections,
00:29:10,520 --> 00:29:13,920
and we're focusing
on this community engagement
00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:17,280
because we're strong
as we work together in community.
00:29:17,520 --> 00:29:20,600
We've got more relationships
and communication channels
00:29:20,600 --> 00:29:24,840
than we've ever had before,
and we've got two way communication
00:29:26,040 --> 00:29:27,280
00:29:27,280 --> 00:29:30,560
And then we're constantly working
to adjust to
00:29:30,600 --> 00:29:34,640
community needs with the focus
on on different platforms
00:29:34,640 --> 00:29:38,200
for reaching our community,
whether that be radio, TV,
00:29:38,520 --> 00:29:42,600
text messaging,
all the multiple social media platforms.
00:29:42,960 --> 00:29:47,400
Our goal is to reach everyone and
and especially people that may be facing
00:29:47,720 --> 00:29:52,080
barriers, individuals with
with disability access or functional needs
00:29:52,320 --> 00:29:55,640
so we can get important information
out to them on
00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:59,920
disasters, on preparation
and on recovery as well.
00:30:00,680 --> 00:30:04,760
We have an example in that
that we can have the most perfect message
00:30:04,760 --> 00:30:09,520
but if the message isn't received
or understood, it's just not effective.
00:30:09,520 --> 00:30:13,480
And so that's our goal is to work with you
to receive community feedback tonight
00:30:13,840 --> 00:30:17,240
to hear how we can continually improve,
to share our emergency
00:30:17,240 --> 00:30:21,960
operations plans with you, to find out
how we can continue to improve.
00:30:22,680 --> 00:30:26,080
We also want to let you know
that we appreciate
00:30:26,680 --> 00:30:30,240
the strength of our communities
and the outpouring of support
00:30:30,240 --> 00:30:33,080
that we've seen over
the last number of years
00:30:33,080 --> 00:30:37,480
through all of the community based
organizations, our business community,
00:30:37,760 --> 00:30:43,440
our schools, our health care communities
on rallying together to to work
00:30:43,440 --> 00:30:47,160
through these disasters and to be stronger
before for stronger for it.
00:30:47,480 --> 00:30:51,280
On behalf of our board, we assure you
that we will continue to bring
00:30:51,400 --> 00:30:56,760
and bear the full weight of county
resources are almost 10,000 employees
00:30:56,760 --> 00:31:01,920
and 25 departments to help respond
to disasters during the pandemic.
00:31:01,920 --> 00:31:06,040
We've had over 900 county employees
assigned as disaster
00:31:06,040 --> 00:31:08,960
service workers,
and the cities have done the same.
00:31:09,480 --> 00:31:13,200
So we're just so thankful
for the continued community spirit
00:31:13,200 --> 00:31:15,840
that we have in our county,
the deep connections we've made,
00:31:16,160 --> 00:31:18,400
and we want to make a commitment
to you that we're going to
00:31:19,400 --> 00:31:21,800
continue the work to build on
00:31:21,800 --> 00:31:24,560
these strengths
and to continue events like this.
00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:29,760
Tonight, we're working with you and
the community to strengthen our efforts.
00:31:29,920 --> 00:31:32,680
Thank you for participating,
and we look forward to hearing from.
00:31:35,080 --> 00:31:36,640
Thanks, Mike, for that opening.
00:31:36,640 --> 00:31:39,040
And with that next slide, please.
00:31:39,120 --> 00:31:39,560
Also on the.
00:31:39,560 --> 00:31:42,880
Line with us, we have some additional
speakers specific to Cambria
00:31:43,120 --> 00:31:46,760
that will be available to answer questions
and provide input as appropriate.
00:31:47,280 --> 00:31:49,760
With us is Camarillo
Public Works director, Mr.
00:31:49,760 --> 00:31:52,800
Dave Castle. Thanks, Dave, for joining us.
00:31:52,800 --> 00:31:57,000
Ventura County Fire Chief Jeff Shea,
representing city Cambria as well.
00:31:57,000 --> 00:31:58,720
From the fire side,
00:31:58,720 --> 00:32:00,880
Ventura County commander, Sheriff
00:32:00,880 --> 00:32:04,240
Commander Eric Tennyson,
who serves as are Cambria, chief of Police
00:32:04,920 --> 00:32:07,920
Ashley Bautista,
our county public information officer,
00:32:08,240 --> 00:32:09,840
Mike Pettit, who you just heard from.
00:32:09,840 --> 00:32:11,320
And that will complete the team.
00:32:11,320 --> 00:32:15,480
Unfortunately, Rosa was unable to join us
tonight as she is ill.
00:32:16,040 --> 00:32:16,720
Next slide, please.
00:32:18,800 --> 00:32:19,440
This is mentioned
00:32:19,440 --> 00:32:22,440
before, but I just want to make sure
that I reinforce it.
00:32:22,640 --> 00:32:24,960
We really look forward to your feedback.
00:32:24,960 --> 00:32:27,120
We want to hear from you.
We want your questions.
00:32:27,120 --> 00:32:28,320
We want to provide answers.
00:32:28,320 --> 00:32:30,840
To you down at the bottom of your screen.
00:32:30,840 --> 00:32:34,560
You should see a little dialog box
that says Q&A on it.
00:32:34,560 --> 00:32:37,880
If you have questions,
please submit those questions.
00:32:37,880 --> 00:32:38,520
Via the chat.
00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:40,560
We have staff here in the room
at the emergency
00:32:40,560 --> 00:32:43,240
operations center
that will be monitoring those questions.
00:32:43,600 --> 00:32:45,560
It will provide answers to you
in real time.
00:32:45,560 --> 00:32:47,960
And if they're relevant and appropriate
for this forum,
00:32:47,960 --> 00:32:52,440
we will bring those questions up
live and highlight the answers.
00:32:52,440 --> 00:32:54,840
So please
don't be shy about asking questions.
00:32:55,080 --> 00:32:57,480
We'll definitely address them
as they come up. Next slide, please
00:32:59,360 --> 00:33:01,920
it's the quick agenda as to what
we hope to cover tonight.
00:33:01,920 --> 00:33:02,720
We'll begin with talking
00:33:02,720 --> 00:33:05,840
about some of our local hazards,
and then we'll jump into how both
00:33:05,840 --> 00:33:07,640
the local agencies in this case,
00:33:07,640 --> 00:33:10,960
the city of Cambria and also the county,
worked together to coordinate
00:33:11,680 --> 00:33:14,520
response and recovery efforts.
00:33:14,960 --> 00:33:19,520
We'll cover some changes as it relates
to conducting evacuations and sheltering.
00:33:19,920 --> 00:33:24,000
We'll talk a bit about alert and warning
and how you may receive notices.
00:33:24,520 --> 00:33:25,680
And then lastly, we'll cover
00:33:25,680 --> 00:33:28,680
some of our recent efforts
to update many of our county plans,
00:33:28,680 --> 00:33:32,400
including our Emergency Operations Plan
and our hazard mitigation plan.
00:33:32,600 --> 00:33:33,600
Next slide
00:33:36,520 --> 00:33:39,720
so jumping right into things,
been there, done that.
00:33:39,720 --> 00:33:43,520
Many of us are well aware
of the various disasters
00:33:43,560 --> 00:33:46,760
that have hit Ventura County
99% of the time.
00:33:46,760 --> 00:33:47,680
Of course, Ventura
00:33:47,680 --> 00:33:51,400
County is a beautiful place to live,
probably even more than 99% of the time.
00:33:51,720 --> 00:33:53,880
But we do have our fair
share of incidents.
00:33:53,880 --> 00:33:57,320
You remember back in 2014,
the debris flow that we experienced
00:33:57,600 --> 00:34:00,280
out at cameras springs
following the Springs fire.
00:34:00,680 --> 00:34:04,760
We had the whole fire, of course,
and the Woolsey fire that occurred in 2018
00:34:05,440 --> 00:34:09,920
and then most recently we had the marina
fire back in 2019 again.
00:34:09,960 --> 00:34:13,760
Ventura County is a beautiful place
to live, but we certainly partake in our
00:34:13,760 --> 00:34:15,080
fair share of disasters.
00:34:16,200 --> 00:34:17,400
Next slide
00:34:18,680 --> 00:34:22,640
some things we face in terms of hazards,
some we're aware of, some we may not be.
00:34:22,640 --> 00:34:26,360
Of course there's agricultural
or biological hazards,
00:34:26,720 --> 00:34:31,360
dam or levee failures, droughts
which we're experiencing right now.
00:34:31,440 --> 00:34:35,240
The potential for earthquakes, floods,
or any kind of severe weather,
00:34:35,240 --> 00:34:40,840
including heat and cold events, extended
utility outages, as well as public safety,
00:34:40,840 --> 00:34:43,960
power shutoffs, those are all new hazards
that we work with.
00:34:44,640 --> 00:34:47,760
The potential for landslides
or mass movements,
00:34:48,600 --> 00:34:52,360
tsunamis, wildfires, terrorism,
00:34:52,920 --> 00:34:57,320
various types of mass casualty incidents
and of course, cyber attacks.
00:34:57,960 --> 00:34:59,040
Next slide.
00:35:02,080 --> 00:35:03,160
As we mention all these.
00:35:03,160 --> 00:35:05,080
And think about them and talk about them.
00:35:05,080 --> 00:35:07,840
An important thing
I hope everyone walks away with tonight is
00:35:07,840 --> 00:35:12,120
although these incidents
are large in magnitude, and we work hard
00:35:12,120 --> 00:35:17,400
to respond and prepare and recover
to these incidents at a local level,
00:35:17,760 --> 00:35:21,320
we often receive support from the state
our state counterpart
00:35:21,320 --> 00:35:24,600
being the California Governor's
Office of Emergency Services,
00:35:25,040 --> 00:35:27,480
also Cal Fire
when it comes to firefighting.
00:35:28,120 --> 00:35:31,320
But things are really primarily done
at a local level.
00:35:31,320 --> 00:35:34,080
It starts as our problem
and it ends is our problem.
00:35:34,080 --> 00:35:36,280
And so we're here in the long run
00:35:36,560 --> 00:35:40,440
to assist our residents and take care of
everyone as best as we can.
00:35:40,880 --> 00:35:43,200
In addition to help from the state,
we also receive
00:35:43,440 --> 00:35:45,840
help from the federal government,
from FEMA.
00:35:46,320 --> 00:35:49,920
FEMA works with us quite a bit,
but they are a pass through
00:35:50,120 --> 00:35:52,920
that we receive assistance
through from the state of California.
00:35:53,520 --> 00:35:54,080
Next slide
00:35:56,120 --> 00:35:56,760
and with that,
00:35:56,760 --> 00:36:01,280
again, building on the topic of starting
local, I'm going to hand it over again
00:36:01,320 --> 00:36:05,200
to assistant city manager Carmen Nichols
from the city of Camarillo to talk about
00:36:05,200 --> 00:36:09,000
what the city of Camarillo has in terms
of preparedness and response capabilities.
00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:10,440
Take it away, Carmen.
00:36:10,440 --> 00:36:11,520
Thank you, Patrick.
00:36:11,520 --> 00:36:15,960
So as Patrick mentioned, emergency
responses begin at the local level.
00:36:16,240 --> 00:36:19,000
And here in Cambria,
we are also currently working on
00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:21,680
an update to the city's
emergency operation plan.
00:36:22,120 --> 00:36:26,120
And this draft matrix here before
you demonstrates the roles of the city
00:36:26,120 --> 00:36:30,480
and how the city and county work together
to mutually respond in a disaster.
00:36:31,120 --> 00:36:34,080
So when the emergency operation center
is activated,
00:36:34,080 --> 00:36:37,680
the city manager serves as the emergency
operation center director,
00:36:38,080 --> 00:36:42,200
and then city department heads and other
key personnel assume emergency roles
00:36:42,840 --> 00:36:46,840
for disaster response and recovery
And if you take a look at towards
00:36:46,840 --> 00:36:52,040
the top of this matrix, you'll see
the mutual agency coordination group.
00:36:52,640 --> 00:36:56,240
And this demonstrates where the Vxlan
the Ventura County Sheriff's Office
00:36:56,280 --> 00:37:00,080
and the Ventura County Fire Department
provide the support to the city
00:37:00,080 --> 00:37:01,360
with emergency services.
00:37:01,360 --> 00:37:04,560
They work hand in hand with our EOC
director, our city manager,
00:37:05,160 --> 00:37:07,400
they provide
advice, advisement, leadership,
00:37:08,080 --> 00:37:11,640
and they're making calls
regarding the disaster. So
00:37:12,640 --> 00:37:13,200
depending on
00:37:13,200 --> 00:37:17,280
the disaster, we also will call on other
agencies, as Patrick mentioned, you know,
00:37:17,320 --> 00:37:18,000
there could be FEMA,
00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:20,680
there could be other state agencies
that are that are called in.
00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:25,800
And we also will call in community
based organizations and others.
00:37:26,120 --> 00:37:28,120
So it really is a mutual effort
00:37:28,840 --> 00:37:31,320
when we respond and
00:37:31,320 --> 00:37:33,880
assist our community
when it comes to disasters.
00:37:34,640 --> 00:37:38,120
We contract with the sheriff's department
and we also contract
00:37:38,200 --> 00:37:39,720
with the fire department.
00:37:39,720 --> 00:37:43,640
And so at this point, I'd like to turn it
over to Captain Jeff Shay from Ventura.
00:37:43,640 --> 00:37:47,600
County Fire so we can talk about
some of the resources that they provide
00:37:47,600 --> 00:37:50,520
for the community,
the Camarillo community.
00:37:51,720 --> 00:37:52,360
Good evening, Jeff.
00:37:52,360 --> 00:37:55,080
Sheriff and our county fire
00:37:55,280 --> 00:37:56,440
for the city of Camarillo.
00:37:56,440 --> 00:37:57,320
The Ventura County Fire
00:37:57,320 --> 00:38:02,120
Department operates four fire stations
within the city limits of Camarillo
00:38:03,080 --> 00:38:05,840
Emergency Response
Times, the Ventura County Fire Department
00:38:05,840 --> 00:38:09,080
within the city of Camarillo,
or consistently less than 5 minutes.
00:38:09,600 --> 00:38:13,960
And some of the specific resources
00:38:14,480 --> 00:38:17,240
through the Ventura County Fire Department
that are
00:38:17,240 --> 00:38:20,400
that are located in the sea
within the city of Camarillo include
00:38:21,240 --> 00:38:24,840
one of our urban search and rescue teams,
our hazardous materials team.
00:38:26,080 --> 00:38:28,000
We also have
00:38:28,800 --> 00:38:30,080
a couple of our wildland fire
00:38:30,080 --> 00:38:33,880
engines are housed at fire stations
and within Camarillo.
00:38:34,440 --> 00:38:38,640
And we also have our fire headquarters
is located at the camera airport,
00:38:38,640 --> 00:38:43,160
as well as our fire dispatch center,
which is also located at the camera.
00:38:43,240 --> 00:38:43,960
00:38:50,400 --> 00:38:52,440
thank you, Captain Shea.
00:38:52,440 --> 00:38:56,480
And also now I'd like to turn it over
to Commander Tennyson and to speak
00:38:56,520 --> 00:39:00,080
about the resources for the Ventura County
Sheriff's Office for this community.
00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:02,120
Thank you, Carmen.
00:39:02,120 --> 00:39:07,080
The sheriff's office has about 56 deputies
assigned to the city of Camarillo,
00:39:07,440 --> 00:39:10,760
and another 21 deputies were assigned
to the county area around Camry
00:39:11,040 --> 00:39:15,400
who work out of the station here
with our city, our city partners.
00:39:16,240 --> 00:39:18,720
We offer 24 hour patrols here in the city.
00:39:18,720 --> 00:39:21,720
So you'll see somebody out
and about on the streets 24 hours
00:39:21,720 --> 00:39:22,760
a day, seven days a week.
00:39:22,760 --> 00:39:26,120
Our response times are consistently low
right around six
00:39:26,120 --> 00:39:27,160
to six and a half minutes.
00:39:27,160 --> 00:39:29,160
So our deputies are out, out in
00:39:29,160 --> 00:39:32,360
about 24 hours a day, ready to respond
to any emergency need.
00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:37,680
We also provide a robust volunteer group
here at the real police department.
00:39:37,680 --> 00:39:42,600
We have our Disaster Assistance
Response team, who is specially trained
00:39:42,600 --> 00:39:45,960
in natural disasters
and the response to natural disasters.
00:39:45,960 --> 00:39:49,080
And so they come out and work hand in hand
and side by side with our deputies
00:39:49,560 --> 00:39:52,960
and with our fire
firefighters from the CFD.
00:39:53,600 --> 00:39:58,080
We've spent a lot, a lot of time building
partnerships and collaborating with state
00:39:59,120 --> 00:39:59,880
and and
00:39:59,880 --> 00:40:03,600
other local governmental groups to assist
any time we respond to any
00:40:04,120 --> 00:40:06,600
any disasters in the area.
00:40:10,400 --> 00:40:12,240
Thank you, Commander Tennison,
00:40:12,240 --> 00:40:15,000
and thank you both for all the work
that you do for our community.
00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:17,920
Very proud of the work that you do.
00:40:17,920 --> 00:40:22,520
You provide great support
and a daily operation as well
00:40:22,760 --> 00:40:26,400
during disasters and for major incidents
00:40:26,640 --> 00:40:29,560
we do rely on your services
00:40:29,560 --> 00:40:31,080
incidents such as wildfires.
00:40:31,080 --> 00:40:33,600
We collaborate with the county
during an emergency,
00:40:33,960 --> 00:40:36,640
and we'd like to share tonight
an incident that happened
00:40:36,640 --> 00:40:38,840
several years ago
here in the city of Cambria.
00:40:39,080 --> 00:40:42,600
It began as a wildfire
and resulted in a landslide.
00:40:42,960 --> 00:40:45,960
So for that,
I'd like to turn it over to Dave Hartzell
00:40:45,960 --> 00:40:48,200
the director of Public Works,
who will share with you
00:40:48,240 --> 00:40:51,720
about the camera springs
emergency that occurred in 2014.
00:40:59,760 --> 00:41:02,080
Hey Dave you're muted.
00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:04,360
Sorry about that.
00:41:04,360 --> 00:41:05,520
Got the camera but not the mike.
00:41:05,520 --> 00:41:06,440
Thank you
00:41:08,240 --> 00:41:09,760
so yeah, thank you very much.
00:41:09,760 --> 00:41:14,000
The Camarillo Springs fire and subsequent
landslides were emergencies
00:41:14,040 --> 00:41:16,480
that occurred over a span
of about 18 months,
00:41:17,120 --> 00:41:19,920
though officially considered
a fire of unknown cause.
00:41:20,240 --> 00:41:24,840
The Springs fire originated along
the Canadian grid on May 2nd 2013
00:41:25,560 --> 00:41:29,680
Santa Ana winds of up to 50 miles an hour
drove the fire southward
00:41:29,760 --> 00:41:33,720
along the Santa Monica mountains
and eventually the Pacific Coast Highway.
00:41:35,240 --> 00:41:38,720
The wind played a significant role
in the Springs fire, not immediately
00:41:38,720 --> 00:41:43,160
impacting larger sections of Camarillo,
but the hillsides directly
00:41:43,160 --> 00:41:47,880
above the Camarillo Springs residential
neighborhood were scorched and altered
00:41:47,880 --> 00:41:52,640
by the very hot fire which destroyed
the vegetation and weakened the barren
00:41:52,760 --> 00:41:57,160
rocky soil on the steep terrain,
leaving it in a highly erosive condition.
00:41:58,400 --> 00:41:58,920
The fire
00:41:58,920 --> 00:42:02,520
continued to impact many sites,
including Cal State, Channel Islands,
00:42:02,760 --> 00:42:04,800
Canfield Mountain Memorial Park,
00:42:04,800 --> 00:42:08,360
several farms south of Howard Road,
the Santa Monica Preserve.
00:42:08,680 --> 00:42:13,200
Southern California Edison Power Lines
and the Laguna Peak Communications Tower.
00:42:14,200 --> 00:42:17,640
Areas of Cambria,
Thousand Oaks Agoura Hills, Simi
00:42:17,640 --> 00:42:21,160
Valley and Malibu were evacuated
during the Springs fire.
00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:25,880
While no structures were lost
in Camarillo, the fire ultimately burned.
00:42:25,880 --> 00:42:29,640
24,000 acres, damaging six buildings
and other locations
00:42:29,960 --> 00:42:32,880
and destroying ten structures.
00:42:32,880 --> 00:42:36,120
For many months after the Springs fire,
there was minimal rainfall
00:42:36,720 --> 00:42:41,880
and then late on October 31st
and into November 1st of 2014, a rainstorm
00:42:41,880 --> 00:42:46,560
resulted in a mud flow of soil and debris
from the hillside storm drain.
00:42:46,560 --> 00:42:49,640
Pipes were plugged by the mud,
which then flowed down the streets
00:42:49,680 --> 00:42:52,440
and into numerous homes,
up to four to five feet deep.
00:42:53,480 --> 00:42:54,160
The emergency
00:42:54,160 --> 00:42:57,160
response, including Cambria,
Public Works, was immediate,
00:42:57,600 --> 00:43:00,440
assessing the safety of the residents,
clearing the roads
00:43:00,440 --> 00:43:02,800
and determining
which homes were uninhabitable.
00:43:03,800 --> 00:43:07,440
Cleanup of the mud continued
and work began to clear the storm drains
00:43:07,640 --> 00:43:12,040
and create areas at the base of the hills
to collect future mud and debris flows.
00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:15,040
Then on December 11th, 2014,
00:43:15,040 --> 00:43:18,840
a large storm with sustained high rainfall
00:43:19,040 --> 00:43:23,400
caused a major landslide of rocks
and debris to come off the hillside
00:43:23,400 --> 00:43:27,480
and into the streets and homes
rock piles up to 50 feet
00:43:27,480 --> 00:43:30,560
high, blocked the streets
and numerous homes were inundated
00:43:30,600 --> 00:43:34,960
with rocks and debris, some piled up to
and beyond the heights of the roof.
00:43:34,960 --> 00:43:35,880
00:43:36,840 --> 00:43:41,040
Again, the emergency response was joint
and immediate,
00:43:41,360 --> 00:43:44,520
and miraculously there was no loss
of life or major injuries.
00:43:45,560 --> 00:43:47,520
The primary area affected was Sand,
00:43:47,520 --> 00:43:51,200
Antonio Land and Gatton Avenue,
with at least 16 homes damaged
00:43:51,400 --> 00:43:54,600
and ten residences
red tagged as uninhabitable.
00:43:55,520 --> 00:43:58,600
An incident command center was established
at the Orchid Building
00:43:58,680 --> 00:44:02,600
on Camarillo Springs Road,
and this was a group coordinated incident
00:44:02,600 --> 00:44:05,920
command involving Ventura County Sheriff's
and OAS departments,
00:44:06,320 --> 00:44:08,440
Ventura County Fire
in the city of Camarillo.
00:44:09,440 --> 00:44:13,360
Because the Springs Fire had destroyed
almost all the hillside vegetation,
00:44:13,840 --> 00:44:17,880
the Camarillo Springs
community was on a landslide evacuation
00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:21,760
watch for several years
until regrowth of vegetation occurred.
00:44:22,760 --> 00:44:26,640
During this time, we see alert messages
from Ventura County Sheriff.
00:44:26,640 --> 00:44:30,800
Oh, yes, we're
periodically sent to some 270 households
00:44:31,080 --> 00:44:33,840
in the Springs
burn area when rain was forecast
00:44:34,760 --> 00:44:37,840
a typical message would state that
if the area was expected
00:44:37,840 --> 00:44:42,400
to receive rainfall at a rate of at least
a quarter inch per hour, an evacuation
00:44:42,400 --> 00:44:45,120
notice would be issued
a number of residents
00:44:45,120 --> 00:44:47,960
will often spend nights in hotels
or with family or friends,
00:44:49,000 --> 00:44:49,360
and then
00:44:49,360 --> 00:44:52,520
OAS eventually placed
rainfall monitors on the hillside.
00:44:52,680 --> 00:44:53,720
00:44:54,360 --> 00:44:56,200
next slide was
00:44:58,200 --> 00:45:00,440
in 20, 15, in 2016.
00:45:00,640 --> 00:45:04,440
The city funded and completed the design
and construction
00:45:04,680 --> 00:45:08,800
of projects to mitigate future
debris flows, including diversion
00:45:08,800 --> 00:45:12,440
berms on the hillsides
and five large steel
00:45:12,760 --> 00:45:17,840
debris flow barrier nets with containment
basins installed as strategic locations.
00:45:18,680 --> 00:45:21,880
These mitigation measures
have proven very effective in stopping
00:45:21,880 --> 00:45:24,920
debris flows
during the subsequent rainstorms
00:45:26,640 --> 00:45:29,760
with the mitigation measures
in place and vegetation regrowth
00:45:30,000 --> 00:45:33,160
permits were issued for the rehabilitation
of the damaged homes
00:45:33,480 --> 00:45:36,960
and all residences were repaired
and reoccupied.
00:45:37,760 --> 00:45:42,440
The city continues to monitor and maintain
the debris barriers to ensure the debris
00:45:42,440 --> 00:45:45,920
flow mitigation measures remain in place
and at the ready.
00:45:46,960 --> 00:45:49,560
Thank you for this opportunity
to share information
00:45:49,560 --> 00:45:53,280
on the successful joint
agency efforts of response,
00:45:53,440 --> 00:45:57,560
recovery and mitigation of the Camarillo
Springs fire and landslides.
00:46:03,800 --> 00:46:04,440
Thanks, Dave.
00:46:04,440 --> 00:46:06,440
And also thanks, Carmen, for the overview.
00:46:07,200 --> 00:46:11,040
I think the the camera of the Springs
debris flow, as tragic as it was
00:46:11,040 --> 00:46:14,680
and difficult as it was for both
the residents in that area
00:46:14,680 --> 00:46:17,560
as well as city staff
and all the volunteers that helped
00:46:17,880 --> 00:46:21,280
is a great example of the city,
working with the county,
00:46:21,280 --> 00:46:24,680
working with the state to respond
and recover to disaster.
00:46:24,680 --> 00:46:26,520
That was not a short event.
00:46:26,520 --> 00:46:28,440
It's an event
that went on for quite a while
00:46:28,440 --> 00:46:32,560
and at the end of the event, we
you know, we're friends with the neighbors
00:46:32,560 --> 00:46:34,440
and whatnot,
and we all went through that together.
00:46:34,440 --> 00:46:37,680
So again, a great example
of what we can do if we work together
00:46:38,840 --> 00:46:41,840
at the county here
at the County Emergency Operation Center,
00:46:41,840 --> 00:46:44,440
I wanted to share a little bit more
about what we do
00:46:44,960 --> 00:46:47,640
at the Office of Emergency Services
and share with you also
00:46:48,000 --> 00:46:50,800
some of the other agencies that we work
with as we conduct our duties
00:46:51,440 --> 00:46:53,400
down in the lower left of this slide.
00:46:53,400 --> 00:46:56,760
You see, we work with many special
districts, special districts,
00:46:56,760 --> 00:47:00,720
including water
districts, park and recreation districts.
00:47:01,320 --> 00:47:03,760
We also work with Naval Base,
Ventura County.
00:47:04,040 --> 00:47:07,560
Many of our higher ed institutions like
Cal State University, Channel Islands,
00:47:08,160 --> 00:47:11,360
of course, we're great partners
with the American Red Cross,
00:47:11,680 --> 00:47:14,040
also the Ventura County Transportation
00:47:14,800 --> 00:47:19,480
In addition to special districts, we work
with all ten Ventura County cities.
00:47:19,480 --> 00:47:21,960
So here at our emergency
operations center,
00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:25,240
we stay in constant contact
with all ten Ventura County cities
00:47:25,240 --> 00:47:28,480
to make sure that any support
they need that we can provide,
00:47:28,480 --> 00:47:32,400
we are providing any information they need
that we can provide, we're providing so
00:47:32,400 --> 00:47:33,120
on and so forth.
00:47:34,160 --> 00:47:36,280
In addition
to that, we work with several county
00:47:37,200 --> 00:47:40,240
agencies operation centers
or department operation centers.
00:47:40,240 --> 00:47:43,600
For example, the Ventura County Fire
Department operates a department
00:47:43,600 --> 00:47:48,600
operations center to ensure the day to day
operations of the agency stay intact.
00:47:48,600 --> 00:47:51,560
If we are in the midst of responding
to a large scale incident,
00:47:52,480 --> 00:47:55,000
we ask to stay in contact
with our public works agency.
00:47:55,000 --> 00:47:58,000
Department Operation
Center is a disaster unfolds as well
00:47:59,400 --> 00:48:01,720
as it relates to incident management.
00:48:02,160 --> 00:48:06,200
The City Emergency Operation Centers
and the County Emergency Operation
00:48:06,240 --> 00:48:09,560
Center are really here
and in a position to support
00:48:10,280 --> 00:48:13,800
what's going on out in the field
at an incident command post.
00:48:14,040 --> 00:48:16,680
We are not here to command
and control resources,
00:48:16,680 --> 00:48:20,080
so we're not going to be in the emergency
operations center here in Ventura
00:48:20,880 --> 00:48:23,360
telling the people in Camarillo
where to put police cars
00:48:23,360 --> 00:48:25,560
and where to put fire trucks.
That's not our job.
00:48:25,560 --> 00:48:27,680
We're here
to support the boots on the ground
00:48:27,720 --> 00:48:29,760
that are out there
actually doing that work.
00:48:29,760 --> 00:48:32,400
And we do that
by providing logistical support.
00:48:32,680 --> 00:48:36,360
We provide support by coordinating
and distributing information.
00:48:36,880 --> 00:48:40,160
We assist them by issuing evacuation
00:48:40,160 --> 00:48:43,280
and assisting with master
and shelter and a number of other things.
00:48:45,040 --> 00:48:46,600
Something else I mentioned earlier,
00:48:46,600 --> 00:48:50,520
but just to restate, the city
looks to the county for assistance.
00:48:50,520 --> 00:48:53,400
The county, in the event
that we are overwhelmed
00:48:53,400 --> 00:48:56,440
or require additional resources
or assistance, then
00:48:56,440 --> 00:49:00,440
looks to the state, the California
Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
00:49:00,440 --> 00:49:04,520
And they have both a regional office
located in Los Alamitos, California,
00:49:04,520 --> 00:49:08,280
and then they also have an office up in
Sacramento at the state operations center.
00:49:08,640 --> 00:49:09,360
And then in the event
00:49:09,360 --> 00:49:13,160
the state can assist as they then
reach out to FEMA at the federal level,
00:49:14,280 --> 00:49:16,560
in addition to those things,
00:49:16,960 --> 00:49:20,120
over on the right,
you see the gist, the gist.
00:49:20,120 --> 00:49:21,760
That's the joint information system.
00:49:21,760 --> 00:49:23,600
And really, you're going to hear more
about that later.
00:49:23,600 --> 00:49:26,680
But what that really refers to
is a portion of the EOC
00:49:26,680 --> 00:49:30,960
that is solely dedicated at receiving
input from the community,
00:49:30,960 --> 00:49:33,520
monitoring the situation as it transpires,
00:49:34,000 --> 00:49:38,120
collecting data, and then developing
talking points and messages
00:49:38,400 --> 00:49:41,400
related to the incident
and sharing those back with the community.
00:49:41,760 --> 00:49:45,600
It's really kind of a melting pot
for information both in and out
00:49:45,600 --> 00:49:47,080
to the community.
00:49:47,120 --> 00:49:49,760
And then last is the MAT group.
00:49:50,040 --> 00:49:53,640
In the event that we have a widespread
emergency here in Ventura County,
00:49:53,920 --> 00:49:56,560
we will assemble in that group
comprised of leaders
00:49:56,560 --> 00:49:58,520
from a number of different agencies
00:49:58,520 --> 00:50:01,520
that will get together
and look at the overall response
00:50:01,520 --> 00:50:05,640
to the incident and based on the situation
they may meet,
00:50:05,640 --> 00:50:08,880
they may actually have to make some tough
decisions and determine
00:50:08,880 --> 00:50:12,120
where things are the worst and point
resources in that direction.
00:50:12,120 --> 00:50:16,560
So in the event that we get
to a regional catastrophic incident,
00:50:16,560 --> 00:50:20,240
I will assemble this group again
based on the scenario at hand.
00:50:20,520 --> 00:50:23,920
And that MAT group will determine
who gets resources based on need.
00:50:24,680 --> 00:50:25,560
Next slide, please.
00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:28,600
So I mentioned this earlier.
00:50:28,600 --> 00:50:31,160
Some things that I really hope
you walk away with tonight
00:50:32,280 --> 00:50:35,880
in particular are some changes
that we've made to evacuation terminology.
00:50:36,240 --> 00:50:39,680
So we used to use the terms evacuation
or mandatory
00:50:39,680 --> 00:50:43,720
evacuation and voluntary evacuation,
and that has been changed.
00:50:43,720 --> 00:50:46,720
And that change has been a change
that was made throughout the entire state
00:50:46,720 --> 00:50:50,160
of California
in an effort to standardize that language.
00:50:50,160 --> 00:50:54,680
So whether you're in a city in Ventura
County or Santa Barbara County or Los
00:50:54,680 --> 00:50:57,680
Angeles County, if you receive some type
00:50:57,680 --> 00:51:00,720
of evacuation order or evacuation warning,
00:51:00,920 --> 00:51:03,880
the meaning of that is consistent
despite where you are
00:51:04,600 --> 00:51:09,360
so what used to be a mandatory evacuation
is now called an evacuation order.
00:51:09,360 --> 00:51:14,360
When you hear the word evacuation order,
that means the danger is imminent.
00:51:14,360 --> 00:51:16,920
That means now is the time to leave.
00:51:17,520 --> 00:51:18,600
That doesn't mean wait.
00:51:18,600 --> 00:51:21,040
That means pack your stuff up
and get out of the house.
00:51:21,040 --> 00:51:25,720
Now, that means that conditions exist
that seriously, seriously
00:51:25,720 --> 00:51:29,280
imperil or endanger
the lives of those in the defined area.
00:51:29,920 --> 00:51:33,200
An evacuation warning
is something that we issue
00:51:33,200 --> 00:51:36,360
typically in advance
of issuing an evacuation order.
00:51:36,800 --> 00:51:40,880
And what that really means is threat to
lives is not yet imminent.
00:51:41,400 --> 00:51:44,400
However, residents
should prepare to evacuate now.
00:51:44,400 --> 00:51:49,120
If you require more time to evacuate,
then evacuating from your home
00:51:49,120 --> 00:51:53,000
or your apartment or wherever
you stay under an evacuation warning is a
00:51:53,040 --> 00:51:54,200
good idea.
00:51:54,200 --> 00:51:56,960
Take that opportunity
to pack your stuff up and get out.
00:51:56,960 --> 00:51:58,880
If you require additional time.
00:51:58,880 --> 00:52:03,000
Perhaps you need to make arrangements
with family or friends for a ride.
00:52:03,400 --> 00:52:06,960
Take that opportunity to heed that warning
and get out while you can.
00:52:07,920 --> 00:52:09,600
Lastly, I just want to say that
when it comes
00:52:09,600 --> 00:52:13,200
to issuing evacuation orders,
we take this very seriously.
00:52:13,520 --> 00:52:15,680
We do not like to issue evacuation orders.
00:52:16,000 --> 00:52:17,640
I know it's inconvenient for you.
00:52:17,640 --> 00:52:19,080
It's also inconvenient for us.
00:52:19,080 --> 00:52:23,560
It generates a lot of work to create
emergency shelters and really secure
00:52:23,560 --> 00:52:26,720
neighborhoods and all the things
that come along with evacuation orders.
00:52:27,040 --> 00:52:30,160
With that said,
when we do issue them, it's for a reason.
00:52:30,160 --> 00:52:33,600
We take that very seriously
and we want to make sure that when people
00:52:33,600 --> 00:52:36,640
hear evacuation order,
they understand that we mean business.
00:52:36,640 --> 00:52:38,400
It's time to get out of your house.
00:52:38,400 --> 00:52:39,840
You are in imminent danger.
00:52:39,840 --> 00:52:41,480
Next slide, please.
00:52:42,960 --> 00:52:46,600
So how will we communicate with you
during an emergency?
00:52:46,920 --> 00:52:50,800
And again, this is something that we are
going to do universally in Ventura County.
00:52:50,800 --> 00:52:53,760
So tonight, we're talking
primarily to residents in Camarillo.
00:52:54,040 --> 00:52:58,200
But if you live in Santa Paula
or Fillmore Ventura, the same process
00:52:58,200 --> 00:53:01,760
and approach is used regardless
of where you live here in Ventura County.
00:53:02,280 --> 00:53:05,080
And there are several ways
that will attempt to contact you.
00:53:05,480 --> 00:53:08,960
The first way is the good old
fashioned door to door notification.
00:53:08,960 --> 00:53:11,040
when a law enforcement representative
00:53:11,520 --> 00:53:15,080
perhaps somebody from our search and
rescue team will actually go to your house
00:53:15,360 --> 00:53:16,760
or knock on your door,
00:53:16,760 --> 00:53:20,680
and they'll let you know that there's
an emergency going on if you don't know.
00:53:20,960 --> 00:53:22,320
And that you need to leave your home.
00:53:23,760 --> 00:53:25,880
That's the best way that we use.
00:53:25,880 --> 00:53:28,960
That's the old fashioned way
of making sure that we don't miss anybody.
00:53:29,520 --> 00:53:34,040
We recognize that not everyone can answer
the phone or may hear a phone call.
00:53:34,320 --> 00:53:37,320
You recognize that some people may be deaf
or hard of hearing,
00:53:37,720 --> 00:53:41,360
and they need that knock on the door,
that flashlight in the window
00:53:41,360 --> 00:53:44,400
to get their attention and let them know
that they need to get out.
00:53:45,000 --> 00:53:48,240
In addition
to our law enforcement personnel
00:53:48,520 --> 00:53:52,200
knocking on your door, they may use
what's called a high, low siren tone.
00:53:52,800 --> 00:53:55,920
That's a high low pitch
siren that alternates back
00:53:55,920 --> 00:53:57,960
and forth from the patrol car.
00:53:57,960 --> 00:54:02,640
And that tone is meant to symbolize
the need to evacuate the area immediately.
00:54:03,200 --> 00:54:07,440
Again, regardless of the agency here in
Ventura County, all of our law enforcement
00:54:07,680 --> 00:54:12,680
vehicles are equipped with this high, low
siren tone, and it's used just for
00:54:13,680 --> 00:54:16,280
effecting evacuations.
00:54:16,280 --> 00:54:19,160
Another way
we used to get a hold of people
00:54:19,160 --> 00:54:23,440
during an emergency is our voice alert
emergency notification system.
00:54:24,000 --> 00:54:27,080
This is the county's
mass notification system that we operate
00:54:27,080 --> 00:54:30,360
in close coordination
with all ten Ventura County cities
00:54:31,200 --> 00:54:36,240
Camarillo is a longtime participant
of the sea alert notification system.
00:54:36,840 --> 00:54:37,560
How it works
00:54:37,560 --> 00:54:41,440
is you can register your cell phone,
you can register your email address.
00:54:41,840 --> 00:54:44,280
The system also has within it
00:54:44,640 --> 00:54:47,400
all listed and unlisted landline
telephone numbers.
00:54:47,400 --> 00:54:51,480
So if you have an old fashioned landline
telephone, we do have that number.
00:54:51,840 --> 00:54:57,240
We also purchased cellular telephone data
from various companies as well.
00:54:57,240 --> 00:55:00,360
But we really recommend that people visit
our Web site
00:55:00,680 --> 00:55:02,520
to register their information
00:55:02,520 --> 00:55:05,600
and not just register once
and forget about it, but register
00:55:05,760 --> 00:55:08,920
and then log back into that account
and make sure that your information
00:55:08,920 --> 00:55:10,240
is still up to date.
00:55:10,240 --> 00:55:13,040
And that website is very alert talk.
00:55:13,360 --> 00:55:15,120
The system is free of charge.
00:55:15,120 --> 00:55:19,280
It has an incredible capacity to notify
residents quickly and efficiently
00:55:20,040 --> 00:55:24,200
often that will outpace
the law enforcement personnel
00:55:24,240 --> 00:55:27,600
that are knocking on your door
to let you know that something's going on.
00:55:27,600 --> 00:55:31,880
So it's not uncommon for you to maybe hear
sirens, see smoke
00:55:31,880 --> 00:55:35,360
during a fire scenario,
get a call on your phone
00:55:35,360 --> 00:55:38,480
or get an alert, a text message
alert from the voice alert system.
00:55:38,480 --> 00:55:42,120
And then shortly thereafter get a knock
on your door by a sheriff's deputy.
00:55:43,840 --> 00:55:46,400
When we issue these warnings, we also
00:55:47,840 --> 00:55:49,800
post a lot of important information
00:55:49,800 --> 00:55:52,040
on our incident specific website.
00:55:52,840 --> 00:55:56,160
That website is the emergency dot com.
00:55:56,680 --> 00:56:00,440
Information on that website
is posted in near real time.
00:56:00,440 --> 00:56:02,840
It's posted in both English and Spanish.
00:56:02,840 --> 00:56:04,320
Very important website.
00:56:04,320 --> 00:56:08,080
Again, please remember that
website DC emergency dot com.
00:56:08,400 --> 00:56:11,080
One of the other really great things on
that website is a map.
00:56:11,520 --> 00:56:15,640
That map during an evacuation scenario
will allow you to type in your address.
00:56:15,680 --> 00:56:17,120
You can quickly determine
00:56:17,120 --> 00:56:20,920
if you're in an evacuation order
or an evacuation warning area.
00:56:21,200 --> 00:56:23,760
You can also see fire perimeters
in real time.
00:56:23,760 --> 00:56:27,720
If we're dealing with power outages,
you can see issues
00:56:27,720 --> 00:56:30,720
relating to the power outages
it's just a great wealth of resources.
00:56:31,880 --> 00:56:33,920
Two other ways that we may alert you.
00:56:33,920 --> 00:56:37,200
One is using wireless emergency alerts
or WI alerts.
00:56:37,920 --> 00:56:41,120
You may have received an Amber Alert
that sets off your phone
00:56:41,160 --> 00:56:42,880
with kind of a funny noise.
00:56:42,880 --> 00:56:45,280
We have the same ability
to leverage that system.
00:56:45,280 --> 00:56:48,840
And what we'll do at the onset
of a large incident on a small incident,
00:56:48,840 --> 00:56:52,920
but a large incident is will activate
the wireless emergency alert system
00:56:53,320 --> 00:56:55,560
just to make residents
aware of the problem.
00:56:56,360 --> 00:57:01,680
And that alert will say something
to the effect of a fast moving brushfire
00:57:01,680 --> 00:57:06,760
and camera you go to DC emergency dot
com for more information
00:57:07,080 --> 00:57:08,280
and really that's our way to
00:57:08,280 --> 00:57:10,840
vector residents
and the right direction at that point
00:57:10,840 --> 00:57:15,120
in time to our website and make them aware
of where they can get information.
00:57:15,360 --> 00:57:19,440
We will not send alerts out via
the wireless the emergency alert system,
00:57:19,600 --> 00:57:20,640
repetitious liaise.
00:57:20,640 --> 00:57:24,080
It does create some confusion
in how the system works, but
00:57:24,480 --> 00:57:26,880
we do use it to kind of get everyone's
attention at once.
00:57:27,240 --> 00:57:30,320
That system does not require
you to pre-register.
00:57:30,320 --> 00:57:30,880
It works
00:57:32,040 --> 00:57:33,080
in terms of
00:57:33,080 --> 00:57:37,520
it works by determining your proximity
to a cellular tower.
00:57:37,520 --> 00:57:41,640
So we select a geographical area
on a map system and
00:57:42,440 --> 00:57:45,680
based on the cell towers location
and your proximity to that cell tower,
00:57:45,680 --> 00:57:48,000
you may or may not receive
that notification
00:57:48,640 --> 00:57:52,000
in the last system we have access to
is the emergency alert system,
00:57:52,000 --> 00:57:55,000
and that's the system
that interrupts your radio broadcast.
00:57:55,000 --> 00:57:57,360
It interrupts your
your television broadcast
00:57:57,360 --> 00:57:59,760
with the text crawl
at the bottom of the screen.
00:57:59,760 --> 00:58:01,520
It's been around since the late fifties.
00:58:01,520 --> 00:58:02,640
And that system, again,
00:58:02,640 --> 00:58:06,120
is one more avenue that we use
to get a hold of you in an emergency.
00:58:06,840 --> 00:58:08,680
We're never going to use
just one of these.
00:58:08,680 --> 00:58:09,960
We try to use all of them.
00:58:09,960 --> 00:58:13,800
If it is an evacuation order
or an evacuation warning scenario.
00:58:14,080 --> 00:58:17,880
Again, please remember that website
ABC emergency dot com and register
00:58:18,240 --> 00:58:21,240
your contact information at ABC
Alert dot org.
00:58:21,560 --> 00:58:22,280
Next slide, please
00:58:24,520 --> 00:58:27,760
so in the event that you are evacuated,
I want to share with you
00:58:27,760 --> 00:58:31,680
a little bit about where you can
potentially go here in Ventura County.
00:58:31,680 --> 00:58:32,720
I mentioned this earlier.
00:58:32,720 --> 00:58:35,520
We are strong partners
with the American Red Cross
00:58:35,960 --> 00:58:38,640
and also the Ventura County Human Services
00:58:38,640 --> 00:58:42,720
And collectively, we all work together
in coordination with the Ventura
00:58:42,720 --> 00:58:47,280
County Cities to establish mass care
and shelter resources.
00:58:47,760 --> 00:58:48,840
Here in Ventura County.
00:58:48,840 --> 00:58:53,120
We have over 100 pre-designated locations
that we can use
00:58:53,520 --> 00:58:57,880
as congregate emergency emergency shelters
during an event.
00:58:59,040 --> 00:59:02,360
In addition to those 100 locations
or so that we have
00:59:02,880 --> 00:59:06,480
we have what are now called temporary
evacuation points that will set up.
00:59:07,680 --> 00:59:09,880
The purpose of temporary evacuation points
00:59:10,280 --> 00:59:14,680
is really to allow residents
to respond to an area
00:59:14,680 --> 00:59:18,800
and be assessed by one of our fantastic
team members from the Human Services
00:59:18,800 --> 00:59:22,480
Agency or the American Red Cross
to determine what your needs are.
00:59:22,520 --> 00:59:24,520
Not everyone's needs are the same.
00:59:24,520 --> 00:59:26,760
We understand that
some people may be served
00:59:26,760 --> 00:59:30,320
best by just providing them some guidance
and some direction.
00:59:30,320 --> 00:59:34,480
Some people may actually need some
emergency emergency shelter assistance.
00:59:35,000 --> 00:59:38,600
They may be sent to a congregate shelter
at a gymnasium somewhere
00:59:38,640 --> 00:59:40,560
and provided a cot to sleep on.
00:59:40,560 --> 00:59:45,360
Or perhaps they're sent to a motel and
provided a motel voucher for their stay.
00:59:45,680 --> 00:59:48,760
Again, that team is going to assess
every individual
00:59:48,760 --> 00:59:51,200
that comes into the temporary evacuation
00:59:51,840 --> 00:59:54,120
For their needs
and provide them assistance.
00:59:54,960 --> 00:59:58,880
Those temporary evacuation
points are set up to allow people
00:59:59,400 --> 01:00:03,600
to access them both via vehicles,
which is the way most people do it.
01:00:03,600 --> 01:00:07,200
Or you can actually walk up on foot
if you don't have transportation.
01:00:08,680 --> 01:00:09,320
Of course, all
01:00:09,320 --> 01:00:12,840
the staff at these sites are bilingual
and again,
01:00:12,840 --> 01:00:15,680
clearly ready and willing to assist
you should the need arise.
01:00:17,040 --> 01:00:18,480
Next slide, please.
01:00:19,920 --> 01:00:22,280
So again, how can you stay informed?
01:00:22,280 --> 01:00:25,800
We have a preparedness website
that gives you a lot of good tips on
01:00:26,280 --> 01:00:30,400
how to make a kit, how to develop a plan,
how to stay informed, that Web site
01:00:30,400 --> 01:00:32,520
ready Ventura County dot org.
01:00:32,520 --> 01:00:36,480
Then, of course, our incident information
website that we have populated
01:00:36,480 --> 01:00:39,800
with information during an incident
which is VCC
01:00:39,840 --> 01:00:42,120
emergency dot com
01:00:42,960 --> 01:00:45,000
and we'll go to the next slide.
01:00:45,000 --> 01:00:46,680
And with that, I'd like to introduce
01:00:46,680 --> 01:00:50,200
the Ventura County Public Information
Officer, Ashley Bautista.
01:00:50,640 --> 01:00:54,560
We will share with you how we manage
information and distribute information
01:00:54,560 --> 01:00:57,200
through our joint
information system. Ashley, take it away.
01:00:59,560 --> 01:01:01,280
Thank you, Patrick.
01:01:01,280 --> 01:01:03,360
As I mentioned, my name is Ashley Batista.
01:01:03,360 --> 01:01:07,520
I am the public information officer
for the County of the County Ventura
01:01:07,520 --> 01:01:08,600
Executive Office.
01:01:08,600 --> 01:01:10,800
Overseeing communication countywide.
01:01:10,800 --> 01:01:12,720
It's an honor to be here with you tonight.
01:01:12,720 --> 01:01:14,160
I will be speaking about the Joint
01:01:14,160 --> 01:01:17,480
Information Center and communication
during an emergency.
01:01:17,960 --> 01:01:22,560
The Joint Information Center called
a GIC is activated during an emergency.
01:01:22,840 --> 01:01:26,600
It is staffed by public information
officers and often disaster
01:01:26,640 --> 01:01:28,080
service workers
01:01:28,080 --> 01:01:31,800
and other represented lives of partner
agencies like the city of Camarillo.
01:01:32,320 --> 01:01:36,680
The GIC is the central hub for information
during an act of emergency
01:01:36,720 --> 01:01:41,680
information changes very quickly
the team takes the up to date information,
01:01:41,880 --> 01:01:45,960
sometimes minute by minute
in an active situation and creates
01:01:45,960 --> 01:01:48,720
press releases, social media posts
01:01:49,160 --> 01:01:52,160
content for both the emergency and more.
01:01:53,120 --> 01:01:54,720
The media uses those press
01:01:54,720 --> 01:01:59,240
releases to highlight information
on the television news radio and in print.
01:01:59,680 --> 01:02:02,000
This helps keep the community informed.
01:02:02,000 --> 01:02:06,560
The team also monitors the hotline
to get tips from the community and answers
01:02:06,560 --> 01:02:10,040
questions while also monitoring
social media for misinformation.
01:02:10,560 --> 01:02:14,160
The team often takes very complex
information and breaks it down
01:02:14,160 --> 01:02:15,800
in very simple terms
01:02:15,800 --> 01:02:19,520
through graphics, written messages
and video and text messages.
01:02:20,040 --> 01:02:21,840
Next slide, please.
01:02:23,160 --> 01:02:26,680
The check helps communicate information
to community members, the media,
01:02:26,720 --> 01:02:29,760
elected officials, community
01:02:30,120 --> 01:02:34,280
the business community, schools,
nonprofit partners, health
01:02:34,320 --> 01:02:39,560
care partners, local, state, federal
agencies, and emergency response units.
01:02:40,080 --> 01:02:43,800
The GIC also helps to keep the county's
25 agencies informed.
01:02:44,280 --> 01:02:48,160
These agencies are critical
in overall response during the emergency.
01:02:48,640 --> 01:02:51,720
We have seen this firsthand
during the current health emergency
01:02:52,200 --> 01:02:55,480
The county agencies, with the guidance
of the County Executive Office
01:02:55,720 --> 01:02:59,760
and OAS, work together
to support the community in real time.
01:03:00,240 --> 01:03:03,040
Information is crucial
in reducing uncertainty.
01:03:03,360 --> 01:03:07,000
People need to know when roads are closed
or where to go if they are evacuated.
01:03:07,360 --> 01:03:10,400
During COVID, they have needed information
on how to get food
01:03:10,680 --> 01:03:13,840
testing vaccine shelter and support.
01:03:14,240 --> 01:03:17,760
We have had community members share that
the county is like family from the support
01:03:17,760 --> 01:03:18,960
they have received.
01:03:18,960 --> 01:03:22,160
We are here for the community
in partnership with cities like Camarillo,
01:03:22,680 --> 01:03:26,480
When the information is provided
by a trusted resource in a language
01:03:26,480 --> 01:03:29,480
that is understood, in a method
that is accessible,
01:03:29,760 --> 01:03:32,120
it can help a community member
know what to do.
01:03:32,480 --> 01:03:37,720
The immediate need to shelter in place,
boil water or evacuate on a certain road.
01:03:38,200 --> 01:03:40,280
It also becomes a two way platform.
01:03:40,280 --> 01:03:43,840
It's not just about pushing information
It's about connecting with the community
01:03:43,840 --> 01:03:47,400
members to get information
people may be experiencing on a scene
01:03:47,760 --> 01:03:51,120
at an incident, or to answer questions
that connect community members
01:03:51,120 --> 01:03:54,880
to resources
This chewy response is 24 seven.
01:03:55,120 --> 01:03:59,520
The county is committed
to being responsive and engaging in dialog
01:03:59,800 --> 01:04:02,840
before, during and after an incident.
01:04:03,480 --> 01:04:06,200
I encourage you to stay connected
to the County of Ventura
01:04:06,440 --> 01:04:11,120
during non-emergency times
at County of Ventura on Facebook, Twitter
01:04:11,160 --> 01:04:15,200
next door, and Instagram These platforms
provide ongoing information
01:04:15,240 --> 01:04:16,960
about county operations.
01:04:16,960 --> 01:04:20,320
The more we connect, the better
we can respond during an emergency.
01:04:20,760 --> 01:04:22,880
I also encourage you
to get to know your neighbors.
01:04:23,120 --> 01:04:25,120
You can be a lifeline for a neighbor
in need.
01:04:25,360 --> 01:04:28,440
We saw this during the Thomas fire,
when neighbors helped knock on the doors
01:04:28,440 --> 01:04:31,320
of elderly neighbors
to alert them of the fire.
01:04:31,600 --> 01:04:35,640
You can help the entire incident
response team by helping others
01:04:35,640 --> 01:04:39,000
in your neighborhood
connect information and resources.
01:04:39,560 --> 01:04:42,080
A huge part of our communication efforts
01:04:42,080 --> 01:04:45,120
community engagement and sorry,
a community liaison.
01:04:45,120 --> 01:04:47,400
Rusty Gonzalez could not be here tonight.
01:04:47,400 --> 01:04:49,960
I'm going to speak on her
behalf. Next slide, please.
01:04:51,960 --> 01:04:54,400
During an emergency,
there are many community members
01:04:54,400 --> 01:04:57,480
who lack access to TV, Internet,
01:04:57,480 --> 01:05:00,240
radio, a cell phone or social media.
01:05:00,760 --> 01:05:03,680
Sometimes these vulnerable individuals
are older adults,
01:05:04,320 --> 01:05:06,360
community members
and low income communities.
01:05:06,680 --> 01:05:08,160
non-English speakers.
01:05:08,160 --> 01:05:09,640
People with disabilities.
01:05:09,640 --> 01:05:13,640
People who are unhoused Outdoor workers
such as farmworkers.
01:05:13,920 --> 01:05:15,600
Undocumented individuals.
01:05:15,600 --> 01:05:17,760
And housed community members.
01:05:17,760 --> 01:05:20,240
The county is committed to engaging
with the community
01:05:20,520 --> 01:05:23,960
and all community members
before there's ever an emergency
01:05:24,240 --> 01:05:27,920
so that we are able to listen and discuss
community concerns and fears.
01:05:28,400 --> 01:05:29,280
This is critical.
01:05:29,280 --> 01:05:33,080
During an active emergency
because we have built those relationships
01:05:33,080 --> 01:05:34,360
with community members
01:05:34,360 --> 01:05:37,920
and community partners
to connect individuals to resources.
01:05:38,280 --> 01:05:43,320
This helps to increase trust with all
government agencies involved in action.
01:05:43,560 --> 01:05:45,040
This means that the county takes time
01:05:45,040 --> 01:05:48,880
to meet with community groups
and community members on a daily basis
01:05:49,320 --> 01:05:51,800
so that during a time of emergency,
we can work together
01:05:51,800 --> 01:05:53,480
to help the most vulnerable.
01:05:53,480 --> 01:05:56,240
We have seen this most recently
with a pandemic response.
01:05:56,600 --> 01:06:00,560
The network of partnerships has grown,
and that has strengthened our ability
01:06:00,560 --> 01:06:02,680
to connect with our community members
01:06:02,680 --> 01:06:05,000
through our partnerships
with trusted messengers.
01:06:05,600 --> 01:06:08,000
We are able to provide support
and be responsive
01:06:08,000 --> 01:06:11,040
in multiple languages
through many different methods.
01:06:11,400 --> 01:06:14,400
Connect with the community
when they need that support.
01:06:15,360 --> 01:06:18,040
I would like
to now turn it over to Assistant County
01:06:18,040 --> 01:06:21,360
Executive Officer Mike Pettit.
01:06:22,320 --> 01:06:23,840
Thank you very much, Ashley.
01:06:23,840 --> 01:06:26,040
Next slide, please.
01:06:27,120 --> 01:06:29,320
We wanted to share information
with you tonight
01:06:29,600 --> 01:06:32,560
concerning the actions that are taken
01:06:33,280 --> 01:06:35,920
before a disaster, during a disaster
01:06:35,920 --> 01:06:38,160
and also as part of our recovery,
01:06:39,280 --> 01:06:43,320
because it's not just about the response
when a fire breaks out,
01:06:43,320 --> 01:06:47,760
but it's about the work
that goes on in between disasters as well.
01:06:47,760 --> 01:06:49,440
And so we want to let you know
as a community
01:06:49,440 --> 01:06:54,520
that prior to disasters, the county works
together with the cities,
01:06:54,840 --> 01:06:58,280
the state and our federal and community
based partners to coordinate
01:06:58,360 --> 01:07:01,360
and enhance our response
and our preparedness for disasters.
01:07:01,720 --> 01:07:04,680
One example of this
is during the Thomas Fire, we learned that
01:07:05,280 --> 01:07:08,480
we had some hurdles in
in getting information out
01:07:08,480 --> 01:07:11,640
to our indigenous language
speakers in the communities.
01:07:11,920 --> 01:07:14,960
And so we came up with the solution
and working with these community
01:07:14,960 --> 01:07:17,480
partners and community community
based organizations
01:07:18,080 --> 01:07:21,400
where we learned that there are indigenous
speakers largely use
01:07:21,400 --> 01:07:23,200
an application called WhatsApp
01:07:23,200 --> 01:07:26,560
for communication with their families,
friends and communities.
01:07:26,840 --> 01:07:30,040
And so we've implemented a program
to be able to communicate with
01:07:30,360 --> 01:07:33,360
these groups
using that WhatsApp technology
01:07:33,600 --> 01:07:36,240
to get messages out
to them during disasters.
01:07:36,240 --> 01:07:42,000
So that's work that goes on in between
disasters and before disasters occur.
01:07:42,240 --> 01:07:45,560
One of the other things that we do
is we continually monitor
01:07:45,600 --> 01:07:49,000
conditions occurring in the county,
particularly with respect to fires.
01:07:49,360 --> 01:07:51,280
We have coordination calls
01:07:51,280 --> 01:07:55,040
when the weather conditions, the fuel
loads and the environmental conditions
01:07:55,400 --> 01:07:59,000
are such that they put us
at a high risk of a fire outbreak.
01:07:59,000 --> 01:08:03,400
And so we have coordination calls
with all of our fire protection personnel,
01:08:03,400 --> 01:08:06,680
with our weather agencies,
with our public works and other county
01:08:06,880 --> 01:08:10,200
and city partners preparing for fires.
01:08:10,200 --> 01:08:14,600
We stage equipment in strategic areas
where fires are likely to outbreak
01:08:14,760 --> 01:08:18,880
so we can respond faster to the disasters
when they occur
01:08:19,080 --> 01:08:21,720
and mitigate the damage
from the disasters.
01:08:22,400 --> 01:08:24,680
And just that work
01:08:24,720 --> 01:08:28,360
helps present
prevent the damages that occurred
01:08:28,360 --> 01:08:32,160
and also helps us recover
so much faster during a disaster.
01:08:32,160 --> 01:08:34,800
Our county executive office personnel
01:08:34,800 --> 01:08:38,680
activate in the EOC alongside
all of the public safety partners and
01:08:38,960 --> 01:08:42,240
and representatives from many other county
agencies and departments,
01:08:42,440 --> 01:08:46,000
based organizations, and city as well.
01:08:46,280 --> 01:08:49,280
So we're working closely together,
shoulder by shoulder, to coordinate
01:08:49,280 --> 01:08:52,120
closely on response during disaster
01:08:52,400 --> 01:08:55,200
and to get immediate communication
out to our communities.
01:08:55,400 --> 01:08:59,120
Ashley shared how the our community
01:08:59,120 --> 01:09:01,960
liaison is working with community groups
to assess their needs.
01:09:02,520 --> 01:09:07,200
Ashley is working with the Joint
Information Center on Communications
01:09:07,360 --> 01:09:10,400
to reach out to the communities
and get information on where to go,
01:09:10,400 --> 01:09:13,680
what evacuation information is necessary
01:09:13,680 --> 01:09:18,240
and what individuals can do to help
others in need.
01:09:18,960 --> 01:09:22,600
Also, our CEO is connecting
with our board offices
01:09:23,240 --> 01:09:26,360
to brief and obtain
any input from them that they're hearing
01:09:26,360 --> 01:09:29,720
from their constituents
so we can feed all of that information
01:09:29,720 --> 01:09:33,680
back into our disaster
response and communication efforts.
01:09:34,640 --> 01:09:35,240
In terms of
01:09:35,240 --> 01:09:38,160
administrative action,
something that may not be known is that
01:09:38,760 --> 01:09:41,200
behind the scenes, there's some functions
01:09:41,200 --> 01:09:43,440
that we do with disaster declaration
01:09:44,600 --> 01:09:47,080
and emergency declarations that we do
01:09:47,520 --> 01:09:50,360
with our boards approval
that help us draw down
01:09:50,360 --> 01:09:54,480
on other funding sources
from FEMA and the state,
01:09:54,760 --> 01:09:58,200
and to bring in resources
to help recover from disasters.
01:09:58,200 --> 01:10:01,800
And so we our goal is to always do
those as early as possible
01:10:01,800 --> 01:10:05,280
when a disaster occurs
so that we can bring
01:10:05,280 --> 01:10:08,960
those much needed supports
to our communities as quickly as possible.
01:10:09,200 --> 01:10:13,360
At the same time, we're coordinating
with our lobbyists and legislative actions
01:10:13,920 --> 01:10:16,760
and because there's important triggers
that occur whenever
01:10:16,760 --> 01:10:19,920
there is a federal disaster
declaration as well, and that helps bring
01:10:19,920 --> 01:10:22,640
funding and resources to the area
01:10:23,320 --> 01:10:27,080
At the same time, during the disaster,
we're coordinating with our city partners
01:10:27,320 --> 01:10:29,360
or local leaders on resources
01:10:29,960 --> 01:10:33,520
and cost sharing, on disaster
response and recovery efforts.
01:10:33,520 --> 01:10:35,880
We're coordinating
with community based organizations,
01:10:36,080 --> 01:10:37,280
and they've been so helpful.
01:10:37,280 --> 01:10:40,200
Our philanthropic partners
have helped in many of our disasters
01:10:40,480 --> 01:10:43,560
to provide additional relief
and support for communities.
01:10:43,920 --> 01:10:47,280
And then we have an Economic Vitality
Strategic Planning Committee
01:10:47,520 --> 01:10:50,800
with our Economic Development
Collaborative in the county,
01:10:51,120 --> 01:10:56,320
the Chambers of Commerce the CIA
and others, where we talk about what
01:10:57,040 --> 01:11:01,000
how our business community has been most
impacted by this, by these disasters,
01:11:01,200 --> 01:11:04,520
and what we can do to help recovery
happen faster.
01:11:04,920 --> 01:11:07,040
We coordinate
with our educational research
01:11:08,200 --> 01:11:09,800
01:11:09,800 --> 01:11:12,240
We have our K-through-12
01:11:13,120 --> 01:11:17,360
and our middle schools, our high schools
and our colleges and universities.
01:11:17,360 --> 01:11:23,400
And so we work with them on on impacts
to to their school and education
01:11:23,400 --> 01:11:27,080
and how we might help address
some of those needs as well.
01:11:27,760 --> 01:11:30,600
And then also, as soon as the disasters
01:11:31,560 --> 01:11:34,120
occur, we're working on recovery.
01:11:34,840 --> 01:11:38,240
Just as an example of that,
in the opening days of the Thomas Fire,
01:11:38,520 --> 01:11:42,960
we launched and established
the Ventura County Recovery website,
01:11:42,960 --> 01:11:46,360
and that is now a standard website
that we use for all of our disasters
01:11:46,560 --> 01:11:49,920
to get recovery information
out as quickly as possible,
01:11:50,520 --> 01:11:54,960
where you
if you experienced any of the are were
01:11:55,000 --> 01:11:59,240
are impacted by the Thomas
or Woolsey fires, you know that we worked
01:11:59,240 --> 01:12:03,000
with our city and community partners
to establish recovery centers.
01:12:03,000 --> 01:12:06,440
And the goal of those was to have one
stop locations for members
01:12:06,440 --> 01:12:10,880
of the communities to come to
with language support, with access
01:12:10,920 --> 01:12:13,800
and functional needs, support
to services to
01:12:14,640 --> 01:12:16,680
to go to one location
where you could replace
01:12:16,680 --> 01:12:18,800
important documents
that may have been destroyed
01:12:18,800 --> 01:12:22,160
in the disaster that you can find out
information on assistance
01:12:22,920 --> 01:12:26,680
to help find a place to stay
if you're if your home was damaged
01:12:26,960 --> 01:12:31,720
and also on recovery
to help rebuild after the disaster.
01:12:31,720 --> 01:12:36,080
So that economic recovery,
the personal recovery, recovery of our
01:12:36,720 --> 01:12:40,720
of our lives occurs
right at the beginning of the disaster
01:12:40,720 --> 01:12:45,000
and even before the disasters occur
as we're planning
01:12:45,000 --> 01:12:48,240
and finding out ways how we can strengthen
our efforts in that regard.
01:12:49,200 --> 01:12:50,160
And so
01:12:50,160 --> 01:12:54,320
the final area that we are so thankful for
is your participation tonight.
01:12:54,320 --> 01:12:57,080
And that's also
what helps us be more resilient
01:12:57,320 --> 01:12:59,960
and we recover more quickly
from these disasters.
01:12:59,960 --> 01:13:02,000
So just want to thank you
for your comments
01:13:02,000 --> 01:13:04,640
and your questions tonight
and the feedback that you have on
01:13:04,680 --> 01:13:10,040
how we can continue to be prepared
before, during and after a disaster.
01:13:10,080 --> 01:13:10,800
Thank you.
01:13:11,360 --> 01:13:12,120
Thanks, Mike.
01:13:12,120 --> 01:13:15,360
And also, thanks, Ashley,
for the information you provided.
01:13:15,920 --> 01:13:19,320
Next, I'd like to pass it
over to my colleague and partner in crime,
01:13:19,320 --> 01:13:23,120
Bonnie Luke, from our Office of Emergency
Services, who's going to provide
01:13:23,160 --> 01:13:26,920
a quick update on our efforts
to update our local emergency plans.
01:13:26,920 --> 01:13:27,640
01:13:28,400 --> 01:13:30,640
Thank you, Patrick.
Good evening, everyone.
01:13:31,000 --> 01:13:33,800
So I'm here to talk to you
about two of our long
01:13:33,840 --> 01:13:37,160
range planning updates
that are ongoing at this point in time.
01:13:37,280 --> 01:13:40,080
The first step is our emergency operations
01:13:40,080 --> 01:13:43,800
Update This is a plan that we update
every three years,
01:13:44,360 --> 01:13:49,040
and it addresses the county's
planned response to emergency situations
01:13:49,040 --> 01:13:52,400
and outlines the structure and processes
that the countenance agencies
01:13:52,640 --> 01:13:56,280
follow when we're responding to
and initially recovering from a disaster.
01:13:57,480 --> 01:14:00,320
The draft document for the 20, 21 update
01:14:00,360 --> 01:14:05,400
has been available on our ready Ventura
County dot org website since February.
01:14:05,880 --> 01:14:08,400
We're looking to close out that comment
01:14:09,080 --> 01:14:11,280
We'll be closing it out on October 1st.
01:14:11,400 --> 01:14:14,600
So if you'd like to take a look
at that draft document and provide
01:14:14,600 --> 01:14:17,280
any additional comments for us
before we close that comment,
01:14:17,600 --> 01:14:21,200
we want to make sure that you're aware
of what that timeline is.
01:14:21,440 --> 01:14:24,760
We do have a comment
01:14:24,760 --> 01:14:27,240
questionnaire area
available on our website.
01:14:27,240 --> 01:14:31,240
If you do find something that you want
to bring to our attention with that regard
01:14:31,640 --> 01:14:35,520
and we're looking forward to
then presenting that draft document
01:14:35,520 --> 01:14:39,240
before our Board of Supervisors
for approval on re adoption soon.
01:14:40,360 --> 01:14:42,120
Next slide, please.
01:14:42,120 --> 01:14:45,760
The second plan that we're working on
right now is the hazard mitigation
01:14:45,760 --> 01:14:46,920
plan update.
01:14:46,920 --> 01:14:49,320
Now, this plan is updated
every five years,
01:14:49,480 --> 01:14:53,280
and this is a multi-jurisdictional
planning effort that involves over 20
01:14:53,280 --> 01:14:57,120
different planning partners, including
all ten of the incorporated cities
01:14:58,440 --> 01:14:59,720
city of Camarillo is one
01:14:59,720 --> 01:15:03,480
of our partners this year and has been
for several iterations of this plan.
01:15:04,080 --> 01:15:08,160
This plan's purpose is to sort of
take a step back from a disaster
01:15:08,520 --> 01:15:11,840
and look forward
so that we can prevent and minimize
01:15:11,840 --> 01:15:14,200
the impacts that we have
from natural disasters.
01:15:14,920 --> 01:15:18,440
Specifically, we look to inventory
the different types of hazards
01:15:18,440 --> 01:15:23,280
that we face here in the county,
such as flooding, wildfires, landslides,
01:15:23,520 --> 01:15:24,720
and then we look to find
01:15:24,720 --> 01:15:28,440
appropriate mitigation strategies
that will help us reduce those risks.
01:15:28,680 --> 01:15:31,560
And expedite recovery
from those kinds of disasters.
01:15:32,640 --> 01:15:34,480
Next slide, please.
01:15:35,480 --> 01:15:36,080
The H.A.
01:15:36,080 --> 01:15:38,560
is particularly important
because it provides us
01:15:38,560 --> 01:15:43,680
with sort of a guideline
that shows state and federal agencies
01:15:43,960 --> 01:15:47,400
our commitment at the local level
to forward thinking,
01:15:47,800 --> 01:15:50,440
as well as to our local
01:15:50,440 --> 01:15:52,680
and people who will be making decisions
01:15:52,680 --> 01:15:55,880
about where we put our taxpayer dollars
and where we put grant
01:15:55,880 --> 01:16:00,000
funding to make good, smart decisions
about projects
01:16:00,000 --> 01:16:05,640
that will help enhance, protect, preserve
and enable us to recover faster
01:16:05,880 --> 01:16:11,120
or hopefully avoid and minimize impacts
when we do have a disaster event.
01:16:12,200 --> 01:16:14,160
It also
is very important because it ensures
01:16:14,160 --> 01:16:18,040
that we remain eligible
for federal and state grant and funding.
01:16:19,080 --> 01:16:21,840
FEMA is the Federal Emergency
Management Agency,
01:16:22,120 --> 01:16:26,880
and having an adopted plan
that has been all the way
01:16:26,880 --> 01:16:29,760
up to our local level
and is approved at the federal level
01:16:30,000 --> 01:16:34,080
is important for us to be eligible
for various kinds of grant funding
01:16:34,440 --> 01:16:38,040
that will help us do some of
these projects that, as everyone knows,
01:16:38,600 --> 01:16:39,960
money doesn't fall off of trees.
01:16:39,960 --> 01:16:43,400
We want to make sure
that we've got the opportunity to find
01:16:43,440 --> 01:16:46,760
funding sources
and enable us to do projects such as
01:16:47,520 --> 01:16:51,440
updating planning codes
that might provide buffers for floodplains
01:16:51,440 --> 01:16:54,440
or enhanced mapping for wildfire interface
01:16:54,480 --> 01:16:57,400
areas, improve levee structures,
01:16:57,720 --> 01:17:01,000
or even do improved
alert and warning systems.
01:17:01,240 --> 01:17:05,800
These are all really valuable projects
but we want to kind of think about them
01:17:06,160 --> 01:17:07,760
not in the heat of the moment
01:17:07,760 --> 01:17:11,600
when we have a disaster,
but now while we're not faced
01:17:11,600 --> 01:17:15,360
with an important decision
that has to be made in the next 5 minutes.
01:17:16,600 --> 01:17:18,480
Next slide, please.
01:17:19,320 --> 01:17:22,440
The hazard mitigation plan is currently
we're in the middle of the process
01:17:22,440 --> 01:17:26,160
for this update So far,
we have gone through
01:17:26,360 --> 01:17:29,040
building a steering committee
that's helping guide the process.
01:17:29,480 --> 01:17:34,400
We have a great core planning team
that has various members
01:17:34,440 --> 01:17:36,760
from different agencies
within the county and
01:17:37,560 --> 01:17:40,960
all of the jurisdictions
that are participating today and tomorrow.
01:17:40,960 --> 01:17:43,040
We're participating in workshops
where we're current
01:17:43,080 --> 01:17:46,640
hammering out the details of our plans
moving forward and the annexes.
01:17:46,640 --> 01:17:48,840
That will be part of our plan.
01:17:48,840 --> 01:17:52,360
We've got robust public outreach
that we've been really working hard to do.
01:17:52,400 --> 01:17:57,320
We know that with COVID, it's hard
to figure out what's going on sometimes.
01:17:57,320 --> 01:18:01,360
So we've put everything about our plan
updates on our website
01:18:01,360 --> 01:18:05,040
at Ready Ventura County dot org,
and we encourage everyone in the public
01:18:05,040 --> 01:18:10,400
to go to those websites, find out
about how the plan works, what it's about,
01:18:10,960 --> 01:18:13,720
who the partners are
who's on our steering committee
01:18:14,000 --> 01:18:15,720
and what our process has been to date,
01:18:15,720 --> 01:18:17,960
and kind of follow
along with us in that timeline.
01:18:18,000 --> 01:18:19,960
We're really going for transparency.
01:18:19,960 --> 01:18:23,040
We want you to understand
kind of how this plan can help
01:18:23,040 --> 01:18:27,840
our communities, how important
some of these things are before a disaster
01:18:27,840 --> 01:18:28,920
01:18:29,000 --> 01:18:33,200
And right now, we've just rolled out
and interactive story map
01:18:33,640 --> 01:18:36,760
on our Web site
that can allow you to type in your address
01:18:36,760 --> 01:18:38,640
and find out the hazards
that are applicable
01:18:38,640 --> 01:18:40,640
to you and your neighborhood
and community.
01:18:40,680 --> 01:18:44,400
Learn more about what those are
and what we what be looking at
01:18:44,400 --> 01:18:48,040
that could help minimize
or mitigate impacts to you in the future.
01:18:48,920 --> 01:18:51,560
We're aiming for a renewal and adoption
01:18:51,560 --> 01:18:54,760
for this coming next year,
hopefully around spring.
01:18:54,760 --> 01:18:56,200
And so you can stay apprized
01:18:56,200 --> 01:18:59,880
of the plan's progress again
on the website as we go towards
01:19:00,040 --> 01:19:03,880
hopefully a public comment period around
February of 20, 22
01:19:04,200 --> 01:19:09,000
and potential submission to the Board
of Supervisors and to call OAS and FEMA
01:19:09,280 --> 01:19:13,240
in April
or May of 20, 22 Next slide, please.
01:19:15,120 --> 01:19:16,080
In order to follow our
01:19:16,080 --> 01:19:19,920
plan updates for both the Emergency
Operations Plan or the hazard
01:19:19,920 --> 01:19:23,760
mitigation plan, you can go to Reddy
Ventura County dot org.
01:19:24,120 --> 01:19:26,240
You can follow again the plans update.
01:19:26,280 --> 01:19:28,520
You can view that interactive story map.
01:19:28,840 --> 01:19:32,160
It also lay out
as we continue forward in the plan, update
01:19:32,440 --> 01:19:36,640
the risk analysis results
for each of our areas and jurisdictions.
01:19:37,240 --> 01:19:39,760
A lot of really great information
coming out of that.
01:19:39,760 --> 01:19:42,320
You can partake in our community awareness
01:19:42,640 --> 01:19:46,400
We've had over 770 responses
from throughout the county
01:19:46,440 --> 01:19:48,120
so far for people helping
01:19:48,120 --> 01:19:51,200
tell us what they've experienced
as far as natural hazards
01:19:51,760 --> 01:19:56,320
and this is allowing us to get a sense
of what people's awareness levels are
01:19:56,760 --> 01:20:01,280
and contrast that with the information
we have quantitatively and historically.
01:20:01,280 --> 01:20:06,080
About the hazards that have caused
the most damage monetarily or to property
01:20:06,080 --> 01:20:08,920
or to ag resources, to natural features,
01:20:09,280 --> 01:20:11,840
and see if there's gaps
in our information on this
01:20:11,840 --> 01:20:14,240
and that we might need
to address moving forward.
01:20:15,480 --> 01:20:15,960
We've also
01:20:15,960 --> 01:20:18,920
got a lot of information
that we're trying to update constantly
01:20:19,080 --> 01:20:22,880
so that we can help you learn more
about what hazard mitigation is
01:20:23,280 --> 01:20:27,120
and give you examples of how
you can see it in action in our county.
01:20:27,720 --> 01:20:30,000
If you've got any questions
about the plan, update
01:20:30,240 --> 01:20:33,200
our contact information
is at the bottom of this slide.
01:20:33,240 --> 01:20:37,160
But again, you can also find it at Reddy
Ventura County dot org,
01:20:37,480 --> 01:20:42,280
and we welcome your questions
and curiosity and encourage you to join us
01:20:42,280 --> 01:20:45,600
during our subsequent public meeting
01:20:46,200 --> 01:20:48,960
Steering committees are open, steering
committee meetings
01:20:48,960 --> 01:20:52,080
are open to the public, and our next one
will be coming up in November.
01:20:52,400 --> 01:20:55,160
So please
join us in following this plan update,
01:20:55,440 --> 01:20:59,240
learning about what's going on
in the county and helping yourselves learn
01:20:59,600 --> 01:21:02,640
how we can be better
prepared overall in our communities.
01:21:03,840 --> 01:21:05,040
Next slide.
01:21:05,920 --> 01:21:08,560
And with that, I'm
going to hand this back over to you.
01:21:10,080 --> 01:21:11,920
Carmen with City of Camarillo
01:21:11,920 --> 01:21:14,760
to talk about their local efforts
01:21:15,360 --> 01:21:17,840
and update information.
01:21:17,840 --> 01:21:19,120
Thank you, Bonnie.
01:21:19,120 --> 01:21:22,560
So during a disaster or critical incident,
well-prepared, prepared community
01:21:22,560 --> 01:21:26,960
members are critical
in the efficient and effective responses.
01:21:27,360 --> 01:21:30,880
So we urge our community members
to prepare a family emergency
01:21:30,880 --> 01:21:34,320
plan and share this information
with your family members.
01:21:34,360 --> 01:21:37,880
Know where to go in,
when a disaster may happen and make sure
01:21:37,920 --> 01:21:42,080
that those both at school and at home
know where each other,
01:21:42,760 --> 01:21:45,120
where you'll meet in a disaster.
01:21:45,120 --> 01:21:48,240
And we can't stress how important it is
to register to be alert
01:21:48,240 --> 01:21:51,840
and you've heard it in this presentation
a few times now.
01:21:52,440 --> 01:21:55,120
This is a tool
that the city of Cameroon relies on.
01:21:55,120 --> 01:21:59,040
When we send mass message communications
out during an active incident.
01:21:59,320 --> 01:22:01,000
These are sent by the county,
01:22:01,000 --> 01:22:04,800
but we the city of Kemah, relies on it
for our community members.
01:22:05,400 --> 01:22:08,360
And we also invite you to stay informed
through communications
01:22:08,360 --> 01:22:10,560
that the city provides
on the city's Web site.
01:22:11,280 --> 01:22:15,160
And we urge you to sign up to receive
our city newsletters and social media.
01:22:15,520 --> 01:22:17,520
Sign up for social media.
01:22:17,520 --> 01:22:21,000
So as we mentioned,
as I mentioned earlier, we're currently
01:22:21,000 --> 01:22:25,600
working on the city's update
of the emergency operations plan also,
01:22:26,000 --> 01:22:29,120
and we urge for your participation
in the county's plan
01:22:29,160 --> 01:22:32,600
and the city's plan
as we continue to update our plans.
01:22:33,240 --> 01:22:34,880
We want your input.
01:22:34,880 --> 01:22:37,520
We want to be able to incorporate
01:22:37,920 --> 01:22:42,840
your thoughts and then look at ways
on how we can improve our plans
01:22:42,840 --> 01:22:45,960
to make sure that we're making
our communications out to our community
01:22:47,360 --> 01:22:49,800
and we're well informing our community.
01:22:51,480 --> 01:22:54,600
So we urge you to participate
and to provide your input.
01:22:54,960 --> 01:22:57,560
As far as the city's document,
we're beginning our
01:22:58,000 --> 01:23:02,680
our argument will be on the city's website
on October one, and we'll have it
01:23:02,680 --> 01:23:05,800
open on both the city website
and the Open City Hall platform.
01:23:05,800 --> 01:23:09,600
So again, we urge our community members
to participate, participate
01:23:09,600 --> 01:23:13,120
both in the county's processes
and also the cities.
01:23:13,680 --> 01:23:14,640
Thank you.
01:23:16,200 --> 01:23:17,240
Thanks, Carmen, for that.
01:23:17,240 --> 01:23:20,320
And thank you, Bonnie,
for the overview on our plan updates.
01:23:20,360 --> 01:23:24,320
Just want to take a quick moment
to thank Bonnie Luke and also Bill Boyd
01:23:24,320 --> 01:23:26,400
from the Office of Emergency
Services. Team.
01:23:26,920 --> 01:23:30,200
They've really been instrumental, in
particular Bill Boyd and in working hard
01:23:30,240 --> 01:23:31,640
to update our emergency
01:23:31,640 --> 01:23:34,840
operations plan, along with our partners
at Terra Firma Enterprises.
01:23:34,840 --> 01:23:39,080
So we appreciate everybody's
hard work on making this happen.
01:23:39,120 --> 01:23:40,560
Again, we want your feedback.
01:23:40,560 --> 01:23:42,440
Please take the opportunity
01:23:42,440 --> 01:23:44,640
to glance at the plan
if you have a few extra minutes
01:23:44,640 --> 01:23:47,720
and provide us any feedback,
thoughts or concerns he might have.
01:23:48,640 --> 01:23:49,200
Next slide.
01:23:50,520 --> 01:23:52,640
We did receive a few questions.
01:23:52,640 --> 01:23:55,000
One of the questions I'm
just going to read, it's from Christine,
01:23:55,240 --> 01:23:58,960
Christine's asking if it would be possible
to have the DC alert text
01:23:58,960 --> 01:24:02,640
or calls come from the same phone number
or the same few phone numbers.
01:24:02,680 --> 01:24:04,920
Great question, Christine,
and we appreciate that.
01:24:05,400 --> 01:24:10,120
We're actually working with our vendor
on a way to have just one outbound number.
01:24:10,160 --> 01:24:14,040
Right now, we currently have
five outbound numbers that you may receive
01:24:14,600 --> 01:24:17,160
a text messages and or alerts from.
01:24:17,160 --> 01:24:19,600
So I realize that's a little difficult.
01:24:19,600 --> 01:24:21,640
It could be your auto warranty expiring.
01:24:21,640 --> 01:24:23,240
It could be an evacuation notice.
01:24:23,240 --> 01:24:24,960
And we recognize that that's challenging.
01:24:24,960 --> 01:24:26,360
For residents.
01:24:26,400 --> 01:24:28,680
It's something we're working on improving.
01:24:28,680 --> 01:24:30,960
So there is one number in
if and when we get to that point,
01:24:30,960 --> 01:24:33,120
we will definitely publish
that one number.
01:24:33,480 --> 01:24:34,640
All that being said,
01:24:34,640 --> 01:24:35,880
if you do receive a call
01:24:35,880 --> 01:24:38,720
and for some reason you don't answer
the phone, let's say
01:24:38,720 --> 01:24:41,120
you think it's a telemarketer
and you choose not to answer.
01:24:41,400 --> 01:24:44,280
Our system is ready and willing to leave
01:24:44,280 --> 01:24:47,280
a voicemail for you, so
you should get that notice on your phone.
01:24:47,520 --> 01:24:48,440
In addition,
01:24:48,440 --> 01:24:49,280
if you call back
01:24:49,280 --> 01:24:52,680
the number that actually calls you,
you'll reach an audio bulletin board
01:24:52,680 --> 01:24:56,280
where you can actually hear the audio
from the message that we sent out.
01:24:56,280 --> 01:24:58,920
So that's one way that we use to kind of,
01:24:58,920 --> 01:25:01,520
you know, backstop
those messages as we send them out.
01:25:02,600 --> 01:25:03,240
So taking a quick
01:25:03,240 --> 01:25:05,400
look here
to see if there are any other questions
01:25:09,160 --> 01:25:09,440
01:25:09,440 --> 01:25:12,680
So we just got another question,
it looks like from Danny Anderson.
01:25:12,680 --> 01:25:14,240
Hello, Danny from Cambria.
01:25:14,240 --> 01:25:17,880
And the question is, does the city
and our county work with accessible
01:25:17,880 --> 01:25:22,520
transportation providers as CAD to forego
their typical reservation requirement?
01:25:22,800 --> 01:25:26,160
Sometimes that reservation requirement
is up to a week in advance.
01:25:26,600 --> 01:25:30,120
For evacuation of disability access
and functional needs,
01:25:30,120 --> 01:25:31,800
individuals who cannot drive.
01:25:31,800 --> 01:25:33,600
Danny, that's a great question.
01:25:33,600 --> 01:25:35,040
And we we're working on two things.
01:25:35,040 --> 01:25:37,320
One is a president
and one is a future thing.
01:25:37,320 --> 01:25:39,320
So for the president,
we coordinate very closely
01:25:39,360 --> 01:25:42,320
with the Ventura County Transportation
Commission, who's coordinating
01:25:42,360 --> 01:25:46,560
with all of our transportation providers
in Monterey County during an emergency.
01:25:46,560 --> 01:25:50,360
And if we identify a need to provide
additional transportation resources
01:25:50,400 --> 01:25:55,400
during an evacuation scenario, they will
work to help us expedite that process.
01:25:55,400 --> 01:25:59,160
So it does not take a week
to prepare reservation in advance.
01:25:59,480 --> 01:26:02,040
The other thing we're actually in
the process of doing is establishing
01:26:02,040 --> 01:26:03,120
some new contracts
01:26:03,120 --> 01:26:06,760
that we would actually trigger
in the event of an evacuation scenario.
01:26:07,120 --> 01:26:10,160
So if we learn that
we will be evacuating an area
01:26:10,440 --> 01:26:13,560
when our deputies or the law enforcement
agency that's that's handling
01:26:13,560 --> 01:26:16,280
it goes out and actually it makes contact
we will have
01:26:16,840 --> 01:26:20,840
paratransit resources staged in the area
just in preparation
01:26:21,040 --> 01:26:24,160
should the need arise to assist
any individual out of their home.
01:26:24,680 --> 01:26:28,200
Typically, we've relied upon neighbors
helping neighbors, people planning ahead.
01:26:28,240 --> 01:26:30,280
We've also relied upon
ambulance resources.
01:26:30,280 --> 01:26:34,000
And we recognize that there is a need
for additional resources.
01:26:34,000 --> 01:26:36,360
And that's why we've taken these steps.
A great question.
01:26:36,600 --> 01:26:37,960
We definitely appreciate that.
01:26:39,000 --> 01:26:40,600
It's making sure I
01:26:40,600 --> 01:26:42,800
didn't miss any other questions here.
01:26:44,760 --> 01:26:47,320
Like that,
since I will go to the next slide
01:26:47,320 --> 01:26:50,600
again, just want to wrap things up
and share this last thought with you.
01:26:51,480 --> 01:26:53,600
You know, there's a lot of resources here
01:26:53,600 --> 01:26:56,960
in Ventura County Camarillo provides
a lot of resources.
01:26:56,960 --> 01:26:59,520
But at the end of the day,
if a large disaster strikes,
01:26:59,800 --> 01:27:03,880
we need residents to be prepared
to help themselves as much as possible.
01:27:04,320 --> 01:27:06,520
That means talking to your neighbors.
01:27:06,520 --> 01:27:08,000
That means making a plan.
01:27:08,000 --> 01:27:09,840
That means learning how to stay informed.
01:27:09,840 --> 01:27:13,640
That means getting involved to help
your community in the time of need.
01:27:14,160 --> 01:27:15,440
We want to be there to help you.
01:27:15,440 --> 01:27:17,720
But there's a lot more of you
than there is us.
01:27:17,720 --> 01:27:19,920
And we're going to need your assistance.
01:27:19,920 --> 01:27:25,080
You need to be prepared to provide basic
support for yourself, for up to 72 hours.
01:27:25,080 --> 01:27:26,480
And that's a long time,
01:27:26,480 --> 01:27:29,400
especially when you don't
have running water or you don't have food.
01:27:29,400 --> 01:27:31,680
But we cannot be everything to everybody.
01:27:31,680 --> 01:27:35,040
I don't want to mislead anyone
and make them think
01:27:35,040 --> 01:27:38,240
that we're going to be able
to provide food or water
01:27:38,240 --> 01:27:40,200
for every single resident
in Ventura County.
01:27:40,200 --> 01:27:41,400
That is just not the case.
01:27:41,400 --> 01:27:44,560
So we need your help
in preparing and staying informed.
01:27:45,680 --> 01:27:46,480
With that, I just
01:27:46,480 --> 01:27:49,600
again, want to thank our partners
at the city of Camarillo.
01:27:49,600 --> 01:27:51,880
Thank the entire team that made tonight
01:27:51,880 --> 01:27:55,800
And again, thank you for taking time
out of your evening to learn
01:27:55,800 --> 01:27:58,720
a little bit about what we're doing
in Ventura County to plan and prepare.
01:27:59,000 --> 01:28:00,800
Again, please visit our Web site.
01:28:00,800 --> 01:28:05,560
Ready Ventura County dot org to find out
more information on our planning efforts.
01:28:05,560 --> 01:28:07,080
Also to provide us feedback.
01:28:07,080 --> 01:28:08,040
And if you'd like,
01:28:08,040 --> 01:28:11,760
you can actually view these presentations
again as well as the other presentations
01:28:11,760 --> 01:28:12,520
we've done.
01:28:12,520 --> 01:28:14,880
In Oxnard and the unincorporated areas.
01:28:15,160 --> 01:28:16,680
Thanks again for joining us, everyone.
01:28:16,680 --> 01:28:18,560
Stay safe,
stay healthy, and we'll see you soon.
Community Preparedness Workshop - Simi Valley
00:00:00,480 --> 00:00:02,080
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:00:02,080 --> 00:00:03,640
We'll get started in just a moment here.
00:00:03,640 --> 00:00:06,000
We still have individuals logging in.
00:00:06,080 --> 00:00:08,400
Thank you for your patience.
00:00:34,160 --> 00:00:34,720
All right.
00:00:34,720 --> 00:00:38,280
Looks like we've got everybody in
that was attempting to log in.
00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:40,800
We assume so.
We'll go ahead and get started.
00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:41,880
Good evening, everyone.
00:00:41,880 --> 00:00:44,520
My name is Patrick Maynard,
and I am the director
00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:47,200
of the Ventura County Sheriff
Office of Emergency Services.
00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:49,440
It's our pleasure to be here tonight
00:00:49,440 --> 00:00:52,360
with our partners
with the city of Simi Valley.
00:00:52,920 --> 00:00:56,760
Before we kick off our presentation
tonight, I would like to turn it over
00:00:56,760 --> 00:00:59,440
to Lourdes Campbell to explain the various
00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:02,520
interpretation services
that we have available tonight.
00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:03,360
00:01:04,440 --> 00:01:06,440
Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us.
00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:09,960
This meeting will be interpreted
simultaneously in English,
00:01:10,440 --> 00:01:13,880
Spanish, mystical law and sign language.
00:01:14,560 --> 00:01:18,600
When asked that of this gracious prayer,
Companeros Issa does interpret
00:01:18,600 --> 00:01:22,440
that as simultaneous
Hindi and English Espanol.
00:01:22,960 --> 00:01:24,440
Mystical Illingworth.
00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:27,040
Hey, this is not Americano.
00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:30,760
Please select your preferred language
even if you are bilingual
00:01:30,760 --> 00:01:36,240
so you do not miss anything To do this,
go to the bottom of your screen and select
00:01:36,240 --> 00:01:39,600
the icon that looks like a globe
and select
00:01:40,440 --> 00:01:44,000
English Spanish or mystical.
00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:48,480
If you would like information
in other language, please
00:01:48,480 --> 00:01:52,280
contact the county on Ventura of Ventura
and they will help you
00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:54,880
What if I want to select units with you?
00:01:54,880 --> 00:01:57,440
My periphery
include those years beginning with
00:01:57,800 --> 00:02:02,200
but I cannot appear another
but our city stop Bardella Party Interior
00:02:02,200 --> 00:02:06,920
this open badger you selection
the el econo informa telemundo
00:02:07,320 --> 00:02:10,480
selection inglés espanol or mystical
00:02:10,880 --> 00:02:14,160
c this information equal Cairo
through video clip on the demonstrate
00:02:14,160 --> 00:02:18,080
not merely delay
familial check ICO mutual store el condo
00:02:18,080 --> 00:02:20,640
they've been thorough in
what you that I think you.
00:02:37,680 --> 00:02:39,880
All right in with that
we will go ahead and get started.
00:02:39,880 --> 00:02:41,680
Thank you Lourdes.
00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:44,000
We'd like to start tonight
with some opening remarks
00:02:44,520 --> 00:02:47,880
beginning with Simi Valley Police Chief
David Livingstone,
00:02:48,160 --> 00:02:49,360
chief guide.
00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:56,560
Good evening.
00:02:56,760 --> 00:03:00,240
In Simi Valley
we plan and prepare for emergencies
00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:04,400
ranging from earthquakes and wildfires
to chemical spills and train derailment.
00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:06,480
Tonight we're going
00:03:06,480 --> 00:03:10,440
to discuss
how Simi Valley manages emergency
00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:13,520
and how community members
can contribute to the city's resiliency
00:03:20,880 --> 00:03:21,280
All right.
00:03:21,280 --> 00:03:22,240
Thank you for that.
00:03:22,240 --> 00:03:25,800
Next, we'll go to opening remarks
from Ventura County Undersheriff
00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:27,240
Monica McGrath.
00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:34,160
Good evening,
everyone, and welcome to the forum.
00:03:34,160 --> 00:03:34,680
And thank you
00:03:34,680 --> 00:03:38,360
for taking the time tonight to participate
in this all important process.
00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:43,280
And welcome to fall,
first week of fall, as we have talented
00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:47,760
and dedicated team of emergency management
professionals at the sheriff's office.
00:03:48,120 --> 00:03:51,480
We work collaboratively
with our stakeholders in all sectors
00:03:52,120 --> 00:03:54,960
to keep our edge in being well-prepared
to respond
00:03:54,960 --> 00:03:57,840
to virtually
any type of emergency in our community.
00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:01,800
We need to be continually reviewing
our practices, equipment,
00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:04,440
capabilities and relationships.
00:04:05,160 --> 00:04:08,280
It is not enough to simply create
a preparedness plan
00:04:08,280 --> 00:04:10,680
and then put it on the shelf
until we need it.
00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:16,160
Continuous updating of that plan
is necessary to maximize our community's
00:04:16,440 --> 00:04:20,480
resilience and ensure the best outcomes
when disaster strikes.
00:04:20,840 --> 00:04:23,640
And unfortunately,
our county has had their share.
00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:28,880
The community's feedback on our emergency
preparedness plan is absolutely critical
00:04:29,160 --> 00:04:33,080
to crafting a strong
and well-reasoned approach to our plans.
00:04:33,080 --> 00:04:34,360
00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:37,840
We need your help,
and I am thankful, as is Sheriff Abe
00:04:37,840 --> 00:04:41,600
and an entire sheriff's office,
that you have taken the time tonight
00:04:41,600 --> 00:04:45,080
to get involved
in ensuring our community safety.
00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:46,560
Thank you very much.
00:04:50,200 --> 00:04:51,960
And thank you, Undersheriff, for that.
00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:55,160
And next, we'll go to Ventura County.
00:04:55,680 --> 00:04:58,960
Assistant County Executive Officer
Mike Pettit with some welcoming remarks.
00:04:58,960 --> 00:04:59,560
00:05:00,160 --> 00:05:01,240
Thank you very much, Patrick.
00:05:01,240 --> 00:05:05,400
And thank you, Undersheriff McGrath
and our city partners, Chief Livingston
00:05:05,920 --> 00:05:10,920
and most of all, on behalf of our Board
of Supervisors and our CEO Mike Cars.
00:05:10,920 --> 00:05:14,760
We want to thank you, the community,
for participating in this forum tonight.
00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:19,120
Our ability to strengthen our disaster
00:05:19,120 --> 00:05:24,920
and response is is in chiefly possible
00:05:24,960 --> 00:05:28,560
because of the feedback
we get from you in the community.
00:05:28,800 --> 00:05:31,520
We've had a lot of disasters
over the last few years
00:05:31,920 --> 00:05:34,160
and we've strengthened and learned a lot.
00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:38,000
But tonight, we're looking to further
expand upon
00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:41,800
that knowledge and build our relationships
deeper with you, the community.
00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:45,200
Our focus has been on engagement
and listening from
00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:48,720
listening to the community
and building increased partnerships
00:05:49,200 --> 00:05:52,600
with our community groups,
with our fellow city partners,
00:05:52,600 --> 00:05:56,760
our state and federal partners,
so that we're better positioned to respond
00:05:57,040 --> 00:06:02,160
and to recover more quickly in disasters,
to cultivate new relationships
00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:07,160
so that we can hear about the concerns and
the needs of our communities and design
00:06:08,560 --> 00:06:11,240
and be prepared to respond more quickly.
00:06:11,640 --> 00:06:13,800
And so we thank you very much.
00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:16,120
We also want to express our commitment
00:06:16,760 --> 00:06:19,520
on behalf of our board and our county
00:06:20,240 --> 00:06:22,360
and and all those in the cities
00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:26,520
that we will bring the full weight
of our county resources There are over
00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:30,400
10,000 employees and 25 departments
to help
00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:33,640
respond to disasters and recover.
00:06:33,640 --> 00:06:37,560
And we've seen that like never before
during the worldwide pandemic
00:06:37,560 --> 00:06:41,640
that we've been all experiencing
over the last eight months.
00:06:41,680 --> 00:06:46,200
During this time, we've had over
900 county employees serving as disaster
00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:50,320
service workers,
and the cities have been serving as well.
00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:52,480
Our partners in the city of S.B.
00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:57,480
Valley have been serving US disaster
service workers to to provide testing
00:06:57,480 --> 00:07:02,360
and vaccination and outreach
and meet the needs of our communities.
00:07:02,360 --> 00:07:05,760
And so working together,
we're much stronger.
00:07:05,760 --> 00:07:09,200
And that's why we are so grateful
for your attendance here tonight.
00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:13,880
We look forward to hearing from you
throughout the duration of this forum.
00:07:13,960 --> 00:07:15,200
So thank you very much.
00:07:17,320 --> 00:07:20,120
Thanks, Mike, for that intro.
00:07:20,120 --> 00:07:21,440
Next slide, please.
00:07:26,800 --> 00:07:29,600
Also with us tonight
from the city of Simi Valley,
00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:33,160
we have Simi Valley Police Department's
emergency services
00:07:33,160 --> 00:07:35,800
manager, Eileen Connors,
who you'll be hearing from later,
00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:39,080
the Tour County Fire
Division Chief Jeff Pike
00:07:39,720 --> 00:07:43,120
and Ventura County Public Information
Officer Ashley Battista.
00:07:44,040 --> 00:07:45,040
Next line
00:07:46,920 --> 00:07:47,880
just a reminder,
00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:51,600
we want this process
to be as interactive as possible.
00:07:51,600 --> 00:07:52,280
We had originally
00:07:52,280 --> 00:07:56,040
hoped to do these meetings in person,
but due to the uptick of COVID
00:07:56,040 --> 00:07:59,600
that we saw a month or so ago,
we opted to do this virtually.
00:07:59,600 --> 00:08:00,840
And I know that's not the same.
00:08:00,840 --> 00:08:03,280
But again,
we want to make sure that we address
00:08:03,280 --> 00:08:06,560
any questions or concern
that residents in Ventura County have.
00:08:06,560 --> 00:08:07,680
So please,
00:08:07,680 --> 00:08:12,000
down at the bottom of your screen,
there is a question and answer button.
00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:17,640
You're welcome to click on that
and submit questions to us via chat.
00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:21,200
And we have a team here in the Ventura
County Emergency Operation Center
00:08:21,520 --> 00:08:23,680
that will work quickly to address those.
00:08:23,680 --> 00:08:27,160
If those questions are relevant
to the topic that we are discussing,
00:08:27,160 --> 00:08:28,760
we will read them
00:08:28,760 --> 00:08:31,800
live on this presentation and answer them
to the best of our ability.
00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:33,880
Of course, if they are
00:08:33,880 --> 00:08:37,880
something that we cannot answer live
because it takes some looking into.
00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:39,600
We will get back to you.
00:08:39,600 --> 00:08:42,040
And with that, we'll go ahead
and get started with the presentation.
00:08:42,080 --> 00:08:42,760
Next slide, please.
00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:47,480
So our agenda for tonight,
we're just going to kind of do a quick
00:08:47,480 --> 00:08:50,880
review of some of our local hazards
we face here in Ventura County.
00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:55,520
Well, then jump into a discussion from
our partners with the city of Simi Valley
00:08:55,520 --> 00:08:59,640
and talk about how emergency response
is done at the city level,
00:09:00,240 --> 00:09:03,000
then jump into some discussion
on county coordination
00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:05,760
cover evacuations and sheltering.
00:09:05,800 --> 00:09:09,680
Talk a little bit about alert and warning
and then close out with sharing
00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:11,520
what we're doing here in Ventura County
00:09:11,520 --> 00:09:15,600
to update our emergency operations
plan in our Houser mitigation plan.
00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:17,320
Next slide, please.
00:09:19,560 --> 00:09:22,880
So most of the time, Ventura County
is an awesome place to live.
00:09:22,920 --> 00:09:25,920
It's a nice place
and it's calm and it's safe.
00:09:26,280 --> 00:09:28,800
But we do have our fair
share of disasters.
00:09:28,800 --> 00:09:32,040
And while those disasters are few
and far between,
00:09:32,040 --> 00:09:35,760
they are significant and really leave
a lasting impression on us.
00:09:35,760 --> 00:09:37,920
You look at these photos here
that just popped up
00:09:37,920 --> 00:09:40,560
It may jog your memory
of some of the recent events we had.
00:09:40,560 --> 00:09:43,360
We had a fire, Madera fire on April 1st.
00:09:43,360 --> 00:09:46,600
20, 21, of course, the easy fire,
just a couple of years
00:09:46,600 --> 00:09:49,680
prior to that
this was the peak fire back in 2018.
00:09:49,680 --> 00:09:51,000
And those are just some of the fires
00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:54,640
in recent years that we've dealt with here
locally in Simi Valley.
00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:55,720
Next slide, please.
00:09:57,440 --> 00:10:00,360
Some of the hazards that we face
in addition to wildfire
00:10:00,360 --> 00:10:03,800
include agricultural
or biological type incidents.
00:10:04,640 --> 00:10:09,000
We also look to work on coastal erosion
and sea level rise,
00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:13,200
dam and levee failure, droughts,
which you're dealing with right now,
00:10:13,840 --> 00:10:17,360
the potential for earthquakes
and flooding, landslides
00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:21,240
similar to what we saw up in La
Conchita in 2005 in 1985.
00:10:21,960 --> 00:10:24,520
Severe weather both in the form of heat
00:10:24,720 --> 00:10:27,600
cold events, wind events,
00:10:27,600 --> 00:10:30,360
terrorism, potential for tsunamis.
00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:33,440
Thankfully, not all the way out
in Simi Valley, but there is a potential
00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:37,560
along our coastline, wildfires,
which we already discussed.
00:10:37,560 --> 00:10:42,000
Mass casualty incidents, cyber attacks,
and one that unfortunately,
00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:46,200
Simi Valley is all too familiar
with, extended utility outages
00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:50,160
with the imposition of public
safety power shutoffs.
00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:51,000
Next slide, please.
00:10:54,880 --> 00:10:55,280
All of
00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:59,080
disasters, despite their type in kind,
00:10:59,080 --> 00:11:03,080
are really always managed
at the local level, at your local public
00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:07,200
safety personnel,
your local city of Simi Valley resources
00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:10,560
that are responding to manages
these catastrophic events.
00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:15,400
They're assisted oftentimes
with mutual aid from other jurisdictions,
00:11:15,680 --> 00:11:18,120
and additional resources
are brought in to assist
00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:21,240
with any major responses.
00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:23,960
So things always start local
and they end local.
00:11:25,080 --> 00:11:28,200
In the event that the event is
00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:30,880
the capabilities of local resources,
00:11:31,280 --> 00:11:34,480
we reach out to our partners
at the state of California,
00:11:34,480 --> 00:11:38,240
and particularly the California Governor's
Office of Emergency Services
00:11:38,720 --> 00:11:43,640
with our state counterpart for providing
additional support they can assist us in
00:11:43,640 --> 00:11:47,080
many areas,
including logistics, fire resources,
00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:51,000
law enforcement, resources and
00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:52,560
health resources
00:11:52,560 --> 00:11:55,560
in the event
that the state is unable to assist us.
00:11:55,880 --> 00:11:57,800
And they require additional support.
00:11:57,800 --> 00:12:00,880
They then look to the federal partners,
which are the Federal
00:12:00,880 --> 00:12:03,920
Emergency Management
Agency or FEMA, Next slide.
00:12:06,120 --> 00:12:07,040
With that,
00:12:07,040 --> 00:12:08,160
we're going to jump in to
00:12:08,160 --> 00:12:11,280
Simi Valley portion of the presentation,
and they're going to discuss
00:12:11,280 --> 00:12:12,440
how they respond locally.
00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:15,800
And I'll hand it over
to the Simi Valley team.
00:12:18,960 --> 00:12:20,760
Thank you again for joining us tonight.
00:12:20,760 --> 00:12:21,840
Tonight, we're going to share with you
00:12:21,840 --> 00:12:26,000
some of the ways that you can contribute
to the city's resiliency in Simi Valley.
00:12:26,040 --> 00:12:26,720
Thank you.
00:12:35,440 --> 00:12:35,880
00:12:39,720 --> 00:12:41,120
California uses
00:12:41,120 --> 00:12:45,040
state emergency management system
to manage emergencies.
00:12:46,160 --> 00:12:48,480
The city at the local government levels.
00:12:49,240 --> 00:12:50,760
This means that the city.
00:12:50,760 --> 00:12:54,280
Manages incidents
that occur within the jurisdiction
00:12:54,600 --> 00:12:57,760
and do not exceed its ability to respond
00:12:57,760 --> 00:13:01,200
with its resources.
00:13:01,200 --> 00:13:02,760
Next slide.
00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:06,440
Many emergency response
to start with the call.
00:13:06,440 --> 00:13:07,320
The 911,
00:13:07,320 --> 00:13:11,520
which is answered by a Simi Valley police
dispatcher who takes in the information.
00:13:12,120 --> 00:13:12,840
Next slide.
00:13:14,560 --> 00:13:17,320
The dispatcher creates a color
for service,
00:13:17,320 --> 00:13:21,600
a call for service, which is then assigned
to the appropriate feet or area.
00:13:22,560 --> 00:13:25,400
The police officer responds to the scene
and investigates.
00:13:25,920 --> 00:13:27,520
Next slide please.
00:13:28,800 --> 00:13:30,600
Most incidents are resolved
00:13:30,600 --> 00:13:33,160
using the city's resources,
which are listed here.
00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:36,960
All city employees will report
to City Hall after the earthquake
00:13:36,960 --> 00:13:39,000
to assist in the response and recovery.
00:13:40,080 --> 00:13:44,040
One of the city's most valuable resources
in the disaster is the disaster.
00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:46,880
at the Community Emergency Response Team
00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:51,960
Academy volunteers learn emergency
preparedness, search and rescue
00:13:51,960 --> 00:13:56,200
and other skills taught by the Ventura
County Fire Department, known as CERT.
00:13:56,240 --> 00:13:59,280
These volunteers
help their neighbors after a disaster
00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:03,000
which allows first responders
to focus on the critically injured.
00:14:03,520 --> 00:14:07,160
Third Academy graduates
can apply for the disaster service workers
00:14:07,160 --> 00:14:10,920
team The dedicated volunteers
who respond to support the city
00:14:10,920 --> 00:14:12,840
during larger emergencies.
00:14:12,840 --> 00:14:17,840
The DSW team also conducts Simi Valley
Surf Academy with the Ventura County Fire.
00:14:17,880 --> 00:14:18,720
Next slide, please.
00:14:21,000 --> 00:14:23,280
Here is some photos of our search team.
00:14:23,880 --> 00:14:27,320
The Community Emergency Response Team
00:14:28,040 --> 00:14:30,960
in the Disaster Service Workers
00:14:30,960 --> 00:14:32,480
that fire
00:14:35,160 --> 00:14:37,880
the mercury spill in 2015
00:14:38,520 --> 00:14:41,520
is a good example
of an escalating incident.
00:14:42,720 --> 00:14:44,480
Next slide
00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:49,760
on May 11th 2015 at 11 a.m.
00:14:51,920 --> 00:14:56,440
Simi Valley responded to a 911 call
00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:01,440
we need to answer
00:15:03,920 --> 00:15:05,400
to a 911 call
00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:08,880
complaining of sickness
in silvery metal industry.
00:15:09,720 --> 00:15:12,800
The Ventura County Fire Department
assumed incident
00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:15,480
command because it was a hazardous
material spill.
00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:18,040
Next slide
00:15:19,560 --> 00:15:21,000
due to the toxicity
00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:24,800
and size of the spill,
more resources were needed.
00:15:25,560 --> 00:15:28,320
The incident escalated up
through the county
00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:30,920
and the state until the U.S.
00:15:31,320 --> 00:15:35,600
Environmental Protection
Agency assumed incident command.
00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:38,520
At 11 p.m. that night,
00:15:39,120 --> 00:15:41,160
This is a list of the agencies
00:15:41,160 --> 00:15:45,000
that were called in
to respond to handle that incident.
00:15:51,240 --> 00:15:52,680
Next slide.
00:15:58,520 --> 00:16:00,560
The 25 Topanga.
00:16:00,560 --> 00:16:01,320
00:16:01,760 --> 00:16:04,200
The 2018 Woolsey fire
00:16:04,200 --> 00:16:06,560
and the 2019 easy
00:16:06,560 --> 00:16:09,320
fire each started in one jurisdiction
00:16:09,600 --> 00:16:13,040
and quickly spread across the city
and into county borders.
00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:19,240
And each in each of these incidents,
the city managed its own response.
00:16:19,240 --> 00:16:20,840
While the county EOC.
00:16:20,840 --> 00:16:24,320
Coordinated information
resources and priority
00:16:24,320 --> 00:16:27,920
among the jurisdictions
00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:29,680
00:16:29,680 --> 00:16:31,320
Next slide
00:16:32,760 --> 00:16:37,080
stay informed by signing up for video
alerts and Simi Valley Police Department.
00:16:37,080 --> 00:16:39,480
Nicole, opt in
with your cell phone number.
00:16:39,840 --> 00:16:43,920
Take the cert training now
offered online via e CFD dot org.
00:16:44,320 --> 00:16:46,240
Apply for disaster service workers.
00:16:46,240 --> 00:16:48,480
You make a plan now with your family.
00:16:48,840 --> 00:16:52,160
Visit Reddy Ventura
County dot for more tools and tips.
00:16:52,560 --> 00:16:57,200
Apply the CFP dot org to become
a police officer or dispatcher.
00:16:57,480 --> 00:17:00,000
Now back to Patrick
for more information from the midnight.
00:17:03,120 --> 00:17:04,440
Thank you, Simi Valley team.
00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:06,160
We appreciate that.
00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:08,680
So you just heard
what happens at a local level.
00:17:08,680 --> 00:17:10,440
And now we're going to talk a little bit
more about
00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:14,280
what happens here at the County Emergency
Operations Center during an emergency.
00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:15,880
Next slide, please.
00:17:16,440 --> 00:17:18,320
So this graphic illustrates
00:17:18,320 --> 00:17:21,720
the multitude of agencies
and organizations that the County
00:17:21,720 --> 00:17:26,680
Emergency Operations Center
is communicating with at a time
00:17:26,680 --> 00:17:31,680
in which an incident escalates
beyond the normal scope of a response.
00:17:31,680 --> 00:17:34,920
So when something goes from small
to large, we communicate
00:17:34,920 --> 00:17:38,800
with a number of special districts,
including water districts.
00:17:39,560 --> 00:17:42,240
We also communicate with Naval Base,
Ventura County,
00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:45,320
higher education, like Cal State
University, Channel Islands.
00:17:45,800 --> 00:17:49,040
We also work with the Red Cross,
who's been a longtime partner,
00:17:49,440 --> 00:17:53,040
the Ventura County Transportation
Commission and the Ventura County Office
00:17:53,040 --> 00:17:54,320
of Education.
00:17:54,320 --> 00:17:59,000
In addition to special districts,
we work with all ten Ventura County cities
00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:00,520
all ten
00:18:00,520 --> 00:18:04,400
Ventura County cities have emergency
operations centers
00:18:04,720 --> 00:18:07,600
similar to that of Simi Valley,
that they operate on their own.
00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:10,360
And we at the County Emergency Operations
in our work
00:18:10,360 --> 00:18:12,800
to support them in their efforts.
00:18:14,280 --> 00:18:17,120
One of the big things
that the Emergency Operations Center
00:18:17,760 --> 00:18:21,720
does is work to support
the incident response in the field.
00:18:21,720 --> 00:18:24,840
So we are not here to command and control
00:18:24,840 --> 00:18:28,200
We're here to support the good work
being done by our public
00:18:28,200 --> 00:18:31,040
safety personnel out
at the incident command post
00:18:31,400 --> 00:18:34,400
and provide them
any extra resources that they need.
00:18:35,040 --> 00:18:37,440
Those resources
might be logistical support,
00:18:37,920 --> 00:18:42,040
maybe mutual aid from other counties
or other cities, any number of things.
00:18:42,040 --> 00:18:45,200
Again, our role at both the city level
and the county level
00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:48,720
is really to provide support
to the actual people in the field.
00:18:48,720 --> 00:18:49,440
Doing the work,
00:18:50,840 --> 00:18:51,400
as I mentioned
00:18:51,400 --> 00:18:55,160
earlier, in the event
that additional support is needed beyond
00:18:55,200 --> 00:18:58,160
what we can provide here at the county
or beyond what the city can provide
00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:00,640
we then can reach to our partners
at state.
00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:02,680
And the state operates two centers.
00:19:03,040 --> 00:19:06,480
One is a regional center
located in Los Alamitos, the second center
00:19:06,800 --> 00:19:08,440
located up in Sacramento.
00:19:08,440 --> 00:19:10,560
That's called the State Operation Center.
00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,800
And of course, if the state can assist us,
then they reach out to FEMA.
00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:17,280
In addition to the items
00:19:17,280 --> 00:19:20,280
I mentioned so far, we also operate
what's called
00:19:20,640 --> 00:19:23,640
GIC, what you'll hear about later
from our public information officer.
00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:26,960
But the goal of that is really to ensure
that we're taking in data,
00:19:27,280 --> 00:19:28,200
turning that data
00:19:28,200 --> 00:19:32,320
into intelligence and determining
what residents need to learn about
00:19:32,600 --> 00:19:35,440
might be about evacuations,
that might be about road closures
00:19:35,440 --> 00:19:36,680
and pushing that information
00:19:36,680 --> 00:19:40,920
back out in multiple languages
on various platforms, so on and so forth.
00:19:41,880 --> 00:19:44,560
One of the last things that the emergency
operations center works on
00:19:44,880 --> 00:19:48,360
is coordinating our multiagency
coordination group, and that that group
00:19:48,360 --> 00:19:52,280
is brought together
during a large incident in which
00:19:53,480 --> 00:19:56,880
tough decisions
have to be made on resource allocation.
00:19:57,160 --> 00:19:59,640
If we experience a regional disaster
00:20:00,320 --> 00:20:05,040
and multiple cities are impacted,
oftentimes we will be short on resources
00:20:05,040 --> 00:20:09,240
and some tough decisions are made in terms
of where we send those resources.
00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:12,320
This group is gathered
here at the Emergency Operations Center.
00:20:12,720 --> 00:20:15,240
It's comprised of representatives
from all of our cities,
00:20:15,640 --> 00:20:18,480
and that decision is made on
where to send resources.
00:20:18,560 --> 00:20:19,640
Next slide
00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:22,320
so some key takeaways.
00:20:22,320 --> 00:20:26,240
I hope you remember from tonight
or the slides I'm about to get into.
00:20:27,640 --> 00:20:31,000
We're going to talk quickly about
evacuation orders and evacuation warnings.
00:20:31,560 --> 00:20:32,800
If you have been evacuated
00:20:32,800 --> 00:20:36,040
before, chances are you've heard
slightly different terminology.
00:20:36,040 --> 00:20:39,920
We used to use the terms
evacuate or mandatory evacuation
00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:42,720
and voluntary evacuation.
00:20:42,720 --> 00:20:44,280
Our terminology has changed.
00:20:44,280 --> 00:20:46,440
It's been standardized now statewide.
00:20:46,440 --> 00:20:50,160
So regardless of where you are,
you will hear the same type of evacuation
00:20:50,160 --> 00:20:53,120
terminology when danger is imminent.
00:20:53,240 --> 00:20:55,400
We use the term evacuation order.
00:20:55,400 --> 00:20:56,080
So when you hear
00:20:56,080 --> 00:21:00,680
any evacuation order issued for your area,
that means you need to leave.
00:21:01,160 --> 00:21:03,160
Do not wait. You need to leave now.
00:21:03,600 --> 00:21:07,200
That means that conditions exist
that seriously imperil or endanger
00:21:07,200 --> 00:21:09,400
the lives of those
that are in that specific area.
00:21:10,560 --> 00:21:13,920
An evacuation
warning or what used to be a voluntary
00:21:13,920 --> 00:21:17,880
evacuation means that threat to lives
is not yet imminent.
00:21:18,160 --> 00:21:20,520
However, you should prepare to evacuate.
00:21:21,120 --> 00:21:24,000
Now, if you require any extra time
00:21:24,440 --> 00:21:28,560
it's wise to evacuate
when an evacuation warning is issued.
00:21:28,680 --> 00:21:31,600
Do not wait for an evacuation
order to be issued?
00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:32,880
That may not prevent
00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:36,360
you adequate time to get out of your home
or apartment or wherever you're staying.
00:21:37,560 --> 00:21:41,680
Also, if you required essential assistance
during an evacuation warning,
00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:45,480
that is a great time to reach out
to family and friends and seek their help.
00:21:45,960 --> 00:21:46,920
Next slide
00:21:49,160 --> 00:21:52,760
So how will you learn of these evacuations
when they're issued?
00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:56,720
There's a few different ways, and we'll
start with the good old fashioned
00:21:57,040 --> 00:22:00,440
we will send law enforcement personnel
00:22:00,600 --> 00:22:05,120
out to your home, out to businesses
to knock on the door and let them know
00:22:05,120 --> 00:22:09,120
that an evacuation order has been issued
for the area and they need to leave.
00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:13,080
In addition
to that, we will use a Halo siren.
00:22:13,080 --> 00:22:16,840
That's a tone that a police car
can put out on their siren.
00:22:17,240 --> 00:22:19,560
To alert residents
of the need to evacuate.
00:22:20,520 --> 00:22:23,280
One of the great things about door
to door notifications,
00:22:23,840 --> 00:22:27,360
it ensures that we don't miss anybody,
which is obviously very important.
00:22:27,720 --> 00:22:31,200
It also allows us to assist
those that may not be able to hear.
00:22:31,800 --> 00:22:35,000
Deputies can shine a flashlight
or police officers
00:22:35,000 --> 00:22:36,840
can shine a flashlight into the window.
00:22:36,840 --> 00:22:39,960
To get somebody who's attention
that may be deaf or hard of hearing.
00:22:41,760 --> 00:22:43,920
In addition to door notifications,
00:22:44,160 --> 00:22:48,800
we also use what's called the voice alert
emergency notification system
00:22:49,200 --> 00:22:52,760
in Simi Valley has been
a proud participant in the DC Alert
00:22:52,960 --> 00:22:55,200
Emergency Notification System
for many years now.
00:22:55,840 --> 00:22:58,320
This system is offered
free of charge to residents,
00:22:58,640 --> 00:23:02,680
and it has the ability to call you
on your telephone, your cell phone.
00:23:02,680 --> 00:23:04,640
It has the ability to text message.
00:23:04,640 --> 00:23:08,960
You email you, fax you, and if you still
have a pager, we can page you as well.
00:23:10,120 --> 00:23:12,920
The system
is only used for emergency notifications
00:23:13,680 --> 00:23:18,000
and you can register for that system
by visiting VCC Alert dot org.
00:23:18,600 --> 00:23:22,240
One thing to note,
the system is comprised of all listed
00:23:22,240 --> 00:23:26,760
and unlisted landline telephone numbers,
but we definitely recommend that
00:23:26,760 --> 00:23:30,360
you provide your cell phone information
to us in the event that we don't have it.
00:23:30,960 --> 00:23:34,480
We purchased data from a number of
companies, but we want to make sure that
00:23:34,800 --> 00:23:38,320
not only do we have your cell phone number
or your home phone number,
00:23:38,320 --> 00:23:42,600
but we also have the correct address
to associate it with as the notifications
00:23:42,600 --> 00:23:47,600
that are sent out through the voice
alert system are geographically specific.
00:23:47,880 --> 00:23:51,000
So please register for that system
if you haven't done so already.
00:23:51,000 --> 00:23:52,280
If it's been some time since you've
00:23:52,280 --> 00:23:55,880
registered, please access your account
and make sure your information is correct
00:23:56,360 --> 00:23:59,200
and the website to do
that on is very alert.
00:23:59,280 --> 00:24:00,480
Dot org.
00:24:00,760 --> 00:24:03,080
A couple of other ways
we share information with you
00:24:03,480 --> 00:24:06,400
is our one of them is our incident
specific website.
00:24:06,400 --> 00:24:08,480
That website is VCC Emergency dot com.
00:24:08,920 --> 00:24:11,720
Please check it out on that website live.
00:24:11,720 --> 00:24:15,160
24 seven is an incident map
which during a fire
00:24:15,160 --> 00:24:17,320
you would actually see fire
perimeters on road
00:24:17,320 --> 00:24:21,320
closures evacuation areas
during a public safety power shut off.
00:24:21,320 --> 00:24:24,760
You would see every circuit on that list
00:24:24,760 --> 00:24:27,840
that has been energized
and a lot of other great information.
00:24:28,600 --> 00:24:31,880
The last way we will alert
you are the last two days rather
00:24:31,920 --> 00:24:35,360
we will alert you are using the wireless
emergency alert system
00:24:35,400 --> 00:24:37,920
and the old fashioned
emergency alert system.
00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:43,200
Wireless emergency alerts are very similar
to that of what an Amber Alert is.
00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:46,280
So it does not require you to pre-register
your cell phone.
00:24:47,160 --> 00:24:50,360
Phones are alerted
based on their geographic location
00:24:50,760 --> 00:24:54,960
so we can go into our notification system
and select an area on a map.
00:24:55,560 --> 00:24:58,400
And all cell phones
that are connected to cell towers
00:24:58,640 --> 00:25:01,760
within that geographic region
will receive a notification
00:25:02,400 --> 00:25:04,880
that we only use this wireless emergency
00:25:04,880 --> 00:25:07,520
tool in very serious emergencies.
00:25:07,880 --> 00:25:11,760
And we will only use it once, maybe twice
during the course of an emergency.
00:25:12,160 --> 00:25:15,200
then I'll use a fire as an example.
00:25:15,760 --> 00:25:18,240
We will send out one initial notification,
00:25:18,600 --> 00:25:22,480
and that notification will say fast
moving brush fire in Simi Valley.
00:25:22,960 --> 00:25:26,280
Go to Vickie emergency dot
com for more information.
00:25:26,600 --> 00:25:27,680
And that's it.
00:25:27,680 --> 00:25:30,960
We really use that tool to get everyone's
attention to wake them up.
00:25:30,960 --> 00:25:32,760
If it's an odd hour of the night,
00:25:32,760 --> 00:25:35,400
and get them to our Web
site to find out more information.
00:25:36,720 --> 00:25:37,880
The last tool, their
00:25:37,880 --> 00:25:41,680
emergency alert system, is a system
that's been around since the 1950s
00:25:42,040 --> 00:25:45,200
you may be familiar
with somewhat annoying noise that it makes
00:25:45,480 --> 00:25:48,640
that interrupts your television
or radio broadcast.
00:25:49,600 --> 00:25:53,560
It may display a text crawl
across the bottom of your screen on TV.
00:25:54,080 --> 00:25:57,640
We also have the ability to activate
that system here from our emergency
00:25:57,640 --> 00:25:58,840
operations center.
00:25:58,840 --> 00:26:01,720
Again, that system is used very sparingly
we use it
00:26:01,720 --> 00:26:04,520
very rarely, only during major events.
00:26:05,240 --> 00:26:06,320
Next slide
00:26:09,840 --> 00:26:10,800
so in the event
00:26:10,800 --> 00:26:14,280
that you are evacuated,
we want to share with you a little bit
00:26:14,280 --> 00:26:17,320
about what we have in terms of mass care
and shelter opportunities.
00:26:17,320 --> 00:26:19,440
Serve Ventura County.
00:26:19,560 --> 00:26:21,560
In Ventura County, we partner with the Red
00:26:21,600 --> 00:26:24,200
a longtime partner in disaster response
00:26:24,840 --> 00:26:28,680
to have over 100 predesignated locations
we can actually use
00:26:28,680 --> 00:26:30,480
for emergency shelters.
00:26:30,480 --> 00:26:33,720
In addition
to those Predesignated shelter locations,
00:26:34,080 --> 00:26:37,920
we have also started using something
called temporary evacuation points.
00:26:38,920 --> 00:26:39,840
What those temporary
00:26:39,840 --> 00:26:44,120
evacuation points consist of are large
parking lots with cones set up
00:26:44,120 --> 00:26:49,200
and then and cars can file into those
parking lots where they're met by staff
00:26:49,200 --> 00:26:53,320
from the Ventura County Human Services
Agency and the American Red Cross.
00:26:53,720 --> 00:26:55,680
And together both of those agencies
00:26:55,680 --> 00:26:59,280
will speak to the evacuees
and find out what their need is.
00:26:59,720 --> 00:27:03,000
Every individual's needs are different,
different, and we recognize that.
00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:06,320
So we want to make sure that we are
providing them the most suitable resource
00:27:06,680 --> 00:27:09,880
available to us in an evacuation scenario.
00:27:09,920 --> 00:27:14,160
That may mean sending a resident
to a congregate shelter,
00:27:14,520 --> 00:27:19,280
which you've probably seen at a gymnasium
during a fire, or potentially sending
00:27:19,320 --> 00:27:23,880
someone to a motel and providing them
a voucher for a free motel.
00:27:24,120 --> 00:27:27,720
Stay again
that team is there to assess your needs,
00:27:28,080 --> 00:27:31,320
determine if you have any issues
that you need assistance with,
00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:34,520
and provide you
the resources to stay safe and secure.
00:27:35,160 --> 00:27:35,800
Next slide please.
00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:38,320
Again, a
00:27:38,320 --> 00:27:41,040
few ways
to stay informed ahead of an incident
00:27:42,240 --> 00:27:44,800
before an incident strikes
before a disaster strikes.
00:27:44,800 --> 00:27:49,040
We have a preparedness website
that websites ready Ventura County dot org
00:27:49,760 --> 00:27:53,400
and of course, the incident information
website that I mentioned earlier,
00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:56,040
which is we see emergency dot org.
00:27:57,720 --> 00:27:59,600
Next slide, please.
00:28:01,320 --> 00:28:02,640
And over in Simi Valley,
00:28:02,640 --> 00:28:06,000
how can residents stay informed.
00:28:08,240 --> 00:28:10,480
Sign up for exile and follow the City
00:28:10,480 --> 00:28:13,440
Police Department on social media
for emergency alerts.
00:28:13,880 --> 00:28:16,640
You can see those on the slide there
thank you, Patrick.
00:28:20,200 --> 00:28:21,520
Thanks, Chief.
00:28:21,520 --> 00:28:24,000
And with that, I will go next to
00:28:24,080 --> 00:28:27,080
Ventura County Public Information
Officer Ashley Bautista.
00:28:27,400 --> 00:28:29,760
We'll talk a little bit
about our joint information center,
00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:33,000
as well as our efforts to keep
the public informed during an emergency.
00:28:33,040 --> 00:28:34,800
Ashley, take it away.
00:28:34,800 --> 00:28:36,240
Thank you, Patrick.
00:28:36,240 --> 00:28:38,360
As mentioned, my name is Ashley Batiste.
00:28:38,440 --> 00:28:40,680
I am the public information officer
for the County
00:28:40,680 --> 00:28:44,120
of Ventura Executive Office,
overseeing communication countywide.
00:28:44,440 --> 00:28:46,320
It's an honor to be here with you tonight.
00:28:46,320 --> 00:28:48,960
Engaging with our community
is a high priority of our county.
00:28:49,320 --> 00:28:50,520
I'll be speaking about the Joint
00:28:50,520 --> 00:28:53,880
Information Center and communication
during an emergency.
00:28:54,360 --> 00:28:58,800
The Joint Information Center called
the GIC is activated during an emergency.
00:28:59,240 --> 00:29:04,040
The GIC is the central hub for information
during an act of emergency.
00:29:04,080 --> 00:29:06,120
Information changes very quickly.
00:29:06,480 --> 00:29:09,080
The team takes the up to date information,
00:29:09,280 --> 00:29:13,080
sometimes minute by minute
in an active situation and creates
00:29:13,080 --> 00:29:18,240
press releases, social media posts,
content for ABC Emergency and more.
00:29:18,600 --> 00:29:22,080
The media uses those press releases
to highlight information
00:29:22,400 --> 00:29:25,520
on the television, news, radio
and in print.
00:29:25,840 --> 00:29:30,280
This helps keep the community informed
The team also monitors
00:29:30,280 --> 00:29:34,160
the hotline to get tips from the community
and answers questions.
00:29:34,200 --> 00:29:37,120
We're also monitoring social media
for misinformation.
00:29:37,800 --> 00:29:41,120
The team often takes very complex
information and breaks it down
00:29:41,120 --> 00:29:42,680
in very simple terms
00:29:42,680 --> 00:29:46,680
through graphics, written messages
and video and text messages.
00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:48,080
Next slide please.
00:29:50,360 --> 00:29:50,760
The jet
00:29:50,760 --> 00:29:54,080
helps communicate information
to community members, the media,
00:29:54,080 --> 00:29:58,160
elected officials, community
organizations, the business community
00:29:58,200 --> 00:30:01,800
nonprofit partners, health care partners,
00:30:02,080 --> 00:30:05,800
local, state, federal agencies
and Emergency Response Unit.
00:30:06,360 --> 00:30:10,200
The GIC also helps to keep the county's
25 agencies informed.
00:30:10,560 --> 00:30:14,400
These agencies are critical
in overall response during an emergency.
00:30:14,760 --> 00:30:17,880
We have seen this firsthand
during the current health emergency.
00:30:18,120 --> 00:30:22,200
The county agencies with the guidance
of the county executive executive office
00:30:22,520 --> 00:30:26,480
and OAS work together
to support the community in real time.
00:30:27,040 --> 00:30:29,920
Information is crucial
in reducing uncertainty.
00:30:30,160 --> 00:30:33,160
People need to know when roads are closed
or where to go.
00:30:33,160 --> 00:30:34,800
Thearea evacuated.
00:30:34,800 --> 00:30:37,480
During COVID, they have needed information
on how to get food
00:30:37,480 --> 00:30:40,560
testing, vaccines shelter and support.
00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:43,720
We have had community members here
that the county is like family
00:30:43,720 --> 00:30:45,480
from the support they have received.
00:30:45,480 --> 00:30:47,920
We are here for the community
and partnership with cities
00:30:47,920 --> 00:30:50,640
like Simi Valley
Especially during an emergency
00:30:51,080 --> 00:30:55,040
when the information is provided
by a trusted resource in a language
00:30:55,040 --> 00:30:58,200
that is understood, in a method
that is accessible.
00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:00,640
It can help community members
know what to do.
00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:05,880
They may need to shelter in place, boil
water, or evacuate on a specific road.
00:31:06,200 --> 00:31:08,480
It also becomes a two way platform.
00:31:08,480 --> 00:31:10,680
We are not just about pushing information.
00:31:10,880 --> 00:31:13,040
It's not just about that information
going out.
00:31:13,040 --> 00:31:15,120
It's also about that information
coming in.
00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:18,560
It's about connecting
with community members to get information
00:31:18,600 --> 00:31:22,040
that people may be experiencing on scene
at an incident.
00:31:22,360 --> 00:31:26,000
To answer questions
and connect community members to resources
00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:29,960
as to a response is 24 seven
The county is committed
00:31:29,960 --> 00:31:35,160
to being responsive and engaging in dialog
before, during and after an incident.
00:31:35,520 --> 00:31:39,080
I encourage you to stay connected
to the county during non-emergency times
00:31:39,360 --> 00:31:43,680
at County Aventura, Ventura on Facebook,
Twitter, next door, and Instagram.
00:31:44,080 --> 00:31:48,000
These platforms provide ongoing
information about county operations.
00:31:48,360 --> 00:31:50,520
The more we connect, the better
we respond.
00:31:50,520 --> 00:31:51,920
During an emergency,
00:31:51,920 --> 00:31:55,680
COVID19 resource information
can be found at ABC recovers dot org.
00:31:56,080 --> 00:31:58,160
I also encourage you
to get to know your neighbors
00:31:58,440 --> 00:32:00,480
You can be a lifeline for a neighbor
in need.
00:32:00,840 --> 00:32:03,800
We saw this during the Thomas fire,
when neighbors helped to knock
00:32:03,840 --> 00:32:07,200
on the doors of elderly neighbors
to alert them of the fire.
00:32:07,560 --> 00:32:11,680
You can help the Gehrke and the entire
incident response team by helping others
00:32:11,680 --> 00:32:15,920
in your neighborhood, helping them
to connect to information and resources.
00:32:16,400 --> 00:32:19,960
A huge part of our communication effort
includes community engagement.
00:32:20,320 --> 00:32:24,440
Our community liaison, Rosa Gonzalez,
works very closely with community groups.
00:32:24,840 --> 00:32:26,600
These relationships have been key
00:32:26,600 --> 00:32:29,920
in understanding concerns
and responding in meaningful ways.
00:32:30,360 --> 00:32:31,200
Next slide, please.
00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:35,000
During an emergency,
there are many community members
00:32:35,040 --> 00:32:40,320
who lack access to TV, Internet radio,
a cell phone or social media.
00:32:40,680 --> 00:32:43,600
Sometimes these vulnerable individuals
are older adults,
00:32:44,040 --> 00:32:46,920
low income community members,
non-English speakers,
00:32:47,280 --> 00:32:51,000
people with disabilities, people
who are unhoused outdoor workers
00:32:51,000 --> 00:32:55,520
such as farm workers, undocumented
individuals and housed community members.
00:32:55,920 --> 00:32:56,920
The county is committed
00:32:56,920 --> 00:33:00,360
to engaging with community members
before there's ever an emergency
00:33:00,680 --> 00:33:04,920
so that we are able to listen and discuss
community concerns and fears.
00:33:05,480 --> 00:33:07,760
This is critical
during an active emergency
00:33:08,120 --> 00:33:11,440
because we've already built
those relationships with community members
00:33:11,840 --> 00:33:15,600
and community partners
to connect individuals to resources.
00:33:16,080 --> 00:33:19,640
This helps to increase trust
with all government agencies involved.
00:33:20,040 --> 00:33:21,280
If you are part of a group
00:33:21,280 --> 00:33:23,960
that would like to connect
with the county, please connect with us.
00:33:24,320 --> 00:33:28,720
My contact information
is that ABC recovers dot org In action.
00:33:28,720 --> 00:33:31,760
This means that the county takes
time to meet with community groups
00:33:31,760 --> 00:33:36,400
and community members on a daily basis
so that during a time of emergency,
00:33:36,400 --> 00:33:38,640
we can work together
to help the most vulnerable.
00:33:38,920 --> 00:33:41,640
We have seen this most recently
with the pandemic response.
00:33:41,960 --> 00:33:45,840
The network of partnerships has grown,
and that has strengthened our ability
00:33:45,840 --> 00:33:47,160
to connect with our community.
00:33:47,160 --> 00:33:50,400
Members through our partnerships
with trusted messengers.
00:33:50,760 --> 00:33:54,720
We were able to provide support
and be responsive in multiple languages
00:33:54,960 --> 00:33:57,920
through many different methods
to connect with the community members
00:33:58,240 --> 00:34:01,680
when they need support,
especially during an emergency.
00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:04,120
So I thank you for your time tonight.
00:34:04,120 --> 00:34:05,480
I would like to now turn it over
00:34:05,480 --> 00:34:09,320
to Assistant County Executive Chief
Executive Officer Mike Pettit.
00:34:11,600 --> 00:34:12,480
Thank you very much.
00:34:12,480 --> 00:34:16,600
Ashley, wanted to expand a little bit
on the preparations
00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:20,960
and actions that the county and our cities
take before, during and
00:34:22,000 --> 00:34:25,680
while recovering from a disaster
or a major event
00:34:26,280 --> 00:34:30,520
before disasters occur, our county
and our cities work together
00:34:30,520 --> 00:34:33,680
with our state and federal
and local community based partners
00:34:33,680 --> 00:34:36,920
to coordinate and enhance
our preparedness for disasters.
00:34:37,080 --> 00:34:40,840
Tonight's forum is just one example
of the many actions
00:34:40,840 --> 00:34:45,320
that we're taking to try and improve
our ability to to respond to disasters,
00:34:45,520 --> 00:34:50,680
to limit the impacts of those disasters,
and to be able to recover more quickly
00:34:50,960 --> 00:34:54,480
One example of something
that we've been able to do in the past,
00:34:54,480 --> 00:34:57,400
as Ashley was mentioning,
and working with our community partners
00:34:57,680 --> 00:35:00,200
and engaging with the community,
was listening to
00:35:00,600 --> 00:35:03,360
some of the barriers
that exist with communication.
00:35:03,680 --> 00:35:08,120
We have a large population of indigenous
farmworkers in our in our county,
00:35:08,400 --> 00:35:09,640
and we learned through working
00:35:09,640 --> 00:35:12,760
with these groups
that that some of the language is spoken.
00:35:12,760 --> 00:35:15,400
There's not a written version of that.
00:35:15,400 --> 00:35:18,480
And they primarily use the WhatsApp
application to communicate
00:35:18,480 --> 00:35:21,480
with family and friends
and so we're able to establish
00:35:22,040 --> 00:35:25,800
a channel in WhatsApp to communicate
with the indigenous farmworker
00:35:25,800 --> 00:35:29,800
population during disasters,
to provide information to them.
00:35:29,800 --> 00:35:33,560
And that's just one small example
of how our county and cities
00:35:33,600 --> 00:35:36,800
are coming together
to improve our emergency response
00:35:37,000 --> 00:35:41,520
and the ability to communicate
with our public prior to disasters.
00:35:41,760 --> 00:35:46,040
Our county agencies and departments
are preparing with heightened activation
00:35:46,360 --> 00:35:49,920
of staffing,
and we often create position equipment.
00:35:50,280 --> 00:35:53,880
One of the things that we do
with our city partners and community based
00:35:53,880 --> 00:35:57,520
organizations is as we monitor
weather conditions,
00:35:58,160 --> 00:36:01,880
our fuel loads and our mountains and
and watershed,
00:36:02,160 --> 00:36:07,560
we identify conditions that have a high
likelihood of having a fire outbreak.
00:36:07,560 --> 00:36:09,480
And so we have coordination calls
00:36:09,480 --> 00:36:13,000
with all of our different partners
to pre-stage equipment.
00:36:13,000 --> 00:36:17,760
We put equipment in areas
that are likely to have a fire
00:36:17,760 --> 00:36:22,240
flare up and that just helps us respond
so much more quickly and mitigate fires
00:36:22,240 --> 00:36:26,280
and stop them before
they can spread during a disaster.
00:36:26,280 --> 00:36:26,960
Our county
00:36:28,120 --> 00:36:29,520
activates our
00:36:29,520 --> 00:36:33,080
office of our Emergency Operation Center,
and that
00:36:33,720 --> 00:36:37,320
has members from our public safety
00:36:37,560 --> 00:36:40,720
and also members across our 25 agencies
and departments
00:36:40,720 --> 00:36:44,520
and community based groups
and other members throughout the county.
00:36:44,520 --> 00:36:48,520
And that so that we can up
close coordination and on the needs
00:36:48,600 --> 00:36:53,000
and response actions necessary
during the disaster.
00:36:53,600 --> 00:36:56,280
Our County Executive Office
or CEO is connecting
00:36:56,280 --> 00:36:59,280
with our Board of Supervisors
during a disaster to learn
00:37:00,520 --> 00:37:03,240
and hear any input from them
that they're hearing from you,
00:37:03,240 --> 00:37:07,160
their constituents,
and also to provide that feedback
00:37:07,480 --> 00:37:10,760
to our emergency personnel
so that we can respond
00:37:10,760 --> 00:37:14,520
accordingly and help meet
those needs behind the scenes.
00:37:14,520 --> 00:37:17,600
Something you may not be aware
of administratively at the county,
00:37:18,400 --> 00:37:22,160
we there's certain administrative actions
that we conduct that help
00:37:22,440 --> 00:37:26,720
bring recovery funding more quickly
into the area, into the area
00:37:26,960 --> 00:37:30,520
that's in the form of disaster
declarations to our Board of Supervisors
00:37:31,080 --> 00:37:33,000
and emergency declarations.
00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:36,480
And then also working with our lobbyists,
our board members,
00:37:37,040 --> 00:37:40,520
our state and federal representatives
to help facilitate
00:37:40,560 --> 00:37:44,640
some federal disaster declarations
as those help bring additional recovery
00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:50,040
funding into our local community
to help aid recovery from the disasters.
00:37:50,400 --> 00:37:53,840
We're continually coordinating with our
our local city leaders
00:37:54,480 --> 00:37:57,120
and sharing in the resources and cost
00:37:57,120 --> 00:38:00,240
sharing on the disaster response efforts.
00:38:00,480 --> 00:38:02,920
We're coordinating with our community
based organizations.
00:38:02,920 --> 00:38:04,040
And we've been so thankful
00:38:04,040 --> 00:38:07,600
for their help and partnership
through the many disasters that we've had.
00:38:07,600 --> 00:38:10,640
It's helped strengthen our response
and coordinating
00:38:10,640 --> 00:38:13,920
with education and our business community.
00:38:13,920 --> 00:38:15,000
We have a group
00:38:15,000 --> 00:38:18,680
involving the economic development
collaborative, our chambers of Commerce,
00:38:19,480 --> 00:38:23,920
the CDA and others formed
into an economic vitality committee,
00:38:24,200 --> 00:38:28,160
and we receive input from the business
community learning what businesses
00:38:28,200 --> 00:38:32,040
are impacted during the disasters
so we can identify ways
00:38:32,040 --> 00:38:36,680
that we can support those businesses
and help them recover from that disasters.
00:38:37,240 --> 00:38:39,200
And lastly, on recovery.
00:38:39,200 --> 00:38:41,360
The recovery efforts don't start
00:38:42,720 --> 00:38:44,120
following the disaster.
00:38:44,120 --> 00:38:48,320
Our recovery efforts start
as soon as the disasters occur
00:38:48,360 --> 00:38:51,440
and even prior in our planning
and preparation efforts.
00:38:52,120 --> 00:38:55,160
If any of you lived in any of the areas
00:38:55,200 --> 00:38:58,400
impacted by the more recent fires,
you may have
00:38:59,440 --> 00:39:02,960
participated and attended
some of our one stop recovery centers
00:39:03,240 --> 00:39:04,800
and that the goal of those
00:39:04,800 --> 00:39:08,680
as soon as a disaster operates,
we work to establish a recovery center.
00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:14,800
And we have staff from our county,
cities, local, state and federal agencies
00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:18,680
all there one location to help
replace documents that may have been
00:39:18,720 --> 00:39:22,440
destroyed to help connect individuals
with services, to help
00:39:22,440 --> 00:39:26,480
find housing for individuals
who are displaced from their homes
00:39:26,880 --> 00:39:31,320
and to provide language assistance,
support for anybody that needs
00:39:32,680 --> 00:39:35,360
language assistance
in accessing this information.
00:39:35,360 --> 00:39:38,360
And so those are just examples
of the many ways
00:39:38,360 --> 00:39:41,960
that we try to be prepared
and improve our our effectiveness
00:39:42,160 --> 00:39:46,440
before, during
and in the recovery phase of a disaster.
00:39:46,720 --> 00:39:51,720
Thank you for your participation in helping to continue improving on those efforts.
00:39:52,720 --> 00:39:53,400
Thanks, Mike.
00:39:53,400 --> 00:39:56,040
And thanks, Ashley, for highlighting
all the efforts.
00:39:56,640 --> 00:40:00,800
As both Mike and Ashley just mentioned,
there's a lot of work that goes on beyond
00:40:00,800 --> 00:40:05,520
putting out the fire, beyond
the initial response to an incident.
00:40:05,520 --> 00:40:08,800
Much of the hard work
continues to go on for weeks, months,
00:40:08,800 --> 00:40:13,840
if not years following a disaster
and both locally at the Simi Valley level
00:40:14,120 --> 00:40:17,200
and all of our cities and Ventura County,
as well as the county in the state.
00:40:17,680 --> 00:40:21,000
We all put in a lot of work
and effort to ensure that process
00:40:21,000 --> 00:40:24,480
is a smooth and effective and efficient
as possible.
00:40:25,360 --> 00:40:27,680
I'd like to hand it over to my colleague
00:40:27,960 --> 00:40:30,800
Bonnie Luke from the Sheriff's Office
of Emergency Services.
00:40:31,080 --> 00:40:34,680
We'll be sharing what the sheriff's office
has been doing in the county of Ventura
00:40:34,680 --> 00:40:36,200
has been doing to update
00:40:36,200 --> 00:40:40,080
both our emergency operations plan,
as well as our hazard mitigation plan.
00:40:40,160 --> 00:40:40,440
00:40:41,840 --> 00:40:42,840
Thank you, Patrick.
00:40:42,840 --> 00:40:44,520
Good evening, everyone.
00:40:44,520 --> 00:40:47,520
So as Patrick
said, we're currently working on two plan
00:40:47,520 --> 00:40:50,280
updates out of the operations center.
00:40:50,560 --> 00:40:54,560
The emergency operations plan update
is the plan that provides the structure
00:40:54,560 --> 00:40:57,760
and processes
that the county and agencies utilize
00:40:57,760 --> 00:41:01,320
to respond
to extraordinary emergency situations.
00:41:01,320 --> 00:41:03,560
This covers
everything from natural disasters
00:41:03,760 --> 00:41:06,640
to human caused
or technological disasters.
00:41:07,440 --> 00:41:09,840
We update this plan on a three year cycle.
00:41:09,840 --> 00:41:13,520
So this is part of an ongoing process
that we do every couple of years.
00:41:13,960 --> 00:41:17,880
And this particular plan update
has been in the works for a while,
00:41:17,880 --> 00:41:22,520
and the updated draft
document has been available on the ready
00:41:22,560 --> 00:41:26,880
Ventura County Morgue website
since February of this year.
00:41:27,160 --> 00:41:30,200
We're currently looking to close out
that comment period.
00:41:30,200 --> 00:41:33,280
We will be closing it Friday, October 1st.
00:41:33,880 --> 00:41:35,600
So it just next week.
00:41:35,600 --> 00:41:40,200
And we do invite anybody who hasn't
had the opportunity or been aware of it
00:41:40,200 --> 00:41:44,440
to take a look at that document
before we close that comment period.
00:41:45,120 --> 00:41:49,720
We've got a spot on the website
where you can provide us any feedback
00:41:49,720 --> 00:41:53,120
or additional information
regarding any typos
00:41:53,160 --> 00:41:56,320
or any things that you catch on it for us
before we take it up before the Board
00:41:56,320 --> 00:42:00,120
of Supervisors
and get that updated plan adopted.
00:42:00,120 --> 00:42:01,160
00:42:01,160 --> 00:42:04,920
the second plan I'd like to talk to you
about is the hazard mitigation plan.
00:42:05,400 --> 00:42:06,360
Next slide, please.
00:42:08,160 --> 00:42:11,400
The hazard mitigation
plan is updated on a five year cycle.
00:42:11,440 --> 00:42:15,160
Now, this plan is a
multi-jurisdictional effort
00:42:15,440 --> 00:42:18,280
that involves over 20 different
planning partners,
00:42:18,720 --> 00:42:21,160
all ten of the incorporated cities.
00:42:21,440 --> 00:42:24,800
So if you've Simi Valley
being one of those partners and numerous
00:42:24,800 --> 00:42:28,320
special districts such as your water
and sanitation districts,
00:42:28,800 --> 00:42:33,320
Cal State,
Channel Islands and County Fire Districts
00:42:33,320 --> 00:42:37,040
and the Watershed Protection District,
all of these groups come together
00:42:37,080 --> 00:42:40,640
on this plan to collaborate
and do an inventory
00:42:40,640 --> 00:42:43,960
of the natural hazards
that we face in this county all the time,
00:42:44,400 --> 00:42:46,960
everything from recurring wildfires,
00:42:47,160 --> 00:42:50,160
floods, landslides,
00:42:50,160 --> 00:42:52,160
flooding coastal erosion.
00:42:52,400 --> 00:42:57,240
These are all things that we know
that we can do a better job of mitigating
00:42:57,240 --> 00:43:00,280
for and reducing the impacts
if we plan ahead for them.
00:43:01,440 --> 00:43:03,320
Next slide, please.
00:43:05,280 --> 00:43:08,040
So why exactly is this particular plan
00:43:08,400 --> 00:43:12,200
It's really important because it's a plan
that helps us sort of document
00:43:12,240 --> 00:43:16,160
and prioritize projects
that we will use in order to help prevent
00:43:16,160 --> 00:43:19,560
property damage and the loss of life
from recurring natural hazards.
00:43:20,040 --> 00:43:23,520
It also demonstrates the counties
and the participating jurisdictions
00:43:23,760 --> 00:43:26,640
to state and federal authorities
00:43:26,920 --> 00:43:31,120
with regard to our collaboration
and again, our foresight in looking at
00:43:31,120 --> 00:43:35,200
how these things affect us locally
and what kinds of projects are thoughtful
00:43:35,440 --> 00:43:38,920
in how we want to minimize those impacts
moving forward.
00:43:39,200 --> 00:43:42,960
It serves as a guide for our policymakers
and decision makers as well.
00:43:42,960 --> 00:43:46,160
As they commit our money and federal
00:43:46,200 --> 00:43:49,120
and state resources
towards projects in our area.
00:43:49,400 --> 00:43:53,400
And it also ensures that our communities
all remain eligible for federal funding
00:43:53,880 --> 00:43:56,760
from the Federal Emergency Management
00:43:57,080 --> 00:44:00,680
This is really important for us,
especially when we are faced with hazards
00:44:00,680 --> 00:44:03,840
that, as everybody has, has lived through
at least several.
00:44:04,080 --> 00:44:06,920
Probably if you've been here
for any length of time, either
00:44:06,960 --> 00:44:08,040
they're pretty expensive
00:44:08,040 --> 00:44:11,880
and it's not necessarily
something that we can sustain on our own.
00:44:11,880 --> 00:44:15,800
So when we look for outside assistance,
we want to be able to show those people
00:44:15,800 --> 00:44:19,800
at the top that this is something
that we've anticipated and we've done
00:44:19,800 --> 00:44:22,920
the best that we can at the local level
to address
00:44:22,920 --> 00:44:25,480
the issues and plan ahead accordingly.
00:44:26,120 --> 00:44:27,000
Next slide, please.
00:44:29,040 --> 00:44:31,240
This particular
update we're in the middle of.
00:44:31,240 --> 00:44:35,680
And so we have a number of milestones
that we've already accomplished
00:44:35,680 --> 00:44:39,520
with this update,
but we invite you to follow along with us
00:44:39,520 --> 00:44:43,760
as we continue through this process
and you can do that by again,
00:44:43,800 --> 00:44:46,920
joining us on the Ready
Ventura County Board website,
00:44:47,200 --> 00:44:50,800
where we have pages
dedicated to both of the to plan updates.
00:44:50,800 --> 00:44:55,120
We're working on you can learn about
the steering committee that we've formed
00:44:55,120 --> 00:44:58,760
that's been helping guide
our hazard mitigation planning process,
00:44:59,400 --> 00:45:01,080
who the partners are in the plan.
00:45:01,080 --> 00:45:06,280
This time around, and also get up to date
on what hazard mitigation is.
00:45:06,280 --> 00:45:09,680
Find examples of it
that we've posted on the web, learn about
00:45:10,280 --> 00:45:14,000
different ways that you might see it
as you drive to work a levee down
00:45:14,040 --> 00:45:18,280
the side of the road
that you use all the time or in planning
00:45:18,280 --> 00:45:20,960
when you're learning
about planning ordinances
00:45:21,280 --> 00:45:24,960
we've done a lot of public outreach
and knowing that COVID has inhibited
00:45:24,960 --> 00:45:27,480
everybody's ability to join us
all in the same room,
00:45:27,680 --> 00:45:30,440
we've really tried
to build out the website to be robust
00:45:30,480 --> 00:45:33,560
and provide you
with a lot more background information,
00:45:33,840 --> 00:45:36,680
as well as provide you with options
like tonight's
00:45:36,720 --> 00:45:40,840
meeting to learn about what's going
on, stay apprized of the process
00:45:40,840 --> 00:45:44,000
join us in another public meeting
or a steering committee meeting,
00:45:44,520 --> 00:45:48,440
see what's happening with our
with our group as we continue forward.
00:45:48,440 --> 00:45:49,160
And then
00:45:49,160 --> 00:45:53,000
we've also got an interactive story map
that we've just unrolled on the website
00:45:53,040 --> 00:45:56,600
that allows you to actually plug
in your address or friend's address
00:45:56,640 --> 00:46:00,480
even and learn about the hazards
that are applicable in your neighborhood.
00:46:00,480 --> 00:46:03,200
Or community
and learn more about what those are
00:46:03,480 --> 00:46:07,800
and how our risk analysis has been done
and will be incorporated
00:46:07,800 --> 00:46:11,160
into the updated plan
as we move forward again,
00:46:11,400 --> 00:46:14,000
this plan is in the middle of the update
00:46:14,240 --> 00:46:16,280
We're hoping to have a public comment
00:46:16,280 --> 00:46:19,640
period and a draft plan
rolled out for public review
00:46:20,160 --> 00:46:24,640
beginning of the next year here at 20, 22,
hopefully around February.
00:46:24,880 --> 00:46:28,120
And we're hopeful to be able to take that
before our Board of Supervisors
00:46:28,360 --> 00:46:32,200
in late spring
and then submit to Cal OS and FEMA
00:46:32,200 --> 00:46:36,720
for approval and final adoption around
May June if all goes well.
00:46:36,720 --> 00:46:40,440
So please join us next slide, please,
00:46:42,960 --> 00:46:45,000
on ready Ventura County dot org.
00:46:45,320 --> 00:46:48,480
Both of our plan updates are available
00:46:48,960 --> 00:46:53,040
for learning
about figuring out where we're at.
00:46:53,560 --> 00:46:54,360
We encourage you
00:46:54,360 --> 00:46:58,080
to view the interactive story map
and learn about the hazards in your area.
00:46:58,320 --> 00:47:00,120
Review the risk analysis results
00:47:00,120 --> 00:47:03,680
that we're rolling out
as we move through this process.
00:47:04,040 --> 00:47:07,560
Learn more about hazard mitigation,
what it is, what is, isn't.
00:47:08,080 --> 00:47:10,560
Find some examples
that we've put up there.
00:47:10,560 --> 00:47:11,160
Learn about
00:47:11,160 --> 00:47:14,840
what kinds of things are most applicable
in your particular jurisdiction.
00:47:15,360 --> 00:47:18,040
And then take our online
community awareness survey.
00:47:18,400 --> 00:47:23,400
And we're using this as a means
to get information from everyone who's out
00:47:23,400 --> 00:47:28,040
there sitting on their couch right now
to tell us what hazards have you survived?
00:47:28,720 --> 00:47:30,080
How did you learn about them?
00:47:30,080 --> 00:47:33,880
Which ones concern
you most and correlate that
00:47:33,880 --> 00:47:36,600
with information that we have
on the quantitative side saying,
00:47:36,880 --> 00:47:40,200
does that does that match with the data
that we've got historically?
00:47:40,440 --> 00:47:42,960
Is there outreach that we might need to do
in the future?
00:47:43,480 --> 00:47:47,040
Help us help learn what's important to you
and your community?
00:47:47,280 --> 00:47:51,160
And we're hoping to incorporate that
into the updated plan as we move forward.
00:47:51,520 --> 00:47:53,640
So, again, thank you all for your time.
00:47:53,640 --> 00:47:55,440
And I'm going to hand
it back to Patrick Maynard.
00:47:58,600 --> 00:48:00,160
Thanks, Bonnie, for the overview on
00:48:00,160 --> 00:48:03,840
both the emergency operations plan,
as well as our hazard mitigation plan.
00:48:04,320 --> 00:48:08,680
I just want to take a brief moment
and thank both Bonnie Luke and Bill Boyd
00:48:08,680 --> 00:48:13,040
from the Office of Emergency Services
Team is just put a tremendous
00:48:13,040 --> 00:48:16,520
amount of work in both of these plans
and take a lot of pride in their work.
00:48:16,520 --> 00:48:18,120
So you have some time.
00:48:18,120 --> 00:48:22,120
If you are interested, please visit
our website ready Ventura County Morgue
00:48:22,120 --> 00:48:25,680
and provide some feedback
before the feedback period closes.
00:48:25,960 --> 00:48:28,800
I would like to jump back
over to the city of Simi Valley,
00:48:29,120 --> 00:48:32,240
who's going to talk briefly
about some of their planning efforts
00:48:32,240 --> 00:48:33,080
as well.
00:48:38,080 --> 00:48:39,720
The city is joining
00:48:39,720 --> 00:48:42,480
Ventura County's hazard mitigation plan.
00:48:43,240 --> 00:48:45,920
Is it w w w
00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:49,280
dot ready Ventura
00:48:49,280 --> 00:48:52,320
County dot org for update
00:48:53,160 --> 00:48:55,560
email comments and questions
00:48:56,320 --> 00:48:59,720
that has met at Simi Valley dot org
00:49:01,800 --> 00:49:04,080
the city will update the emergency
00:49:04,080 --> 00:49:06,560
operations plan in 2022
00:49:07,640 --> 00:49:10,000
for updates and to review drafts.
00:49:10,680 --> 00:49:15,800
Visit W w w dot Simi Valley that or
00:49:16,920 --> 00:49:19,320
find police department and click
00:49:19,320 --> 00:49:22,200
emergency services then emergency prior
00:49:23,160 --> 00:49:28,040
email comments and questions to ask me EOP
00:49:28,440 --> 00:49:32,000
Maxie Valley dot org
00:49:32,520 --> 00:49:33,920
next slide
00:49:36,240 --> 00:49:37,040
thanks Eileen.
00:49:37,040 --> 00:49:38,040
We appreciate that.
00:49:38,040 --> 00:49:42,080
And to the rest of the Simi Valley team,
that concludes our presentation.
00:49:42,080 --> 00:49:43,960
I just want to close by
00:49:43,960 --> 00:49:47,880
taking a brief moment to thank everyone
that has participated tonight.
00:49:47,880 --> 00:49:49,520
Again, we appreciate your time
00:49:49,520 --> 00:49:53,560
and interest in our emergency
planning efforts here in Ventura County.
00:49:53,840 --> 00:49:57,360
Also, think our partners, the city
of Simi Valley, for joining us tonight.
00:49:57,760 --> 00:49:59,880
I want to just leave residents
with this thought.
00:50:00,240 --> 00:50:02,840
There's a lot more of you
than there is us.
00:50:02,840 --> 00:50:06,520
And in the event of an emergency,
we need your assistance.
00:50:06,520 --> 00:50:10,840
We need you to get a kit,
we need you to have a plan.
00:50:11,200 --> 00:50:15,080
We need you to stay informed
and more importantly, we need you to stay
00:50:15,080 --> 00:50:16,200
00:50:16,200 --> 00:50:20,160
So please do what you can to help us
help you by preparing,
00:50:20,560 --> 00:50:23,880
working with your neighbors,
talking among your family
00:50:23,880 --> 00:50:26,960
and ensuring that you are prepared
for the next disaster.
00:50:27,480 --> 00:50:30,520
It may be some time before
we can get assistance to you or provide
00:50:30,520 --> 00:50:31,440
resources to you.
00:50:31,440 --> 00:50:34,760
So take the opportunity
while you can to plan and prepare
00:50:35,000 --> 00:50:36,360
and get ready for the next one.
00:50:36,360 --> 00:50:38,040
Until then, thanks for joining us.
00:50:38,040 --> 00:50:40,200
Have a great night.
Stay safe and we'll see you soon.
00:00:38,960 --> 00:00:40,520
Well, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:00:40,520 --> 00:00:41,800
My name is Patrick Maynard.
00:00:41,800 --> 00:00:45,640
I'm the director of the Ventura County
Sheriff Office of Emergency Services.
00:00:45,640 --> 00:00:47,920
And thank you for joining us
for this important
00:00:47,920 --> 00:00:51,240
emergency preparedness workshop
featuring the City of Santa Paula.
00:00:51,800 --> 00:00:53,720
Before we get started,
I would like to turn it
00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:57,600
over to one of our interpreters
who will share in Spanish
00:00:57,600 --> 00:01:01,640
as well as Mixteco
availability of interpretation services.
00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:02,480
00:01:03,760 --> 00:01:04,480
Good afternoon.
00:01:04,480 --> 00:01:05,840
Thank you for joining us.
00:01:05,840 --> 00:01:09,480
This meeting will be interpreted
simultaneously in English,
00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:12,920
Spanish, mystical, and sign language.
00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:17,240
When I started this process,
what I companero is the interpreter
00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:21,080
as I mean, this in English is banyan. Mr.
00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:23,720
are the seniors North Americano.
00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:29,000
Please select your preferred language,
even if you are bilingual.
00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:31,160
So you do not miss anything.
00:01:31,160 --> 00:01:34,400
To do this,
go to the bottom of your screen and select
00:01:34,400 --> 00:01:37,880
the icon that looks like a globe
and select
00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:40,880
English, Spanish, or mystical.
00:01:41,320 --> 00:01:46,040
But as it is stopped by a party inferior,
this super integer is selection.
00:01:46,040 --> 00:01:49,600
The elite cannot inform the selection
00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:52,440
of English Espanol or mystical.
00:01:53,160 --> 00:01:55,280
See, this information will grow through
00:01:55,280 --> 00:01:59,560
your local cytosine go say single cuatro.
00:01:59,960 --> 00:02:04,120
Those Cinco, Cinco or not, ACORN
would choose to live in Doral,
00:02:04,120 --> 00:02:08,960
not do that app If you would like
information in any other language,
00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:15,200
please call 8056542551.
00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:18,560
And the county of Andorra will help you.
00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:19,520
Thank you.
00:02:26,560 --> 00:02:27,760
Thanks, Lourdes, for that.
00:02:27,760 --> 00:02:30,720
And with that, we'll go to the next slide
00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:34,400
And once again, thanks for everyone
00:02:34,400 --> 00:02:37,480
coming out and joining us tonight
for this important town hall.
00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:39,680
I like to start out
with some introductions
00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:44,240
beginning with some opening comments
from Santa Paula, city manager Dan Singer.
00:02:45,480 --> 00:02:46,280
Thank you, Patrick.
00:02:46,280 --> 00:02:50,720
And thank you to the members who are
tuning in tonight or subsequent to this.
00:02:51,600 --> 00:02:55,240
And I do want to thank the county
for taking the initiative
00:02:55,240 --> 00:02:59,000
to host this important discussion
and information sharing.
00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:02,440
You know,
emergencies aren't new to Ventura County,
00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:06,720
and they're certainly not new to Santa
Paula, and neither will they go away.
00:03:06,720 --> 00:03:10,800
We always talk about emergency
preparedness from the standpoint of
00:03:10,880 --> 00:03:14,560
if not when so
00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:18,960
it's just a matter
of when the next disaster will hit.
00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:23,000
Our Santa Paula team and our city council
have made a commitment
00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:26,480
to making sure that our public agencies
are well prepared.
00:03:26,480 --> 00:03:30,080
Our first responders are able to meet
our community's needs.
00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:35,840
But an important takeaway tonight
is that as residents and businesses,
00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:41,400
it's also important that our families
and and those folks are prepared.
00:03:42,480 --> 00:03:45,240
Public agencies
can't be all things to all people.
00:03:45,680 --> 00:03:49,000
And so it's really important
that through education
00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:53,040
and dialog, outreach and resources,
that we're able to work together
00:03:53,040 --> 00:03:56,520
in really helping Santa Paula
and our surrounding
00:03:57,240 --> 00:04:00,400
be well prepared for emergencies.
00:04:00,760 --> 00:04:02,920
And with that,
I'll turn it back over to Patrick.
00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:05,920
Thanks, Dan, for that.
00:04:05,920 --> 00:04:09,160
And next, I'd like to introduce
Mike Pettit is our assistant county
00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:11,640
executive officer with some opening words
on behalf of the county.
00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:12,360
00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:14,080
Thank you very much, Patrick.
00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:16,920
And good evening,
everybody, on behalf of our County Board
00:04:16,920 --> 00:04:20,040
of Supervisors
and County Executive Officer Mike Bowers.
00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:24,720
We wish to thank everyone for attending
tonight's Emergency Preparedness Workshop.
00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:26,440
I also want to give a special
00:04:26,440 --> 00:04:30,480
thanks to our Sheriff Office of Emergency
Services, Patrick Maynard and Bonnie Lou
00:04:31,440 --> 00:04:32,240
and our
00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:36,480
county public information
officer, Ashley Batiste and city manager
00:04:36,480 --> 00:04:39,920
dancing here in our Santa Paula
city partners for all of their work
00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:42,720
in preparing the emergency operations plan
00:04:43,080 --> 00:04:45,720
and for their coordination
of this community workshop.
00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:49,760
As city manager dancing, you indicated
00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:53,200
we've had too much experience
with emergencies and disasters
00:04:53,200 --> 00:04:55,800
in recent years,
much more than any of us would like
00:04:56,200 --> 00:05:00,120
as a result of the Thomas fire
and the fire or the borderline tragedy
00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:03,600
and the pandemic
throughout the last eight months.
00:05:04,080 --> 00:05:07,440
But the work that has been done
in between these events
00:05:08,240 --> 00:05:11,720
to improve our preparedness
through improved communications
00:05:11,760 --> 00:05:15,720
and actions
and our relationships with the community
00:05:15,920 --> 00:05:19,400
has been the defining work
that helps has helped us
00:05:19,400 --> 00:05:21,800
to respond and recover more quickly
00:05:22,560 --> 00:05:26,040
The county is committed
to this continual improvement,
00:05:26,360 --> 00:05:29,720
improving our response
and recovery efforts and our work with
00:05:29,960 --> 00:05:32,400
all in
our communities is vitally important.
00:05:32,760 --> 00:05:35,840
So we thank you so much
for being an active part of that work
00:05:35,840 --> 00:05:38,840
tonight as we continually prepare
00:05:39,240 --> 00:05:43,320
so that we can prevent and reduce
the impacts of disasters together.
00:05:43,360 --> 00:05:45,240
Thank you very much for your time tonight.
00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:48,600
Thanks, Mike.
00:05:48,600 --> 00:05:52,400
And then next slide, please.
00:05:53,480 --> 00:05:56,760
Also with us on the line, a few other
folks we'll be hearing from tonight.
00:05:57,480 --> 00:06:00,240
Fire Chief Gary Munday from the Ventura
County Fire Department.
00:06:00,280 --> 00:06:03,240
He's a division chief
that covers the Santa Paula area.
00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:07,120
Also, Santa Paula, Police Chief
Travis Walker,
00:06:07,960 --> 00:06:11,000
Santa Paul Police Commander Scott Varner,
who will be speaking later
00:06:11,440 --> 00:06:15,160
as well as our county public information
officer, Ashley Battista.
00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:16,840
Next slide, please.
00:06:19,120 --> 00:06:19,640
We'd really
00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:23,200
hoped to have these meetings in person,
unfortunately, due to COVID
00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:26,800
and the challenges we've all faced
the last couple of years related to that.
00:06:27,040 --> 00:06:29,560
We opted to go
the virtual route with these meetings,
00:06:29,960 --> 00:06:33,800
and we do understand
it is difficult to really engage
00:06:33,840 --> 00:06:36,480
with the community
and have a two way dialog.
00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:39,080
But we want to do the best
that we can with that.
00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:42,440
And with that being said, down
at the bottom of your screen,
00:06:42,520 --> 00:06:45,080
there is a question and answer button.
00:06:45,440 --> 00:06:49,240
If you click on that button,
you can type in a question
00:06:49,560 --> 00:06:52,920
and those questions come to us
and we will do our best to answer them
00:06:52,920 --> 00:06:56,440
live on this meeting
if we can, if they're appropriate
00:06:56,440 --> 00:06:59,120
and we have the answer
if it's something that we don't have
00:06:59,120 --> 00:07:00,800
the answer to,
but we need to get back to you.
00:07:00,800 --> 00:07:03,760
We'll certainly do that and we'll just
take notes and get back to you.
00:07:04,080 --> 00:07:06,360
Either way, we love to hear from you,
so don't be shy.
00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:07,520
Please click on that Q&A
00:07:07,520 --> 00:07:10,240
button down at the bottom of the screen
and ask questions if you have any.
00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:11,160
Next slide
00:07:13,440 --> 00:07:15,480
So our agenda for tonight's workshop.
00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:18,320
First, we're just going to talk quickly
about some of our local hazards.
00:07:18,320 --> 00:07:21,720
Some many of us are aware of,
some maybe not so much.
00:07:22,200 --> 00:07:24,680
Talk a bit about city and county
00:07:25,400 --> 00:07:28,800
Let's talk about one of my favorite
things, evacuations and sheltering,
00:07:29,120 --> 00:07:30,800
as well as alert and warning.
00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:33,600
And then we'll round things out
that are at the end
00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:35,960
and talk about some of our county
planning efforts
00:07:35,960 --> 00:07:39,720
for our hazard mitigation plan
and our emergency operations plan.
00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:41,080
Next slide
00:07:43,200 --> 00:07:45,240
So been there, done that.
00:07:45,240 --> 00:07:50,120
We've obviously had a lot of disasters,
as Mike and Dan both alluded to,
00:07:50,400 --> 00:07:53,520
many of which have impacted
the Santa Paula area,
00:07:53,880 --> 00:07:56,520
both the incorporated
and unincorporated areas.
00:07:56,880 --> 00:08:00,040
If you think back to probably the largest
one that we dealt with,
00:08:00,040 --> 00:08:03,840
the Thomas fire in 2017
and the damage that that caused
00:08:04,160 --> 00:08:06,960
through the
the you know upper portion of Santa Paula.
00:08:07,240 --> 00:08:09,360
But we've also dealt
with a lot of other issues.
00:08:09,360 --> 00:08:12,080
We've had some significant
flooding issues out in Santa Paula.
00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:14,040
If you think back
00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:17,640
to 2005 we had some pretty significant
flooding out in the region.
00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:19,480
Next slide please.
00:08:20,520 --> 00:08:22,560
In addition to many of the obvious hazards
00:08:22,560 --> 00:08:25,680
that we face, there's also several
that we may not necessarily think about
00:08:26,760 --> 00:08:30,080
things like agricultural
or biological type hazards.
00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:32,800
The potential for coastal erosion.
00:08:32,800 --> 00:08:35,000
Sea level rise that's kind of the new one.
00:08:35,560 --> 00:08:37,080
Dam and levee failure.
00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:38,960
We've seen that out in Santa Paula.
00:08:38,960 --> 00:08:40,360
That was one of the photos that we saw.
00:08:40,360 --> 00:08:42,840
We saw that
take place next to the Santa Paula Airport
00:08:43,400 --> 00:08:45,480
which we're dealing with right now.
00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:48,480
Earthquakes, floods, landslides.
00:08:48,480 --> 00:08:50,240
We have plenty of all of those.
00:08:50,240 --> 00:08:54,400
Severe weather remember, it used to rain,
so we used to get rain and cold.
00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:57,480
But of course,
now we deal with a lot of heat,
00:08:57,480 --> 00:09:00,520
severe storms, acts of terrorism,
00:09:00,880 --> 00:09:03,480
not so much in Santa Paula,
but in coastal areas.
00:09:03,480 --> 00:09:05,360
The potential for tsunamis,
00:09:05,360 --> 00:09:09,160
of course, wildfires that you've already
talked about, mass casualty incidents.
00:09:09,640 --> 00:09:12,640
One of the new ones that we're really
looking at are cyber attacks.
00:09:12,720 --> 00:09:14,000
And then, of course, extended
00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:18,080
utility outages in particular
with public safety power shutoffs.
00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:21,440
Coincidentally, today,
we are dealing with public safety power
00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:23,000
shutoffs in some of the areas
00:09:23,000 --> 00:09:25,960
in Ventura County, in particular
out in Simi Valley and Fillmore.
00:09:26,840 --> 00:09:27,360
Next slide.
00:09:29,160 --> 00:09:31,240
So regardless of the hazard type,
00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:35,240
all of these issues are always
local issues.
00:09:35,640 --> 00:09:38,600
They're issues that we as your local
00:09:38,840 --> 00:09:41,720
public safety personnel respond to assist
00:09:42,600 --> 00:09:44,760
with the mitigation efforts
00:09:44,760 --> 00:09:47,040
and hopefully the recovery efforts
00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:50,080
as it relates to that specific incident.
00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:53,520
So on a local level, your local Santa
00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:56,880
Paula Police Department or the Ventura
County Fire Department will respond,
00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:01,080
provide your first line of support
and in the event that we need
00:10:01,080 --> 00:10:04,520
additional resources in a response,
they can reach out to
00:10:05,640 --> 00:10:09,640
other agencies within the county,
like the other fire departments, Ventura
00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:12,680
City Fire Department, for instance,
or maybe Oxnard City Fire Department
00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:15,680
as it relates to law enforcement.
00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:18,920
Santa Paula Police Department works
very closely with the sheriff's office
00:10:18,920 --> 00:10:20,680
or the California Highway Patrol.
00:10:20,680 --> 00:10:23,120
So we rely upon local mutual aid.
00:10:23,960 --> 00:10:26,760
And in some cases, things
extend to the state.
00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:32,040
And as it relates to emergency management,
our state counterpart in the emergency
00:10:32,040 --> 00:10:36,360
management world is the California
Governor's Office of Emergency Services.
00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:40,800
There are a next line of support
for providing us many resources.
00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:44,160
They also can assist
with providing mutual aid resources
00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:46,640
during a significant incident.
00:10:46,640 --> 00:10:51,000
And then, of course, FEMA, FEMA's
our federal partner and disaster response.
00:10:51,480 --> 00:10:54,480
FEMA doesn't necessarily
come out and manage an incident for you,
00:10:54,480 --> 00:10:55,760
but they provide money.
00:10:55,760 --> 00:10:59,440
And oftentimes they provide
an incredible amount of resources
00:10:59,720 --> 00:11:02,960
that are passed through the state
to the local agencies to help us respond.
00:11:03,920 --> 00:11:05,040
Next slide.
00:11:05,400 --> 00:11:09,840
So with that emphasis on local response,
I do want to turn it over to Santa Paula
00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:11,240
Police Commander Scott Werner, who's
00:11:11,240 --> 00:11:14,600
going to talk a little bit about what
Santa Paula can do for you, Scott.
00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:18,960
Thanks, Patrick, and welcome to everybody
who's at home viewing tonight.
00:11:20,040 --> 00:11:21,920
First, I'd like to start off
and introduce myself.
00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:22,680
My name's Governor.
00:11:22,680 --> 00:11:26,000
I'm the support services commander
with the Santa Paula Police Department,
00:11:26,280 --> 00:11:29,480
and I've been the city's emergency manager
since about 2018.
00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:33,600
To start off tonight, I'm going to ask
a couple of questions to our chiefs.
00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:35,760
And first,
I'll start off with Chief Walker.
00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:39,520
If you could give us a little description
and an overview
00:11:39,520 --> 00:11:42,520
of what we offer here
at the Santa Paul Police Department.
00:11:44,400 --> 00:11:45,160
Thank you, Scott.
00:11:45,160 --> 00:11:46,600
And good evening, everybody.
00:11:46,600 --> 00:11:48,720
Who's viewing from home.
00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:52,840
The Santa Paula Police Department
is responsible for all public safety
00:11:53,240 --> 00:11:56,160
and the protection of life and property
in the city of Santa Paula.
00:11:56,760 --> 00:12:00,000
The department provides
a full range of law enforcement services
00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:05,080
to the public within the jurisdiction
we serve, which includes being supported
00:12:05,080 --> 00:12:08,880
by two divisions, an operations division
00:12:09,280 --> 00:12:12,040
and a support services division.
00:12:12,040 --> 00:12:15,600
Under the operations division
that encompasses all of our patrol
00:12:15,600 --> 00:12:19,680
officers, our canines, and those folks
that you see in the field on a daily.
00:12:19,680 --> 00:12:20,840
00:12:21,080 --> 00:12:24,840
In our support services
that handles all of our detective bureau
00:12:24,840 --> 00:12:29,360
or special enforcement
unit records division and other support
00:12:29,360 --> 00:12:32,320
service staff that helps provide
service to the community
00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:37,760
the police department is also the public
safety answering point
00:12:38,080 --> 00:12:42,400
for all emergency calls that are generated
within the city of Santa Paula.
00:12:42,880 --> 00:12:47,240
So any calls that are transferred
for fire services or emergency
00:12:47,280 --> 00:12:50,720
medical services or law enforcement
related services
00:12:51,240 --> 00:12:53,960
comes through our communication division.
00:12:53,960 --> 00:12:56,720
So with that, that's a brief overview
of what the police department
00:12:56,760 --> 00:13:00,240
has to offer, and we look forward
to the rest of this event.
00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:04,000
Thank you, Chief Walker.
00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,480
And if I could ask the same question
to you, Chief, Monday.
00:13:09,160 --> 00:13:10,080
A good evening, everybody.
00:13:10,080 --> 00:13:13,480
Gary Munday, division chief slash fire
chief for the city of Sao Paulo.
00:13:13,800 --> 00:13:17,560
So Sao Paulo is is part of the Ventura
County Fire Protection District
00:13:18,160 --> 00:13:20,880
and so that being said,
the city has the full
00:13:21,400 --> 00:13:23,840
the full power of the county fire
department for any
00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:27,760
disasters, emergencies
that that that happen within the city.
00:13:27,760 --> 00:13:29,640
The city limits,
00:13:30,080 --> 00:13:31,760
whether it's structure fires, earthquakes,
00:13:31,760 --> 00:13:34,040
wildland fires, floods, tsunamis,
00:13:34,960 --> 00:13:37,200
civil unrest, anything that we have
00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:41,040
as far as to have an emergency
come to a conclusion.
00:13:41,960 --> 00:13:44,040
The city of Sao Paulo has the full backing
00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:47,240
of all of our resources
00:13:47,240 --> 00:13:49,080
and it's a command to run
00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:52,000
any sort of emergencies
within the city of Sao Paulo.
00:13:52,320 --> 00:13:55,800
So they get the full the full service
of the county fire department agencies,
00:13:55,800 --> 00:14:00,040
HAZMAT use our aircraft, wildland
heavy equipment,
00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:04,120
tactical rescue,
anything that you can think of that we are
00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:08,160
they are covered by the County Ventura
and we're happy to do so.
00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:10,200
Thank you, Chief.
00:14:10,200 --> 00:14:10,960
00:14:11,440 --> 00:14:15,000
So I'm going to give a little overview
of what we have here
00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:16,040
in the city of Santa Paula.
00:14:16,040 --> 00:14:20,400
As far as our emergency management,
overall, emergency management
00:14:21,240 --> 00:14:23,440
allows us to
00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:29,880
mitigate any emergencies
which may happen in the city.
00:14:30,600 --> 00:14:33,080
It's an overall concept
that requires regular training
00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:35,160
and planning on our parts as the city
00:14:36,480 --> 00:14:38,640
such the city of Santa Paula uses
00:14:38,640 --> 00:14:42,000
the Sams or the standardized
emergency management system,
00:14:42,240 --> 00:14:45,920
as well as the NIMS National Incident
Emergency Management System,
00:14:46,240 --> 00:14:48,960
and training our staff
on how to prepare for an emergency
00:14:49,160 --> 00:14:52,640
or disaster
through these management systems.
00:14:52,640 --> 00:14:56,520
Sams and EMS city
staff are trained and coordinate
00:14:56,520 --> 00:15:00,480
through a unified command system
which utilizes common terminology.
00:15:00,960 --> 00:15:04,320
This enables our city to communicate
with each other as well as coordinate
00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:08,960
with our partners both the county
and state levels, as well as federally,
00:15:09,480 --> 00:15:13,320
to effectively communicate
and manage emergencies and disasters.
00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:16,560
When we talk about emergencies
and disasters,
00:15:17,040 --> 00:15:19,720
they're two very different concepts.
00:15:19,720 --> 00:15:22,320
Emergencies can be anything from a house.
00:15:22,320 --> 00:15:26,680
Fire could be a medical call
could be some type of a police activity,
00:15:27,040 --> 00:15:29,520
but it's generally centralized
to a smaller area
00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:32,040
without affecting larger groups of people.
00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:36,040
When we look at disasters, it's
a larger scale event, such as wildland
00:15:36,040 --> 00:15:40,320
fires, earthquakes, and often requires
the assistance of multiple agencies,
00:15:40,600 --> 00:15:43,680
both locally at the state level
and even federally.
00:15:44,280 --> 00:15:48,000
And often these events require
mutual aid with some of our partners,
00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:51,600
with the sheriff's department
or other police agencies or oftentimes
00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:55,000
with the fire department, they'll call in
other jurisdictions to assist.
00:15:56,640 --> 00:16:00,640
Oftentimes when we have these larger scale
events, there's a declaration
00:16:00,640 --> 00:16:04,720
of emergency, both locally at the
state level or even federally
00:16:07,880 --> 00:16:08,400
00:16:08,400 --> 00:16:11,840
preparedness requires regular
training by the city and its staff,
00:16:11,840 --> 00:16:13,200
but it's also the responsibility
00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:15,840
of the citizens to make sure
they're prepared for emergencies
00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:19,640
the City of Santa poll has taken
multiple steps to plan
00:16:19,640 --> 00:16:24,360
for emergencies and work regularly towards
building a safer, prepared community.
00:16:25,360 --> 00:16:28,800
Some of the things we've done
are back in 2018.
00:16:29,240 --> 00:16:32,920
We updated our emergency operations plan
00:16:33,840 --> 00:16:38,200
and emergency operations plan gives us
a roadmap on how we handle various types
00:16:38,200 --> 00:16:41,880
of incidents such as earthquakes, floods
and various other disasters.
00:16:42,560 --> 00:16:43,440
In the upcoming year.
00:16:43,440 --> 00:16:47,080
The Department is anticipated
to once again
00:16:47,080 --> 00:16:52,120
update our emergency operations
plan and reevaluate current protocols,
00:16:52,120 --> 00:16:55,440
as well as ensure we are up to date
on current practices and regulations.
00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:58,800
As some of the other things
that the city's involved with
00:16:59,080 --> 00:17:02,040
is we work regularly with groups
such as our Citizen Corps.
00:17:02,600 --> 00:17:03,040
The Citizen
00:17:03,040 --> 00:17:06,240
Corps is a group of individuals
and stakeholders throughout our community,
00:17:06,840 --> 00:17:09,480
and we discuss and plan for emergencies
as well
00:17:09,480 --> 00:17:12,200
as emergency preparedness
and outreach to the community.
00:17:12,880 --> 00:17:17,160
The group has representatives
from police Fire City Council,
00:17:17,160 --> 00:17:21,320
American Red Cross, Santa Paula,
Unified School District, and many more.
00:17:22,320 --> 00:17:22,800
The city
00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:26,560
also provides training
to other departments within the city.
00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:30,440
We conduct roundtable exercises
and scenario based training
00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:33,680
to work through possible disasters
that may arise
00:17:35,200 --> 00:17:37,800
our city currently has an emergency
operation center where
00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:41,120
the city's management team can coordinate
and plan throughout emergencies.
00:17:41,640 --> 00:17:44,600
And the event, the emergency operation
center, cannot be open
00:17:45,040 --> 00:17:48,640
the city also has a mobile emergency
operation center we can utilize,
00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:51,320
and this is in the event
there is any buildings
00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:54,280
that are compromised
or our original emergency operation
00:17:54,280 --> 00:17:56,760
centers unable to be used,
we have a backup.
00:17:57,480 --> 00:18:00,440
Most recently,
our emergency operation center was opened
00:18:00,440 --> 00:18:04,400
during the beginning of the COVID
pandemic, and the city has also gone
00:18:05,000 --> 00:18:07,760
and taken a step to enhance
our emergency management.
00:18:08,160 --> 00:18:11,000
And we've created an emergency management
coordinator position,
00:18:11,280 --> 00:18:15,480
which we anticipate
to be filled shortly within the city.
00:18:15,760 --> 00:18:17,880
So that position will be opening soon.
00:18:17,880 --> 00:18:19,960
We'll be testing for qualified applicants.
00:18:21,640 --> 00:18:22,760
Emergency management is
00:18:22,760 --> 00:18:25,440
not just the city, county, state
or federal responsibility.
00:18:25,920 --> 00:18:27,600
Each member of our community
00:18:27,600 --> 00:18:30,280
has a part in being prepared
for an emergency or disaster.
00:18:30,800 --> 00:18:34,800
This requires individuals, businesses,
schools, religious organizations
00:18:34,800 --> 00:18:38,520
and all other groups to take
an active role in preparing for disaster
00:18:39,360 --> 00:18:42,160
that could consist of training your family
or if you're at work,
00:18:43,040 --> 00:18:45,480
your staff on what to do
in case of an emergency.
00:18:46,800 --> 00:18:50,560
Make sure you have food and water
for up to a week, which is a best practice
00:18:51,600 --> 00:18:55,400
check to see if you have flashlights,
batteries, emergency first aid supplies.
00:18:56,520 --> 00:19:00,240
It's all of our responsibility to prepare
today and not wait until tomorrow.
00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:03,440
You never know when disaster may strike
00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:06,880
emergencies are generally grouped
into three areas the preparedness
00:19:06,880 --> 00:19:09,360
phase, the response phase,
and the recovery phase.
00:19:10,680 --> 00:19:11,360
The preparedness
00:19:11,360 --> 00:19:15,680
phase allows opportunities to plan
for disaster ahead of time, to safely
00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:19,680
go through a disaster and recover
as quickly as possible for our community.
00:19:19,680 --> 00:19:23,040
This means developing safety plans
for your family and our businesses.
00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:25,440
Having disaster supplies available,
00:19:26,360 --> 00:19:30,080
having a good economic plan,
and prepare for such emergencies
00:19:31,320 --> 00:19:35,040
and obtain training ahead of time,
such as first aid or CPR
00:19:35,280 --> 00:19:37,240
that could benefit your family
or neighbors in the event
00:19:37,240 --> 00:19:40,400
there's an emergency or a delayed response
from emergency responders.
00:19:41,520 --> 00:19:44,520
The response phase is when the disaster
actually occurs.
00:19:45,960 --> 00:19:50,240
The City of Santa Paula utilizes
our resources to protect life,
00:19:50,240 --> 00:19:53,720
protect property, and attempt to restore
the communities quickly as possible
00:19:55,440 --> 00:19:57,320
during the
00:19:57,680 --> 00:19:59,880
response phase of an emergency.
00:19:59,880 --> 00:20:02,760
This is when our emergency
operations center will open up
00:20:02,760 --> 00:20:06,120
and we'll utilize our emergency response
plan to coordinate the response,
00:20:06,840 --> 00:20:09,000
depending on the nature of the incident,
00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:11,480
is when the city would declare
a state of emergency.
00:20:11,880 --> 00:20:17,680
And that's when we would work with some of
our county partners or state or federal.
00:20:18,880 --> 00:20:19,320
During this
00:20:19,320 --> 00:20:21,680
phase, we would disseminate information
to the public
00:20:22,480 --> 00:20:24,920
using various ways such as Am6 Ten
00:20:25,920 --> 00:20:27,560
or use the B.C.
00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:29,040
Alert System,
00:20:29,360 --> 00:20:30,960
the next phases of recovery phase.
00:20:30,960 --> 00:20:33,560
And that's the process
where the city will be working
00:20:33,600 --> 00:20:35,520
with our county, state
and federal agencies
00:20:35,520 --> 00:20:39,320
to restore infrastructure, rebuild
as needed, and recover economically,
00:20:39,320 --> 00:20:41,840
and try to bring the community
back to a sense of normalcy
00:20:42,480 --> 00:20:43,640
I hope that gives you a brief view
00:20:43,640 --> 00:20:47,240
of what the city of San Apollo's
utilizing for emergency preparedness.
00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:50,880
And I'll hand it back over to you,
00:20:51,760 --> 00:20:54,560
Thanks, Commander,
for that great overview.
00:20:54,560 --> 00:20:57,040
Just building on what Commander Varner
just shared
00:20:57,040 --> 00:20:59,520
here at the County Emergency
Operations Center,
00:21:00,120 --> 00:21:03,280
we act to support incident response
out in the field as well.
00:21:04,120 --> 00:21:07,640
Of course,
we interact with several districts,
00:21:08,280 --> 00:21:11,200
both water
districts, Parks and Recreation districts,
00:21:11,600 --> 00:21:15,080
also with many other organizations
like the American Red
00:21:15,120 --> 00:21:19,640
Cross, who's been a longtime partner
of all of us in disaster response
00:21:19,640 --> 00:21:23,600
Naval Base Ventura County, Cal State
University, Channel Islands, you name it.
00:21:23,600 --> 00:21:25,320
We're working with them.
00:21:25,320 --> 00:21:29,360
We interact with all ten city
emergency operations center.
00:21:29,360 --> 00:21:32,800
So as Commander Varner
just described, the city of Santa Paula
00:21:32,800 --> 00:21:36,840
maintains an emergency operation center
that activates during an incident.
00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:40,120
Every city has one of those,
and we interact with all ten here
00:21:40,120 --> 00:21:43,240
at the county level
to ensure that they have any resources,
00:21:43,240 --> 00:21:46,320
any support that they need
throughout the duration of an incident.
00:21:48,080 --> 00:21:48,840
Up at the top of
00:21:48,840 --> 00:21:53,360
this slide, you see where we also interact
with the ICP or ICP.
00:21:53,640 --> 00:21:56,360
And ICP is an incident command post
and something
00:21:56,360 --> 00:21:59,760
very important to highlight as it relates
to emergency operations centers.
00:22:00,160 --> 00:22:03,360
operations centers are here to support
00:22:03,840 --> 00:22:08,120
the good work being done by your public
safety personnel out in the field.
00:22:08,120 --> 00:22:11,040
So that may mean apprehending a suspect.
00:22:11,040 --> 00:22:16,800
That may mean mitigating an oil spill,
that may mean suppressing a fire.
00:22:16,800 --> 00:22:19,080
We're here
to support all of those activities.
00:22:19,080 --> 00:22:23,360
We are not here to provide strategies
and tactics on how
00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:24,400
they should be doing their job.
00:22:24,400 --> 00:22:26,960
We're just here to ensure that they have
the resources that they need
00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:30,280
and that we're here to help coordinate
a lot of that.
00:22:30,600 --> 00:22:33,640
We also jump in
as it relates to evacuations,
00:22:34,240 --> 00:22:38,160
anything to do with mass care and shelter
and many of the financial
00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:41,280
related items
when it comes to incident response.
00:22:42,080 --> 00:22:44,480
I highlighted it earlier,
but kind of towards the
00:22:44,480 --> 00:22:48,000
the right hand side of this slide,
the top right hand side, we interact
00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:50,720
with the California Governor's
Office of Emergency Services.
00:22:51,160 --> 00:22:54,160
They have both a regional
and a state operation center.
00:22:54,160 --> 00:22:55,320
And then, of course, Calloway.
00:22:55,320 --> 00:22:59,920
Yes, we'll work with FEMA to get
additional support should the need arise.
00:23:01,800 --> 00:23:02,600
As it relates
00:23:02,600 --> 00:23:06,720
to keeping information on point
accurate and up to date,
00:23:06,960 --> 00:23:09,600
we establish
what's called a joint information system,
00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:11,440
which you'll hear
about a little bit later.
00:23:11,440 --> 00:23:13,880
From our public information
officer, Ashley Bautista.
00:23:14,440 --> 00:23:16,960
And then we also organize
what's called the Mac Group.
00:23:17,040 --> 00:23:19,400
The Mac Group
is the multiagency coordination group
00:23:19,680 --> 00:23:22,560
that Matt Group is set up only during
00:23:22,560 --> 00:23:26,160
a very specific scenario.
00:23:26,480 --> 00:23:29,920
When an incident is so large,
it has a regional impact
00:23:30,240 --> 00:23:33,440
and tough decisions
need to be made about where resources go.
00:23:33,440 --> 00:23:37,760
If we have a catastrophic earthquake
that impacts every city in Ventura County,
00:23:38,160 --> 00:23:42,520
we as the emergency responders
have to do a quick triage and determine
00:23:42,520 --> 00:23:46,360
where we need to send resources
first based on severity.
00:23:46,600 --> 00:23:49,320
That Matt Group is set up
to make those tough decisions.
00:23:49,480 --> 00:23:50,200
Next slide, please
00:23:51,520 --> 00:23:52,840
so some important things
00:23:52,840 --> 00:23:56,160
as it relates to evacuations
that I wanted to share with you.
00:23:57,120 --> 00:24:00,560
This last year, we've embarked upon
00:24:00,560 --> 00:24:04,560
our evacuation terminology
here in Ventura County to align
00:24:04,880 --> 00:24:09,320
with what many other counties and cities
did across the state of California.
00:24:09,840 --> 00:24:12,800
So you may have heard the term evacuation
00:24:13,080 --> 00:24:16,920
or a mandatory evacuation
before or a voluntary evacuation.
00:24:16,920 --> 00:24:19,080
We've now gotten away
from using those terms.
00:24:19,400 --> 00:24:24,240
So what used to be a mandatory evacuation
order is now just an evacuation order.
00:24:24,920 --> 00:24:28,320
And we also have evacuation warnings,
and that would be the equivalent
00:24:28,320 --> 00:24:29,600
to a voluntary.
00:24:29,600 --> 00:24:33,600
So under an evacuation order,
that means the threat is imminent.
00:24:33,600 --> 00:24:36,240
That means you need to leave your home,
your apartment,
00:24:36,280 --> 00:24:38,640
wherever it is you live immediately.
00:24:38,640 --> 00:24:42,240
We do not take issuing evacuation orders
00:24:42,360 --> 00:24:44,720
It's a very difficult process for you.
00:24:44,720 --> 00:24:45,720
We recognize that.
00:24:45,720 --> 00:24:47,800
It's also a very difficult process for us.
00:24:48,280 --> 00:24:52,560
So when we do issue an evacuation
order, it's because conditions exist
00:24:52,560 --> 00:24:56,760
that may seriously imperil or endanger
the lives of those in that area.
00:24:56,760 --> 00:25:00,680
So if you hear an evacuation
order has been issued for your area,
00:25:01,040 --> 00:25:03,200
please heed that warning. Leave the area
00:25:04,560 --> 00:25:06,480
under an evacuation warning.
00:25:06,480 --> 00:25:09,120
That means the threat to lives
is not yet imminent.
00:25:09,160 --> 00:25:11,640
However, residents
should prepare to evacuate.
00:25:12,120 --> 00:25:15,360
And if you are someone that has livestock,
00:25:15,800 --> 00:25:20,880
lots of belongings, perhaps
you have some type of disability access
00:25:20,880 --> 00:25:25,560
or functional need that may result in
you needing a bit more time to evacuate,
00:25:25,560 --> 00:25:29,000
perhaps you don't have transportation
readily available
00:25:29,760 --> 00:25:32,320
use the evacuation
warning as an opportunity
00:25:32,600 --> 00:25:36,480
to get ahead of the game and not wait
for that evacuation order to be issued.
00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:38,760
Start packing your belongings and get out
00:25:39,640 --> 00:25:43,160
of course, like I mentioned earlier,
if you have some type of disability access
00:25:43,160 --> 00:25:46,200
or functional need,
you should consider evacuating early.
00:25:47,280 --> 00:25:48,720
Next slide, please.
00:25:49,080 --> 00:25:52,800
So how will you be notified
in the event of an evacuation scenario?
00:25:52,800 --> 00:25:55,000
several ways that you may be notified.
00:25:55,560 --> 00:25:58,760
First and foremost
is the good old fashioned doorknock,
00:25:59,160 --> 00:26:02,160
where law enforcement personnel
will actually come to your home,
00:26:02,520 --> 00:26:06,600
knock on your door, let you know that
there's some type of situation going on
00:26:06,600 --> 00:26:11,160
and that you need to evacuate in addition
to that, when law enforcement personnel
00:26:11,480 --> 00:26:15,120
are out in neighborhoods, they may
activate what's called a high low siren.
00:26:15,120 --> 00:26:20,040
That's a high, low pitch siren to alert
residents of the need to evacuate.
00:26:21,400 --> 00:26:22,600
The other thing that
00:26:22,600 --> 00:26:24,120
are our law enforcement
00:26:24,120 --> 00:26:26,400
personnel are trained to do
are not just knock on your door,
00:26:26,400 --> 00:26:29,640
but also to shine a flashlight,
if it's appropriate, into a window.
00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:33,480
We recognize that there are individuals
in the deaf and hard of hearing community
00:26:33,480 --> 00:26:36,480
that may not necessarily
hear a knock on the door.
00:26:36,480 --> 00:26:39,720
So they'll actually shine a flashlight
through the window in an attempt
00:26:39,720 --> 00:26:42,800
to get someone's attention
that may not necessarily hear that
00:26:43,720 --> 00:26:47,360
in addition to knocking on doors
and actually being out in the community
00:26:47,440 --> 00:26:51,360
we will leverage what's called our voice
alert emergency notification system.
00:26:51,960 --> 00:26:56,360
This system is used by all ten Ventura
County cities
00:26:56,760 --> 00:27:01,200
and it's our mass notification system
that has the ability to make phone calls
00:27:01,560 --> 00:27:06,400
at a very high rate to residents
and deliver some type of message.
00:27:06,880 --> 00:27:11,840
So in the event of an evacuation,
you may receive a call from that system
00:27:12,160 --> 00:27:14,000
letting you know
that there's some type of hazard
00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:17,520
that exist and an evacuation
order has been issued for your area.
00:27:18,480 --> 00:27:19,680
The system
00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:22,960
has all listed an unlisted landline
telephone numbers
00:27:23,360 --> 00:27:27,320
as well as we purchase
a lot of private cell phone data
00:27:27,320 --> 00:27:29,440
from a few different companies
in an effort.
00:27:29,440 --> 00:27:31,520
Do you have as much contact information
00:27:31,560 --> 00:27:34,960
as possible for our residents
in Ventura County?
00:27:35,320 --> 00:27:38,840
That data is geographically specific,
00:27:39,240 --> 00:27:43,080
not only do we have a phone number,
but we have an address associated with it.
00:27:43,440 --> 00:27:49,320
And we are able to go into an interactive
map and actually draw a shape on that map
00:27:49,680 --> 00:27:52,880
and define the area
in which we want to notify residents.
00:27:52,880 --> 00:27:55,120
So it's very specific to
00:27:56,320 --> 00:27:59,280
the area
that, you know, we want to notify.
00:27:59,280 --> 00:28:01,800
In addition to our voice alert system,
00:28:01,800 --> 00:28:03,960
we maintain an incident specific website.
00:28:04,280 --> 00:28:08,760
And this Web site's active all day,
every day it's used by all ten Ventura
00:28:08,760 --> 00:28:09,440
County cities.
00:28:09,440 --> 00:28:12,800
And if you go there right now, you'll
actually see information on the public
00:28:12,800 --> 00:28:15,440
safety power shut off event
that's going on right now.
00:28:16,120 --> 00:28:18,560
That website is VCI emergency dot com.
00:28:18,960 --> 00:28:22,240
That Web site is published
in both English and Spanish.
00:28:22,760 --> 00:28:24,800
And it's one of the first things
that we update
00:28:25,200 --> 00:28:28,000
in the event that we actually need
to conduct an evacuation.
00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:31,440
So a lot goes on behind the scenes
as we get ready to evacuate.
00:28:31,800 --> 00:28:36,360
One thing that we do
update prior to actually doing ABC Alert
00:28:36,360 --> 00:28:41,040
is that these emergency websites,
so we have as much information out there
00:28:41,040 --> 00:28:41,840
as possible
00:28:42,840 --> 00:28:44,440
in advance of issuing a B.S.
00:28:44,440 --> 00:28:45,000
00:28:45,960 --> 00:28:48,360
a few other systems
that we have available to us,
00:28:48,640 --> 00:28:52,040
the wireless emergency alert system
or we're for short.
00:28:52,680 --> 00:28:56,160
That's a system
that's very similar to the Amber
00:28:56,160 --> 00:28:59,920
Alert system that you may have received
an alert for on your cell phone.
00:29:00,440 --> 00:29:03,360
That system does not require you
to register for it.
00:29:03,680 --> 00:29:08,040
It's based on your proximity
to two cell towers and a given area.
00:29:08,760 --> 00:29:12,600
So if we go into this
this mapping system that we have, again,
00:29:12,600 --> 00:29:16,880
we draw shape on a map and define the area
in which we would like to notify.
00:29:17,600 --> 00:29:19,920
It will determine what cell towers are
00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:23,720
in that area and send out a text message
00:29:23,720 --> 00:29:28,440
with a very distinguishable noise
and deliver a message.
00:29:28,840 --> 00:29:31,400
That message is typically very short
and sweet.
00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:35,600
If you think back during the Thomas fire,
if you were in the Santa Paula area,
00:29:35,640 --> 00:29:40,320
you more than likely got one of those
alerts and it says fast moving brush fire
00:29:40,640 --> 00:29:44,400
and Santa Paula go to ABC emergency dot
com for more information,
00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:48,360
we will typically only send
these wireless emergency alerts out
00:29:48,720 --> 00:29:50,280
once during a large incident
00:29:50,280 --> 00:29:53,840
and we reserve these alerts
for our largest of incidents.
00:29:54,120 --> 00:29:56,720
We don't use them for small type things.
00:29:56,720 --> 00:29:59,720
And then lastly,
we leverage the emergency alert system.
00:29:59,720 --> 00:30:01,120
That's the old fashioned
00:30:02,080 --> 00:30:05,040
that interrupts the radio broadcast.
00:30:05,040 --> 00:30:06,800
You might be listening to in your car.
00:30:06,800 --> 00:30:08,920
It's the one that interrupts
your television at home
00:30:08,920 --> 00:30:12,120
and it has that little text
that goes across the bottom of the screen.
00:30:12,400 --> 00:30:14,280
We too have access to that system.
00:30:14,280 --> 00:30:17,120
And during a significant event,
we leverage that system.
00:30:17,120 --> 00:30:19,080
We test it monthly
00:30:19,080 --> 00:30:23,000
and we will use that as one additional
avenue to communicate information
00:30:23,040 --> 00:30:26,880
to residents during an emergency again,
all these different
00:30:28,200 --> 00:30:31,560
things that I just talked about are
universal, regardless of where you live.
00:30:31,560 --> 00:30:33,960
So whether you live in Santa Paula,
Ventura, Oxnard,
00:30:34,640 --> 00:30:37,000
all ten cities are aligned in the use
00:30:37,000 --> 00:30:40,600
of these methods for communicating
to residents during an emergency.
00:30:40,920 --> 00:30:42,320
Next slide, please.
00:30:44,040 --> 00:30:45,240
So in the unfortunate
00:30:45,240 --> 00:30:48,360
event of,
you know, being evacuated from your home,
00:30:48,960 --> 00:30:54,000
we have 100 actually more than a hundred
Predesignated locations
00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:57,400
in Ventura County that we can actually use
for emergency sheltering.
00:30:57,800 --> 00:31:02,240
We work in very close partnership
with the Ventura County Human Services
00:31:02,240 --> 00:31:06,200
Agency who is our lead agency
as it relates to mass care and shelter,
00:31:06,480 --> 00:31:10,120
as well as the folks from the American
Red Cross to provide
00:31:11,040 --> 00:31:14,520
shelter to you in the event
you have to evacuate.
00:31:15,160 --> 00:31:19,680
Interestingly enough, with COVID, we've
had to come up with some different ideas
00:31:19,680 --> 00:31:24,560
as it relates to conducting, sheltering
And one of the new things that we're doing
00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:28,760
is rather than sending everyone
to, let's say, Santa Paula High School
00:31:29,360 --> 00:31:32,640
to the gymnasium or maybe a center pool,
a community center.
00:31:33,040 --> 00:31:36,960
We now send residents to what are called
temporary evacuation points.
00:31:37,360 --> 00:31:41,000
And those evacuation points
are usually large parking lots
00:31:41,360 --> 00:31:44,960
where as you can see in that picture
there, residents will drive in
00:31:45,080 --> 00:31:49,160
and they're met by one of our personnel
from the Human Services Agency
00:31:49,480 --> 00:31:50,960
or from the Red Cross.
00:31:50,960 --> 00:31:55,280
They'll determine what your needs are and
they'll point you in the right direction.
00:31:55,800 --> 00:31:58,280
That direction
may be towards a congregate shelter.
00:31:58,760 --> 00:32:01,960
It may be towards a motel
where we provide a motel voucher
00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:06,040
What our personnel are trained to do,
though, is to assess your needs
00:32:06,040 --> 00:32:09,440
and determine what the best course
of action is for providing you shelter.
00:32:09,760 --> 00:32:14,080
We recognize that needs vary
by person, by family.
00:32:14,080 --> 00:32:16,240
So we want to make sure that we contact
00:32:17,120 --> 00:32:21,440
that is evacuated as quickly as possible
and point them in the right direction.
00:32:21,440 --> 00:32:22,520
For the best resource
00:32:24,200 --> 00:32:25,360
that that's set up.
00:32:25,360 --> 00:32:27,560
The temporary evacuation
point is also equipped
00:32:27,600 --> 00:32:31,320
to provide service to individuals
that may not have cars as well.
00:32:31,360 --> 00:32:35,240
So you can actually walk up to those sites
should the need arise when we issue
00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:36,960
an evacuation order.
00:32:36,960 --> 00:32:39,840
More than likely,
we will include information on where
00:32:39,840 --> 00:32:41,720
the temporary evacuation point is.
00:32:41,720 --> 00:32:45,080
So it just depends on the location
of the incident
00:32:45,120 --> 00:32:46,280
where the houses are presents.
00:32:46,280 --> 00:32:49,400
We make a determination
based upon those variables
00:32:49,720 --> 00:32:52,320
where we want to activate
the temporary evacuation point
00:32:52,320 --> 00:32:54,800
and then we'll point residents
in the right direction.
00:32:55,320 --> 00:32:56,520
Next slide
00:32:59,080 --> 00:33:00,840
So how can you stay informed?
00:33:00,840 --> 00:33:02,960
Commander Warner mentioned Santa Paula AM.
00:33:02,960 --> 00:33:04,600
16, ten.
00:33:04,600 --> 00:33:07,960
That's a great resource during
an emergency for emergency information.
00:33:08,360 --> 00:33:11,080
But in addition to that,
we have two websites, one
00:33:11,080 --> 00:33:12,560
I already talked about there
at the bottom.
00:33:12,560 --> 00:33:15,080
That's B.C. emergency dot com.
That's our website.
00:33:15,080 --> 00:33:18,240
That's not specific to any city
or the county.
00:33:18,240 --> 00:33:21,800
It's just a website that we maintain
and put information on
00:33:21,800 --> 00:33:24,800
for any incident of significance
to Ventura County.
00:33:25,560 --> 00:33:28,360
The other website that we have
is a website geared towards
00:33:28,560 --> 00:33:32,480
preparedness or readiness
and that website's ready Ventura County
00:33:32,480 --> 00:33:35,880
dot org on there you can find a list
of all the different hazards
00:33:35,880 --> 00:33:38,880
and how to prepare for those hazards
as well as some other cool features.
00:33:39,800 --> 00:33:40,560
Next slide, please.
00:33:42,360 --> 00:33:45,520
And with that, I'd like to hand it
over to Ashley Bautista,
00:33:45,520 --> 00:33:48,560
our county public information
officer, who's going to talk to you about
00:33:48,600 --> 00:33:52,440
how we maintain and disseminate
information during an emergency.
00:33:52,440 --> 00:33:54,200
Take it away, Ashley.
00:33:54,720 --> 00:33:57,320
Thank you, Patrick.
00:33:57,320 --> 00:33:59,160
It's an honor to be here with you tonight.
00:33:59,160 --> 00:34:00,200
I will be speaking about
00:34:00,200 --> 00:34:03,520
the Joint Information Center
and communication during an emergency,
00:34:04,080 --> 00:34:05,360
the Joint Information Center.
00:34:05,360 --> 00:34:08,560
Otherwise, known as a GIC, is activated
during an emergency.
00:34:08,600 --> 00:34:12,400
It is staffed by public information
officers and often disaster
00:34:12,400 --> 00:34:16,320
service workers and also representatives
from partner agencies
00:34:16,320 --> 00:34:18,040
like the City of Santa Paula.
00:34:18,040 --> 00:34:22,320
The GIC is the central hub for information
during an active emergency.
00:34:22,320 --> 00:34:24,440
Information changes very quickly.
00:34:24,720 --> 00:34:28,440
The team takes the up to date information,
sometimes minute by minute
00:34:28,640 --> 00:34:31,440
in an active situation and creates
press releases,
00:34:31,440 --> 00:34:35,280
social media posts, content
for video emergency and more
00:34:35,720 --> 00:34:39,160
the media uses those press releases
to highlight information
00:34:39,440 --> 00:34:42,960
on the television news, on the radio
and in print.
00:34:43,320 --> 00:34:47,240
This helps keep the community informed
The team also monitors
00:34:47,240 --> 00:34:50,800
the hotline to get tips from the community
and answers questions
00:34:50,800 --> 00:34:54,160
while also monitoring social media
for any misinformation.
00:34:54,640 --> 00:34:58,480
The team often takes very complex
information and breaks it down in simple
00:34:58,480 --> 00:35:02,720
terms through graphics, written messages
and video and text messages.
00:35:03,360 --> 00:35:04,200
Next slide, please.
00:35:05,360 --> 00:35:07,080
Magic helps communicate information
00:35:07,080 --> 00:35:11,880
to community members, the media, elected
officials, community organizations,
00:35:12,120 --> 00:35:16,080
the business community, schools,
nonprofit partners, health
00:35:16,080 --> 00:35:21,120
care partners, local, state, federal
agencies, and emergency response units.
00:35:21,600 --> 00:35:24,600
Information is crucial
in reducing and uncertainty.
00:35:24,960 --> 00:35:28,560
People need to know when roads are closed
or where to go if they are evacuated.
00:35:28,880 --> 00:35:32,120
We are here for the community in
partnership with cities like Santa Paula.
00:35:32,480 --> 00:35:36,480
When the information is provided
by a trusted resource in a language
00:35:36,480 --> 00:35:40,600
that is understood, in a method
that is accessible, it can help community
00:35:40,600 --> 00:35:42,160
members know what to do.
00:35:42,160 --> 00:35:47,040
They may need to shelter in place, boil
water, or evacuate on a specific road.
00:35:47,400 --> 00:35:49,480
It also becomes a two way platform.
00:35:49,480 --> 00:35:51,960
It's not just about us
pushing information.
00:35:52,200 --> 00:35:57,080
It's about connecting with the community,
all community members to get information
00:35:57,120 --> 00:36:01,280
people may be experiencing on scene
at an incident, or to answer questions
00:36:01,280 --> 00:36:06,240
and connect community members to resources
This, to me, response is 24 seven.
00:36:06,280 --> 00:36:09,800
The county is committed
to being responsive and engaging
00:36:09,800 --> 00:36:13,400
and dialog before, during
and after an incident.
00:36:13,880 --> 00:36:14,960
Next slide, please.
00:36:17,240 --> 00:36:19,920
Many of our residents lack access to TV,
00:36:20,200 --> 00:36:23,600
Internet, radio,
cell phones, or social media.
00:36:23,920 --> 00:36:26,640
This includes older adults,
non-English speakers,
00:36:26,760 --> 00:36:29,840
people with disabilities, people
who are unhoused,
00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:33,960
who may work outdoors, such as farm
workers or undocumented people.
00:36:34,240 --> 00:36:37,040
We work with trusted networks,
including community based
00:36:37,080 --> 00:36:40,880
organizations, to reach vulnerable
populations in our county.
00:36:41,160 --> 00:36:44,840
We do this before an emergency
during and in recovery.
00:36:45,040 --> 00:36:47,800
We also do this through public outreach
00:36:48,160 --> 00:36:51,080
And most recently,
you have seen this in our COVID outreach.
00:36:51,240 --> 00:36:55,960
We have provided information
and events at churches in Santa Paula
00:36:56,160 --> 00:36:59,320
at community based organizations
like the Boys and Girls Club.
00:36:59,520 --> 00:37:03,560
At community centers,
we connect with these trusted messengers
00:37:03,560 --> 00:37:06,960
to help connect people
that wouldn't ordinarily get information
00:37:07,200 --> 00:37:09,760
on those traditional platforms
that I mentioned.
00:37:10,080 --> 00:37:11,640
It's crucial, as Mr.
00:37:11,640 --> 00:37:14,680
Singer mentioned,
at the forefront of this presentation,
00:37:14,880 --> 00:37:18,440
that we work together to make sure
that we're supporting especially the most
00:37:18,440 --> 00:37:22,360
vulnerable members of our community
who may not have access to things
00:37:22,360 --> 00:37:23,760
like video emergency.
00:37:23,760 --> 00:37:26,080
It's important
that we are working together
00:37:26,080 --> 00:37:28,200
to keep our community informed.
00:37:28,200 --> 00:37:31,720
I would like to now introduce our assistant county executive officer, Mike Pettit.
00:37:38,000 --> 00:37:40,800
Thank you very much,
Ashley, and thank you to our community.
00:37:41,120 --> 00:37:44,440
We wanted to share with you
a little bit of behind the scenes
00:37:44,440 --> 00:37:49,560
information on what the county does for
disaster preparedness, both pre-disaster
00:37:49,640 --> 00:37:52,760
during the disaster
and then during the recovery phase.
00:37:53,160 --> 00:37:55,880
And a big part of our response
and really a mitigating
00:37:55,920 --> 00:38:00,960
the impacts of a disaster is the work
that goes on prior to the disaster
00:38:00,960 --> 00:38:05,120
that precedes with local cities
state and federal and community
00:38:05,160 --> 00:38:09,120
based partners to coordinate, enhance
our preparedness for disasters.
00:38:09,160 --> 00:38:13,640
One example of this is more recently
or several years ago
00:38:14,040 --> 00:38:16,480
during the Thomas Fire, we we learned that
00:38:17,640 --> 00:38:20,120
our our indigenous population doesn't have
00:38:21,440 --> 00:38:26,200
social media or or or other access points.
00:38:26,240 --> 00:38:30,520
They largely use the WhatsApp
application to communicate.
00:38:31,200 --> 00:38:34,680
And so we developed a solution by which
00:38:34,680 --> 00:38:38,440
we use the WhatsApp application
to send out alerts, etc.
00:38:38,560 --> 00:38:41,040
And all of this work
coordinating with our community partners,
00:38:41,040 --> 00:38:44,160
working with our farmworkers,
and indigenous populations
00:38:45,160 --> 00:38:45,920
on this
00:38:45,920 --> 00:38:49,440
effective tool, and learning
what works best for them to communicate,
00:38:50,160 --> 00:38:53,400
working with them was an example
of some of that work that happens
00:38:53,400 --> 00:38:57,480
in between disasters and prior
to upcoming disasters.
00:38:58,000 --> 00:39:00,640
One of the other things that we do
with our two partners
00:39:01,160 --> 00:39:02,560
at the city and the state
00:39:02,560 --> 00:39:06,360
and our local agencies is
we have regular coordination calls
00:39:06,600 --> 00:39:10,800
primarily or oftentimes those happen a lot
with weather conditions.
00:39:11,280 --> 00:39:16,320
When we see that the winds are picking up,
just like we do right now with Santa
00:39:16,320 --> 00:39:20,120
Ana conditions where there's a very dry
and heavy fuel loads occurring
00:39:20,680 --> 00:39:25,120
in the county, we have regular
coordination calls with our city, state
00:39:25,120 --> 00:39:29,880
and local partners, all of our public
safety response organizations.
00:39:30,160 --> 00:39:34,480
And a part of that coordination involves
pre staging equipment in those locations
00:39:34,480 --> 00:39:37,320
that are most likely to have or experience
00:39:37,600 --> 00:39:39,800
a disaster, a fire outbreak, et cetera.
00:39:40,360 --> 00:39:44,080
We pre stage equipment
for fire suppression.
00:39:44,080 --> 00:39:48,920
We pre-stage equipment and public works
for for heavy equipment and
00:39:49,960 --> 00:39:50,800
that type of equipment.
00:39:50,800 --> 00:39:55,560
So there's a lot of effort
that goes on in between.
00:39:55,560 --> 00:39:59,240
And prior to a disaster, county agencies
and departments
00:39:59,480 --> 00:40:04,240
are preparing with heightened activation
of staffing, where we're working
00:40:04,880 --> 00:40:08,960
with our human services agency as well
on some of the recovery efforts
00:40:09,880 --> 00:40:12,880
to prepare when should a disaster
00:40:13,920 --> 00:40:16,600
occur during a disaster.
00:40:16,880 --> 00:40:21,840
Our county executive office personnel
activate in the EOC alongside our public
00:40:21,840 --> 00:40:25,720
safety and many other agency
partners, community based organizations.
00:40:26,040 --> 00:40:29,400
And you just heard from Ashley Batista,
our PIO,
00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:33,560
who is also part of that effort,
and our community liaison as well.
00:40:34,240 --> 00:40:36,960
And they work with our coordination
00:40:36,960 --> 00:40:40,760
points in the communities
to hear about needs arising
00:40:40,760 --> 00:40:43,960
from the disasters
and any concerns, our issues.
00:40:45,120 --> 00:40:49,720
Our CEO is connecting with our board
of supervisors to brief and obtain
00:40:49,720 --> 00:40:54,080
any input from them that they're receiving
from their constituents as well.
00:40:54,480 --> 00:40:57,360
And then also, one of the lesser
known things that we're doing
00:40:57,560 --> 00:41:01,720
from the county executive of the county
is we're taking care of administrative
00:41:01,720 --> 00:41:02,840
actions that include
00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:06,200
foods, things like disaster declarations
that need to occur
00:41:06,480 --> 00:41:10,040
both locally and at the state
and federal level, working with our state
00:41:10,400 --> 00:41:13,640
and federal partners,
because those disaster declarations help
00:41:13,680 --> 00:41:18,800
bring additional resources and funding
for recovery efforts into our communities.
00:41:18,840 --> 00:41:23,440
And so that's a big part,
working on procurement and contracts
00:41:24,200 --> 00:41:26,760
where where those may be necessary
00:41:27,360 --> 00:41:32,600
with with delegations of authorities
and similar administrative actions.
00:41:33,120 --> 00:41:36,760
We also coordinate on legislative actions
with with our board,
00:41:36,760 --> 00:41:38,760
with our advocates of the state
00:41:40,080 --> 00:41:43,720
on these types of things as well
for resources and recovery funding.
00:41:44,360 --> 00:41:48,120
And we found ourselves doing a lot of that
during the pandemic as well
00:41:48,120 --> 00:41:51,400
to bring much needed recovery funds
00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:54,440
into our communities to help facilitate
a faster recovery
00:41:55,000 --> 00:41:58,840
coordination with our community based
organizations, our business community.
00:41:58,880 --> 00:42:03,320
We have regular calls during disasters and
and even in between
00:42:03,360 --> 00:42:06,400
with our economic development
collaborative, our chambers of commerce
00:42:07,360 --> 00:42:08,920
and many others, we
00:42:08,920 --> 00:42:12,080
have a standing economic vitality
strategic plan
00:42:12,720 --> 00:42:17,480
steering committee, which is comprised
of business leaders, our economic
00:42:17,520 --> 00:42:21,600
leaders, et cetera, throughout the county
where we're working on opportunities
00:42:21,600 --> 00:42:26,000
to help further facilitate
a more rapid recovery of disasters occur.
00:42:26,400 --> 00:42:29,120
And as well as communication
with our education
00:42:29,120 --> 00:42:31,640
and philanthropic
philanthropic organizations
00:42:32,280 --> 00:42:35,640
through our strong partnership with
the Ventura County Community Foundation
00:42:36,440 --> 00:42:39,560
in terms of recovery
our our goal at the county
00:42:39,560 --> 00:42:42,680
is to facilitate recovery
as quickly as possible.
00:42:43,080 --> 00:42:46,760
And recovery planning
and response is a huge part
00:42:46,760 --> 00:42:50,200
of our emergency and disaster
response and mitigation.
00:42:50,880 --> 00:42:55,640
Even while the Thomas fire
was still burning in the first few days,
00:42:55,640 --> 00:42:59,760
we actually launched our recovery website
to help get much needed information
00:42:59,760 --> 00:43:04,240
into the hands of individuals
who are displaced from their homes or jobs
00:43:04,760 --> 00:43:09,680
or who needed assistance in recovering
from the impacts of the fire.
00:43:10,080 --> 00:43:15,480
And part of that effort was also to set up
one stop recovery locations,
00:43:16,040 --> 00:43:19,520
coordinating transportation
to those locations, language assistance,
00:43:19,840 --> 00:43:23,520
and coordinating
with all of our state and federal partners
00:43:24,040 --> 00:43:25,280
so that we had plenty of
00:43:26,280 --> 00:43:28,400
and services at those locations.
00:43:28,400 --> 00:43:32,280
So an individual who was displaced
or who may have had important documents
00:43:32,280 --> 00:43:36,320
that were burned as part of the fire
could come to one place and get
00:43:36,880 --> 00:43:41,000
information and actually replace many of
those documents at those recovery centers.
00:43:42,000 --> 00:43:45,440
Just wanted to give you an example tonight
of the many ways
00:43:45,480 --> 00:43:49,800
that we work prior to a disaster,
during a disaster, and
00:43:50,480 --> 00:43:52,960
immediately to facilitate is rapid
00:43:52,960 --> 00:43:55,920
recovery as possible
for for all in our communities.
00:43:56,320 --> 00:43:58,800
Thank you very much. Patrick, back to you.
00:43:58,800 --> 00:43:59,560
Thanks, Mike.
00:43:59,560 --> 00:44:01,880
And thanks, Ashley, for that overview.
00:44:01,880 --> 00:44:04,160
I'd like to hand it over to my colleague
00:44:04,200 --> 00:44:05,840
Bonnie Luke from the Ventura
00:44:05,840 --> 00:44:09,600
County Sheriff Office of Emergency
Services will be sharing a bit of what
00:44:09,600 --> 00:44:13,440
we've done to most recently
update our emergency operations plan,
00:44:13,440 --> 00:44:16,160
as well as our county hazard
mitigation plan. Bonnie.
00:44:17,400 --> 00:44:18,400
Thank you, Patrick.
00:44:18,400 --> 00:44:20,000
Good evening, everyone.
00:44:20,000 --> 00:44:22,440
As Patrick said, I'm
just going to take a minute or two to let
00:44:22,440 --> 00:44:27,040
you guys know about two plan updates that
we've been working on here in our office.
00:44:27,080 --> 00:44:30,160
The first step is the Emergency Operations
Plan Update.
00:44:30,720 --> 00:44:35,200
This is a plan that we update
on a cyclic schedule every three years.
00:44:35,480 --> 00:44:39,240
And it helps address the county's planned
response to extraordinary emergency
00:44:39,240 --> 00:44:43,960
events, everything from an earthquake
to wind event
00:44:43,960 --> 00:44:46,680
to flood to technological disasters.
00:44:48,440 --> 00:44:50,480
This plan is available
00:44:50,480 --> 00:44:54,760
currently in its draft form on our Ready
Ventura County Morgue website.
00:44:55,120 --> 00:44:59,520
The public comment period just closed
at the beginning of this month.
00:44:59,520 --> 00:45:02,760
So we are currently taking in comments
that we've received during that
00:45:02,760 --> 00:45:07,080
public comment period, adding any changes
that we need to make to that document.
00:45:07,080 --> 00:45:10,360
And we'll be taking that document
forward to the Board of Supervisors
00:45:10,360 --> 00:45:14,760
for approval at adoption shortly,
probably before the end of the year.
00:45:14,760 --> 00:45:17,560
Or beginning of early 20, 22.
00:45:18,480 --> 00:45:22,320
The second plan I'd like to talk to you
about is our hazard mitigation plan.
00:45:23,320 --> 00:45:24,280
This plan
00:45:24,280 --> 00:45:27,640
involves for natural hazards
that were subject to in this county
00:45:27,840 --> 00:45:31,760
and helps us develop mitigation strategies
meant to address those hazards
00:45:31,760 --> 00:45:36,480
and reduce risk, particularly in events
that we know we experience regularly.
00:45:37,320 --> 00:45:39,840
We definitely live in a high
wildfire area.
00:45:39,840 --> 00:45:42,960
We live in an area where we're subject
to landslides and flooding.
00:45:42,960 --> 00:45:44,960
Given the nature of our climate here.
00:45:44,960 --> 00:45:50,040
And we want to make sure that we can plan
ahead before disaster occurs to really
00:45:50,040 --> 00:45:53,120
invest our money and minimize
00:45:53,400 --> 00:45:57,880
the long term impacts
and reduce our risk overall.
00:45:58,320 --> 00:46:01,640
This is a multi-jurisdictional
planning effort, and what that means is
00:46:01,640 --> 00:46:05,320
that we've got over 20 planning partners
involved in this plan update,
00:46:05,520 --> 00:46:09,800
including all ten of our incorporated
cities, Santa Paula being one of those,
00:46:10,080 --> 00:46:13,680
as well as various different
special jurisdictions and districts,
00:46:13,920 --> 00:46:17,840
water and sanitation districts, Cal State
University, Channel Islands,
00:46:18,160 --> 00:46:23,080
and a number of smaller specialty groups.
00:46:24,960 --> 00:46:28,080
With the planning that we do with this,
we all get together.
00:46:28,080 --> 00:46:33,920
This is updated every five years,
and why this plan is important is that it
00:46:33,920 --> 00:46:38,480
helps us break what we see
as a repeated cycle of disaster recovery.
00:46:38,480 --> 00:46:40,360
Disaster Recovery.
00:46:40,360 --> 00:46:42,240
Next slide, please.
00:46:43,320 --> 00:46:44,280
Adding mitigation
00:46:44,280 --> 00:46:47,120
into that cycle kind of helps us
00:46:47,880 --> 00:46:51,600
hopefully minimize
and put an end to that at some point.
00:46:51,880 --> 00:46:55,320
It helps us reduce property damage,
lost lives,
00:46:55,760 --> 00:47:00,520
helps us reduce natural resource damage,
and shows a commitment
00:47:01,040 --> 00:47:04,440
both at the local county and hopefully up
at the state and federal level
00:47:04,680 --> 00:47:06,040
to our collaboration
00:47:06,040 --> 00:47:09,560
about thinking ahead for these disasters
that we encounter regularly.
00:47:10,400 --> 00:47:12,840
This plan is also important
it helps ensure that we remain
00:47:12,840 --> 00:47:15,240
eligible for federal funding.
00:47:16,160 --> 00:47:17,000
Next slide, please.
00:47:18,720 --> 00:47:20,520
Currently the hazard mitigation plan.
00:47:20,520 --> 00:47:22,920
We're about halfway
through our planning process.
00:47:23,360 --> 00:47:27,840
We've got a steering committee that we've
worked with for the past six months now.
00:47:28,240 --> 00:47:29,120
We've conducted
00:47:29,120 --> 00:47:33,160
and completed our risk analysis components
and our capabilities assessments.
00:47:33,560 --> 00:47:38,120
We're just now wrapping up,
putting together all of our strategies,
00:47:38,360 --> 00:47:41,240
and we'll be rolling out a draft plan
00:47:41,240 --> 00:47:44,240
in 20, 22 for public comment and review.
00:47:45,000 --> 00:47:47,520
We'll keep you guys
apprized of what's going on with that.
00:47:47,520 --> 00:47:52,200
You can follow us along with us
on the Ready Ventura County Morgue
00:47:52,200 --> 00:47:56,280
website, where we've created
a series of web pages to help educate
00:47:56,280 --> 00:48:00,240
anyone who's interested about what
this plan is, what it does.
00:48:00,480 --> 00:48:05,080
Examples of hazard mitigation, what
we've done for public outreach so far,
00:48:05,080 --> 00:48:08,640
and how you can participate moving forward
with us in this great plan update.
00:48:09,000 --> 00:48:09,840
Next slide, please.
00:48:11,640 --> 00:48:12,720
For both of these plan
00:48:12,720 --> 00:48:16,560
updates, the Emergency Operations Plan
and the hazard mitigation plan.
00:48:16,800 --> 00:48:21,120
You can follow our progress
at the Ventura County dot org website.
00:48:21,680 --> 00:48:23,000
You can just click on the top.
00:48:23,000 --> 00:48:25,600
We've got sites for both of the plans.
00:48:25,880 --> 00:48:28,920
You can also take an online
community awareness survey
00:48:28,920 --> 00:48:32,560
that we've put together that will kind of
give you a chance to let us know
00:48:32,560 --> 00:48:36,120
what hazards you're aware of that
you face in your neighborhood.
00:48:36,360 --> 00:48:39,120
You can also click on our story map
that we've created
00:48:39,120 --> 00:48:42,240
that will allow you to actually type
in your address and see what hazards
00:48:42,240 --> 00:48:46,480
we've got quantitatively that we know
your area might be subject to,
00:48:46,720 --> 00:48:50,280
and so that you can learn
more about what you can do personally
00:48:50,520 --> 00:48:54,440
as well as what we'll be doing as we move
forward with these plan updates.
00:48:54,440 --> 00:48:58,680
As far as strategies and types of projects
that might be proposed to address them
00:48:59,280 --> 00:49:02,120
If you've got any questions,
you can reach us at the information
00:49:02,120 --> 00:49:06,360
at the bottom of this slide or again,
everything is available at the website.
00:49:06,360 --> 00:49:06,680
00:49:06,680 --> 00:49:11,920
Ventura County dot org And with that, I'm
going to turn it back to Patrick Maynard.
00:49:16,240 --> 00:49:17,840
All right, thanks, Bonnie, for that.
00:49:17,840 --> 00:49:22,800
And also thanks to Mike and to Ashley
and to Commander Varner, as well as Chief
00:49:22,800 --> 00:49:26,000
Monday and Chief Walker,
for all the information
00:49:26,000 --> 00:49:28,720
you all have shared with the residents
in Santa Paula tonight.
00:49:29,520 --> 00:49:32,800
I just want to before I close out,
go back to Scott Varner.
00:49:32,840 --> 00:49:36,120
Scott, any closing thoughts, comments
on behalf of the City of Santa Paula?
00:49:38,360 --> 00:49:39,920
I just want to thank
00:49:40,200 --> 00:49:42,680
you, Patrick and the county, for
00:49:42,680 --> 00:49:46,080
partnering with us to go over what
not only we here in
00:49:46,080 --> 00:49:49,320
the city have plan for emergencies
but you as well.
00:49:50,040 --> 00:49:51,240
We partner regularly.
00:49:51,240 --> 00:49:54,560
We meet regularly with our county partners
as well as all the other agencies
00:49:55,120 --> 00:49:57,320
within the county
and the emergency manager.
00:49:57,320 --> 00:50:01,400
So I think this is a great opportunity
for us to come together
00:50:01,400 --> 00:50:04,320
and let our community know
what we're doing. Thanks, Patrick.
00:50:06,160 --> 00:50:06,840
Thank you, Scott.
00:50:06,840 --> 00:50:08,360
And we appreciate the partnership.
00:50:08,360 --> 00:50:11,800
And it's always good to see our friends
from Santa Paul at our monthly meetings.
00:50:11,800 --> 00:50:16,000
And we stay in contact
very regularly as things transpire.
00:50:16,320 --> 00:50:18,480
So I do definitely appreciate that.
00:50:18,480 --> 00:50:22,240
I'll just close tonight
by sharing this last slide with everyone.
00:50:22,240 --> 00:50:24,720
Preparedness is everyone's responsibility.
00:50:25,040 --> 00:50:26,520
And we've shared with you tonight
00:50:26,520 --> 00:50:30,160
a lot about the resources we have
at the city level, at the county level,
00:50:30,480 --> 00:50:34,440
even at the state and federal level
as it relates to disaster response.
00:50:34,920 --> 00:50:39,000
But I have to be honest with you,
we cannot be everything to everyone
00:50:39,000 --> 00:50:43,240
when the incident is as catastrophic
as the Thomas fire was.
00:50:43,600 --> 00:50:47,160
Or perhaps down the road
when we experienced some type of large
00:50:47,160 --> 00:50:51,840
regional earthquake, we need residents
to be very self-sufficient
00:50:51,840 --> 00:50:55,200
and be prepared to care for
not only themselves, but help out
00:50:55,200 --> 00:50:58,160
their neighbors, their friends,
their family, for at least three days.
00:50:58,600 --> 00:51:01,240
So please, again,
00:51:01,240 --> 00:51:04,080
do what you can to get a kit, have a plan.
00:51:04,200 --> 00:51:05,240
Stay informed.
00:51:05,240 --> 00:51:08,640
And importantly, stand volved in
what's going on in your community.
00:51:08,640 --> 00:51:10,280
Be a part of the solution.
00:51:10,280 --> 00:51:15,040
Be a part of the effort to prepare and
help us help you during a time of need.
00:51:15,280 --> 00:51:17,320
With that,
thanks, everyone. For joining us tonight.
00:51:17,320 --> 00:51:18,360
We really appreciate it.
00:51:18,360 --> 00:51:20,960
Have a great night.
Stay safe and we'll see you soon.
Community Preparedness Workshop - Santa Paula
The Great Shakeout
Every year, on the third Thursday in October, millions of Californians Drop, Cover and Hold On for the annual Great ShakeOut drill to practice how to stay safe during an earthquake. In coastal areas, earthquakes can also bring tsunamis. Here’s a little Ventura County take on The Great Shakeout. Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 20, 2022, and get ready to ShakeOut!
00:00:00,033 --> 00:00:02,500
Hi. I'm deputy to the veterans
with the V.A.
00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:03,900
County Sheriff's Office.
00:00:03,900 --> 00:00:06,333
Today, we're here at the Port
White Navy Pier,
00:00:06,700 --> 00:00:10,166
and we're participating in the great
shake out earthquake drill.
00:00:10,766 --> 00:00:13,166
An earthquake
can present a lot of hazards.
00:00:13,266 --> 00:00:15,300
One of them can be salami.
00:00:15,300 --> 00:00:19,566
If you live or find yourself
near the ocean during a major earthquake,
00:00:19,933 --> 00:00:24,000
you should drop, cover and hold on
once the shaking has stopped.
00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,000
It's important
to think about the threat of a tsunami
00:00:27,500 --> 00:00:29,500
on the location of an earthquake.
00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:32,933
A tsunami threat may be ours
or just minutes away.
00:00:33,533 --> 00:00:37,466
Always consider an earthquake
your first warning of a tsunami
00:00:37,766 --> 00:00:39,833
and get to higher ground immediately.
00:00:40,733 --> 00:00:43,500
Here at the pier,
the Office of Emergency Services
00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:46,100
has posted a tsunami safety poster.
00:00:46,566 --> 00:00:50,233
This poster shows the steps
for earthquake and tsunami safety.
00:00:50,933 --> 00:00:54,066
This same poster can also
be found at the winter pier.
00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:55,600
The Ventura
00:00:55,600 --> 00:01:00,066
County Sheriff's Office is always prepared
to respond and following an earthquake,
00:01:00,066 --> 00:01:04,233
we dispatched two locations
to assess the safety of our communities
00:01:04,700 --> 00:01:07,266
and assist with any public safety issues.
00:01:08,166 --> 00:01:11,066
Today, our friends at the Ventura County
Fire Department
00:01:11,066 --> 00:01:13,766
are also participating
in the Great Shakeout
00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:17,600
and have additional information
on earthquake preparedness drills.
00:01:18,066 --> 00:01:20,333
You can visit them on their Facebook page.
00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:25,766
Remember, it's always important
to be ready for any emergency.
00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:30,066
So for more information on earthquake
preparedness, and tsunami safety,
00:01:30,366 --> 00:01:33,600
visit Reddy Ventura County dot org.
00:01:34,166 --> 00:01:37,766
You can also download Emergency
Preparedness Guide.
00:01:38,266 --> 00:01:40,966
Thanks for participating
and the Great Shakeout.
00:00:00,200 --> 00:00:00,566
00:00:00,566 --> 00:00:05,133
Soy el oficial Tournier desde la oficina
del alguacil del Condado de Ventura.
00:00:05,833 --> 00:00:08,400
Estamos hoy aquí en el muelle de Port Emi
00:00:08,866 --> 00:00:13,533
y participamos en el simulacro
de preparación para terremotos.
00:00:13,933 --> 00:00:15,866
El gran secado.
00:00:15,866 --> 00:00:18,366
Un terremoto
puede presentar muchos peligros
00:00:18,666 --> 00:00:20,933
y uno de ellos puede ser un tsunami.
00:00:21,600 --> 00:00:25,900
Si vive o se encuentra cerca del mar
durante un terremoto.
00:00:26,266 --> 00:00:29,000
Siga estos tres pasos.
00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:30,166
00:00:30,166 --> 00:00:33,000
Cúbrase y sujétese.
00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:35,300
Una vez que ha cesado el terremoto,
00:00:35,900 --> 00:00:39,266
es importante
pensar en el riesgo de un tsunami.
00:00:39,966 --> 00:00:42,633
Dependiendo del epicentro de un terremoto.
00:00:43,300 --> 00:00:47,966
El riesgo de un tsunami
puede tardar horas o sólo minutos.
00:00:48,900 --> 00:00:51,033
Siempre considere un terremoto
00:00:51,366 --> 00:00:54,000
como su primera advertencia de un tsunami
00:00:54,533 --> 00:00:57,600
y llegue a un terreno más
alto de inmediato.
00:00:58,966 --> 00:01:00,600
Aquí en el muelle,
00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:02,866
la Oficina de Servicios de emergencia
00:01:03,133 --> 00:01:06,633
ha colocado un letrero de seguridad
contra sunami.
00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:09,966
Ese letrero muestra los pasos
00:01:09,966 --> 00:01:12,966
para la seguridad ante terremotos,
00:01:13,900 --> 00:01:18,233
Un letrero igual también se
puede encontrar en el muelle de Ventura.
00:01:19,200 --> 00:01:20,700
El personal de la oficina del
00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:25,766
Alguacil del condado de Ventura
siempre está preparado para responder.
00:01:26,066 --> 00:01:30,633
Y luego de un terremoto,
enviamos oficiales a lugares para evaluar
00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:34,866
la seguridad
nuestras de nuestras comunidades
00:01:35,333 --> 00:01:38,366
y ayudar con cualquier problema
de seguridad pública.
00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:42,400
Hoy, nuestros amigos
del Departamento de Bomberos
00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:47,200
del Condado de Ventura también
están participando en el Great Check Out
00:01:48,166 --> 00:01:50,933
y tienen información adicional
00:01:51,333 --> 00:01:55,033
sobre simulacros de
preparación para terremotos.
00:01:55,766 --> 00:01:58,466
Puedes visitarlos en su página de Facebook
00:02:00,300 --> 00:02:01,566
00:02:01,566 --> 00:02:05,366
es muy importante
estar preparado para cualquier emergencia,
00:02:06,066 --> 00:02:08,500
por lo que para obtener más información
00:02:08,500 --> 00:02:11,566
sobre la preparación para terremotos
00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:16,033
y la seguridad antes del tsunamis,
visite reading
00:02:17,233 --> 00:02:18,100
00:02:18,500 --> 00:02:20,666
Ahí puede descargar nuestra guía
00:02:20,900 --> 00:02:23,100
de preparación para emergencias.
00:02:23,666 --> 00:02:29,200
Gracias por participar en el simulacro de
preparación para terremotos.

Get Started on Your Emergency Kit
Don't wait until an emergency happens, when it's too late! Ready Ventura County makes it easy for you to create a kit that's just right for your household. Use our plan builder to get started today.